British writer.

Chapter 331 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about the United States

Chapter 331 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about the United States
It worked!
"Bigg Boss" was a success!

All the actors listened to the applause and were ecstatic.

Li Jie breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then led the members to bow again in all directions of the auditorium.

Li Dai whispered:
"Look~ what I'm talking about. There's nothing wrong with this drama."

Principal Elliott walked onto the stage, shook hands with the actors one by one, then turned around and said,

"Everyone, the show is over."

However, the students still stayed in place and refused to disperse.

Someone asked loudly: "When is the next one? Are you still at Harvard? You're not going to another school, are you? Can you not go to Yale?"

Four questions were asked in a row.

The person next to me echoed: "Don't go to Yale anywhere!"

"Chinese version?"

"We don't understand!"

The scene was instantly in uproar.

Lu Shi understood, stood up and faced the students,

There was a lot of noise.

Roosevelt thought for a while, then stood up and raised his voice: "I would like to invite the troupe to perform at the National Theater, and they will perform "Big Brother"."

The applause quickly turned from sparse to a roaring tsunami.

"Big Brother",
The first Chinese new drama written in Chinese is the beginning of Chinese new drama.

Lu Shi conquered them not only with his works, but also with his character.


"Yeah! We haven't had enough yet!"

But in terms of literature, it is still very immature.

Just like Mark Twain,
He often uses the term "American Dream" when writing.

Lu Shi cleared his throat and pressed down with his hands.
"Hear me out."

It was also the inspiration of the American dream that inspired Lu.

But at the same time, it's part of the American drama,

The students also shouted:

There are so many details in "Bigg Boss" that you have to watch it several times to fully understand it.

Elliot cleared his throat.
"Don't be so hostile to your friend schools!"


"Everyone, "Big Brother" is set in Chinatown and tells the story of the living conditions of the Chinese. Therefore, in addition to the English version, there is also a Chinese version, which will be performed in Chinatowns in major cities. Regarding the subsequent performance arrangements..."

Unexpectedly, the students all said in unison: "(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

When Americans go to Chinatown to watch dramas, they will inevitably come into contact with Chinese people and then understand Chinese culture.
It seems that the article in "The Crimson" is correct.
The article "The True Practitioner of the American Dream—Lu" is not bragging.

Lu Shi continued: "As for the venues for the troupe's tour, in addition to Chinatown, there are also universities. Of course, the shows at the school are in English, and the shows in Chinatown are half and half in both languages."

The students couldn't help but look at each other, vaguely understanding the purpose of Lu Shi's arrangement.


It is precisely because of the inclusiveness of the United States and its integration of all nationalities in the world that works such as "Gangster" and "Upside Down" appeared.

Lu Shi did this despite the Chinese Exclusion Act, which is admirable.

Suddenly, someone applauded again,

This thing cannot be seen or touched, and it does not even have a particularly precise definition.

The scene fell silent.

The United States has long been independent,

We are almost at war with Yale.

Roosevelt thought very simply,
He said truthfully: "Professor Lu, this "Big Brother" is a very innovative drama. It was born in the United States and is an important part of the history of American drama."

Li Jie couldn't make the decision himself, so he winked at Lu Shilian.

What a "history of American drama",
It is estimated that future American literature textbooks will have words like this:

Before he finished speaking, there was a huge quarrel below.
“Is there a theater in Chinatown too?”

Lu Shi had discussed this before when he and James Matthew Barrie talked about "The Wizard of Oz."
At present, it is an era when American culture and American literature are eager to become independent from Britain. It is called the "American Modern Literature Period".
Many literati have taken it as their mission to build American culture and American spirit.

Elliot had no choice but to ask Li Jie: "Captain Li, what are your next performance plans?"

How can you pretend to be friendly? ?

The president's behavior was somewhat unexpected.

But repeated and repeated, as if it really existed, it naturally became deeply rooted in people's hearts and became the common consciousness of the people.

Roosevelt had the same idea when he invited the troupe to the National Theater.
"Bigg Boss" is from China,
That's right,
But it can also be American~
Lu Shi felt like he was in a mirror and tried hard to hold back his laughter.
"It's certainly a good thing to be able to go to the highest stage in Washington."

He and Roosevelt had a tacit understanding.

The two shook hands tightly and smiled like foxes.

Roosevelt, who was in the third row, was stunned. He suddenly came to his senses and waved to the photographer of the Crimson Newspaper not far away.
"Quick! Take the photo!"

The photographer was stunned, picked up the camera,


One of the most precious images of the early 20th century was left behind.

This photo was praised repeatedly in later generations, and even became an important prop in the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Whenever something happened, it was taken out and said:
"The peoples of the two countries are separated by a strip of water and have a long history..."

Seeing the president shaking hands with world-class writers, there was another round of warm applause.

Half a minute passed like this,
The hands held by Lu Shi and Roosevelt were a little sore, so they let go of each other.

Elliot said at the right time: "Dear students, please leave in an orderly manner."

The students left,

The auditorium gradually became empty.

Lu Shi also stepped onto the stage and sincerely praised the actors: "You performed very well, and you almost performed the essence of "Big Brother"."

Li Jie looked at Old Roosevelt cautiously, then looked at the camera in the hand of the photographer of The Crimson Newspaper, hesitatingly not knowing what to say.

Li Dai was more relaxed.
She asked curiously: "'Almost'? Professor Lu, is there anywhere else we can make progress?"

Lu Shi smiled,
"It's hard to make progress, but I don't blame you. For example, you really didn't handle the plot of the court trial well."

Experience actors need to live.

It is too difficult for them to play white lawyers, judges, and prosecutors.

The elder Roosevelt said: "I just felt that the trial part was a bit fleeting. At that time, I was thinking that maybe Professor Lu didn't understand American courts, or he made a choice to take care of the actors."

Lu Shi replied: "It's the latter."

He hired Goodman and the legal issues were resolved.

Roosevelt felt a little regretful.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

He took off his glasses, wiped them with a handkerchief, and asked: "How about you perfect the plot and I can help you contact some local actors? After all, you are going to perform at the National Theater, so it is best not to have any regrets."

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"The troupe is touring the United States, so it's not appropriate to change the script to cope with that scene."

Roosevelt laughed,

"I believe that there are many American actors who would be happy to join your troupe and participate in the subsequent national tour. Who would give up such an excellent new drama?"

With the president taking the lead in finding actors, there is no problem.

Lu Shi agreed,

"Okay, let me improve the plot."

After that, he nodded to Li Jie and motioned for Roosevelt to come over and let him interview.

Roosevelt had been waiting for a long time. He took out the list of questions he had recorded while watching the play and asked them one by one.

As a result, Li Jie was stumped by the first question.

Just listen to Roosevelt asking:

"Captain Li, what is the 'whip around the court'? I'm very curious!"

The troupe members were confused.

There was no other way, so they looked at Lu Shi again.

Lu Shi was also in a bit of a dilemma.

The so-called "whip around the dynasty" is actually "strategy around the dynasty".
From "Zuo Zhuan",

Uncle Qin said: "If you recite his words, your money will not be returned to you, just like a river."


He came to the court and presented him with strategies, saying: "I don't think there is anyone in Qin, so my strategy is not suitable for me."

——Later, "around the court strategy" and "around the court whip" were used to refer to foresighted strategies.

In "Big Brother", Chinatown competes with firecrackers, but it is nicknamed "Whip around the Chao", which is a stark irony.

Lu Shi forced himself to explain.

The Americans at the scene were all dumbfounded.



An eerie silence.

After a long time, Roosevelt Jr. finally said: "It's a 'foresighted strategy', right?"

Lu Shi was helpless,

"That's how you understand it."

He has tried his best,

It doesn’t make sense because the cultures of the two countries are so different.

Roosevelt asked again: "Professor Lu, what is the purpose of adding that coda at the end?"

Lu Shi smiled,
"You've seen the play, don't you understand?"

Of course Roosevelt understood it.

"Big Brother" completely deconstructed the hall.

At the end, both sides fight with firecrackers,

What does this kind of bad work have to do with ordinary church members?
To put it bluntly, it's just a few bastards with seniority and the right to speak who are fighting because they refuse to admit defeat.

Lu Shi continued: "Frank, don't think that this situation only exists in churches and gangs. Most groups are weak individuals who suffer. Outside, no one cares about them; inside, they are punished twice. Exploitation…”

The voice has not fallen,

"Cough cough..."

Next to him, Roosevelt cleared his throat loudly.

Lu Shi almost burst out laughing,
"Mr. President, please don't substitute...well...I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the United States."

"Pfft! Cough cough cough..."

Old Roosevelt almost lost his breath and said quickly: "I understand ~ I understand ~ you are talking about Daying. Hahahahahaha!"

The president's embarrassed laughter filled the empty auditorium.

The atmosphere is very strange.

Old Roosevelt said "Uh..."
"Professor Lu, shall we go outside to chat?"

Lu Shi didn't want to stay any longer.
He just took a look at the list of questions compiled by Roosevelt. They were all very professional.

For the Chinese, is Tang Hui a good thing or a bad thing?

How does "Big Brother" integrate new drama and traditional Chinese drama?
Do the characters in the drama have real-life prototypes?

Of course these questions can be answered,
But once it is spread out, it will often take thousands of words to dry up the saliva.

Lu Shi got a headache just thinking about it, so he simply hid.

He nodded to Li Jie and asked him to deal with the interview, and then accompanied Roosevelt out of the auditorium.

Evening comes,

The campus is like a peaceful and vibrant oil painting.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the brick walls, dyeing those buildings that have gone through the baptism of time into a warm golden color.

The first topic that Roosevelt talked about was "Gangster".
He asked curiously: "Professor Lu, how did that kind of association become so big in Chinatown? I really can't understand it! For example, the last 'whip around the court' was obviously a meaningless activity. Why would those members of the association prefer to die? Why don’t you quit?”

Lu Shi sighed,
"Isn't it because of the bill?"

"The bill..."

Roosevelt was speechless.

Lu Shi said: "What does a person with nothing need most if he wants to live in a new land?"

Roosevelt thought for a while,

Lu Shi nodded,

"Yes, jobs! And another thing - credit."

Roosevelt approved,

“Having nothing and really needing cash to jump-start life.”

Lu Shidao: "Because of the bill, the church has filled the vacancies of certain institutions in the form of autonomy, and has control over the work and credit of the Chinese community. Only by relying on their asylum can new Chinese immigrants gain a foothold in the United States."

Roosevelt sighed: "You know, this matter is difficult to solve."

For such a strong-armed man, there is still nothing he can do.

The two of them walked forward,

Walking through the forest walk, there is an aura of calmness surrounding you.

The old Roosevelt began to pour out his bitterness:
"You know, the economy is very bad recently. People are blind and think that immigrants are taking their jobs. In fact, not only Chinese, but also Italians, Russians, and Hispanics are not welcome. However, the skin color of the latter three... …”

No need to say it clearly, everyone understands.

Lu Shi said "hmm",
"I know."

The elder Roosevelt continued: "Speaking of economic issues...I heard Frank say that you seem to support government intervention?"

Lu Shi waved his hand,
"In an economic crisis, we have to do something extraordinary."

Old Roosevelt showed an expression of approval,
His thoughts were consistent with Lu Shi's. Many industries should have strong government takeover.

This is also the intrinsic reason for splitting up trusts.

The reason is simple,
There are two ways to survive a crisis:

1. Freedom to the end,
Provide assistance to large enterprises and businessmen to slowly release employment;
2. Direct intervention,
Employment provided by public projects.

From an economic point of view, the former seems to be more capitalist and more fundamental.
But the disadvantages are obvious:

Lost ballots.

If we really go on like this, there will be a lot of complaints.

Roosevelt must take the blame for the economic crisis, so there is no need to think about being re-elected.

As for the second type, there are bound to be disadvantages.
However, there will definitely be no thunderstorms during his tenure.

Lu Shi shrugged.

"The economy is like a sea. It is unrealistic to try to cross the ocean by human oars."


Roosevelt was surprised,

"You just didn't support..."

Lu Shi continued: "Similarly, there are problems in insisting on relying on ocean currents and winds to cross this sea. In some cases, there is no wind on the sea surface and no ocean currents on the bottom of the sea, and the ship can drift in place."

The implication is that we must prescribe the right medicine.

Roosevelt mused,
"Do you have an idiom called 'It's hard to get off the tiger'?"


Lu Shi was speechless and said nothing.
Heart way,

This guy really thinks he is Zhang Juzheng.

Roosevelt didn't say anything when he saw Lu, but waved his hand.
"Forget it, don't talk about this."

He changed the subject,
"Professor Lu, before you left the United States last time, I asked Frank to invite you. Do you still remember it?"

Lu Shi said, "Huh? Do you really want to ask me to be your staff?"

Roosevelt nodded seriously.

"No joke."

Lu Shi refused: "Mr. President, I don't understand economics, so I can't help you at all."

Roosevelt replied: "You are too modest."

"Ah this..."

Lu Shi was left speechless.
"Let's forget about the staff matters. Besides, I have no interest in politics. I feel dizzy when I think of so many people gathering together to discuss and chatting for a long time without being able to come up with a solution."

The old Roosevelt had a head full of black lines,

 ̄□ ̄||

It felt like Lu Shi was making a subtle mockery of Capitol Hill.

Lu Shi looked at his expression and realized there was something wrong with his words, and quickly said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the United States."

Roosevelt nodded repeatedly.

"I know."

He pondered for a moment and then added: "You're talking about Daying. How could I misunderstand something so obvious? Hahahahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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