Red Mansion Reader

Chapter 298 The Supreme Emperor

Chapter 298 The Supreme Emperor

Although Liu Xianglian's martial arts was very strong, three or five bodyguards died unexpectedly. The two swords in his palms were stabbed and stabbed, and he had already taken off several times the heads. But personal bravery becomes insignificant in this situation.

The people they faced were not a few or dozens, but hundreds of ruthless bandits. These bandits did not stop because of the death of their companions, but instead inspired a fierceness that should not belong to them.

Escorts are just people who travel around the world, even if they have experience in fighting with people on a daily basis. But when the mood is extremely tense, when the thing at hand is unfolding, the instinct of the body will always be followed, inexplicably searching for room to leave a thread.

It was this leeway that killed these practitioners. Compared with these young escorts, under the chaos of swords and guns. Several old escorts became more and more courageous as they fought. Throwing away the tedious skills, the slashing blade only pursues killing the enemy as fatally as possible.

The two swords picked up the lives of several more people. Liu Xianglian glanced out of the corner of her eye and realized that her side was in danger. The only people who can still fight in the field are a few old escorts. In desperation, he turned his horse around and ran towards the carriage where Xue Pan was.

"Protect him out. After I protect your boss, everyone will be generously rewarded..."

Regardless of whether the escorts heard it or not, Liu Xianglian rushed to the carriage on a white horse and called Xue Pan's name eagerly. This idiot woke up from a dream and got out from under the car in a panic. There was still a bit of fear and horror on the face with mud marks.

"Let's go." Liu Xianglian didn't care too much. She directly left one hand free, picked up Xue Pan's skirt and pulled him onto the horse. The several bodyguards who were still wielding their swords looked at Liu Xianglian's retreating figure and knew that there was no hope of their escape.

At this moment, they only hope that Xue Pan can escape successfully. As long as this boss is alive, the reputation of their escort agency will not collapse. Every family, old and young, will have the head of the escort agency to take care of them.

In a few moments, Liu Xianglian's figure disappeared into the distance. There was no sound of fighting in the wilderness anymore, and several leading bandits were discussing the follow-up actions against Xue Pan.

"Boss, let him escape like this. It won't be easy for us to go back."

"Boss, let me lead people to chase them. They can't escape very far. The brothers are watching over the several escape routes along the way. They don't want to go anywhere except heading into the mountains and forests."

The person in the middle thought for a moment, but then he loudly said: "There is no need to chase after us, the matter has already been accomplished, it doesn't matter whether this fool Xue lives or lives. Send people to keep an eye on important places, Just don't let him escape from Ping'an Prefecture. The most urgent task is to go back and report to the Lord."

Seeing that the elder brother wanted to let the fat fish go, everyone was unwilling to do so. But when the other party mentioned the Lord's name, no one dared to say anything. He had no choice but to clean up the tragic scene and ran towards the nearby woods under the afterglow of the setting sun.



Liu Xianglian and Xue Pan hid around for a while and explored several routes, but they all found bandits secretly guarding them. The other party had set up such a dragnet, and Liu Xianglian did not dare to break in with Xue Pan. Although Xue Pan usually shows off his power in front of the people, in front of these evil gods, his martial arts can only be used to a minimum of three points.

They wandered around in the forest, and finally found a small cave to rest for a while. Xue Pan was honest and obedient along the way and did not make Liu Xianglian angry. Only late at night did I cry out that I was hungry.

Not only was he hungry, Liu Xianglian herself was also hungry. Even though it was July, it was still a bit chilly in the deep mountains and old forests at night. Liu Xianglian didn't dare to light a fire, so she had to take some dry food from the horse and hand it to Xue Pan.

The two of them ate in silence for a few mouthfuls, and Xue Pan couldn't help crying and cried, "Brother Liu, I was ignorant in the past, and I offended you many times. You have a lot, please don't leave me here alone."

Xue Pan knew that as long as Liu Xianglian changed her mind. With the opponent's martial arts, whether he is escaping or killing, he can come and go with ease. Liu Xianglian had no time to pay attention to Xue Pan's words. He was still thinking about Chen Heng's instructions.

When leaving Songjiang that day, Chen Heng repeatedly warned: "When you go to Ping'an Prefecture, firstly, I want you to set up an outpost and take note of the trails and terrain in various places. Secondly, I want you to keep an eye on Xue Pan. I always feel that he is on this road. , something bad is going to happen.”

"If something bad happens, sir, do you want me to save him?"

"It's up to you to decide whether to save him or not. I only want to say one thing, you have to come back safely."

Thinking of Chen Heng's concerned look at the end, Liu Xianglian was slightly moved in her heart. I couldn't help but wonder, how did the adults know that Xue Pan would be in trouble?

With this question, under the cover of the moonlight. In the darkness, Liu Xianglian turned around to look at the trembling Xue Pan, and asked aloud: "What on earth did you send? Is it really just spices?"

He suspected that Xue Pan's trucks contained other valuables.

Xue Pan heard this and quickly shook his head. Although he is careless, he is somewhat attentive to his brother-in-law's affairs.

"I personally checked both the inside and outside of the box. There is absolutely no inclusion..."

Liu Xianglian didn't know whether what Xue Pan said was true or not, so she just nodded as if she believed it. Since it wasn't because of the goods, how could the gang of robbers be murderous? How to know Xue Pan's route?

The dead shop assistant and the bodyguards were naturally not suspicious. Liu Xianglian thought for a while and asked Xue Pan: "Who else knows the path you are taking except yourself?"

"Besides me, the other one is Mr. Chen..." Xue Pan took a careful look at Liu Xianglian and continued, "There are also second brother Lian, my sister and brother-in-law, and the Zhao Dong family with whom we are partners."

Xue Pan heard that something was wrong with Liu Xianglian's question. In the dark night, there were some different emotions hidden in his slightly flashing eyes.

Suddenly hearing the name of a stranger, Liu Xianglian quickly asked about the origin of Dong Zhao's family.

Xue Pan explained for a long time, and finally said the key point: "This person was introduced to me by Brother Feng."

"Who are you talking about?" Liu Xianglian's eyes widened suddenly.

"Brother Feng Ziying." Xue Pan spread his hands. He didn't know why Liu Xianglian reacted like this. The relationship between the other party and Feng Ziying cannot be said to be bad.

How could it be him? Liu Xianglian didn't know how to describe her feelings. She clearly felt that the person introduced by Feng Ziying should have no big problem. But hearing it at this time makes people unable to help but think about it.

Seeing Liu Xianglian deep in thought, Xue Pan was worried about his own safety and couldn't help but inquire: "Do you think people outside will come to save us?"

"Yes." Liu Xianglian had no time to pay attention to him, and she was afraid that Xue Pan would lose all hope and start giving up on herself. Just say something to appease him.

Suddenly having hope of survival, Xue Pan immediately cheered up and asked hurriedly: "Brother Liu, do you have a way to communicate with the outside world?"

Liu Xianglian shook her head and explained aloud: "I made an agreement with you, sir, to report back in a few days. When the day comes and you don't see me, you must know that I am in danger."

grown ups? It's Chen Heng. After Xue Pan reacted, he couldn't help but feel a surge of hope in his heart. If the other party knew about it, and Liu Erlang was always with him, he really wouldn't be afraid that the other party wouldn't come to rescue him.



Not long after the Ghost Festival, many relatives of the emperor in the capital began to go to the palace to pay homage to the saint according to the customs and etiquette of the past. This matter is established on the first and fifteenth day of every month. It is intended to deepen the relationship between the palace and the nobles and officials.

The ladies who have received the good fortune will go to the palace to pay their respects to the empresses. The nobles of various families can take the opportunity to meet the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty. Take the opportunity to show your face, lest your family members whisper and your superiors forget about you.

As a prince with a different surname, Beijing Wang Shuirong naturally had the privilege of entering the palace. His biological mother is the princess of this dynasty. Although he and the Supreme Emperor are not from the same compatriots, they are not bad in terms of feelings.

If it hadn't been for this opportunity, it would have been impossible for the old Prince Beijing to become the right-hand man of the Supreme Emperor together with Prince Yi Zhong.

Since his abdication, the Supreme Emperor has been living in the Qianqing Palace. This place once served as one of the royal palaces and was greatly restored by the Supreme Emperor. When Wang Shuirong of Beijing walked among them, he could not only see the grandeur of the royal palace, but also feel the comfort of living.

Under the guidance of the eunuchs, the young Shui Rong, with the grace of his father, was able to enter the temple alone to meet the saint. As soon as he entered, Shui Rong bowed to the ground and greeted the Supreme Emperor respectfully.

When he got the order to get up, Shui Rong stood for a moment and saw the old and decrepit Emperor holding a boy with bubbles blowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Look at him." The Supreme Emperor said cheerfully to his old friend, "Does he look like Zhi'er when he was a child?"

Shui Rong didn't dare to respond casually to such disrespectful words. After just a brief glance, he recognized Jia Yuanchun's son and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I think the emperor's grandson looks more like you."

When the Supreme Emperor heard this, he only raised his eyebrows and pointedly said: "What's so good about me..."

Shui Rong couldn't tell for a moment whether the Emperor meant that this son was treated coldly by Li Zhi because he looked like him. Or because of his own situation, he ridiculed himself in the name of his grandson.

But no matter which one it is, don’t take it too seriously. After all, he was the only son of the old King Beijing, and the Supreme Emperor handed his grandson into the hands of Dai Quan. He reached out and called Shui Rong in front of him, letting him hold his hand while they walked together on the corridor outside.

It has been some time since Xue Pan disappeared in Ping'an Prefecture. Naturally, there was indispensable discussion of this matter in the palace and in the government and the public. The Supreme Emperor picked up a few words and used them to joke with Shui Rong. When he arrived at the imperial garden, he sat on the pavilion and said to Shui Rong, "This errand was done well."

Shui Rong didn't dare to take credit, he bowed down respectfully and said to the Supreme Emperor: "This is what a humble minister should do."

"It's a pity, I didn't expect him to survive." The Supreme Emperor stopped Shui Rong, who was about to plead guilty, and chuckled, "You are smarter than your father. But there is no need to think that everything can be calculated one by one."

Even though the Supreme Emperor is so loud and angry now, Shui Rong knows. Before abdicating the throne, the Supreme Emperor had the most eccentric temperament. It is not an exaggeration to say that the emperor's heart is unpredictable. The front leg even smiled and comforted the minister, while the back leg also ordered people to kill.

After all, it is men who have lost their power. He had no choice but to show off his courtesy as a corporal and use it as a means to win over people's hearts.

After Shui Rong finished saying his words of gratitude, the Supreme Emperor motioned for Shui Rong to take a seat. By acting like this, it is obvious that he has not forgotten his past glory of conquering the world.

"What does Wang Ziteng mean by this matter?" The Supreme Emperor knew that Shui Xun could sneak into the Wang family's discussion circle. As expected, the latter immediately said: "Your Majesty, Sir Wang intends to request an order to send troops to suppress the bandits as soon as possible."

After hearing this, the Supreme Emperor finally smiled. Perhaps he was smiling too happily, and he couldn't help but cough slightly. Seeing this, Dai Quan on the side quickly called for someone to bring a cloak and put it on the Supreme Emperor.

"Your Majesty, you have just recovered, but you still need to take care of your dragon body." Dai Quan knew the body of the Supreme Emperor. He had just suffered a serious illness last winter. Throughout the spring, I spent the whole spring recuperating in the Yangxin Hall of Qianqing Palace.

"Old is old, no matter how much you take care of yourself, it's just the same thing." The Supreme Emperor shook his head disapprovingly, and asked Shui Rong, "They all say that my end is approaching, come and see me. He raised his hand and pointed at his wrinkled skin, "How long do you think I can live?"

Shui Rong trembled and immediately said, "Long live your majesty."

"Long live." The Supreme Emperor sighed briefly and subconsciously glanced in the direction of Fengtian Palace. If he could really live for so long, wouldn't his filial son jump in anger?

"After tomorrow..."

Shui Rong, who had always been cautious, suddenly heard the Supreme Emperor's words and quickly stood up from his position. The Supreme Emperor was even more satisfied when he saw him being so respectful. He directly ordered: "You don't have to go to the palace."

"Your Majesty, are you going to let the news out?" Shui Rong asked tentatively. "Didn't he train his precious prince a few days ago?" The Supreme Emperor clapped his hands lightly, "Let the people in Prince Teng's house start spreading the word."

"Yes." Shui Rong responded quickly. He didn't expect this step to come so quickly, and he didn't expect that a first-grade minister would throw it away just as the Emperor said.

After all, it's the prince's fault. Since he was promoted, he has not been in the palace for more than half a year.

This is the result of your own fault.



According to the usual practice, after going to Yangxin Hall, Shui Rong would also go to Linjing Hall to meet the saint. Both emperors were important people. If he neglects any part of his body, Shui Rong is afraid that it will lead to the disaster of killing himself.

When King Beijing arrived, Li Zhi was handling the memorial in the palace. After letting him wait for half an hour, Li Zhi remembered the young people in the hall. Over the past two years, Gu Zaiyong's accomplices were gradually eliminated from the court. Li Zhi's good temper, which he had suppressed for many years, is gradually revealing his cold and tough side.

I asked Shuirong a few details about the meeting, and saw that there was no hesitation or mistake in the other party's answers. Li Zhi gave a rare compliment: "I am usually busy with state affairs, but the Yangxin Hall should work hard for you to move around more."

Who doesn't know who your father and son are? If a knife were really thrown away, the two of them would go crazy and stab each other. Shui Rongqian said a few words and bowed respectfully with Li Zhi's hand.

After finally dealing with the troublesome matter, we came to the square in front of the palace gate. Looking back at Fengtian Temple under the clear sky, Shui Rong sighed subconsciously in his heart. To put it nicely, he is a prince with a different surname, but to put it badly, he is just a dog raised by the Li family and his son.

Fight, keep fighting. If you don't continue to fight, how will the world become chaotic?



Strange to say, the people in the capital were still discussing how ferocious the bandits in Ping'an Prefecture were. Within two days, some gossip was circulating in the city. It was really disrespectful to say this, because the people involved were His Majesty and the Crown Prince in the palace.

I don't know who killed a thousand swords and spread rumors that the prince was dissatisfied with his increasing age and often complained in the East Palace. Others said that the emperor was dissatisfied with the prince's interference in politics and was deliberately trying to beat him up.

How can such words about killing the Nine Clans be said openly? People in the streets and alleys only dare to gather in front of a lamp with their relatives at home to chat after dark.

There is no airtight wall in the world. Those censors who lived in the neighborhood heard this by chance and reported it directly to the court the next morning.

Li Zhi was furious and found it difficult to punish the people who gossiped. We can only arrange for the Five Cities Military and Horse Division to investigate the source of this rumor.

Lu Yingxiong was really an unlucky man. When he received this order, he was so frightened that he lost his mind and stared at his subordinates to investigate closely.

After searching like this, the final location turned out to be the Prince Teng's mansion at the capital inspection point of the nine provinces and the governor's mansion of the fifth army.

He also wanted to find out who his grandmother was. Lu Yingxiong wanted to find a rope to hang himself. But this matter has already been revealed, if it is not reported. It’s easy to fool a person who doesn’t do things well. If he is accused of not reporting what he knew...

Lu Yingxiong didn't dare to think about it carefully, so he had to find a place where no one was in the palace and quietly handed over the sacred book.

When reporting to His Majesty, Lu Yingxiong did not dare to look up. After listening to this, Li Zhi was silent for a long time, and then he said in a deep voice: "Is the news absolutely true?"

Your Majesty, if this is not true, how dare I retaliate against you? Lu Yingxiong thought for a long time, and then said cautiously: "I heard that the servants in the mansion were talking nonsense. It should be... just... it's..." Lu Yingxiong couldn't even read the book clearly, and he thought about several words in a row. Then he said, "Master Wang's house is full of people, and the servants are making some unsightly remarks."

"Ha." Li Zhi chuckled. This was the first-rank minister he appointed.

"Go down, there's no need to tell outsiders about this." Li Zhi waved his hand. The bandits are about to be suppressed now, as long as the Wang family doesn't directly rebel. For the sake of the overall situation, Li Zhi would not attack him at this time.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lu Yingxiong didn't dare to stay any longer, so he rolled up his robe and ran out of the palace.



Li Zhi deliberately suppressed the matter, but Wang Ziteng still found out about it.

His source of information is even more ridiculous. He actually learned it from his own incompetent son.

Wang Ziteng sat in his seat and said angrily: "What did you say? Did this matter come from our house? Who said it? Who told you?"

Seeing my father, who has always been very well-behaved, he has already smashed the bowl. The two sons looked at each other, both trying to get the other to speak. After a stalemate for a while, the eldest son spoke up: "Brother Feng Ziying told me."

Feng Ziying? His father looks like the great general Feng Tang? Hearing this, Wang Ziteng still frowned and scolded: "Tell me well, but I missed a word. You two brothers don't have to go out in the future."

"We went to see Brother Feng for a drink today. Originally, we wanted to talk about the Xue brothers. Everyone was worried about his safety, so they drank some wine. Brother Feng got drunk for a while and told us what he heard. information."

Wang Ziteng was such a sophisticated person and asked directly: "Did he say how he heard it?"

"Of course the kid asked. He didn't want to say it at first, but couldn't stop the kid from asking again and again. It turned out that he had a very good relationship with Commander Lu's son. That night, Mr. Lu returned home. He complained to his wife and children, saying that his family A catastrophe was imminent. His son was worried and asked soldiers from the Military and Horse Division to find out the matter. He also made a plan and revealed the matter to Brother Feng."

From what I heard, everything seemed to fit perfectly. Wang Ziteng was filled with rage and asked the steward to summon all the servants in the mansion. After repeated questioning, he finally found three culprits.

Among these three people, one is the waiter in the kitchen, the other is the boy in the lady's courtyard, and the last one is the servant of the concierge. Prince Teng immediately ordered people to find out the origins of the three of them. Except for one who was born into a family, the other two were bought from outside. They had stayed in the palace since they were young, and their time was not short.

There's nothing more to say, just beat the reporting officer to death. Oh, our Wang family is an official ourselves.

Then there is no need to inform Jingzhao Fuyi. Just roll up the straw mat and throw it into a mass grave outside the city overnight.

After cleaning up the group of mistresses, Wang Ziteng walked into his wife's room with a bit of anger and asked her how she managed the family. His good wife was also deeply confused and said directly: "Girl Feng dares to say to the outside world that she is not afraid of accusing our family of rebelling. How come the servants say some gossip, and the master is afraid of this and that."

"You..." Wang Ziteng looked at his wife's unconcerned face and really didn't know what to think.

Fortunately, he was usually very dignified. Seeing his extremely angry look, his wife hurriedly apologized and said, "It's because I've neglected my discipline these days. Since it's hard to tell, I'll keep a closer eye on him in the future."

With such a confused attitude, Wang Ziteng could not ask his wife if she had ever made inappropriate remarks.

With a sigh in his heart, Wang Ziteng returned to his study to think of countermeasures.

It is necessary to apologize to His Majesty. No matter who is responsible for this shit, Wang Ziteng knows that he must first clear himself of suspicion.

Who told his good niece to give birth to a prince? Who told this child to be born in vain and fat, and he is about to grow up little by little?

Even if you really have this idea in your heart, it's too early to talk about it now.

It's really too early! ! !

The children of Yuanchun have not even begun to read and learn calligraphy.



"How is it, how is it? Is there any new news from Mr. Chen?"

As soon as Baoyu came back, Baochai couldn't help but asked. As soon as the couple heard the news of Xue Pan's disappearance, they were already in a state of confusion. Baoyu was asked to come to the door again and again, just to get a few words from Chen Heng's mouth.

Seeing his wife being so eager, Baoyu shook his head with great difficulty. If I had known this, I should not have agreed to my uncle's request that day. Just send an ordinary steward to go out, so there is no need for everyone to work hard now.

"What can we do? What can we do?" Baochai was so anxious that he was in a different place and there was no one he could discuss with.

Brother Lian is wandering around Yuhang with Shibo Shijia again, and he doesn't know when he will be back.

Baoyu had no choice but to console him: "Don't worry, I'll go to the county government office tomorrow to find out more."



"Ms. sir..."

When Daiyu walked into Chen Heng's study, he was deep in thought at the table. Seeing her husband's worries, Daiyu put down the ginseng tea in her hand and asked quietly: "What is your husband thinking about?"

"I'm thinking, why does it have to be Xue Pan?!"

Chen Heng's mind was also in a mess. Now Liu Xianglian and Xue Pan were missing together, which was not at all like the encounter in the original book.

He also didn't know what happened to these two people to get to this result.

Daiyu didn't know Chen Heng was confused. Hearing this was a bit strange, and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Xue Pan, if it's not Xue Pan, can it be someone else?"

Chen Heng was awakened by the words and suddenly looked up at Lin Daiyu. The couple looked at each other blankly until Chen Heng showed some joy on his face and said repeatedly.

"I know, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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