Red Mansion Reader

Chapter 300 The mountains shine on me

Chapter 300 The mountains shine on me

Ping'an Prefecture is big even if it is big, and small even if it is small. Its size mainly depends on who you compare it with. Take Songjiang Prefecture as an example, Ping'an Prefecture is really too big, three or four times as big. But compared with the big states and capitals such as the North and Northwest, it is far inferior.

The embarrassing situation of being insufficient compared to the superiors and more than adequate compared to the inferiors does not affect the importance of Ping An State. It is connected to the main road of the capital and reaches the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River. As soon as you exit along the pass on the left, you will find the territory of Chang'an Jiedushi Yunguang. Move to the right and you will reach Lu Di. These two places are also very important. One is the hometown of Longxing of the Li family in Dayong, and the other is the granary of the world and the old hometown of the saints.

Such a dangerous place, if it weren't for the mountains and rivers within it, fertile land would be hard to find and bandits would be everywhere. As early as when Li Zhi ascended the throne, he should have used his troops to put an end to this serious problem.

The reason why it has been delayed until now is that Li Zhi did not want to rashly raise troops to attack before his footing was stable. The second is to let the wavering nobles further strengthen themselves.

It is said that war is a continuation of politics. Today, Chen Heng stands outside the camp, looking at the undulating green mountains in front of him, and he can vaguely grasp Li Zhi's thoughts.

The mountain in front of us has always been called Black Meerkat by the local villagers. Meerkat is a long-tailed, furry creature that likes to dig holes and hide everywhere. Chen Heng didn't know if there was such an animal here, and he also guessed that it might be an alternative name for bandits by the common people.

It had just rained last night and the surrounding land was a bit muddy. Fortunately, the sun is shining brightly today, and some moisture on the wet ground is slowly dissipating under the hot summer sunshine.

The military camp set up by Shi Ding is on the lower right side of Ping'an Prefecture. It is interspersed from the lower right along the land south of the Yangtze River. To the left of the military camp is the jurisdiction of Yongxing Jiedushi Feng Yuanzheng. These two sites are located at the lower level, and together with Jiangnan and other places behind them, they will take on the main responsibility of suppressing bandits this time. Chang'an Jiedushi Yunguang, as well as Lu Province and other places only need to guard the checkpoints to prevent bandits from escaping in all directions.

Chen Heng didn't know much about military affairs. He walked around the rear army camp several times and felt that Shi Ding's various arrangements were no different from what was said in the military book.

When he returned to his military tent, Xinda was sorting out today's military supplies documents for him. This time Li Zhi appointed Chen Heng as military counselor, responsible for taking care of the army's food, grass and baggage. This job inevitably involves dealing with food delivery teams from various places.

The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs. Chen Heng changed his "good temper" in Songjiang Mansion and strictly inspected the grain teams sent from various places one by one, hoping that he would do his best.

There is such a hard-to-talk Shangfeng in the booth, and some of the past military practices are naturally not easy to fool on the table. This requires searching out one or two bags of shoddy goods, and directly arresting a few fools to scare the monkeys, but there is no way to complain.

After communicating with Xinda about everything today, I saw that everything was normal. Chen Heng was still instructing the other party to visit the granary more often late at night to take care of him. Shi Ding's messengers have arrived outside the military tent, saying that the general has invited them.

Although Chen Heng has a military counselor on his head, he is not actually a military leader. He is now nominally listening to Shi Ding's orders, but neither side has the power to interfere in each other's government affairs.

As a joke, eunuchs who supervise the army are often mentioned in dramas. In reality, we are actually talking about people like Chen Heng. Otherwise, the former's catchphrase would not be something like, 'Our family is here to reward the three armies on behalf of Your Majesty today.'

Chen Heng had no right to interfere with Shi Ding's troop formation, and Shi Ding had no right to issue orders directly to Chen Heng. One civil servant and one military commander were the checks and balances Li Zhi left in the army.

The so-called general is outside, and your orders are not accepted. But without food, grass and baggage, even if the general wanted to lead his people in rebellion, he still had to consider whether he could feed tens of thousands of soldiers.

To put it unluckily, if Shi Ding had just raised the flag to rebel, Chen Heng would only have to burn the grain and grass from behind. The other side really has no other option except to plunder everywhere and lead the world to attack. Of course, there is no need to say more about Chen Heng’s fate. As long as you can't run away, you will definitely be killed by a thousand cuts.

Once Shi Ding succeeded in defeating the enemy, Chen Heng had to come out and show his face again. He had to repeatedly tell the entire army: Your Majesty has ordered that the entire army kill chickens and sheep and drink heavily for three days. This is to remind everyone that what we eat is royal food, don’t just worry about your own superiors.

After all, this is not a pleasant job. Chen Heng called the messenger to the tent and heard the other party say: "The general said that he would like to invite the two young masters of Duke Rong to come with him."

The Jia family's reputation is really useful in the military camp. Chen Heng had no intention of concealing Baoyu's traces, but within two or three days, even Shi Ding, who was in the Chinese army, heard about the other party's arrival.

Knowing that Shi Ding wanted to see Baoyu more than himself, Chen Heng waved his hand and asked the messenger to withdraw and wait. He ordered someone to call the bored Baoyu, who was very happy at Shi Ding's summons.

When he came out of the gate of the rear army, Jia Baoyu, who was riding on his horse, was still very happy and excited. Before Chen Heng left Songjiang, he took Baochai to the county government office to see off his cousin-in-law in accordance with the dignity of relatives from both families. Unexpectedly, the other party directly detained himself and Baochai without saying a word, and even arranged for a few guards to tie him up and go on the road together.

Arriving in Ping'an Prefecture in such a muddle, Baoyu jumped around in the military camp these days, fearing that Shi Ding wouldn't know he was here. Little did Baoyu know, Chen Heng was even more happy to see him do this. If Chen Heng hadn't been secretly fueling the situation, how could Shi Ding have known about it so quickly.

Sitting and watching Baoyu's joy and excitement along the way, when he arrived at the Chinese army camp, Chen Heng dismounted and coughed lightly. You really don't want to say anything, just like that, Jia Baoyu, who had just been beaming back, immediately lowered his eyebrows and looked down. The latter is really afraid of Chen Heng now. He knows that the other person is not a reasonable person, and he only hopes that Shi Ding can make the decision for him after a while.

When they arrived outside the general's tent, Shi Ding had already been waiting there with Jia Lian for a long time. When he saw Baoyu following Chen Heng, he looked like a frustrated little daughter-in-law. Both of them were so shocked that they didn't even bother to pay attention to Chen Heng's greetings and rushed over to ask.

"Why are you so naughty? Marching and fighting are serious and dangerous things, and you dare to interfere. Let the old lady at home know that she will faint from anger." These words were said by Jia Lian.

Shi Ding's reaction was thought-provoking. He looked at Baoyu up and down, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's best if you have nothing to do. Stay with me for the next few days. When you are free, you can follow your brother back to the capital."

Baoyu was very happy when he heard this, and looked at Chen Heng proudly. But he looked too cautiously, which made people see Baoyu's awe for Chen Heng.

Shi Ding and Jia Lian didn't know what Baoyu was afraid of, so they had to call them into the tent first. There were many inquiries, but Chen Heng was not held too accountable.

After all, he and Baoyu are also related. Chen Heng just took Baoyu to travel with him, not forcing him to go to the battlefield. All hell broke loose, apart from scolding Chen Heng for being so bold, there was no real crime that could be laid.

Shi Ding and Jia Lian deliberately ignored Chen Heng, but the latter was also happy to see the results. I just watched Baoyu being surrounded by a group of generals who came after hearing the news, and watched everyone keep greeting Baoyu.

"Master Jia, my father was once a personal soldier of the old prince. Please call me..."

"Second Master, Second Master, do you still remember me? When you get married, I will..."

Without witnessing this scene with your own eyes, you cannot realize the importance of the Jia family in the military. Baoyu was a little uncomfortable with it at first. He still preferred women with fragrant fragrance and soft fragrance to the stinky soldiers and ruffians. But seeing the "full of sincerity" faces, Jia Baoyu himself smiled subconsciously, feeling proud of the glory that his ancestors had fought hard for.

Chen Heng was drinking tea by himself, while Shi Ding did not introduce his origins to everyone. Everyone also knew how to control the situation and did not dare to talk to Chen Heng rashly. But to say that there was any intention to offend, none of the soldiers dared to do so. What kind of simple thing can a person who can look calmly in a scholar's robe among a group of strong men wearing helmets and armor be?

Everyone had no intention of offending Chen Heng. After learning that the other party was still in charge of food, grass and baggage, they even looked at him with caution. Everything about eating is in the hands of the other party. Just don't do anything to offend others, and please try to please the second son of the Jia family in front of you.

Later, Shi Ding presided over a pre-military meeting and stated that in seven or eight days, the new commander-in-chief will arrive, and the entire army must not slack off. All the soldiers were ordered to make impassioned speeches, vowing to level the Black Mongoose Mountain and so on.

When it comes to the future, Chen Heng has nothing to do. There are laws and regulations in the army, so Shi Ding led everyone to entertain the Jia brothers. It's just that without the food and wine, it doesn't taste very appetizing.

As dusk fell on the horizon, Chen Heng got up and returned to camp. With Shi Ding and Jia Lian here, Baoyu would naturally not go with him. Chen Heng didn't care and waited until he returned to the rear army camp. When Xinda saw his elder brother leaving alone and going back alone, he couldn't help but wonder: "Brother, you went through all the trouble to bring him here just to make it easier for him to return to the capital?"

Xinda really didn't understand Chen Heng's operation, but the latter said confidently: "Don't worry, he can't run away."



"What, you're not leaving?!"

Jia Lian didn't understand Baoyu's stubbornness. Shibo was here to lead troops to fight, so you were just joining in the fun.

Baoyu also had troubles that he couldn't tell. His wife was still sitting in the Huating County government office. He remembered Chen Heng's threats to him when he left Songjiang.

'If you dare to run away, I will ask Yu'er to take Baochai to the military camp to suppress the battle. '

This statement scares Jia Lian and others, and will only be regarded as nonsense by the other party. But for a wealthy young master like Jia Baoyu who has never seen many people, he is not sure that Chen Heng does not have the courage.

The self-esteem deep down in her heart made Baoyu unwilling to show her timidity in front of her family. He simply took out the excuse Chen Heng had prepared for him and explained: "I'm going to wait here for news from Brother Xue." Jia Lian's nose was almost crooked with anger. He didn't know that the relationship between Baoyu and Xue Pan could be so good. Jia Lian couldn't figure it out, so he had to put his hands behind his back and try again: "I have to explain to you that as soon as Prince Beijing arrives, I will have a face-to-face meeting with him and then set off back to Beijing. When I see the old lady, I will take you When we talk about what happened in Ping'an Prefecture, do you think what the old lady will do..."

"Second brother, just go back. I'm not going to the battlefield, so don't worry about me." Baoyu waved his hands quickly. He was very afraid of outsiders, but he was very confident about his own family. That's not right, he is still afraid of his father Jia Zheng. Except for Jia Zheng, Baoyu is not afraid of anyone in the Jia family.

Jia Lian tried hard to persuade him, but he still didn't let go when he saw Baoyu. He was also helpless, not knowing what kind of medicine the other party was selling. He had no choice but to lift the curtain and go out to find Shi Ding to tell him about it.



Seven or eight days later, Wang Shuirong of Beijing, who arrived at the camp, was surprised to learn about this from Jia Lian.

"Why is your Baoyu here?"

Jia Lian himself didn't understand Chen Heng's intention, so he had to tell the story. Shuirong, who just listened, frowned and said: "That's fine, don't worry about it in advance. Follow me to meet the generals in the camp."

Jia Lian received the order and carefully accompanied Shui Rong inside. When they arrived at the tent, Shi Ding was already waiting here with his generals. Theoretically, Shui Rong, the head coach who dominates the team, comes personally. These people would not go too far to meet them even if they are ten miles away. Such old gods are waiting in the tent. It was just because of Shi Ding's face that he wanted to give Shui Rong a blow.

Shui Rong didn't care, he still had a smile on his face, and even took the initiative to say hello to Shi Ding. Unexpectedly, Shi Ding's reaction was very cold. When others looked at it, they thought that Shi Ding and Shui Rong were not on good terms, and indeed what they said was true.

Jia Baoyu was happiest about Shui Rong's arrival, because in addition to Wang Ziteng's staff, he was also followed by a group of distinguished disciples. Feng Ziying and Wei Ruolan are one of them.

These three people have been friends for many years. When they met here, they were all surprised by each other's appearance. Before Feng Ziying and Wei Ruolan could ask questions, Jia Baoyu asked the other party's purpose first.

"What else can I do? Just to make meritorious deeds." Feng Ziying spread her hands and said with a bit of helplessness, "Our family has no ability to make a living. I am the only son of my father. I can't go to the dangerous border, so I have to come to Ping'an Prefecture. Get some credit for suppressing bandits."

When Baoyu heard this, he remembered that Feng Yuanzheng, the envoy of Yongxing Jiedu, was a distant relative of his family.

Wei Ruolan's situation is similar to Feng Ziying's. Li Zhi deliberately raided various noble families, and all of them had to spend money to settle the matter, or they had to pay for their crimes and make meritorious deeds. After thinking about it before and after, there was a ready-made Ping An State in front of me. Everyone happily followed behind Shi Ding and picked up some ready-made achievements.

Baoyu nodded when he heard this and quickly ignored Feng Ziying's questioning, leaving the topic to Xue Pan, whose life or death was uncertain.

The three of them lamented Xue Pan's situation for a while, but they didn't say much. Jia Lian had already come in and said that Shui Rong was holding a banquet in the tent and asked them to hurry over.

This was a formal meeting between the generals of the three armies, with dignitaries from various families supporting the occasion, and Wang Ziteng's staff accompanying Shui Rong. The atmosphere during this period was quite harmonious.



Chen Heng, who was in the rear army, was patrolling the granary when he learned the news that Shui Rong had arrived. He knew that once the coach arrived, the day of dispatching troops would not be too far away. He hurriedly gathered the civil servants from various counties together, put the granary accounts in one place, and stated his requirements and laws.

He has no control over matters such as marching and fighting. But the movement of food and grass cannot be carried out at will without the general's order. Afterwards, the records should be kept and filed, only to be handed over to the Ministry of War when the war was over. Chen Heng is the immediate boss of these people, so there is no reason why everyone should disobey him.

After giving these five orders three times, Chen Heng reorganized the order of patrols for the guards in the camp. People in the rear army camp had no chance to go to the battlefield. Shi Ding only left five thousand soldiers and horses to prevent the thieves from making a sneak attack at night. This group of people don't listen to Chen Heng's orders, so there is no need to control them too much.

But the tens of thousands of civilians in the camp, along with the civil servants from all over the country, looked up to Chen Heng. It is this group of people that Chen Heng wants to use. Although you don't have armor, swords or guns in your hands, you can send more people to take care of the food, grass, firearms and other places to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

After all the errands were distributed among the group of people, Chen Heng and Xinda gathered in front of the simple homemade sand table. There are three official roads in Ping'an Prefecture, most of which go around the mountains. There were only a few dangerous places, but Chen Heng could not mark them on the map because he did not have competent scouts.

At night, Chen Heng, who was worried, had not had time to rest. Someone suddenly sent an order outside the tent, saying that the new military commander would come to pay a visit.

This is a rare person. Chen Heng has been here for a while, and this is the first time he has come to visit him.

After quickly dressing up, Chen Heng, who was wearing single clothes, asked Xinda to hold the light before waiting for the arrival. He himself said in surprise: "Master Lu, why is it you?!"

Lu Yingxiong, the old wretched man, handed over his hands with a wry smile. The reason why he came here despite the good military affairs of the Five Cities was not because of Wang Ziteng's secret rebellion.

"Master Chen, I'm suffering." Lu Yingxiong cried with his fists clasped. There is no one to protect me, and I am in an officialdom situation where my grandma doesn't care and my uncle doesn't love me. If you are lucky, you can get some bargains like Mei Hanlin. If you are unlucky, you just let yourself be rubbed and dealt with as you wish.

"Sit first, sit first." Seeing Lu Yingxiong's bitter expression, Chen Heng did not dare to laugh, and hurriedly took the other person's hand to sit down.



"Wake up, wake up quickly."

Liu Xianglian stretched out her hand to push Xue Pan awake from her sleep. The two of them had been hiding in the mountains for half a month and were already in a state of utter disarray. Xue Pan woke up from his dream and subconsciously clenched the long knife he snatched from the bandits.

"Is there something going on?" He whispered to Liu Xianglian.

After a period of hiding in Tibet, Xue Pan's face covered with dirt already had a hint of visible evil intent. He had followed Liu Xianglian for so long, and it was inevitable that he would see blood on his hands. The thrill of surviving on the edge of a knife made the former Jinling bully grow up a lot.

Liu Xianglian saw Xue Pan's nervousness and hurriedly comforted her: "I just went out to take a look while you were sleeping. Many of the secret sentries guarding the place were removed..."

Under the bright moonlight, excitement gradually appeared on Xue Pan's face. He heard the meaning of Liu Xianglian's words, tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, and asked quietly: "Can I go home?"

"Yes." Liu Xianglian nodded heavily.

I don’t know how many grievances I have suffered these days, but Xue Pan burst into tears when he heard this. He wiped it off with his sleeve and said in a trembling voice: "When I go back this time, I will definitely build ten temples and build his grandma's ten Taoist temples. Thank you God for your blessing."

After all, we were going through adversities together. Liu Xianglian rarely said out loud: "Instead of doing these sacred things, you might as well change your mind and do... some good things."

"Yes, Brother Liu is right." Xue Pan chuckled softly, "I will never be a fool in the future. No amount of glory and wealth can compare to living a down-to-earth life..."

Seeing Xue Pan talking more and more, Liu Xianglian smiled and just silently raised her head to look at the moonlight. It is said that a prodigal son never comes back with gold, and I don’t know if this encounter was a blessing in disguise for Xue Pan, or...

 Ah hahahaha, here I come.



(End of this chapter)

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