Chapter 194 Passing by?

The truth is confusing and shrouded in fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

There may be other secret events that I don't know about.

However, Andy did not take the initiative to mention this matter again, and Adanile did not ask out her doubts.

The two parties seem to be close, but in fact they are separated.

Things have changed and people have changed. She misses some of the time when she was first born, pure, without intrigues and intrigues.

But it turns out that everything that seems beautiful is actually just an appearance.

Both God, the "father", and Lucifer, the brother, concealed a lot of things from them.

The former Adanielle doesn't matter, because the title Father God is only in name.

God's attitude towards the archangels is that they are subordinates, not heirs. In terms of attitude, they are basically used, assigned to do things, and there is no care at all.

But the latter made it difficult for her not to care.

It's not that I care about my brother's concealment, but I can't help but think about what my existence means to my brother.
Some time ago, Adanielle was very emotional when she learned that he was not dead.

And when she realized that her brother was Andy, her mood was even more mixed with joy and anxiety, and she didn't know how to face it.

He didn't even dare to take the initiative to lift the fig leaf and face Andy calmly.

This is certainly not because of shyness, but because of caring.

I don't care what my brother thinks about what happened before.

But now, these emotions have all cooled down.

Because Andy's attitude remains the same.

Neither cold nor indifferent, neither light nor serious, the look he looked at her was more like a collaborator than a relative.

Although this may be because Adanile herself has never been honest with her, so she is cooperating with her and taking care of her emotions.

But more likely than not, Andy doesn't care.

He has no nostalgia for everything in the past, whether it is good or bad, whether it is people or things.

When facing God, facing crises, and even when using the cards left in the past to accomplish certain key things, Andy always looks ordinary.

He didn't know how to hate or love. He looked unfazed by honor and disgrace, as if he was just a passerby.

A passer-by passed by and did something casually. Because it was not important, the result did not matter at all...

This realization is strange, but this is what Adanielle thinks and how she sees Andy.

And the more you understand the answers to certain questions, the more this impression will be deepened.

Whether Andy answers or not.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, she directly changed the topic.

"Next we will resurrect the God of Mischief, and if he really comes back to life, some of your actions back then may not be able to be hidden from the goddess of nature."

While Andy had a good reason for his plan to slay the gods, it didn't matter.

God's previous words are also reasonable. Hasn't he been ignored by the goddess of nature for thousands of years?
This time is very critical. If something unexpected happens to the goddess of nature, Andy's safety may be difficult to guarantee.

Although Adanile feels that it is unlikely that the goddess will completely break with Andy because of this, a change in attitude is inevitable, and risks will also arise...

"It's ok."

However, after Andy heard this, he looked indifferent.

"The death of her friends was not part of my plan at all, and I can't be blamed for it."

"Not part of the plan?"

The archangel was surprised by this, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make sense.

If he conspired with God to do this, there was no way he would include the "relatives and friends" of God, his collaborator, in the massacre plan.

It is not necessary to kill all the gods to achieve the goal.The friends of the Goddess of Nature are basically kind-hearted gods, and they are no obstacle to Andy's goals.

“So, God made the decision without permission?”

"It's not entirely because of Him." Andy said, "Don't forget, He also has a father."

"That God of Dawn is not that simple."


The not-so-simple God of the Morning is currently not regulated.

As the guardian, the archangel Trafford is closely watching the changes taking place in hell, and does not care at all about the "Lucifer minion" in the morning light who caused the apocalypse.

At this moment, the collapse of hell has basically ended and is in a temporarily stable state.

Everything that was originally covered by high temperatures and scarlet clouds has completely changed its appearance.

The ubiquitous black cracks were like spider webs, densely packed and occupying all the space visible in the field of vision.

Some dust-like light spots exist inside and outside the layers of spider webs, like embellishments, or like clusters of stars shining quietly around the spiral arms of the universe.

It looks very magnificent on the surface, but if you stare at it for a long time, you will feel an ultimate emptiness.

Because the current hell has become a place without sky, earth, or even life.

Being here, even the concept of time is blurred.

It's like returning to chaos.

Archangel Trafford, with the outline of his wings emerging from his back, is floating in this chaotic world, with a majestic and sacred image, like the only creator god here.

But he is not the only one.

Although there are no traces, Trafford can feel that the Father God in heaven is always paying attention to everything around him.

More than that, there are some other special atmospheres.

Those from the natural realm, those from the dark camp, those full of exotic atmosphere, even those that are difficult for Trafford to fathom...

The world is not just the heaven and hell of the evangelical church system, the seven archangels, and the seven demon kings, nor are they the only remaining strong ones under God.

The gospel is just mainstream.

But mainstream doesn’t mean everything.

It's just that usually, the location of certain beings is very secretive, and they are basically in a state of being indifferent to worldly affairs.

But now, with such big changes happening, no one can really sit still.

Those existences that were difficult to find before, or even heard of, are now all focused here, waiting for new changes to happen.

Will this chaos evolve into a new subspace?

Or will it become a place beyond recognition?

Or will God, who is watching indifferently, take action at a critical moment to stop all this?
No one could have guessed how it would turn out, but everyone took it seriously.

Because this seems to involve the next doomsday battle.

Just like Adanielle's previous thoughts, they didn't know how the Armageddon battle would unfold, but they believed that the war would not be "simple."

It might even actually trigger the end of the world.

So even though there had been no new changes for a long time, no one was paying attention.

Even God is no exception.

It's just that things are impermanent.

Before hell could change, what was happening in other areas forced them to divert their attention and look over——

The greedy demon king who was regarded as the resurrection of Lucifer turned out to be dead!
He died under the joint siege of other demon kings!

(End of this chapter)

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