Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 108 Triss

Chapter 108 Triss

Leonard first listened attentively, then his expression changed, and he reached out to stop the "Seer" who was eager to try.

"Look, the corner of this mirror."

He pointed to the bottom of the full-length mirror, where there was a pool of blood the size of a coin in the corner, which seemed to have dripped inadvertently, and it had turned dark red.Even under the light, in the dark vision, it is inconspicuous and easy to be ignored.

"That should be the method left by the 'Witch of Pleasure'. If someone uses this mirror for divination or psychic, trying to find clues about her, the curse will be activated."

"Maybe the curse trap is not fatal, but it is definitely enough for you now."

After being stopped by Leonard to commit suicide, Klein's already pale face from blood loss became a little paler.

He thought about losing to the opponent in the divination confrontation, and considered being misled by the vague divination results, but he never thought that the items used for divination might themselves be traps.

If his spirituality hadn't played a role at the critical moment, if Leonard hadn't reminded him in time, his reckless behavior would probably lead him into danger again. The fatal wound on his chest was "transferred" in time, what if he encountered another curse? ?

Recalling that the hair wrapped around the ritual dagger just now was cursed and burned into a plume of black smoke, he felt a wave of fear in his heart.

It seems that "divination" is not a panacea, and sometimes it is even harmful...

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Klein's mind, and then he felt that his body, mind, and spirit had entered a wonderful state of fusion, and then there was an illusory shattering sound in his ears, as if some kind of container was broken. sound.

He understood that this was the complete digestion of the "Seer" potion in his body.

Before he had time to savor this joy carefully, the annoyance gushing out of his heart diluted it.

Either the mirror surface was completely destroyed, or a curse was placed on it, and the altar downstairs was also erased. How could he find these two Extraordinary people?

Why don't you try their underwear?
Klein remembered the previous method of locking the altar of curses through the clothes of the dead, and couldn't help but look at the pieces of distinctive female clothing in the closet.

Dunn and Leonard, who were discussing in low voices, seemed to have thought of this as well, and their gazes converged on the wardrobe.

"No more divination..."

There was a slightly trembling voice from outside the bedroom door.

The three people in the room were all taken aback, and Klein was the first to react. He directly reached out and turned off the kerosene lamp Leonard was carrying.

The moonlight leaking from the window replaced the warm light, making the bedroom crimson.

Angel, who was by the door, poked his head out cautiously, looked into the bedroom, and after confirming that there was no fire light she was afraid of, he walked in slowly.

The hood of her windbreaker was pulled up, her back was arched, and she looked like a frightened kitten.

"The 'witch', the one who attacked Klein, is Tris, the 'instigator' Tris."

"I wasn't sure about the battle just now, but when I recalled her face later, it was seven or eight points similar to Tris."

Angel's voice was a little lower than usual from under the hood.


Klein exclaimed.

"You mean, Tris, the 'instigator', is a woman? Was she disguised as a man before?"

Dunn also frowned and asked.

"No, he was originally a male, at least when I saw him in the underground market of the 'Dragon Bar'. But now this 'witch' is also him, an image after his promotion."

"Haven't you guys always wondered why the Sequence 7 of 'Assassin' is called 'Witch'?"

I did doubt it, but there are countless weird names of various potions, such as the "Joker" potion formula that was channeled from Sirius' body before, and the name is also very weird...

Klein shook his head, shaking the strange thought out of his mind, but seeing Dunn and Leonard at the side nodding their heads to express their curiosity, they also nodded quickly.

"Because of being promoted from 'instigator' to 'witch', if the original gender is male, it will change to female during the promotion process..."

From male to female!
Klein heard himself... No, all the men in the room gasped in unison.

"That's right, no wonder the senior members of the 'Witch Sect' are all women, no wonder the name of the potion is 'Witch'..."

Leonard murmured aside, but looked at Klein and the captain.

Look what I'm doing... I'm not a "witch"... and it's impossible to have any contact with these strange guys...

Klein stared back angrily, only to see that Leonard had already looked away.


He also looked away, and suddenly found that Angel was standing in front of him.

The opponent's body, which was slightly taller than him after straightening up, brought a burst of invisible pressure, making Klein unable to resist taking half a step back.

"Here, Klein, find them quickly, and don't let them harm anyone again."

He subconsciously took the thing handed by the other party, looked down, and found that it was a map of Tingen City torn in two, and then reacted and flipped to the back of the map.

Each of the two halves of the map is a sketch drawn with delicate brushstrokes.

With the moonlight outside the window, he saw a female face with long hair and a round face in the painting, which was indeed somewhat similar to the "instigator" Triss on the arrest warrant, and the other one was a slightly mature-looking woman, But more charming and moving female face.

During the short battle just now, she had already memorized the appearance of the two of them?
In this way, there is information for divination!

Klein took a deep breath and regained the "Seer's" confidence. He first put the portrait of Triss on the dressing table, and prepared to start with Triss, a lower-ranked Extraordinary.

No, she should be called Triss now.

He took out the citrine pendant that was stained with his own blood from his pocket and had several cracks due to the pressure from the dying struggle just now. Klein collected his mind and entered a state of meditation.


On the east bank of the Tussock River, two women, one in front and one behind, quietly went ashore from the simple pier.

As if being chased by something, the two continued to run wildly, ignoring the heavy and close-fitting clothes after getting wet, and did not slow down until they approached a deserted farmhouse.

The leader was a tall lady with long gray hair. She rolled her dripping long hair casually behind her head, slipped into the farmhouse with ease, and walked out with a box after a while.

Waiting for her outside the farmhouse was a dark-haired, round-faced woman who looked like she had just come of age.She looked around anxiously, and was relieved until the long gray hair returned to her side.

"Mitis, just now my magic mirror issued another warning. Someone is trying to locate me through divination."

"It should be that team of Nighthawks. My trap was not triggered. They may have seen through my method and used other methods to perform divination. They also used a substitute to block your curse. It seems that they are very familiar with the operation of black magic. mechanism."

"However, you brought the original god statue and took basic anti-divination measures. Their divination will not be successful."

The lady named Mitis put the wooden box on the ground, opened the lid, and there were several sets of neatly folded women's dresses inside, including a lady's gauze hat to hide her face and flat shoes for easy movement.

"Hurry up, change your clothes here, and do another anti-divination. Go find a place to rest near the steam train station, and catch the earliest train tomorrow to leave Tingen City and go to Backlund."

"What about you, are you still planning to stay in Tingen? In less than 24 hours, our arrest warrants will be posted all over the city."

The round-faced woman, the former "instigator", and now the "witch" Triss asked in surprise.

She wasn't surprised that Mitis hid her clothes here. Although this "Witch of Pleasure" was bitter and sarcastic, she liked to preach, but she was always careful, and always held back in everything.

It's a pity that after Randy died in the last mission, there was something wrong with her whole body, and she acted crazy.

This time she sent me to Backlund, where is she going?
While rummaging through the boxes for clothes that suit her, Triss was thinking.

"I don't need to worry about that, I still have important tasks to stay in Tingen City."

Mitis tore off her drenched dress with a strange smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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