Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 11 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 11 The Uninvited Guest

After making 20 "Storm Gathering" bullets in one breath, Angel stopped working when he felt a little spiritually exhausted.

The faint crimson light on the neatly arranged bullets is gradually disappearing with the passage of time, and there are still a few waste products that failed to make, most of which were scrapped due to careless mistakes during engraving.

"Storm Convergence" has been engraved and amplified, and it is powerful. It also has much greater recoil than ordinary bullets. The Templar-style launcher is designed with a hydraulic buffer, which can fire special bullets in succession without being damaged. This revolver with average workmanship and lack of maintenance may be scrapped after 20 rounds of bullets are used up.

Even if guns can stand it, people probably can't stand it either.

20 rounds of ammunition are enough for a battle, if this can't deal with the enemy, 20 more rounds are useless.

She used the remaining spirituality to make 3 more "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption", which is an auxiliary bullet with extremely low direct damage. The flight path and final explosion position will sprinkle magic phosphorescent powder, which will be adsorbed on the living beings, allowing the user to find the target when the line of sight is poor, or trace the approximate direction of the high-speed moving enemy through the trajectory formed by the powder area.

The production method is similar to "Storm Gathering". The warhead and propellant are added with nitric acid-soaked luminescent lizard scale powder, mixed with calcium carbide, and transformed into a magic phosphorescent powder that has no entity and is not affected by the wind direction through engraving.

Also praying to the Goddess of the Night to inject power into the engraving, and made a 0.22-inch ammunition suitable for women's pistols. Angel put the 3 "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" and the previous "Storm Gathering" into the bullet box, and covered it with oiled paper.

Looking at this box of raw materials worth 50 pounds of bullets, she felt as if her whole body was aching.This body exhausted its spirituality for the first time, and the temples swelled and ached, and the candlelight in front of my eyes was a bit doubled. The whole state was similar to when I first transmigrated into this body, and even more uncomfortable than then.

In addition to the slow recovery of spirituality over time, the most effective way is to recover quickly through meditation.Cole has this method in his memory, but unfortunately Angel doesn't have the time now.

Pushing open the movable door in the basement, she went back to the study. Outside the window was already dawn, the crimson moonlight was replaced by the golden sunlight again, and another sleepless night passed.

After coming to this world, Angel has never had a full night's sleep. She often sees that it is the next morning after she finishes her work.

Putting the bullet box into the desk drawer, she stretched, and was going to wash her face first, sober up, and then go to St. Selina Church to ask the bishop yesterday if he had informed the Extraordinary organization.

If the Church of the Goddess of the Night is unresponsive, she is going to go to the "River and Sea Church" of the Church of the Lord of Storms to try to report.

Pushing open the door of the living room, Angel froze.

A stranger sat on her favorite sofa, backed by the oriel window and enjoying the full sun.

The visitor was about forty years old, wearing a long black police uniform and a soft police cap, crossed his legs as if taking a nap at home, flipping through a note, and Angel noticed that it was one of the report letters she put in the mailbox of the police station.Hearing the sound of Angel coming out of the study, the stranger lifted his police cap up, revealing short light brown hair, and looked at her with gray eyes surrounded by wrinkles. This look made her feel a little familiar.

"Hi, ma'am." He greeted politely, "Sit down, I have something to talk to you about."

He pointed to the empty sofa beside him, as if he was the owner of the house, and the other party was a new visitor.

Angel had already guessed his identity from the man's attire, and obediently walked to the sofa and sat down.

"The police in Tingen City transferred us a case in the middle of the night yesterday. They said that it might involve a crime involving Extraordinary people." The strange police officer put the notebook in his hand on the square table. There were already a lot of documents and papers spread out on the table, all of which were in the report letter. "Earlier, the Romulan Bishop of St. Selina Church reported to us that believers of the goddess were threatened by Extraordinary people. She didn't dare to confront them head-on, but she bravely reported the incident to the church."

The middle-aged police officer said with a serious face: "Both things point to an assistant professor at Tingen University named 'Cole Granger'. The address we found is here, No. 6 Daffodil Street."

He didn't continue talking, as if he was waiting for Angel to speak.

"That's right, I dropped the report letter into the mailbox at the entrance of the police station last night, and then I went to St. Selina's Church, and asked the bishop for help in the confession room, hoping that he could tell the Extraordinary Armed Forces of the church about this."

The police officer nodded: "So I'm here, I'm Dunn Smith, the Nighthawk." He took off his police cap, bent slightly, and bowed slightly.

Nighthawks, this should be the extraordinary armament of the Church of the Evernight Goddess.Angel remembered that such an organization was mentioned in the exchange between "Justice" and "The Hanged Man" in the Tarot Society.

"Mr. Smith, hello." Angel also bowed back, and continued to introduce himself: "I am Angel Granger, I can be regarded as a relative of Cole, and I am temporarily staying at his house."

When Dunn Smith heard Angel's name, he raised his eyebrows and seemed a little surprised.

"There is no such information in the files of the Cole Granger family. When did you come to Tingen?"

When he asked this question, his eyes focused on Angel.

"I only came to Tingen this week, and the file should not have been updated." Angel replied, this is a critical moment to win the trust of the Nighthawks, and she has already prepared for it.

"We will investigate." Dunn Smith nodded, approving Angel's explanation.He put his right hand on the armrest of the sofa, tilted his head, put his palm on the side of his face, and continued to ask in a rather lazy manner. His voice was even lower through the cover of his hand:
"Do you know the whereabouts of Cole Granger?"

"He should be dead."

"...Continue." After a brief surprise, Dunn Smith motioned for Angel to continue.

"You have read those letters and kept in touch with Cole. The person who provided him with the potion is Sharon Hoy, and Cole calls her Mrs. Sharon." Angel gradually accelerated his speech, appearing more flustered. "On Thursday night, this Mrs. Sharon came to look for Cole. Cole also disappeared that night and never appeared again. By the way, my "Assassin" potion also came from her."

"She sent another letter last night, asking me to go to her on Sunday, that is, tonight. I know that there will definitely be no good results."

The expression is unavoidable, but this is exactly the effect Angel wanted. Dunn Smith, who was sitting across from him, was obviously overwhelmed by this large series of information. He sat up slightly, and put down the hand supporting his right face. He looked at the position behind Angel out of focus, thought for a while, and then resumed his previous sitting posture, and continued to ask:
"You seem to be very afraid of Mrs. Sharon, did she do something to you?"

"Afraid? No, it should be said to be hate. She provided Cole with potions, used her charm to control him, and taught him to kill innocent people. Although Cole deserved the crime, the culprit was Madam Sharon. She also made me an 'assassin'. Why, do you want me to follow Cole's old path and get promoted from her through killing?"

Although this passage was something she had planned long ago to point the finger at Mrs. Sharon, but in the end, Angel also had some real feelings.

"Sorry, I got a little emotional."

This was Angel's sincere words. She found that she couldn't control her emotions when facing this police officer, Dunn Smith. When facing his questions, she answered too simply and quickly. Although the answers were all thought out by herself, if she continued like this, she might slip up.

"It's okay, I can understand." Dunn Smith twitched the corner of his mouth, as if trying to force a smile, but it only made the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes more prominent.Then he adjusted his posture, quickly recovered his cold face, put his hands together, crossed his fingers, and changed to a lighter topic: "You seem to know a lot about potions and Beyonders, did you know it from Cole Granger?"

"That's right, Mrs. Sharon thinks that Cole has made rapid progress and taught him a lot of knowledge about the extraordinary world, such as the various paths and sequences of potions, and the method of promotion. I learned from him."

"Then the conversation will be much more convenient. Do you know Madam Sharon's potion name and sequence level?"

"At least it's the 'witch' of Sequence 7. I think it's very likely that it has reached Sequence 6, but I don't know the name of the subsequent sequence."

Dunn Smith nodded: "Sequence 7 is already within the scope of the Middle Sequence, and her actions need to be considered in the long term. I will report to my superiors and act after making sufficient preparations and investigations.

"As for you, Ms. Granger, during the investigation and operation, we will protect you. You can choose the headquarters of the Nighthawks in Tingen, or temporarily leave Tingen and take refuge in Backlund, where my colleagues will pick you up. After the case is resolved, return to Tingen."

"What about tonight? Madam Sharon invited me to her place?" Angel frowned and asked.

Smith shrugged his shoulders, and the meaning was obvious: you don't really intend to go to the appointment, do you?
"If I don't go, I might startle the enemy and make Mrs. Sharon vigilant. If she is ready, destroys the evidence, or even runs away, what are you going to do?" Seeing that Dunn Smith still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, Angel became a little anxious.

"Once she escapes, she will be a wanted criminal. Not only the Church of the Goddess of the Night, but also the Church of the Lord of Storms and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery will also want her within the jurisdiction." Dunn Smith seemed not to see Angel's anxiety, and said unhurriedly: "But if there is no evidence, we can't arrest people casually. After all, Mrs. Sharon is also a celebrity in Tingen City, and the scope of her involvement is too large."

"Even if she is from the Witch Sect?"

Dunn Smith's expression became serious, and he resumed the posture of supporting his right face with his right hand on the chair, like a habitual action of thinking.

"The witch sect that believes in the original witch and whose mission is to spread disaster, are you sure?"

"I'm not sure, but it's very likely. Mrs. Sharon once mentioned to Cole that she can recommend him to join the Witch Sect, but he needs to be promoted after Sequence Seven."

The police officer's gray eyes stared at Angel—to be precise, a certain position behind her. After pondering for a while, he nodded as if confirming: "If she is indeed a member of the Witch Sect, then this matter may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. She has been hiding in Tingen City for so many years and has recently started recruiting men. She must be preparing for some action. For the Witch Sect, launching operations often means killing a large number of ordinary people."

As if he had made up his mind, he straightened his police cap and said, "I will apply to the higher authorities to take action against Mrs. Sharon tonight, but," Dunn pointed at Angel, "you still have to accept the protection of the Nighthawks."

"No, I will also participate in the battle." Angel rejected Dunn Smith's proposal.

"I originally planned to face her alone tonight, it doesn't matter whether there are any of you Nighthawks."

Dunn Smith pressed the police cap with one hand, smoothed the hem of the police uniform with the other, and stood up from the sofa.He shook his head with a smile—it was the first time Angel had seen him smile.

"As a Sequence Nine, it is too bold to want to fight the Extraordinary of Sequence Seven or even Sequence Six alone, even in a dream."


Is this mocking me for daydreaming?Or……

Angel felt a chill down her spine. She subconsciously reached for the gun, but remembered that the gun was in the study drawer, and hurriedly stood up from the sofa.

After a while, the scene in front of her was shattered, her cheeks were buried in her arms, lying on the stone table, and the surroundings were dark.

(End of this chapter)

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