Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 118 Murder

Chapter 118 Murder
Although Klein's plan was detailed and feasible, it was too scary to be promoted to the next sequence after only one month after taking the potion. Under Angel's persuasion, he decided to wait until the end of August, that is, after taking the "Seer" "When the potion is about 8 months old, submit a special application.

With this "genius" leading the charge, Angel felt he could follow suit in his application.

It's a pity that the role of the instigator is currently at a bottleneck. She already feels that a small part of the potion in her body has been digested, but in the end she still has to wait for the "Wild Bear Gang" and the "Labor Mutual Aid Association" to enter the "trap" she preset. They cheated each other, and were finally arrested by the police together.


It was another sunny weekend afternoon, Angel yawned and sat in the entertainment room of the Blackthorn Security Company, flipping through the previous day's newspaper.

The quality of her sleep has plummeted in the past few days, and she always seems to recall the situation of using the "magic pocket watch" twice in her dreams. Two hours of "shame on the light" tragic experience.

In the dream, the two-story house at No. 6 Narcissus Street where Angel lives is brightly lit, like daytime, while she herself is curled up in a corner of the basement, avoiding the light sources that can be seen everywhere.

These gas lamps would even float in the air, chasing her like a ghost, making it impossible for her to hide in the same place for a long time, and could only hide around, exhausted.

This made her wake up from nightmares almost every night, and went downstairs to make sure the gas lights were all turned off before she could go back to sleep.

Do you want to ask the captain about the dream... He is a "Nightmare", so he should have a lot of experience in this, right?

Angel looked in the direction of Dunn Smith's office. The office was empty and the door was locked.At noon, the captain, Klein, and Frye went to the small town of Ramud in the northwest of Tingen City. A believer of the Evernight Goddess encountered extraordinary power there and was haunted by resentful spirits. They carried a sealed item that could purify the undead. On the scene, solve this incident involving extraordinary power.

Since the town is a full three-hour drive from downtown Tingen, they are expected to spend the night in the town and return the next day.

It's really inconvenient to travel only by horse-drawn carriage...

After expressing regret for Klein who couldn't go home for the night, Angel continued to flip through the newspaper in his hand, and managed to find a curly-haired baboon joke on the entertainment section of "Tingen City Candide".

This is an agreement between her and Vaughan, the current power holder of the "Labor Mutual Aid Association". If the "Wild Bear Gang" agrees to negotiate and divide the territory on the table again, he will publish such a message in the newspaper.

Looks like it's time to get ready to close the net...

Seeing that the target was successfully instigated by her to "perish", Angel could feel the potion in his body being digested a little.

Maybe he didn't have to wait until he submitted the special report of "Mastering the Assassin Potion" before he could completely digest the "Instigator" potion.


Just as Angel was thinking about his future promotion path, there was a knock on the door of the lounge.

"Please come in."

Angel replied, put down the newspaper, and tidied up his clothes.

The door was opened, and a head of unruly black hair squeezed in through the crack of the door. "Midnight Poet" Leonard's green eyes scanned the room, and finally settled on Angel.

"Just you? Where's the captain?"

"He went to the small town of Ramud, and brought Klein and Frye with him. I'm afraid he won't be able to return until tomorrow."

Only then did Leonard fully open the door. He was still wearing the windbreaker as a cloak. When he heard Angel's reply, he thought for a moment with a disappointed face, and nodded as if he had made a decision.

"Then you can also go with me to Park Street in the West District. The police transferred a case that may involve extraordinary power."

What do you mean, I can do it too, as if I'm just a substitute...

After complaining in his heart, Angel obediently got up from the sofa, followed Leonard to leave the Blackthorn Security Company, and boarded the hired carriage to the West District.


The hired carriage is parked at the corner of Park Street, less than 200 meters away from the largest street park in the entire West District. Looking towards the park along the sunset, you can see the lush vegetation and children playing in the park.

"Let me warn you first, the scene may be a little bloody."

Leonard, who got off the carriage first, said with a mysterious expression on his face. He turned his eyes towards the direction of the park and followed his line of sight. Angel found a police carriage parked at the entrance of a three-story building, and two policemen guarded it. At the door, with a serious face and a pistol on his waist, he intimidated the passing people.

"Have you come earlier?"

Seeing how determined he was, Angel asked curiously.

"Of course not. I just received the news, but they would rather stand at the gate than go in. The scene is definitely not very optimistic."

With a smile on his lips, Leonard ruthlessly evaluated the behavior of the police in Tingen City. When he approached the two policemen, he recovered his serious face. He took the inspector's badge out of his pocket and put it on his left chest.

"Gentlemen, I am Inspector Mitchell of the Seventh Unit of the Special Operations Department, and this is Inspector Granger Probationary."

The two policemen standing at the door greeted them as if they had seen a savior.

"Mr. Inspector, thank you for coming to support so quickly. The murder scene is inside. We notified you immediately after discovering the abnormality, and did not disturb the scene."

"Very well, you take us in, and the other one continues to guard the door, and don't let irrelevant people approach."

Leonard skillfully gave the order, the policeman who was ordered to look at the gate stood there with a happy expression on his face, while the other led the two nighthawks into the building with a bitter face.

Behind the gate is not the living room, but a cloakroom, which is luxuriously decorated and full of beauty.In the spacious space, there are shoe cabinets, coat racks, and seats for changing shoes on both sides. The gas lamp on the top illuminates the room brightly.

But the two of them didn't have time to appreciate the furnishings that obviously belonged to a wealthy family.

As soon as he entered the door, a strong smell of blood poured into Angel's nostrils, and there was no visible blood in the cloakroom, and there was no other exit except for the door they entered and the door leading to the hall.

The only possibility is...

The policeman leading the way glanced at the two inspectors before carefully pushing open the copper-clad double wooden door leading to the hall.

The smell of blood was ten times stronger, and Angel couldn't help but tilted his head back.

Even though he had learned about the case in advance, Leonard, who was partially prepared, gasped, but his face wrinkled because he inhaled more bloody smell.

The policeman who pushed open the door and faced the scene had his throat throbbing and he was about to gag. He backed up a few steps until he reached the door on the other side of the cloakroom before standing still.

Behind the double doors is a "murder scene" like a slaughterhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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