Chapter 121
"Angel, does the 'Rose Bishop' you have seen have the ability to kill others like this?"

Leonard turned to Angel and asked.

The latter shook his head: "He did try to use the 'flesh bomb' to self-destruct, but the ability was banned by the sealed item, and then he shattered into a ball of flesh and blood, which is similar to the scene, but I don't know if this ability can be used on other people."

"Then let's assume that this ability can be used on others, at least through some kind of medium." Leonard murmured, "Or he's not just 'Rose Bishop', but a higher sequence of the same path."

"That's Sequence 5. Is it necessary for such a person to rob the house and make troubles all over the city for a little property?"

Angel was curious about this. As a Sequence 5 Extraordinary, there is a safer and more secret way to make money.

"Not just cash and jewels, he took parts of the body."

Old Neil reminded from the side that he had already put the glass bottle used for the ceremony back into the wooden box, leaving only the sketch paper of a thin male with black hair and brown eyes.

"To make money, get more flesh and blood, two things can be done together, and you can even challenge the local Nighthawks, Punishers, and Mechanical Hearts to satisfy your long-suppressed desire - he should be like this Think about it, it’s very similar to the kind of criminals who travel around and commit major crimes repeatedly, they leave after finishing one vote, and don’t have to worry about the influence in the local area, so they are usually unscrupulous and use bad methods.”

Leonard looked at the bloodstains and remains on the ground with a gloomy face, and said in a tone mixed with inexplicable emotions.

"And compared to the murder case in front of us, what the flesh and blood can be used for is more worthy of our attention. In terms of sacrificing evil gods and causing large-scale destruction, the 'Aurora Order' is no worse than the 'Witch Sect'."

Old Neil also nodded in agreement, and then added: "Whether it's Sequence 6 or Sequence 5, it's beyond our capabilities. When Dunn returns from Ramud Town, ask him to send a telegram to the Holy Church to apply for a special operation." Bar."

Special Operations... "Red Gloves"?

Angel thought of the legendary special unit of the Nighthawks, they traveled all over the place to deal with those Extraordinary criminals that the local Nighthawks couldn't deal with, especially the vicious ones.

After Old Neil performed the ceremony, there was nothing worthy of their further investigation at the murder scene. Leonard called the two policemen who were waiting at the door, explained to them what to do at the scene, and told them that if there is another similar incident, Report to Special Operations immediately.

"For a case of this level, 'Mechanical Heart' and 'Punisher' must be notified, so that they are ready for support at any time, and they must also pay attention to their own safety."

Angel and Old Neil found a hired carriage on the side of the road, waiting for Leonard, who said in a low voice.

"This kind of situation is actually rare. Even if it is a Sequence 6 Beyonder, it can be solved if Dunn leads the team and carries a sealed item. But since this time it may involve a higher sequence Beyonder, we must follow the rules Notify them."

But the "Mechanical Heart" in Enmat Port needs the help of the Nighthawks even to capture the defectors, and the Nighthawks also need the support of teams from other cities. It seems that the manpower there is really tight...

Secretly worried about the manpower problem in Enmat Port, Angel boarded the hired carriage.


"Good morning, Roseanne."

Stepping into the reception hall of the Blackthorn Security Company early in the morning, Angel met Miss Roseanne who was tidying up the room.

"Hello, Angel, you seem to be in better spirits than a few days ago."

"It should be because I didn't have a nightmare last night, so I had a good night's sleep..."

She answered with a smile, looking at Luo Shan's youthful, beautiful, optimistic and cheerful face, she suddenly remembered the secret revealed by Old Neil yesterday.

Perhaps it was the right choice not to tell the truth to this innocent and kind girl.

"Here, today's newspaper."

Just as Angel was thinking, Roseanne had already handed over a stack of newspapers that arrived today. It seemed that her actions of searching for secret letters in the newspapers these days had been noticed by the careful Roseanne.

After thanking Angel, he took the newspaper, found the "Tingen Daily", and was satisfied to see the information he wanted on the front page headline.

"Operation Iron Fist - The Tingen City Police made a decisive attack and captured the leader of the gang organization that has been entrenched in the dock area all year round".

It was not in vain that I had been running around at both ends this week, deceiving the "Wild Bear Gang" and the "Labor Mutual Aid Association", and finally let the police take advantage of it and smashed the two major gangs in the dock area.

Looking at the embellished reports in the "Tingen Daily", Angel could clearly feel that most of the potion of the "instigator" in his body had been digested as he wished, and with the previous performances of "instigating" and "persuading" Vaughn and others, perhaps The potion of Sequence 8 is just a step away from completing all the digestion.

What puzzled her was that the leaders of the two gangs were arrested by the police last night during the meeting and mutual calculations. She also watched the whole process in secret, but there was almost no movement in the digestion progress of the potion until today when the news appeared in the newspaper , Sitting on the sofa and enjoying the pleasure of "successful conspiracy", the potion was significantly digested.

Isn't the "instigator" like the "assassin" who not only needs to complete the corresponding performance, but also needs to let others know the result as much as possible?

She secretly wrote down this role-playing rule, maybe not only the "instigator", it may be used in the digestion of potions in the future.

Turning the page, Angel continued to look at other newspaper sections. In this era without the Internet and television, newspapers are almost the only way to know current events. Oh, and maybe Miss Roseanne's gossip.

"Da da-"

Angel, immersed in the morning news of the Loen Kingdom, raised his head, and looked at the gate together with Rosanne who was making the first pot of coffee. The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground gradually approached, and then the gate was pushed open. The poet Leonard entered the reception hall like the wind.

Seeing that there were only two young ladies in the hall, Leonard nodded slightly as a greeting, and sat on the sofa opposite Angel.

"Yesterday's case has progressed..."

He leaned forward and spoke softly.

"Have you found the murderer?"

Angel asked curiously, looking secretly at Luo Shan who was sitting behind the reception desk. The latter was staring at the kettle in the corner in a daze, but looked at the two of them from time to time.

"That's Sequence 6, or even Sequence 5... The arrest warrant has been sent out, and the 'Mechanical Heart' and 'Punisher' have also been notified, but there can be no new news within a day."

"What I want to talk about is the victim. The police have already investigated it. The three members of the Plaque family, their housekeeper, and the servant all died at the scene yesterday. About..." Leonard lowered his voice, "Half amount disappeared."

He didn't say what it was that disappeared, for fear of being overheard by Rosanne who secretly pricked up his ears.

"The most important thing is that all the long-term deposits, stocks, and valuable calligraphy, paintings and antiques of the Prak family have not been touched. Only cash, jewelry, and the bearer bonds that Old Neil saw disappeared."

Stocks and deposits are easy to track, and famous paintings and antiques are not easy to cash out quickly... The murderer only took away cash, jewelry that is easy to sell, and bonds that can be redeemed at any time...

Moreover, he committed crimes with great fanfare, as if he was not afraid of being found by the local official Extraordinary at all.

Angel summed up the clues and thought of a possibility.

"He just came to Tingen from another place, he doesn't plan to stay for too long, and he needs a lot of money urgently?"

"Then do something big."

Leonard added with a sullen face.

(End of this chapter)

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