Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 123 Newcomer to the Tarot Society

Chapter 123 Newcomer to the Tarot Society
Captain Dunn's use of her as a target for "Nightmare" is indeed infuriating, but Angel has more important things to do right now.

Moreover, if Dunn can digest the potion as soon as possible and hope for promotion, what does it matter if he suffers from insomnia for a few days?

After expressing her dissatisfaction cryptically, pointing out that "Nightmare" should change her target, she let her captain go.

As three o'clock in the afternoon approached, Angel greeted Luo Shan, who was fishing at the reception desk, and came to the third floor of the Blackthorn Security Company.

Different from the "lounge" on the second floor which is only equipped with sofas, this is where the nighthawks really rest. There are five single rooms along the street with single beds, tables and chairs, and bathrooms. If the nighthawks don't need You can sleep here when you are guarding the Chanis Gate and need to stay at the station waiting for some reason.

Angel first checked every room to make sure that there was no one on the third floor, and then he chose the room in the farthest corner, and locked the door after entering.

After closing the windows, drawing the curtains, and sealing the entire room with a spiritual wall, Angel was relieved.

Sitting at the table, she took out her pocket watch—the normal one—and glanced at it, realizing that it was less than five minutes before three o'clock in the afternoon.

Several times in the past, after entering the gray mist space and participating in the Tarot Club, Angel, who returned to the real world, would find himself maintaining his original posture, no matter whether he was sitting or standing.

This may be the power of the ceremony that pulled her into the gray mist, otherwise the unconscious body would definitely fall headlong and be in a mess.

But for the sake of comfort, she still tried to wait until three o'clock in a sitting position, and entered the gray fog.

This time, due to scheduling reasons, she couldn't rush home before three o'clock, so she could only temporarily use the lounge on the third floor of the Blackthorn Security Company to build a space isolated by a spiritual wall to prepare for the meeting.

Fortunately, there are only Roseanne and Mrs. Orianna on the second floor. Sika is dozing off in the entertainment room on the second floor. Klein has already gone home to rest. This gave her the time and space to "touch fish".

Withdrawing his thoughts, Angel watched the minute hand of the pocket watch in his hand move towards the hour, and watched the familiar crimson waves gushing out from the palm of his right hand, surrounding him.


The crimson faded, gray mist appeared, and the soft cushion under Angel's body turned into a hard bronze high-back chair, and the sight gradually became clear. The Hanged Man was sitting in front of him as before.

Hey, why is there someone beside him?

A brand new figure appeared on the right side of the Hanged Man, also sitting on a bronze high-back chair. Although the face was shrouded in gray mist and his face could not be seen clearly, he was obviously taller than the Hanged Man who was about the same size as Angel, with broad shoulders and a burly figure , covering almost the entire back of the chair.

If Gray Mist only covered his face and didn't change his figure, he would become the highest member of the Tarot Society... Well, that doesn't include the mysterious "Fool".

Angel looked left and right. On her left, Miss Justice was still sitting in her original position, and on her right was a little farther away from the head of the long table. The "Fool" surrounded by gray mist hung down and pressed the edge of the long table with the other.

Zhengyi also discovered the abnormality in the venue. As an "audience", she tried her best to suppress the body movements caused by surprise, but the sudden stagnation of breathing still exposed her inner shock.

The Hanged Man was even more unbearable. When he noticed that the two ladies on the opposite side were staring at his right side, he immediately turned his head and found the "new member" beside him. He was so frightened that he seemed to want to jump up from the seat , but after the whole person leaned to one side, he stopped his movements abruptly, and became a strange posture that tried to stay away from the other party, but did not dare to leave the seat.

"This gentleman is a new member of the Tarot Club, titled 'Sun'."

The Fool's deep and steady voice came.

"This is Miss 'Queen', Miss 'Justice', and this is Mr. 'The Hanged Man'."

He introduced other old members to the "Sun" in turn.

Sure enough, it's a new member, was it introduced by Justice or the Hanged Man?But they also seemed surprised, not as if they had known about it.

Could it be that the Fool personally "developed" the members?

Angel looked at the burly but somewhat nervous "Sun" beside the Hanged Man, and secretly guessed.

Miss Justice, who was still lively and hospitable, spoke first, and said hello to the other members and the newly joined Mr. Sun, then turned to the Fool, and said with a hint of pride:

"Mr. Fool, I have collected two more pages of Emperor Roselle's diary."

One page was submitted last week, and two more pages this week... Angel suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. Apart from submitting the first two pages of diary, she never made any contribution, although she still had Two pages, but she kept it for the exchange of some important information.

At this time, seeing that Zhengyi took out a new diary, and discussing with the Fool whether to exchange the formula of Sequence 8 "Mind Reader", Angel decided that this week he must spare time to go to the underground market of "Dragon Bar" to buy a few pages of the diary , and then submit the diary at hand to avoid being regarded as passive sabotage by fools.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Mister Fool secretly, and found that the other person happened to turn his head to this side, and his eyes seemed to be direct.

You must be looking at Miss Justice, not me...

Angel retracted his gaze and lowered his head.

"The formula of 'Mind Reader' before 'Psychoanalyst'?"

A newcomer to the Tarot Society, "The Sun" asked suddenly.

Zheng Zheng, who was trying to make a deal with the Fool, looked at him suspiciously: "Yes, do you have the formula?"

"This is the path that originated from the 'Giant Dragon' family. It is a deadly enemy with the Royal Court of Giants and our City of Silver, so I have a way to get the formulas of Sequence 8 and Sequence 7 of this path in the City of Silver."

Mr. Sun replied that his voice was very young, which did not match his tall stature.

The family of giant dragons, the royal court of giants, the city of silver... and what he called "psychoanalyst", which seems to be the ancient title of "psychiatrist"...

The addition of this new member brought a lot of new knowledge to the Tarot Society. At this time, Angel didn't care about worrying about Emperor Roselle's diary, but was busy memorizing these new words in his mind.

The "City of Silver" has never been seen in the atlas inside the church...

She looked at the Hanged Man opposite, and found that the knowledgeable man also showed a thoughtful look, and even the sitting posture that was originally trying to stay away from the "sun" returned to normal.

Mr. Sun didn't seem to notice the actions of the other members, but continued his deal with Miss Justice, trying to exchange the "commitment to obtain the mind reader formula" for the "Singer" formula, which is Sequence 9 of the "Sun" pathway.

Well, it fits his code name very well...

It's a pity that Miss Justice didn't have this potion formula on hand, and her attempt to trade directly with gold pounds was also rejected by the sun.

"I can give Sun a copy of the 'Singer' formula, while Sun gives the 'Mind Reader' formula to Justice, and Justice gives me Roselle's diary."

Just when the transaction was at a stalemate, Mister Fool proposed a three-party transaction.

Since the value of the formula of Sequence 8 is higher than that of Sequence 9, Mr. Sun will suffer a loss in this transaction. The Fool promised to replace Miss Justice to give him part of the compensation, and Miss Justice needs to compensate this part of the difference to one of his loved ones through money.

"He happened to be doing some business in the Kingdom of Loen recently, and needed some funds for activities, and Mister Sun might not be able to receive compensation from Miss Justice."

The Fool explained calmly.

For an existence as strong as a god, his favored person must be at least a high-sequence. What kind of path would it be...

Angel guessed, watching the three parties reach a deal, a roll of parchment appeared in front of Mr. Sun, and the two-page diary embodying Miss Justice also appeared in front of the Fool.

"You can talk freely without waiting for me."

After saying this sentence, the Fool stopped speaking and stopped moving.

The four members, including the newcomer Mr. Sun, did not dare to speak, and waited quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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