Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 125 Playing in Advance

Chapter 125 Playing in Advance
"Sounds really powerful..."

Angel seemed to be able to see Miss Justice's eyes shining through the gray fog.

"Then this 'squirming hunger', I mean 'shepherd', which avenue does it belong to?"

Perhaps remembering that the "squirming hunger" would devour a living person every other day, Justice finally woke up from his envy and continued to ask the sun.

"It belongs to Sequence 5 of 'Secret Praying Man'."

Before the sun could speak, Mister Fool at the head of the long table replied.

The Sequence 5 of the Mystic Prayer... So "Bishop Rose" is followed by "Shepherd"?

First manipulate the flesh and blood, and then manipulate the soul and the ability possessed by the soul... Although the names are not related, the function of the ability is quite reasonable.

Secretly wrote down this important information, and Angel was going to tell Dunn Smith about it the next day.

After all, there is still such a member of the "Aurora Society" hidden in Tingen City, and there is likely to be a Sequence 5!If you don't know his extraordinary ability in advance, once you meet him, you will suffer a big loss.

Looking at Mister Fool who was silent again after a brief speech, Angel once again praised and appreciated his guidance in his heart.

The Hanged Man was also attracted by the Fool's point. He turned his eyes to the mysterious Fool and asked respectfully:
"Mr. Fool, can your favored one provide assistance at the critical moment of capturing Qilingos? I think I can pay the price you are interested in."

The gray fog space fell into silence again, and even Mr. Sun looked at the Fool, expecting how he would respond.

"The premise is that he was near Backlund at the time, and he would give priority to completing my mission."


The Hanged Man bowed his head and replied, not continuing this topic.


The crimson light appeared and disappeared, and Angel returned to the single room surrounded by spiritual walls, and returned to the third floor of the Blackthorn Security Company.

Seeing that the pocket watch in his hand only reached 03:30, Angel realized that the time of this Tarot meeting was shorter than the previous ones.

Perhaps because of the increase in numbers?Or maybe the Fool has other arrangements?
Angel didn't dare to think about it, she was going to record the information about the "Shepherd" and submit it to the Nighthawks as soon as possible.

But the next moment, the spirituality in the body surged, and it seemed that something quickly dissolved and spread to the whole body, and there was a "pop" in my mind, as if it was the sound of a glass container breaking.

This familiar yet unfamiliar feeling made Angel quickly think of the only possibility:
The "Instigator" potion in her body has been digested.

But before I read from the newspaper that the "Wild Bear Gang" and the "Labor Mutual Aid Association" were instigated to harm each other, and when they were finally caught up by the police, the digestion of the potion was still far behind...

Even with Cole's "acting experience", she didn't think she could just sit and do nothing and digest the rest of the potion.


Angel remembered that at the Tarot Club just now, when he was complacent about "influencing the kingdom's system reform with language", he seemed to have a sense of joy similar to "instigating success", but it may be the influence and suppression of the gray fog space. There was no sign of potion digestion.

Could it be that my behavior before I became an "instigator" can also promote the digestion of the current potion?
After thinking about it, she felt that this possibility was even more likely.

After all, the performance of "Cole Granger" can affect "Angel Granger" who took the potion later, so why can't the performance before becoming the instigator affect the current self?
According to the theory of "acting method", in order to master the power of potion and eliminate the influence of potion, one needs to conform to the "role" represented by the name of potion in one's own behavior, and sum up the corresponding rules. Avoid being affected by the spirit left by the potion and losing control.

And the "instigating" behavior I carried out in the "Assassin" stage unintentionally complied with the code of conduct for the next sequence, which may be regarded as a kind of...

"Advance play?"

Angel muttered to himself.

Going to the extreme, if the residual mental influence of the potion is regarded as a "poison", the "acting method" is equivalent to the antidote for this poison, and "acting in advance" means taking the corresponding antidote in advance, waiting for the Extraordinary Taking "poison" can directly relieve this part of the toxicity.

But Mrs. Sharon's teaching to Cole did not contain this part. The classics in the church... No, not to mention "pre-enactment" in the Evernight Goddess Church, there is not even any record of the "enactment method" itself...

Regardless of why the "acting method" is kept secret within the church, as far as the role of the "instigator" needs to "influence others through language, cause harm, and let as many people as possible know", it is necessary for the kingdom to implement the reform of the affairs officer. Comply with the rules of play.

And the potion that has been digested in the body is the clearest proof.

Slowly clenching her right hand, Angel felt that she had further mastered the extraordinary ability of the "instigator". Now she can not only persuade and guide others more skillfully, but also accurately perceive the negative emotions in the other party's heart, without even opening her mouth, with one movement , One look can detonate the greed and desire of others.

These abilities can even be used directly in battle...

Recalling the process of fighting the "Happy Witch" when he was tracking the altar of curses, the other party could interfere with him with a few words, and even distracted himself to go back and check the situation of his teammates...

Perhaps this is how "abet" is used in combat.

After finishing the summary on "The Instigator", Angel withdrew his chaotic thoughts and turned his gaze to the blank paper in front of him.

This is her habit in every Tarot meeting. She prepares blank paper and pens in advance. Once she hears important news in the gray fog space, she will record it as soon as she returns to reality.

"Secret Prayer's Sequence 5", "Shepherd", "Able to herd multiple Extraordinary souls, with various abilities"...

Angel copied some key information on paper that did not involve the secrets of himself and the Tarot Society, and planned to tell his captain as soon as possible.

Even if the "Red Gloves" were about to come to Tingen to participate in the arrest of this member of the "Aurora Order", facing a Sequence 5 Beyonder would still be a very dangerous thing.

Only by knowing more about his abilities and making corresponding countermeasures can the chances of success be increased.

After doing all this, Angel took the recording paper, untied the spiritual wall surrounding the room, and walked out the door.


Tingen City, Jinwutong District.

A detached villa standing in the garden and lawn, surrounded by fountains and stables.

Councilor Maynard with short blond hair finished his bath and returned to the bedroom in a bathrobe.

The long-haired gray-haired woman who had fought with him just now was still sitting on the chair beside the bed, wearing the senator's own ill-fitting shirt, looking out the window at the crimson moon.

"Do you need to stay here tonight?"

He seemed to be asking intimately, but there was no intention of holding back in his azure eyes.

"I'll leave after taking a shower. Your wife can't catch the evidence at this juncture."

The woman lowered her head and looked back. The backlit half of her cheek was blurred, but the curves outlined by her forehead, bridge of nose, and thin lips made Maynard's flame that had just subsided rise again.

"You know, she won't be back from Backlund until next week, so you can stay here for a few days."

He swallowed and changed his mind.

"No, I'll be back this weekend."

The gray-haired woman seemed to know how to provoke Maynard's heart. She wore an ill-fitting shirt and walked barefoot beside the congressman, leaving behind a string of delicate fragrance that made people's thoughts float.

"By the way, your Excellency," the woman turned her head when she reached the door, and said as if remembering something: "The thing I talked to you last time will be published in the newspaper within three days. , I hope you can keep your promise and take the contract of Jiexin Park in the North District..."

"The premise is that your hands and feet are clean and you cannot leave any evidence."

When it came to business, Maynard's face became serious, and his tone returned to seriousness.

"Of course--"

Leaving a long trail behind, the gray-haired woman smiled and disappeared behind the door.

(End of this chapter)

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