Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 133 Ms. D

Chapter 133 Ms. D
Declaring hand?

Angel immediately remembered the sealed item possessed by the Enmat Port team, but then realized that it must be the extraordinary ability possessed by a similar sequence. After being herded by the "shepherd" Ms. D, it became one of her abilities.

Trying to pull the trigger under the prohibition, and found that the hammer hit the primer and could not fire the bullet at all. Angel gave up the plan of long-range attack. She put "thirsty blood" back into the holster, took out the dagger at her waist, and pressed the button with her left hand. Moved the "magic pocket watch".


She fixed her eyes on the carpet in front of Ms. D, on which there was still a trace of open flames due to the liquid flames dripping from the flame spear.


With a flash in front of her eyes, she had crossed the space and appeared in front of Ms. D, and the dagger was drawn out like lightning.

The "Shepherd" who had just issued the ban obviously didn't expect the intruder to have such mobility. Her beautiful blue eyes widened, her pupils shrank, and she took a small step back.


The sharp dagger slashed across Ms. D's neck, creating a not-so-deep wound that brought out a string of bright red blood beads.

It was within Angel's expectation that the single blow did not cause fatal damage. Besides, even a general concept of fatal damage may not cause much trouble to the mid-sequence Extraordinary of the Secret Praying Path. Just now, Dunn hit Ms. D twice in the chest. Bleed again and start healing fast.

She even wiped the blood on her neck indifferently, and stretched out her bloody right hand to grab Angel.

Blood... is it some kind of special attack?
Angel didn't bother to continue attacking, but stepped back.

"Keep attacking!"

Dunn's voice sounded behind her, his eyes were slightly closed, and his gloved right hand pressed his temple.

At the same time, Ms. D's blue eyes lost their luster and her eyelids drooped as she rushed forward, as if she was about to fall asleep standing up in this brightly lit hall.

By the way, even if Soest was deceived by Ms. D and stayed outside without joining the battle, there are other "nightmare" here!

Angel's right hand holding the dagger retracted, and his left hand rested on the end of the dagger. His legs, waist, and shoulders exerted force together, transferring the whole body's strength to his hands, and launched the assassin's "charged blow".

The dagger drew an afterimage and stabbed straight at the sleepy Ms. D's chest.

There was a tooth-piercing rubbing sound, the steel dagger did not penetrate the opponent's plump chest as expected, but was blocked by a piece of silver armor that appeared at an unknown time, and continued forward less than an inch with difficulty, It stopped in the friction.

Not only the upper body, but Ms. D's whole body is instantly covered under a delicate and retro silver armor. The helmet, crown, breastplate, skirt armor, hand guards, and leg guards are self-contained, making this "shepherd" instantly become a A tall, imposing armored warrior was covered, his whole body was covered by silver metal that seemed heavy but did not affect his movement at all, and only his eyes stared at Angel in front of him through a horizontal opening in a helmet.

"It's the 'Warrior' approach, be careful!"

"Nightmare" Henry yelled to remind his teammates that he and Dunn cooperated to activate the ability just now and almost pulled Ms. D of Sequence 5 into a dream. Holding a revolver and aiming frequently, but unable to attack because of Angel's blocking.

By the way, she switched her soul again...

Angel's heart moved, he gave up the dagger that had been stuck on the silver-white armor, and took out "thirsty blood" from the holster around his waist.

Since the abilities of various souls cannot take effect at the same time, it should be possible now...


Before she had time to raise her gun, a two-handed giant sword with a length of more than 1.5 meters, which seemed to be condensed with golden light, was formed in the hands of Ms. D. She held the sword lightly with one hand, stepped forward with one leg, and swept over with a sword, aiming at Angel. neck.

Angel lowered his upper body, raised his legs quickly, left the ground in a jumping posture, and kicked the heavily armored Ms. D in the abdomen, and quickly left the attack range of the two-handed giant sword by virtue of the reaction force.

She could even see the light sweeping past her, and feel the scorching wind blowing across her face.

Even with a paper doll as a substitute as a last resort, this dangerous and dangerous sword made her break out in a cold sweat.


The sweeping sword missed, and Ms. D held the sword with both hands instead, and strode forward a few steps after Angel, holding up the radiant giant sword, and was about to strike down with it.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Dunn and the others who were still scattered around the door fired one after another. The demon hunting bullets wiped out sparks on the silver-white armor, creating cracks. Dunn's gun was loaded with the "storm" provided by Angel. Convergence", a shot hit the spider web-like crack that had been pierced by the dagger, and the blue light burst out, knocking off a whole piece of silver-white armor.

Angel also took the opportunity to roll back, continue to distance himself, then held up the "thirsty blood", aimed at the gap in the armor created by Dunn, and fired a bullet with black flames.


The moment the bullet was fired, Ms. D held the huge sword with both hands in the silver-white gauntlet, and inserted it vertically into the hall floor, blocking the black flame bullet. The light from the sword body and the black flame swallowed each other, annihilated, and became invisible.

At the same time, more golden light burst out like a hurricane-like airflow, and pieces of light like the morning light poured out, sweeping the entire hall with the hurricane.

Without hesitation, Angel used the flame jump, left the ground, and appeared next to the chandelier above his head.

When she grabbed onto the huge chandelier with one hand and cast her gaze downward, she realized that the entire hall had changed in size in the hurricane created by the giant sword.

The expensive handmade carpet has been torn into several pieces, piled up in various corners, exposing the marble floor underneath, and these hard stones have also pulled out spider web-like cracks centered on the armored warrior.

Several Nighthawks at the gate were also staggering in the strong wind, but it seemed that their lives were not in danger for the time being.

The maker of the hurricane, Ms. D wearing heavy armor, is also having a hard time at this time. The range attack just like a bomb explosion did her a lot of damage. The lower half of the silver-white armor has disappeared, revealing the torn robe The hem, and the legs that were originally fair, but now covered with bloodstains.

Seeing that the armor blocking the attack was damaged, Angel raised his pistol, aimed at the opponent's bare legs, and fired all the remaining four bullets in the magazine. The black flame bullets roared towards the "shepherd", hitting Her unprotected legs brought out a bunch of blood flowers, which ignited a black flame.


Another group of golden flames also collided with the silver-white armor. It was Lares who had stolen the ability to control the flames. The flame spear was thrown quickly, hitting the tattered armored warrior.

Different from Angel's expectation of rolling around on the ground after being dyed in flames, Ms. D removed the armor with different colors of flames on her body and looked up at Angel in the sky, with blazing fighting spirit in her blue eyes.

As the armor disappeared, the dagger stuck on the breastplate fell to the marble floor with a crisp sound, accompanied by Ms. D's law order again.

"Fire burning is prohibited here!"

The dark golden light flashed, and the black flame on her body and the burning gas in the chandelier were extinguished at the same time.

The hall fell into darkness again, and Ms. D, who had extinguished the flames on her body, also quietly merged into the shadows and disappeared from the hall.

She changed her grazing soul again... So now she only has the "ban" ability and the ability originating from her own path...

Angel has discovered the weakness of the "shepherd" during the battle. Ms. D can only choose one soul that she shepherds at a time, and use the several abilities attached to this unlucky Extraordinary soul, which makes it possible to cooperate with each other to achieve more The abilities with strong effects are separated from each other, which looks dazzling, but in fact it is not very lethal.

"Be careful, she is in the shadows now, everyone gather and protect Lares!"

Angel was condescending, reminding his teammates on the ground to protect the "psychic" who has no night vision ability.

She herself reloaded the "thirsty blood" bullet in a leisurely manner, landed slowly under the influence of the "lightness" ability, and looked for Ms. D's trace with her eyes re-adapted to the darkness.

The moment the lights went out, she disappeared, probably using the ability to sneak into the shadows... Was she preparing for a sneak attack, or was she running away?

Angel landed on both feet, raised her gun and looked around vigilantly. The position where she landed was exactly where the "armored warrior" held the giant sword and exploded with the force of the hurricane. At this time, only the cracked marble floor and her steel sword were left on the ground. dagger.

As soon as he bent down to pick up the dagger, Angel found a shadow on the ground that was different from the environment, quickly drifting towards the gate.

She was going to escape... No!
"Be careful, she's coming towards you!"

Angel shouted, "Thirsty Blood" fired continuously, infusing spirituality into it, and shot out a series of black flame bullets.

But the moment the bullet was ejected from the chamber, the black flame was extinguished under the effect of the "prohibition" that was still in effect, leaving only the bullet with enhanced lethality, which hit the marble floor and stirred up pieces of gravel, but it didn't care about the shadow hidden inside. No effect.

Dunn pressed his temples tightly, his eyes were sharp, and an invisible ripple flashed across the shadows on the ground.

Henry also clenched his fists, ready to meet Ms. D who jumped out of the shadows.


The door of the villa was pushed open from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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