Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 136 Lanvus

Chapter 136 Lanvus
In the southern suburbs of Tingen City, the Tussock River.

The dark clouds covering the city of Tingen have gradually dissipated, and the crimson moon revealed its face, casting crimson moonlight on the endlessly flowing river.

A figure loomed in and out of the surf, naked but covered with glistening scales, like a graceful mermaid, swimming down the stream.

She seemed to be naturally suitable for moving in water. Even with only one left hand left, it was enough to control the direction in the turbulent river. With flexible lower limbs swinging, she swam forward at an extremely fast speed and gradually moved away from Tingen City.

While swimming, she whispered something, as if talking to herself, and as if communicating with some distant existence.

"Yes, they really came to the door. Their strength is stronger than I expected, and they used several magical items, but I have successfully escaped. Gabriel sacrificed to cover me."

She listened attentively, nodded, and continued.

"...I will be able to reach Backlund before dawn, and I will stay with Mr. A for a while... It doesn't matter, I have herded 'Astrologers', which can interfere with divination, but they should know that I left Tingen, search The target will also be placed in the surrounding cities, or even Backlund, you are safe for the time being, and you will continue to implement the follow-up plan."

"Heh, I didn't kill her, but even if I wanted to, it would be very difficult. Does she really only have Sequence Nine?"

The woman slowed down her hands and feet moving the river, raised her head and emerged from the water. There seemed to be scales hidden under her skin, and her expression was somewhat obscure, but she could still be seen as Ms. D who had just escaped from the northern district of Tingen City.

"...I see, you should also be careful, don't let your guard down on those two people, they must have their own plans."

After saying this, Ms. D turned her head and looked at the city of Tingen looming under the night.


"The last time I saw Old Neil was two years ago, and he hasn't retired yet?"

In the reception hall of the Blackthorn Security Company with the door locked and the curtains closed, three tired Nighthawks sat down respectively, discussing tonight's battle over cold coffee.

"It's coming soon. He said that when Klein has learned all his ritual magic, he will apply for retirement."

Dunn replied that his windbreaker was hanging on the coat rack at the door, revealing his shirt and black vest. After a short rest, this "Nightmare" had already lost some of his fatigue.

Soster nodded, picked up the coffee cup with his red-gloved right hand, and drank the whole cup of coffee like drinking water. His left hand was still swollen and rested weakly on his knee. Angel guessed that this might be the Negative effect of a silver ring.

Henry and Lares, who were seriously injured, had been sent to the alchemy room underground, and Old Neil was healing them through the ritual magic he had prepared.

In order to take care of Angel who fell into a state of "fear of fire", all the gas lamps in the hall were extinguished at the moment. Fortunately, the three people present had night vision capabilities, and their conversation would not be affected even if the room was dark.

The only exception is Klein who has been on standby all the time. Not only is he unable to move an inch in the dark, but he also needs to use ritual candles for the divination that needs to be connected.

So he offered to do the divination in the lounge next door to avoid other people's influence on the divination, and also to avoid frightening Angel with his candle.


Using the need to light candles as an excuse, after leaving the hall and coming to the lounge, Klein carefully locked the door, used a ritual dagger to build a spiritual wall to seal the entire lounge, and then walked to the sofa in the center of the lounge.

Just now, when the four nighthawks carried an unconscious teammate back to the Blackthorn Security Company, his heart was in his throat. Fortunately, after seeing clearly, he found that neither his captain nor Angel was injured, and only "Red" was lying down. Gloves" team member.

Although he knew that this kind of mentality was unhealthy, if there must be a victim, he didn't want it to be his teammate.

Just last week, at the docks, he witnessed a member of The Punisher lose control, transform into a scaled monster, and die at the hands of the other Punishers, his former teammates.

After feeling the sadness of those punishers, he couldn't imagine how he would react when this happened to his teammates who got along day and night.

Eliminating the complicated thoughts in his mind, Klein sat on the sofa, untied the gold chain on his left wrist, held it, and let the purple crystal pendant hang above the table, gradually stopping shaking.

Seeing this purple crystal shining brightly under the light, his depressed mood gradually recovered, then he closed his eyes, entered a state of meditation, and muttered:

"Ms. D is still in Tingen."

After reciting the divination content seven times, he opened his eyes and saw, as expected, that the pendulum was in a disturbed random shaking state.

"Sure enough, there is interference. Fortunately, I have already guessed that I came here in advance to do divination alone."

Klein murmured without any hesitation, quickly put away the pendant, and stood up.

He glanced at the locked door, and slowly walked four steps counterclockwise on the carpet, following the incantation he had memorized, he came to the gray fog space belonging to "The Fool".

After many experiments, Klein has understood that this gray mist space has a special function, which can greatly enhance his divination ability, and even isolate the gaze caused by divination of high-level existence.

"The details of the battle between the Nighthawks and Ms. D tonight."

He manifested the parchment with the divination content written on it, held the paper and read it silently seven times, then leaned back in his chair and entered the "dream".

An illusory, off-white mist enveloped him, and as the mist dispersed, a penetrating hall of a luxury villa appeared in front of him.

He saw Ms. D, who appeared under the statue of the "True Creator", wearing a black robe and a beautiful face.

He saw the Nighthawks who tried to sneak attack but were ambushed, dodging flame spears in embarrassment.

Seeing the continuously changing grazing soul, the "shepherd" in silver armor instantly appeared on his body, holding a giant sword with two hands and slashing at Angel.

As well as the scattered light and furniture blown by the hurricane, the spirit creatures expelled by the "ban", the armored warriors controlled by the "nightmare", and the nighthawks who were blown away by the black-haired man who jumped out of the shadows.

Pushing Dunn away, Angel turned into a broken paper figurine in the explosion.

Finally, there is Ms. D who walks through the wall with a strange smile.

Even though he already knew that the parties had returned to the station intact, Klein still sucked in a breath of cold air as he was sitting outside the door chatting.

"It's no wonder the captain didn't let me take part in the operation. This is indeed not the place for a 'seer' like me..."

Exit the dream divination, Klein muttered to himself.

After obtaining enough information through dream divination, he once again manifested a new parchment, which read:

"Ms. D is still in Tingen."

Using the amethyst pendant that entered the gray fog space with him to cast the "spiritual pendulum method", Klein got the answer through the counterclockwise rotation of the pendulum.

"So, she has indeed left Tingen City...'Red Gloves' captain Soest's guess is correct."

Knowing that this Sequence 5 "shepherd" had left Tingen City, Klein breathed a sigh of relief.

If the envoy of the "Aurora Society" is still hiding in Tingen, after seeing her methods, Klein might not feel at ease even eating and sleeping.

Just as he was about to leave the gray fog space and tell the good news to everyone waiting in the hall, Klein stopped his movements with a thought.

He recalled the few words Ms. D said before leaving through the wall in the dream divination.

"As he said? You will see?"

This made him feel very uncomfortable, as if he had missed some important clue.

"Just two more minutes..."

Klein manifested a parchment with new divination content written on it.

"People who had contact with Ms. D in Tingen."

Only Tingen City is limited, because after I "crossed", I have never been far away from this city at all, and I lack information about other areas.If the divination is elsewhere and the content is enlarged to the "Kingdom of Loen", the divination will most likely fail due to lack of information.

Re-entering meditation, Klein saw faces flashing by in his dream, most of them were shrouded in hazy mist, which was caused by the lack of divination information, while others, he had never seen at all ——Not including Ms. D's "Aurora Society" subordinate, he had already died in tonight's battle.

Trying to remember the faces that he could see clearly, Klein suddenly found a familiar person among them.

Because he had seen this person on the arrest warrant, had contact with his "family" many times, and even tried to find the trace of the other party through divination.


He read out the name of the fraudster who stole tens of thousands of pounds, and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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