Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 141 Leonard's doubts

Chapter 141 Leonard's doubts
After watching Klein enter the civilian office nearby, Angel also returned to the reception hall.

Luo Shan had just finished boiling the water and was making coffee. When she saw Angel sitting on the sofa, she came over with two cups of coffee with a smile on her face and sat down beside her.

"Angel, you and Klein went to the captain's office just now, what's the matter?"

Luo Shan handed over a cup of coffee as a bribe, her eyes were burning with gossip, and she deliberately lowered her voice and asked.

"If it involves a secret that I can't touch, it doesn't matter."

She hastily added another sentence.

Angel thought about it, and the special application is not a secret. After the inspectors arrive, the entire Tingen team will definitely know about it. The promotion of the two cannot be hidden from these civilian staff, so there is no secret. hide.

"What? Klein took the potion after joining the Nighthawks and became an Extraordinary... How come you will be promoted in less than two months? And even you..."

As Angel expected, Roseanne was so surprised when she heard the news that she almost couldn't hold her coffee.

"He summed up a set of ways to quickly master the power of potions, which he learned from Ms. Daly." After taking the coffee cup held by Rosanne who was in a hurry, and putting it on the tea table, Angel continued, "I compare He became an Extraordinary earlier, and now it's time for promotion."

"Even so, it's too fast..."

Rosean accepted Angel's words, but was still a little shocked.

"You have to know that Old Neil has become an Extraordinary and the 'Secret Peeper' of Sequence 9 for so many years, but he has never been promoted. And Frye and the others...only Leonard, he seems to have some opinions of his own, compared to other people……"

She muttered to herself, and when she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that her words were a little impolite to other team members, so she swallowed the last few words back into her stomach.

Angel is planning to pave the way for the use of the "acting method" so that she can reveal it to others later. Seeing how "cooperative" Rosanne is, she continued to say:
"They may be missing some key insights, um, or 'enlightenment'. After we submit the special report, we can just talk to other people, and it may be helpful to them."

"It will definitely!" Roseanne also said excitedly, "It's not long before Keenli became an Extraordinary, maybe he can be promoted as quickly as you. It's a pity that Old Neil...he is about to retire, and his health has been a little poor recently ..."

At the end, she sighed.

When an extraordinary person takes a potion and is promoted, it not only depends on the degree of digestion of the potion, but also has high requirements on physical and mental stability. When you reach a certain age, even if you know how to act and can completely digest the potion, you should not take risks. Got promoted...

Angel also silently felt sorry for Old Neil, but she quickly recovered and discussed the news in the newspaper and the rumors in the streets with Rosanne.

"Did you hear that? Harry, the former deputy mayor who replaced Mayor Dennis who resigned before, resigned due to a bribery scandal. He was originally acting as a substitute, and now Tingen City is completely left alone..."

Roshan talked about the news in the "Tingen Daily" a few days ago. It was reported that due to the impact of this incident, the Tingen mayoral election originally scheduled for next year will be moved forward to October this year, and the acting mayor Harry due to this incident The scandal has made it impossible to run, causing many hopeless candidates to start making moves.

Recently, there have been a lot of customized news in newspapers that can be seen at a glance as campaign advertisements, crowding out a lot of normal news.

For example, this one that Roseanne was reading:
"Councillor Maynard, who is also the biggest supporter of the new party in Tingen, announced that he will run for the mayoral election in October. He took the lead in organizing the renovation of the street park on Moon Street in the North District and will give a speech when the new park is completed .”

"It was said to be a renovation, but the original park was already good. Now they have made it full of mud and gravel. When it rains, the sewage will flow across the park. When passing by, you will be covered in mud."

Putting down the Tingen Candide, Rosanne complained with her mouth puffed up.

"Indeed, the section from Red Moon Street to Zotland Street has been impossible to walk in the past half month. I haven't gone there for a long time, and even the number of times I go to St. Selina Church to worship has decreased."

Leonard's somewhat frivolous words came from behind Angel. This "Midnight Poet" had just finished his night shift at Chanis Gate, but he hadn't gone home to rest yet. A word broke in between the lady's chat.

"Then you are a true believer."

Angel commented unceremoniously that the Nighthawks could use the underground passage to go to the church, but he gave up because the road in the middle of the street was being renovated and the road was not easy to walk?

"The Goddess testifies to my piety. It doesn't depend on the number of worships, but on real actions."

Leonard cheekily drew the crimson moon on his chest, then walked around the sofa to the other side of the coffee table, sat down and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Hiss—where's Klein? I heard your voices in the lounge just now." After drinking half a cup of coffee, the "Midnight Poet" who opened his mouth to inhale because he was scalded asked.

"I'm writing a special application. He and I are preparing to be promoted to Sequence Eight."

Angel replied.

"What...cough, cough cough..."

Leonard choked on the coffee, coughed violently, and took a few breaths before calming down.

"It was digested so quickly..."

He blurted out, his emerald green eyes widened immediately, and retracted the second half of the sentence.

"Hmm, I'm done digesting."

With a smile on the corner of Angel's mouth, he looked at the "Midnight Poet" who had slipped his tongue, and the latter looked back at her pretending to be innocent.

I heard that this Nighthawk was promoted to Sequence 8 just two years after becoming the "Sleepless One". He was stuck in the age limit that did not require special application. In addition, he had been "open and honest" with himself and Klein. Angel once suspected that he was also familiar with " Acting method", just pretending to be promoted slowly to avoid being suspected by the church.

The word "digestion" was said intentionally or unintentionally at this moment, which made her confirm this point even more.

When the two of them stared at Roxanne in confusion, Klein walked out from behind the partition with a two-page application. Seeing that Leonard was there, he nodded politely and said hello, and then handed over the application that belonged to Angel. The special application was submitted.

"See if it needs to be modified. If there is no problem, I will hand it over to the captain."

Angel took the application and quickly looked through it, and found that Klein had, as they had agreed before, attributed the accidental discovery of the acting method to Ms. Dai Li's deeds. Afterwards, the two communicated with each other, verified the effectiveness of the method, and in the near future Master the potion and prepare yourself for promotion.

Well, the details are appropriate, did not disclose the content that should not be disclosed, and there are some literary talents in it... It is much better than the "Midnight Poet" who can only copy poems, but he may be biting the bullet and copying for the sake of acting. Yes, you can't blame him...

Slandering Leonard, Angel returned the special application to Klein.

"That's it, I will go with you to submit the application to the captain."


Looking at the backs of the two of them, the smile on Leonard's face quickly faded. He stood up and came to the window, avoiding Roshan's eyes, as if he was watching the street scene in the distance.

"...They are so anxious to be promoted, shouldn't I also..."

He murmured, shaking his ears, as if he was listening.

(End of this chapter)

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