Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 146 3 Questions

Chapter 146 Three Questions
Sure enough, he already knew that I had become an "instigator"!

Angel's chest tightened at first, and then she felt a sense of relief—from Daly's reaction, she guessed that after the examiner, Crestai Sesima, might know that she had been promoted to Sequence 8, she had been a little worried, and now another boot When she fell to the ground, her hanging heart was relieved.

Anyway, we have come to this point...

"In Enmat Port, when I was supporting the Nighthawks team over there, I took the potion and became the instigator. Earlier, by summarizing the 'Assassin' rules, I felt that I had completely mastered the potion."

Angel answered truthfully, but was careful not to reveal that he was already familiar with the "acting method".

"Emmat Port...the time when the 'Witch Sect' and the 'Aurora Order' were tracking human trafficking cases...I see."

Crestel nodded, paused for a moment, and asked the second question:

"Where did your 'Instigator' potion formula and main ingredients come from?"


Since Dunn Smith broke into No. 6 Daffodil Street at night and interrogated Angel in a dream, she faced this situation of "having to tell the truth" again.

She didn't answer immediately, she was writing the manuscript in her heart, and Krestai didn't urge her, but put her hand on the silver-white metal box on her lap, and rhythmically tapped the box lid with her index finger, making a crisp knocking sound .

"The formula for the potion comes from Cole Granger, and he got it from Mrs. Sharon... Well, you know Cole, right?" Angel said slowly, after getting an affirmative answer from Crestel Only then continued to answer, "The main material was purchased in the underground market in Enmat Port."

She interpreted the acquisition of "Extraordinary characteristics" as the purchase of the main material of potion, this is not lying, nor is she concealing the facts.

"Purchased... As far as I know, the main ingredients of potions for Sequence 8 usually cost more than 600 pounds. How did you... Wait, this is not the third question."

Crestel seemed to be talking to himself, and suddenly became alert at the end, so he didn't waste the third opportunity to ask questions.He raised his shoulders slightly, making the collar of the windbreaker stand up even higher, almost covering half of his face.

If you ask, I'll answer right away, anyway, I don't steal or rob...

A smile appeared on Angel's lips, and he immediately tightened his facial muscles, lowered the corners of his mouth, and made a serious expression.

"Cough...then, here's the last question." The senior deacon, who covered the lower half of his face with his collar, said seriously, "Did you hurt innocent people during the stage of mastering the assassin's potion?"


Before Crestai finished speaking, Angel answered directly without any hesitation.

The dark green eyes stared at Angel, and Crestel was silent for a while, until the former blinked nervously, then he relaxed his whole body, and said as if he was relieved:
"It seems that you are telling the truth."

"What if I lied?" Angel asked curiously, "What kind of punishment will I receive if I violate the oath I just made?"

"You wouldn't want to know."

Crestel said pretending to be mysterious.

I really want to know!But you didn’t say it, and neither did Ms. Dai Li…

Angel opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't blurt out.

Perhaps seeing the changing expression on her face, Crestel's facial muscles twitched again, revealing an incomplete smile under the cover of his collar. Then he stood up with the silver metal box and walked to the long man who was dragged to the corner. At the table, with his back to Angel, he opened the lid of the box.

From his side, one could see the pure white light from the bone sword.

After a while, Crestel closed the metal box and took down the iron pot, pure water vessels, and various auxiliary materials from the alchemy equipment table.

Angel stared blankly at the senior deacon. Without the main ingredients of the potion, he picked up several kinds of plant juices and flower powders, and put them into the iron pot together with pure water.

Finally, with a "crash", the result of mixing these together into an unknown liquid was poured into the sewer.

"Congratulations, Nighthawk Angel Granger, you have successfully passed the test of the Sanctuary, now please take the potion and become a Sequence 8 Extraordinary."

Putting down the iron pot, Crestai turned around and solemnly announced to Angel.

"Thank...thank you?"

Angel looked at the senior deacon, and then at the "King's Potion" in the iron pot.

Could he be...endorsing me to prove to other Tingen Nighthawks that I had become an "instigator" under his watch?
As Daly said?

After thinking about this, Angel stood up from the high-backed chair, faced the "Sword of the Goddess", solemnly drew the crimson moon on his chest, and said:

"Praise the goddess, and thank you, Your Excellency Sesima, I have been successfully promoted."

"Praise the goddess!" The latter nodded slightly, "There is still a little time, if you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Why should the "acting method" be concealed, what is the punishment for breaking the oath, how did the church know that she had been promoted to "instigator"... Countless questions appeared in Angel's mind, but she knew that most of them could not be answered here. , in the end, I chose one of them carefully.

"The three questions that I swore to answer just now, are all the nighthawks who have to answer when they pass the examination?"

"Of course not, that only belongs to you," Crestel carried the silver metal box back to the high-backed chair, put the box by his feet, and continued, "I've heard about you when I was in the church, Joining the "Assassin" of the Nighthawks, when you submitted the special application, there was quite a lot of opposition within the church. Some people thought that playing the role of the "witch" path would cause great harm to the church and the entire society, and they thought it would keep you in the sequence 9 is enough."

Angel's eyes widened. She didn't expect such a complicated situation behind her promotion.

"But for a certain reason, and also out of my own will, the Holy Church finally asked me to examine you, adding those three questions to the regular procedure."

"Congratulations, you passed the test."

The entire alchemy room fell into a long silence.

It took an unknown amount of time before Angel realized that the other party was waiting for him to continue asking questions.

"Then, the 'acting' you mentioned just now, and the 'acting method' in the oath...does it refer to the kind of experience we have summed up to quickly master potions?"

As if he didn't expect the second question to be so simple, Crestel was taken aback for a moment before answering: "That's right, it was discovered and summed up by generations of geniuses in the church. It can not only avoid losing control, but also quickly master the potion." Methods."

"By deconstructing the name of the potion, knowing its key rules, and 'playing' as such a person, you can minimize the risk of losing control. And using the 'acting method', your control over the potion is like It's like 'digesting' food, and when it's completely digested and the stomach is empty, you get a wonderful, unique feeling, but I think you already know that."

It seems that the "acting method" within the church is no different from what is passed down privately by wild Extraordinaries... Then why should it be hidden from ordinary Nighthawks?Is it really, as Klein and I suspected, to prevent promotions from being promoted too quickly and from robbing limited potion resources?

Even Daly doesn't know. If I ask here, I probably won't get any results...

Angel thought for a moment, as if digesting the new knowledge he heard, and then nodded:

"Thank you, Your Excellency Sesima, I have no problem."

"Very good, then, you can go up and tell other teammates the good news of your successful promotion, and call Mr. Klein Moretti down by the way."

Crestel raised his head slightly and said, which exposed his pointed chin and thin, hard lips from behind the collar.

"Okay, Your Excellency."

Angel resigned safely, and closed the door of the alchemy room smoothly.

She breathed a sigh of relief in the corridor, surrounded by gas lights and dark holy symbols.

It seems that I passed the test safely.

 I participated in the "8.26 Extra Update Festival" event, come and vote for me (
(End of this chapter)

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