Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 158 Qilingos makes headlines

Chapter 158 Qilingos makes headlines

With somewhat frivolous steps, Angel walked in the underground passage of Blackthorn Security Company.

The light from the elegant gas lamps on the walls on both sides made her feel a little dazzling, and the holy symbol symbolizing the goddess of the night was also a little blurry.

Alas, as expected, the side effects of excessive blood loss are still too great...

Angel wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned right at the intersection, and walked towards the weapons warehouse.

She used medical tools to drain herself a lot of blood last night. Not only did she absorb part of the "thirsty blood" that had not been used for a long time and restore it to its best condition, but she also used the occult knowledge of the "witch" to use her own blood as a medicine. Using spiritual materials, he created a "magic mirror" that has a closer connection with himself in mysticism.

This mirror can not only be used as a tool for magic mirror divination and provide some early warning in critical moments, but it can also be used as a disposable mirror substitute to replace ordinary mirrors that have more stringent size requirements.

Now the whole pot of medicinal materials boiled in the basement of her home has also added a lot of blood, and these days are the inevitable period after becoming a woman, resulting in the body strengthened by the "witch" potion at this time. It’s all a bit too much.

The patient Angel stood at the door of the weapons depot, took a few deep breaths to return to normal, then opened the door and walked in.

The old set of tables and chairs were still in the arsenal. The coffee cans used by Old Neil were piled in the corner. A young woman with long black hair sat on the chair.

Huh, isn't it Roseanne?Is it the new civilian staff?
Angel was taken aback.

The dark-haired woman seemed to know Angel. She immediately stood up and greeted him with an upright posture.

After a brief exchange with this woman who stood neatly, Angel found out that she was a civilian employee who had been transferred from the Tingen Police Station yesterday.

Due to the death of Old Neil, the already tense manpower became even more stretched. Although Rosanne and Brett didn't complain, their expressions became visibly tired.

Dunn said after Old Neil's funeral on Monday that he would transfer two police officers from the police station who had been exposed to occult events and had devout beliefs in the goddess. The woman in front of him was one of them, and the other one went with her. The civilian staff who come will also take turns working in the weapons depot and help send and receive documents and write reimbursement reports.

It is said that the Holy Church will send a "Secret Peeper" to Tingen City in the near future to take over another position of Old Neil, so as to prevent the entire Nighthawk team from having only Klein who can do divination and channeling.

Alas, old Neil...

Looking at the nervous newcomer in front of him, Angel forced a smile, handed over the approval note signed by Dunn, received a new large-caliber revolver, and handed over the one he had replaced with "Thirst for Blood" old weapons, and also received a batch of ordinary pistol ammunition.

"Don't you need to receive those... demon hunting bullets, Miss Granger?"

the newcomer asked cautiously.

"No, just to supplement some daily training consumption."

Angel replied.

She even did less daily firearms training, one is because her firearms technology has little room for improvement, and the other is that after she is promoted to a mid-sequence Extraordinary, she will rely more on her extraordinary ability to fight, and the opportunity to use firearms is less. Fewer and fewer.

However, no one knows that I have become a "witch". I am afraid that in a short period of time, I can only regard myself as an "instigator"... Otherwise, being promoted from Sequence 9 to Sequence 7 in a few months would be too sensational and would be regarded by senior officials. The deacon escorted him to the church to find out what happened.

Angel took the pistol and bullets, thinking about how to "promote" Sequence 7 within the church, and slowly walked out of the basement.


"... After Hood Eugen's death, the clues to Lanerwuss were lost again. What do you think?"

Angel returned to the second floor of the Blackthorn Security Company from the stairs. She was about to open the door and enter the corridor when she heard Dunn Smith's deep voice coming from outside the door. She subconsciously slowed down her steps and listened carefully.

"Since Klein learned from the channel that Lanerwus was related to the Aurora Society member he killed before, why not start from this angle? I'm going to go to the police station to look through the files again and see what's going on. Who has Reese been in contact with and where has he been?"

This was Leonard's voice, which was different from his usual frivolity. The "Midnight Poet" who discussed the case had a serious tone, without any pretense.

It turns out that they were discussing the whereabouts of Lanerwus... I haven't paid attention to this case for a while.Angel recalled the fraudster and suspected member of the "Aurora Society" in his mind, deliberately coughed, then opened the door and walked out.

The two night watchers outside the door turned their heads and looked over together.

"Good morning, Captain."

Angel greeted them and saw that the two were chatting in a lively manner. He did not interrupt them, but walked around, crossed the corridor, and came to the reception hall.

Roshan was boiling water by the stove in the corner of the hall. When she saw Angel coming in, she took the initiative to say hello.Compared to the past few days, she is now less depressed. Her clothes have begun to have colors other than black, and she has a slight smile on her face.

After adjusting her emotions, the gossip-loving woman finally discovered that Angel did not become more beautiful after putting on makeup, but had miraculously "whitened" her face.

"Angel, tell the truth, what... um, skin care products do you use? Why can't you share them with your colleagues?"

She offered Angel a cup of hot coffee and asked for advice.

Can I say it's the magic potion?

Angel hesitated to speak. She remembered that at Old Neil's funeral, Roxanne cried and complained about why Old Neil had to take the magic potion to become an extraordinary person. She did not want to continue to irritate this sensitive girl on this matter, so she said :
"Applying cucumber on your face before going to bed every day can whiten your face. You can give it a try."

She casually mentioned a folk remedy she had seen on the Internet in her previous life. As for whether it was effective, she didn't know.

"I saw it in a magazine. It was proposed by Emperor Russell in his early years, and it has been falsified."

Roxanne unceremoniously exposed Angel's lies.

"Ah, this..."

Angel was stunned. She didn't expect that the senior time traveler would dig a hole for her here.

Her eyes wandered, trying to change the topic to get past it. She happened to see the newspaper on the table, and the headlines instantly attracted her attention.

"The great pirate Qilingos was shot to death by the Duke's bodyguards in Backlund"!
Um? "Hurricane Lieutenant General" Qilingos was shot to death by a bodyguard?

Not caring about perfunctory Luo Shan, she quickly grabbed the Saturday's "Tingen Daily" which was just released today, and confirmed the title again.

"Ah, you saw this headline too," Luo Shan, who was annoyed at not being able to ask for the secret whitening formula, saw Angel picking up the newspaper and came over, "I didn't expect that the famous 'Vice Admiral Hurricane' would be He died in Backlund, why would he, a pirate, come ashore?"

This is also a question that Mr. Hanged Man of the Tarot Society—well, and perhaps the forces behind him—have always wanted to figure out...

Angel thought to herself, and suddenly realized that the death of Admiral Hurricane was probably caused by the Hanged Man or Justice. She moved her eyes down from the title and read the content carefully.

But she soon discovered that the headlines were obviously added temporarily. Not only were they not accompanied by the large-scale photos that are common in headlines, but the news was also very brief and vague. It only stated in large fonts that Qilingers was here. Last night, Backlund tried to assassinate Duke Negan, but was shot dead by the Duke's bodyguards when he fled after failing.

"For specific incident information and interviews with relevant personnel, please pay attention to this newspaper's special report tomorrow."

The news ended with the words “To be continued.”

Ah, this is the end?

Angel turned to the second page and found another article about a celebration party to be held over the weekend to celebrate the completion of the North District Park.

Isn't it too hasty that this "Hurricane Lieutenant General" Qilingos, who claimed to be a high-sequence extraordinary person, died too hastily?

(End of this chapter)

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