Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 16 The Nighthawks in Action

Chapter 16 The Nighthawks in Action
When the sunlight outside the window gradually disappeared and began to be replaced by crimson moonlight, Tingen's Nighthawk team was finally ready to take action against Madam Sharon.

At dinner, Sika Thang came to the lounge to replace Leonard Mitchell, who had been silent after a brief conversation, and brought Angel's second meal at the Blackthorn Security Company.The enthusiastic and talkative Ms. Xijia originally wanted to continue the topic of "Tingen City's Extraordinary Squad", but seeing that Angel was not in a good mood, she didn't bother her, but silently read the newspaper from the sidelines.

During the period, Angel was also led by Sika to the bathroom on the third floor of the company, and saw Daly Simone who had just woken up, a slightly mysteriously dressed "psychic".

According to Sika, unlike Angel's previous guess, Daly does not belong to the Nighthawks team in Tingen City, but the Nighthawks from Enmat Harbor in East Chester County. This time, he came from Enmat Harbor because of a mysterious incident involving extraordinary items that required the help of a psychic.

So the six fighters of Tingen City's night squad don't actually include Daly Simone?
Angel removed Daly from the list of the Nighthawks in her mind, and found that there were three vacancies left, but she didn't continue to ask Sika, which would make it appear that she was deliberately inquiring for information, and was quite suspicious when the Nighthawks were about to launch an arrest operation.

But soon, in the reception room of the Fever Blackthorn Security Company after dinner, she saw most of the combatants of the Nighthawks team.


"In Mrs. Sharon's invitation letter, the meeting time with Ms. Granger is set at [-] pm. In order to prevent Madam Sharon from being alerted by her relapse, we will start to act at [-] o'clock."

Dunn Smith, who did not wear the black and white plaid police uniform uniformly equipped by the Tingen City Police, but put on a black slender windbreaker, sat on the armchair and flipped through his palm-sized old notebook. The other "Nighthawks" stood or sat around their captain. Angel did not stay in the lounge anymore, but listened on the sofa in the corner.

"Frye, Luoyao, and Sika, the three of you will take a carriage with me to Sharon Hoy's home on Olsner Street, and carry out the arrest operation. I have already applied for the right to use the Sealed Artifact 2-105, and Frye will take it with me when I arrive at the destination. Kenli is guarding the Chanis Gate today, so he will not participate in the operation. Leonard, you and Daly stay here to protect Angel Granger until the end of the operation."

This was the first time Angel heard the word "Chanice Gate", and there was no clue about it in his memory. It seemed that this was a special facility located in this building, and it needed to be guarded at all times.

Frye and Luo Yao were the other two Nighthawks who arrived at dinner time. The former was a pale-skinned man in his thirties with a high nose bridge. He was reticent and only nodded when Captain Dunn mentioned him.Luo Yao is an indifferent lady with long black hair, dark blue eyes, and slender eyebrows. When assigned a task, she replied in a low voice: "Understood."

Sika had been sitting next to Angel, and when he heard that he was going to participate in the arrest operation, he smiled and nodded slightly.

Leonard Mitchell, who had asked Angel before, "Would you like to join the Nighthawks?" stood by the entrance, with his back against the wall, his green eyes sweeping across the room from time to time. When he heard that his mission was to stay behind, he looked indifferent, as if he knew it a long time ago.

With the addition of Kenli mentioned by Dunn at the end, the list of the six-member team was fully displayed in front of Angel.

"Non-staff" Daly was still wearing her black robe, sitting on the armchair facing Dunn Smith, exuding a lazy breath as if she was still asleep. Knowing that she was not involved in the arrest operation, she looked up at Dunn, then lowered her head and studied the crystal pendant in her hand.

Mrs. Sharon's residence is located on Olsner Street in the east district of Tingen City, not too far from the Blackthorn Security Company in the north district. If you take a carriage, you can arrive there in about a quarter of an hour. There is sufficient buffer time for departure at seven o'clock, and you won't expose yourself if you arrive too early.In the face of known targets, he did not choose to attack with the whole team, but cautiously left some personnel to guard the garrison to protect important "witnesses", which is enough to show Dunn Smith's cautious style of acting.

"Captain, didn't you say you want to introduce Mrs. Sharon's abilities in detail after all the personnel arrive?" Sika T'ang, who was beside Angel, raised his right hand and asked.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I almost forgot..." Dunn was stunned for a moment before answering. He flipped through his notebook, found what he wanted to talk about, cleared his throat, and began to repeat what he learned about Madam Sharon's extraordinary ability from Angel.

The other "Nighthawks" seemed to be used to it, listening to the captain's speech with unchanged expressions.

Is this person really reliable... Angel's admiration disappeared in an instant.

"...The abilities we have learned so far are these, and the most threatening to us is the invisibility ability of the 'witch'. Once the other party enters the invisibility state, we who lack the means of range attack will be in a difficult battle, so I will try to drag her into a dream from a distance first. If it succeeds, the rest of the people will directly enter the house to subdue her. But Madam Sharon may have the strength of Sequence 6, and my ability cannot guarantee success. Once in a frontal battle, Frye needs to use 2-105 to try to steal Madam Sharon's invisibility ability. We who are prepared are not a threat. At that time, I will contain her, and your combat goal will be changed from capturing her alive to killing Madam Sharon on the spot. Our own safety is the most important thing."

Dunn Smith quickly introduced Mrs. Sharon's extraordinary ability, and then assigned the combat team tasks.

Angel made use of Cole Granger's memory of Madam Sharon, substituted her into Dunn Smith's battle plan, practiced it in his mind, and felt that Madam Sharon should be unable to fly this time.

For Mrs. Sharon who is likely to be Sequence 6, but "success cannot be guaranteed", Dunn Smith should also have no less than Sequence 7 ability. Once she successfully pulls Mrs. Sharon into a dream, she will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Whether to kill or catch depends entirely on the preferences of the "Nighthawks".Even if she fails to enter the dream and enters the frontal battle, the sealed item "2-105" he said can steal her stealth ability, depriving her of the greatest reliance on escape or counterattack, the curse cannot be used and effective on the spot, and the flame and frost abilities may not be comparable to guns in close combat.With four against one, with mental calculations and unintentional, even against Madam Sharon of Sequence 6, the chances of winning are very high.

And there are three squads with this kind of fighting ability in Tingen City alone.According to Sika Teon, the style of the "Punisher" is more radical, and the "Mechanical Heart" also has heavy firepower attack methods. It is no wonder that unofficial Extraordinary people behave with their tails between their legs. Once they expose themselves, there is almost no chance of winning in the premeditated arrest operation of the official Extraordinary organization. Even if they try to escape, they may not be able to escape.

The tragic fate of Mrs. Sharon was lit in her heart, and Angel also understood why Dunn Smith objected to his participation in the arrest of Mrs. Sharon.The seven people in this room are all Extraordinary, and he might be the weakest one. The melee combat ability of the "Assassin" is of no use in the operation, and it will only add to the chaos if he goes there.

If he had the strength of Sequence 7 or even Sequence 6, he would have shot Mrs. Sharon's house long ago, so why wait here for the results of the "Nighthawks" to decide his future fate?

Angel secretly sighed, even if he had the opportunity to improve his strength, could he really be an "assassin" and "instigator" against his conscience, stepping on the flesh and blood of innocent people to advance?


The four members of the "action team" set off quickly. They sorted out their firearms and ammunition. The black-haired and blue-eyed Frye brought an object that looked like a blood vessel that had been stripped from a human body.Four people filed out from the gate. Not long after, the sound of wheels rolling over the stone road came from downstairs, followed by the sound of the whip waving.

Angel also saw one of the civilian staff of the Nighthawks, a middle-aged man named Brett, with a thick beard, a suit and a top hat, and a faint smile on his face.He is more like a steward of a wealthy family than a member of this Extraordinary organization.

Civilian personnel like Bright will not participate in foreign operations. He is responsible for the usual reception, room cleaning, paperwork, and guarding weapons, materials, and archives. Just like the Extraordinary who guards the "Chanis Gate", they also need to take turns on night duty.

"We originally had seven civilian staff, including Old Neil who turned from a regular member to a civilian staff. Five people participated in the rotation of the weapon and material warehouse. Kenli, the one who was on duty at the 'Chanis Gate' today, chose to become the Sleepless, and Viola did not renew the contract. Now they are somewhat unable to rotate."

After leaving the four people, the reception room looked a bit empty. Angel, Daly, and Leonard sat in a circle around the central table. After Brett made tea for them, he went back to guard the arsenal.Looking at his leaving back, Leonard sighed.

"A newcomer came this week. He was involved in the same mysterious incident as you. Although he is not an Extraordinary, he survived fortunately and decided to join the 'Nighthawks'. Roseanne thought he would be a civil servant, and was overjoyed. But the captain told me that he will not be on duty for the time being after he joins, and Luosan doesn't know about it yet... Oh, Luosanne is also one of our civil servants. She will be on duty tomorrow, and you will see."

Why are you telling me this...

Angel maintained a polite smile, and listened to Leonard's introduction to the work arrangements of the civilian staff, but felt a little puzzled in his heart. Sika avoided talking about the internal situation of the "Nighthawks" during the afternoon chat, explaining that they had relevant restrictions, but Leonard kept his mouth open and told everything. Is there any special reason?

Daly Simone, who was sitting by the side, didn't seem to be interested in these contents. She fell into a depressed state after Dunn Smith and the others set off. She was either staring at the tea leaves floating in the teacup, or she seemed to be looking at the other two, but her eyes were not focused at all.

"By the way, the captain asked me to return the weapon to you. I also have a question." Leonard had almost introduced the history of the Chanis Gate, and clapped his hands as if he suddenly remembered it.He took out a wooden box from his pocket and put it on the table. It was the special bullet he had taken from Angel before.

Leonard also took out two revolvers, one large and one small, and put them together with the bullet box.Then he picked up a "Storm Gathering" bullet engraved with complex patterns and the emblem of the Evernight Goddess, and put it together with his own demon hunting bullet for comparison, just like he was on the carriage during the day.

"The 'Demon Hunting Bullet' produced by the church has additional lethality against Extraordinary creatures by engraving the Hermes inscription used for sacrifices and the holy emblem pointing to the Evernight Goddess." He pointed to the relatively small silver bullet that was obviously more refined, and looked at the expensive silver-white bullet.

Angel sat up a little bit and listened to his introduction. Daly, who was staring blankly at the side, also focused her gaze and looked at Leonard.

"But I studied your bullet carefully in the afternoon. The lines on it are orderly. It should be an engraving similar to that of the demon hunting bullet. It is not Hermes script, nor does it belong to any kind of script I have seen. Like the demon hunting bullet, it finally uses the holy emblem of the goddess of the night, but I am curious, what is its content?"

It certainly doesn't belong to any script you've ever seen, because it's English, and it's cursive...

Angel was a little helpless. During the day in the carriage, she cleverly bluffed through the polygraph seal test. She thought that Leonard would never mention it again, but unexpectedly, the young Nighthawk who was full of research spirit still remembered it, and even carefully studied the lines on the bullet.

Fortunately, the "Sealed Artifact" has been put away. Daly needs to use the Sealed Artifact to detect lies, which means that she does not have the ability to do so, or cannot use it immediately. It is time to test my lying ability without blushing...

Quickly finished the draft, and when Angel was about to lead this non-existent text to some ancient belief, Daly frowned suddenly, looked around, and then stood up straight.

"Something is wrong, the spirits nearby are full of anxiety..."

(End of this chapter)

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