Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 166 Mitis

Chapter 166 Mitis

Megoose's sharp roar seemed to turn into substance, hitting the heads of all the Nighthawks around, making them dizzy and causing blood to flow from their mouths and noses.

Not only the Extraordinaries who gathered around them, but also the surrounding citizens who were injured in the explosion but still alive, their eyes popped out in the furious roars, their blood vessels burst, their limbs fell to the ground in spasms, and they lost their lives. life.

This was somewhat similar to the roar issued by the mutant Rey Bieber that Angel had faced before, but the intensity was different by more than one level.

Angel felt his spirituality surging inside his body, his eyes were stained with blood, and warm liquid flowed out of his ears and nose.

Fortunately, she had the experience of almost losing control when she was promoted. She immediately calmed down her mind, entered meditation, and quickly adjusted her state.

Then she opened her eyes again and looked at her other teammates.

Dunn Smith also had blood flowing from the corners of his eyes and ears, and his face turned pale. But his cheeks bulged, he clenched his teeth, held down the silver-white urn of Saint Selena in his hand with his right hand, and opened the lid. .

Inside the urn is darkness that can absorb all light. There are bright grains of fine sand in it, as dreamy as the starry sky at night.

With him as the center, the surrounding sunlight suddenly faded away, as if dark clouds covered the sky. The entire park square entered a semi-dark dusk. Countless thin threads protruded from the urn. They were cold and slippery, like spider threads. It moved on its own and rushed towards Megoose, forming a translucent cocoon in an instant, wrapping her in it.

This is not like spider silk, but more like the tentacles of some high-level creature.

Megoose was shrouded in black filaments. Her hands covered in her own flesh and blood tried to tear apart the surrounding obstacles, but only made these filaments with their own thoughts entangled tighter.

This weak-looking woman seemed to be about to be captured, but the next second, her bloodshot eyes protruding from the eye sockets were staring at Dunn, who was holding the urn in his hand, and her mouth opened, revealing sharp teeth.


The word that surged out of her throat hit Dunn with invisible force, knocking him high into the air and landing on the soil stained dark red with blood a few meters away. He slid some distance before stopping. .

Dunn spat out a mouthful of blood, closed his eyes and his hands trembled.

But he still held the urn tightly and pressed the lid tightly, preventing it from falling to the ground and not letting any of the ashes of the saint inside, which was as bright as the starry sky, spill out.

The moment the lid closed and the filaments surrounding her stopped moving, Megoose broke free from the restraints, took two steps forward, opened her mouth wide, and was about to continue to utter "blasphemous words", cursing this person who dared to hurt her without knowing whether to live or die. A human being with a fetus in the belly.


A spear tip made of ice pierced Megoos's chest, with a trace of black blood, interrupting the blasphemous words she had not yet spoken.

Behind her, Angel still had the chill left by the ice spear on her hand. She gathered her spirituality and was about to summon a second ice spear to continue attacking Megoose who had her back exposed to her.

The ice spear had not yet condensed into shape, and the neck of Megoose, who had the previous one tied into her back, twisted 180 degrees strangely, and uttered blasphemous words again from her bloody mouth:

"You die too!"

With a buzzing sound, Angel was hit with a heavy punch on the head. His vision went dark, his limbs were limp and he could not use any strength, and he felt that his heartbeat began to slow down.

The blasphemous words uttered by Megaos, who is pregnant with the son of the evil god, have a trace of the divinity of the fetus in her belly. The command she uttered will become a reality!

The magic mirror in Angel's arms, who was about to die from the curse, shattered with a "snap" and turned into fine powder. Her body also shattered into pieces and quickly disappeared in the air.

Looking at the enemy who disappeared without a trace in front of her eyes in shock, Megoos also showed a trace of confusion in her red eyes.

Then, as if she noticed something, she twisted her neck behind her and returned to its original position. She looked at Dunn, who had stood up from the ground and was holding the urn of Saint Selena firmly in his hands, and looked at the man standing next to him. Other Nighthawks.

Angel's figure also appeared not far from Klein. The "blasphemy" just now still had a big impact on her. Even if she used the "mirror stand-in" to avoid the attack, her hands and feet were still numb, and her mind was still numb. Echoing that powerful curse.

Immediately, Megoose's eyes were fixed on her again.

"Go to hell..."

She let out a sharp roar again.At this moment, Leonard suddenly closed the five fingers of his left hand and grabbed Megoose from the air.

His pale face turned purple, and the blood vessels on it stood out like tiny reptiles. The "blood vessel thief" on his left wrist also turned bright red.

The "blasphemy" that Megoose was about to blurt out suddenly stopped.

Her ability to curse all things was stolen by the sealed object.

Seizing the opportunity when the helpless Megoos stood there, Dunn reopened the lid of the urn, exposing the starry sky inside to the air. His face became paler, but his determined eyes shot like sharp arrows. towards the target.

As the lid of the box opened, the surrounding environment became dim again, and cold threads appeared again, rushing towards Megoose from all directions.

Klein, who has been looking for opportunities, tightened the "Sun Flame Spell" in his left hand, raised his body slightly, opened his mouth, and was about to recite the opening spell in the ancient Hermes language.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and his body turned to the right at a strange angle.

The next second, where he was originally, a sharp short dagger emerged from the air, slashing from top to bottom.


The dagger slashed through his windbreaker and shirt, across his flesh and joints, and neatly severed his left hand at the elbow, which he failed to avoid in time. The golden talisman was dyed red with blood and fell to the ground.

The air trembled like ripples, and the figure of the "Witch of Joy" with long gray hair and elegant expression appeared from it. She held a dagger in her hand, and blood dripped from the tip of the dagger.


Mitis looked at her results with satisfaction. The Nighthawk whose left hand was cut off let out a muffled groan in his throat, covered the broken end of his elbow that was still spraying blood, and rolled to the other direction at a speed that exceeded ordinary people. , leaving blood on the ground.

With a sudden movement of her spirit, she did not continue to pursue the "clown" who had dodged her hidden attack. Instead, she turned around and raised her dagger to block the "witch"'s extremely fast dagger.

Amidst the sharp sound of metal friction, the daggers intertwined and sparks flew. Mitis admired the other party's face deformed by anger.

Right, that is it!

First it was her little boyfriend, then the group of Nighthawk teammates, her captain, and finally, after enjoying the look of despair on the face of the bitch who killed Randy, he killed her with his own hands!
The blood in her body boiled as if it had been ignited. Mitis looked crazy and waved her arms continuously to block the opponent's successive attacks. When she was about to turn from defense to attack, she found a few cold and smooth filaments at the edge of her vision. Stretching towards her, at the other end was Dunn holding an urn.

His calm gray eyes were looking here.

Mitis' heart was pounding. She had already learned the function of this saint's relic from her "partner". At this time, she could not care less about continuing to attack and mobilized her spirituality. Countless transparent and invisible spider threads appeared around her, attacking the surrounding people. The black thread stretched out.

The transparent spider silk caught on the filaments made from the ashes of Saint Selina and collapsed at the touch. However, with this moment of obstruction, Mitis had already flexibly bypassed them and left the place, away from the heart-stopping person. Night watcher.

She looked at the battlefield in the center of the park. The young Nighthawk, whose left hand had been cut off, endured the pain and the dizziness caused by blood loss. He took out another charm from his pocket, recited the activation spell and threw it towards Megoose.

The handsome poet with thick blood vessels wrapped around his wrists uttered blasphemies and tried to make the pregnant woman, whose human form was no longer visible, kneel down.

The captain of the Nighthawks, who was holding the urn of Saint Selena, directed the reassembled black filaments to wrap around Megoose who was kneeling on her knees.

What a group of people who overestimate their abilities...

Midis secretly laughed at these Nighthawks who were trying to fight against the children of the evil god.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the "Witch" Angel who was rushing towards her. She condensed a spear of frost in one hand and passed it in front of her with the other hand, summoning several invisible spider threads and heading towards him.

 Another chapter in 1 minutes

(End of this chapter)

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