Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 168 The People Behind the Scenes

Chapter 168 The People Behind the Scenes

The frail figure fell heavily to the ground in front of Klein.

His heart seemed to fall with him, sinking to the bottom.

It wasn't until Angel slowly climbed up in the rising dust and walked towards him with unsteady steps that he breathed a sigh of relief and felt the severe pain in his left arm again.

Doesn't she have the ability to be "light"?How could he fall directly from a high place?
Klein was curious as to why the opponent did not use the "Assassin's" lightness ability to fall slowly, but fell to the ground like a free fall. Fortunately, the stone slabs on the ground had been lifted off by the bomb and were mainly made of soft soil. Otherwise, it would have been more than ten years old. If it falls from a height of three meters, even the body of an extraordinary person will lose half of its life.

But seeing the injuries on Angel's body clearly, Klein's heart that had just been relieved became high again.

Her face was covered with blood and dust, and the light-colored dress that was supposed to be delicate and decent was now full of tears, stained with blood and dust, and dyed brown. The wounds across her abdomen were still there. Blood seeped out and continued to stain the dress.

The right hand was burnt black from the elbow down, and the original shape of the palm could not be seen, as if the five fingers were fused together.

The fall just now also caused a lot of damage to her. Angel's left shoulder was twisted at an unnatural angle, and his entire left arm was hanging softly by his side. His steps were unsteady, and it would take him a few steps to Pause.

Only her purple eyes were still clear.

"Where's your hand? I'll see if I can get it back. Hurry, the time for the pocket watch is coming soon."

Angel's hoarse voice sounded completely different from usual.

Klein's lips wriggled, not knowing what to say, and then turned around, trying to find his forearm that was chopped off during the battle.

He suddenly remembered the captain's action of tearing open his chest and using his own blood to feed Saint Selina's ashes to stimulate the power of the saint's relics.

"Save the captain first, he is more seriously injured!"

He shouted anxiously, not caring about looking for the broken arm.

Now only "damage transfer" can save Dunn!

Angel was stunned, glanced at Klein's left elbow that was still dripping with blood, and nodded hesitantly.

Staggering to Dunn Smith, who was still holding the urn and lying down softly, Angel squatted down, put his charred right arm on his left hand with a dislocated shoulder, and touched his hand that was still dripping with blood. Chest.

Klein stood behind her, looking at the two of them anxiously and expectantly.

After a moment, Angel stood up again and turned around, with no expression on his face covered with dust and blood.

Suddenly, panic appeared in her purple eyes.

Is it a success, or a failure?

Klein looked at the other party in confusion, and then remembered the time limit and negative effects of the "Magic Pocket Watch".

Could it be the pocket watch time...

He felt a pain in his chest, as if his heart was being grasped.

Wasn't the captain still able to be rescued?

No, this is not an illusion.

Klein's pupils narrowed and he lowered his head to look at his chest.

A slightly pale palm penetrated from his left chest, and it was covered with blood.

who is it?That Bishop Rose who came out halfway?But he was already dead, turned into a lump of flesh and blood whose shape was unclear.

Is it Megoose who has eaten two Sun Flame Talisman and is still alive?

She also died along with the offspring of the evil god in her belly.

The palm jerked back.

Countless thoughts flashed through Klein's mind, and then his thoughts collapsed. His legs lost strength and he fell limply to the ground.

In his sight that almost lost focus, a pair of brand new, polished leather boots stepped across his body and walked towards Dunn, who was lying motionless on the ground, and Angel, who was rushing toward him angrily.

His thinking and breathing almost stopped. Klein watched blankly as Angel held his left arm with his right hand and stabbed the dark-blond man with a dagger. However, the man easily dodged it. He held the dagger with his backhand and stabbed her. chest.

The thin body lay on its back, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The man in the double-breasted gown squatted down and took away the urn of Saint Selina from the captain's arms.

Klein's eyes went dark, and all consciousness disappeared.


A few minutes later, Leonard Mitchell, who was leaning against the stone podium, shook his body and slowly opened his eyes.

In the bloody smell that was so strong that it would not dissipate, he climbed up with difficulty and looked around.

In the messy park, he saw countless broken limbs and broken arms, as well as countless innocent citizens with eyes wide open and refusing to rest in silence.

He saw Megoose whose head had disappeared, her limbs had fused into a ball, and her abdomen had been pierced.

He saw Dunn Smith lying motionless on the ground, his shoulder bruised with blood, and he saw Klein lying on his side with a hole in his chest. His left arm had disappeared from the elbow down, but he was still struggling to reach forward. ·Moretti.

He saw Angel Granger with a dagger stuck in his chest, his right hand as black as coke, and his dress in tatters.

No... not really...

There was a voice inside Leonard that kept denying all of this.

He staggered towards his teammates, walking back and forth beside several corpses, constantly verifying, but in the end he could only accept the unchangeable reality.


He kept repeating this word in his throat, fell to his knees, tears streaking his face.

After an unknown amount of time, his neck shook and he listened intently. Then he clenched his teeth and squeezed out a suppressed roar.

The team of "Punishers" who had just driven a carriage down a small road and entered the park carrying the sealed artifact were so frightened by the roar that sounded like it was coming from hell that they stood there and were at a loss.


On Red Moon Street, on a hired carriage slowly driving towards the steam train station, a pale hand opened the note on his lap and quickly turned back from the first page.

After turning over the part filled with Juanxiu font, a page with almost the entire page covered with text appeared.

(Almost all of it is painted black)

"Cole Granger luckily didn't die when her promotion went out of control. She expelled some of her extraordinary characteristics and became an assassin again, a female assassin."

"Miss Granger suddenly realized that she reported herself and her superior, Mrs. Sharon, which attracted the attention of the Nighthawks. Dunn Smith led a team to investigate the case. It happened that Daly Simone and Daly Simone in Tingen City "Dern, who worked overtime continuously to solve many occult incidents, did not pay attention to keeping it secret. Mrs. Sharon's spy discovered Angel Granger's actions. After a simple divination, she decided to go to the Blackthorn Security Company in person. Solve this problem. Almost all the Tingen team is dispatched, and the rear is weak, so this choice is very reasonable."

(A few lines were painted over)

"With the help of Angel Granger and her superior combat prowess as an assassin, the Nighthawks killed the intruding Lady Sharon, and frustratingly, Daly survived."


(Defaced most of the page)

"Klein, who was supposed to die in the warehouse, survived again. With the help of Angel, who was also supposed to die here, he killed the magician of the Secret Order."

"But things still went well. Dunn came into contact with the Antigonus family's notes and was secretly tainted."

"No matter what, this person who has repeatedly undermined Ince Zangwill's plans must leave Tingen immediately."


(Line after line of text is crossed out, more than the previous ones put together)

"Dunn Smith's condition has improved significantly. He has mastered the 'playing method', found his own rules for playing, and began to digest the potion quickly, which alleviated the contamination he had suffered before."

"Angel Granger, who was eager to be promoted, should have secretly taken the 'Instigator' potion after leaving the sight of the Tingen team, and then died of the loss of control caused by the leftover pollution. However, she actually returned to Tingen City alive, and returned to Tingen City alive. He revealed the acting method to his captain, and Ince was puzzled by it, but he could only accept the reality."

"The story has a new twist."


"Azik, who has many secrets hidden in his body, saw traces of Ince's influence on Angel and reminded him, just like he once reminded Klein."

"With the help of the collected information, the two survivors began to search for the 'Red Chimney House' separately. Although they would always choose routes that did not include the target, delaying the time to find the truth, this still disrupted Ince's plan. He had to Speed ​​up your pace."


"Mitis, the pleasure witch whose lover died at the hands of Angel, has been looking for an opportunity to kill her enemy. She cooperated with the Aurora Society's envoys who were inspired by the Creator and sneaked into Tingen City to deal with their common enemy. By."

"Ince felt that they could be his help, and the kind-hearted Ince didn't mind helping them."


"Mitis contacted Maynard, a New Party member who aspired to be the mayor, and after helping him deal with his political opponents, she obtained an order to renovate the street park on Red Moon Street in the North District. This also made her spirituality increasingly unstable, but The painful pleasure witch just wants this to end quickly.”

"At the same time, Ms. D of the Aurora Society is collecting funds to welcome the arrival of the gods. Her subordinate Gabrio left clues during an operation to rob the rich, and was caught by the Nighthawks."

"Angel met Gabrio on his way to the bank to deposit money and recognized him. The Nighthawks confirmed the hiding place of the Aurora Society through divination."

"The Red Gloves team arrived as promised. They broke into Ms. D's house. After a fierce battle, Ms. D successfully escaped and directed the Red Gloves' attention to the outside of Tingen City. Mr. C, who was hiding behind, continued their activities. Secret plan.”

"At the same time, Lanerwus once again entered the sight of the Nighthawks. Soon, the clues he left will be found by the Nighthawks."


(Approximately half a page was painted over)

"Dunn Smith digested the potion faster than Ince expected, so he will soon complete the role of 'Nightmare' and become the 'Requiem Master' of Sequence 6. His accumulated contributions over the years have long exceeded his promotion. Needed.”

"Ince must speed up his plans."

"Kline and Angel decided to submit a special application under the advice of Daley, who briefly returned to Tingen City. They will teach the other teammates how to play before taking the oath. This is in line with their characters and is very reasonable. "

"This will allow the senior deacons who come to Tingen for examination to follow the process and question all Nighthawks who know the acting method one by one."

"Neil, who was contaminated by the hidden sage, exposed himself under the examination of the senior deacon. As a last resort, Dunn killed this teammate with his own hands. This shook the principles he adhered to, made his spirituality no longer stable, and delayed The pace of promotion has been slowed down, and lucky Ince Zangwill has gained valuable time."


"The grand venue arranged by Mr. C and Mitis attracted the baby in Megoose's belly. Under the guidance of the baby, she will go to the renovated street park in the North District to give birth to the son of the god in the sacrifice."

"While passing by the Blackthorn Security Company, Megaos happened to remember the fortune teller who had helped her, so she came there and attracted the attention of the Nighthawks."

"The calm Dunn Smith tried to lead it into Chanis Gate, using the environment and items to fight to its advantage, but Megoose felt the call again and she was ready to head to the street park immediately."

"The Nighthawks team must choose between wisely protecting themselves and fighting to the death. Dunn took out the ashes of Saint Selina, and together with Klein and Leonard, went to the street park to stop Megoose. This is what they His behavior is very reasonable.”


(Several lines edited out)
"Mr. C detonated the bomb that had been buried underground during the renovation. However, due to the interference of Angel, who was warned in advance through an unknown method, the number of sacrifices in the park did not reach the predetermined number, which would make the baby in Megoose's belly even more miserable. Powerless, but this is exactly in line with Ince’s plan, yes, just right! He is not prepared to let the real gods descend on Tingen City.”

"The battle between Megoose who turned into a monster and the Nighthawks began. With the help of the ashes of the saint, the blood vessel thief and the strange high-level spells that appeared, the Nighthawks severely injured Megoose, and Angel's weird bullet At the same time, he killed the out-of-control Mitis, Mr. C who sacrificed himself, and the descendants of the gods who were about to arrive in an incomplete form."

"Dunn Smith died in the battle, and Saint Selina's ashes were also severely traumatized. In order to preserve her spirituality, Angel Granger used magical items to save her teammates and fell directly from a high altitude, which cost her her last Combat power. Ince didn't get the chance to fight head-on, and he was a little frustrated, but that didn't affect his purpose."

"He respected Mitis's wish and killed Klein first, and then the other. After dealing with the pair of guys who always disrupted his plans, Ince took away the ashes of Saint Selina, I passed by the punishers who were belatedly arriving to activate the sealed artifact and left the scene."


The note turned to a blank page. The middle-aged man with dark blond hair, one blind eye, and profound facial features picked up a classical-shaped quill pen and wrote a sentence in the blank space:

"The story of the city of Tingen is coming to an end."

Closing the note, he looked out the window with his dark blue eyes. Two four-wheel carriages with police logos passed by. Inside the open doors, one could see groups of "Mechanical Heart" members, fully armed and with serious faces. .

"It seems like something big happened to the new park we passed just now. There was smoke and explosions. Do you know what happened?"

The driver also looked at the police carriage curiously, and then asked from the window in front.

"It seems that there is a group of bad guys who want to blow up the park and even the city of Tingen. Many people died there."

Ince Zangwill did not want to answer the casual conversation with the coachman, but he was in a good mood today, so he decided to chat with the man.

"Wow, awesome, awesome. But I see you're not in a hurry at all. Someone must have successfully stopped them, right?"

The young coachman asked in surprise, his right eye narrowing involuntarily.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Ince's lowered lips.

"Yeah, they saved Tingen."

 The two chapters are really difficult to separate, so I posted them together...

  If nothing else, there will be nothing today.

(End of this chapter)

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