Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 173 The Lost Tarot Society

Chapter 173 The Lost Tarot Society
After signing the contract, Angel counted out 21 pounds and handed it to Mrs. Wallis. He received a copy of the contract and 15 soles in change from her.

"Anna, take Ms. Watson to the house."

The maid named Anna beside Mrs. Wallis nodded, took a bunch of keys, and took Angel out of the three-story building. They walked along the Tasok River for about 5 minutes and arrived at Red Rose Street. No. 47.

The five two-story houses in this row all have similar appearance, with the same raised stone steps, the same oriel windows along the street, and the same large balcony on the second floor. It is obvious that they were designed and built in the same batch.

I just don't know if they all belong to Mrs. Wallis.

Anna opened the door with the key, turned on the gas lamp, and filled the dark and cold living room with warmth again, and then invited Angel in.

Following the maid's introduction, Angel took a tour of the residence that she rented for 20 pounds. The first floor had a large living room that occupied nearly half of the space, a semi-open kitchen and dining room, and a bathroom with a bathtub, which was well ventilated. There is also a vacant guest room and study room in the basement.

On the second floor are three bedrooms and a sun room. The master bedroom has a separate bathroom and separate balcony.

The structure of this house is simpler than Angel's house in Tingen, but it is large enough and fully furnished.

There are many books even on the bookshelves in the study room.

Anna mentioned that some of the furniture belonged to the last tenant, a "rude Fussac" as Mrs. Wallis called her, but this tenant had not been around for over a month and was even owed several weeks' worth of rent. rent, so according to the contract the furniture now belonged to Mrs. Wallis and could be used freely by Angel.

"Do you know why the tenant left?"

After checking the furniture and the water and gas meters, Angel asked curiously after returning to the living room.

Brown-haired Anna shook her head: "I don't know, that gentleman was often away from home during the rental period, so we didn't pay attention at first. It wasn't until we didn't see him for more than a week that Mrs. Wallis asked me to get a backup When I opened the door with the key and took a look, I found that the food in the kitchen had deteriorated, and I realized that this gentleman had not been back for a long time."

Maybe he died somewhere, or was chased by his enemies and left Backlund... In Tingen City, all kinds of bloody legends about Backlund have become a topic of conversation after dinner...

Angel cursed, his eyes swept across the huge living room, and when he saw Anna preparing to leave, he stopped her again.

"Where can I hire a temporary maid, the kind who can clean and do laundry at a fixed time every week?"

In Tingen City, under the care of Tromi, she had become a useless person who couldn't even wash her clothes.

"If it's just cleaning and laundry, I can help you contact someone," Anna thought for a moment and replied, "But why don't you hire a long-term maid? Such a large house needs someone to take care of it, and you don't She can also receive visitors at home.”

Angel was a little surprised that a maid could say this so smoothly, but considering that her master ran a grocery store, it was not surprising that she had learned some sales words from ear to ear.

But Angel didn't plan to hire a long-term maid. As an Extraordinary, she was bound to be exposed to occult things frequently, and she might even accidentally provoke enemies. Hiring a long-term maid at home would be unsafe for both parties.

"I have just arrived in Backlund and am not familiar with this place. Maybe I will hire a long-term maid in the future," she replied pretending to be embarrassed. "For now, it is better to find a temporary maid to solve the urgent need."

After making an appointment for the temporary maid to come and try to do housework tomorrow morning, Anna handed the key to Angel and left No. 47 Red Rose Street.

After she left, Angel locked the door, opened the suitcase, put the change of clothes in the closet, hid the weapons in the desk, and put the empty suitcase next to the door. It was considered that he was finished packing.

She came directly from the church to Backlund, bringing nothing but this box of things. It was similar to the time she went on a "business trip" to Port Enmat.

"It seems that I have to buy some tools and materials tomorrow... I just don't know where the underground trading markets in Backlund are. Ms. Dai Li should know, but I can't ask her..."

Moving the single sofa to the bay window, Angel sat on it comfortably, stroking the Holy Emblem of the Dark Goddess on his wrist and murmuring.

The "Secret Holy Emblem" handed to her by Ms. Arianna has a powerful anti-divination effect, and the other party will not get the result of "divination failure", but a pre-designed answer.Arianna confidently stated that any prying eyes below the level of a demigod would be blocked by this holy symbol, and they would not even be able to notice that their own prying eyes were being disturbed.

Using this holy symbol, Angel will complete the task assigned by the lady.

She became a "witch" who was successfully promoted in Tingen, but ended up living in Backlund due to the death of her boss, and managed to enter the "Witch Cult".


Early the next morning, the sleepy Angel was awakened by a knock on the door. She opened the door and found a woman in her early 20s standing outside. She was wearing a long linen skirt, carrying a wooden bucket and cleaning tools. For a moment, Angel thought she was back in Tingen, and standing in front of her was Tromi, a familiar female worker.

After being stunned for a while, she remembered that a maid would come to try to do housework today.

Since it was introduced by the landlord's maid Anna, Angel felt more at ease with the maid named Beth and let her stay at home alone to clean while he went out to buy the necessary items and get familiar with the environment around the residence.

Not only did she need to purchase alchemy tools, re-make the magic mirror she lost during the battle with Megoos, and replenish special ammunition, but she also had to prepare corresponding materials for various ritual magics and divination. In Backlund, a place she was unfamiliar with, she might It is difficult to buy all the items in a short period of time.

After having a breakfast of croissants, fried eggs and coffee on the street, Angel walked slowly along Red Rose Street, memorizing some paths leading to other streets and buildings whose rooftops could pass through each other. .

Then she went around to the adjacent Rose Street, Jeffrey Avenue, which leads directly to Backlund Bridge, and checked out the surrounding situation before returning to Red Rose Street where she lived.

When I came out of a store selling alchemy equipment carrying a heavy wooden box, the sun had already reached the top of my head. Unfortunately, it was a hazy day again. Even at noon, the sun could only barely make out its outline in the sky.

Pedestrians around have become accustomed to this. Except for a few coughs from time to time, everyone calmly inhales the harmful mist and pretends it does not exist.

Returning to No. 47 Red Rose Street with a packed lunch, Angel found that Beth, the maid who was trying to do housework, had done a simple cleaning of the entire house, and all the clothes she had changed had been washed.

It's very efficient...

Angel carefully checked several places and found that the maid had not been lazy when she was not at home, and was very satisfied with this.

After agreeing to hire Beth to clean and wash the house three times at a price of 1 sole and 5 pence per week, Angel watched the hard-working maid leave the house.

"Next I need to put away the alchemy equipment I bought, buy the necessary materials tomorrow, and recreate my own magic mirror..."

Putting the measuring cup, grinding bowl, crucible and various empty glass bottles on the wooden shelf in the basement, Angel finished his lunch and lay down on the single sofa next to the oriel window along the street.

Maybe if you close your eyes, you can return to Daffodil Street in Tingen City...

Thinking this, Angel slowly fell asleep.


Well, what time is it now?
Opening her eyes suddenly, Angel found that the sunlight outside the window had turned dim. She took out her pocket watch and found that it was already 5 p.m.

Today is Monday, and there will be a regular tarot meeting at 3 p.m. Last week’s meeting was canceled because Justice and the Hanged Man took leave, but there is no meeting this week...

Being in my sleep does not affect the meeting, so I will not miss it just because I am asleep... Could it be that the Tarot Club was held this time without me?
Looking at the teardrop-shaped mark on the palm of his right hand that had been hidden since his first tarot session, Angel's mind was filled with questions.

(End of this chapter)

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