Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 176 The Provocateur

Chapter 176 The Provocateur

Watching the thief named Gao Li leave the living room and walk along the Tasok River without looking back, Angel locked the door, remained invisible, and followed him at a distance.

This careless intruder didn't even realize that he was followed by an invisible Extraordinary. He was just happy that he had completed the task easily, and walked briskly on the deserted street, crossing Red Rose Street. , passed through the Long Rose Street, and came all the way to the East District adjacent to the Backlund Bridge area.

As the area with the largest concentration of poor people in Backlund, the East District has a permanent population of more than 35. Including the floating "black households", there may be a total of 50 people, most of whom are ordinary people begging for a living in various walks of life, but There are countless gangs that specialize in illegal businesses.

Angel followed the thief through the sewage-filled streets, and observed the largest slum area in Backlund through dark vision. Countless homeless people were sitting or lying on the corners of the streets. They had sallow faces, ragged clothes, and cloudy eyes. He looked at Gao Li who was walking by in a hurry and the document bag under his arm.

The latter seemed to be familiar with the survival rules of the East District. He showed the dagger sheath under his jacket and easily stopped the refugees around him who were about to move. He continued to walk through the streets and alleys, and soon came to a three-story building.

After three long and one short knocks on the wooden door, the door opened inward, and a big man stretched out his head warily and looked around.

"Come in, the boss is waiting for you on the second floor."

The big man made way for Gao Li to go in. Then he looked at the street outside the door to make sure no one was following him, and then carefully closed the door.

After entering the stronghold, Gao Li finally relaxed. He squeezed the document bag he got again to confirm that the documents inside were still there, then walked up the stairs to the second floor and came to a copper-clad wooden door.


He knocked lightly on the door twice, then opened it and walked in.

There was only a dim gas light on in the room. His boss did not sit on his favorite leather sofa. Instead, he stood by the window with his back to the door, hunched over and lowered his head, as if looking at the street scene outside the window.

"Boss, the manuscript was found without alerting anyone."

Gao Li held the documents in both hands and reported to him.

"Very good." The burly boss said in a brisk tone, and then his body collapsed and fell to the ground with a "bang" sound.

Only then did another figure obscured by his body appear in front of Gao Li. The reply just now turned out to be "doing it for him" on his behalf.

"If you obediently hand over the manuscript to me, I won't kill you and your boss."

The man with short black hair and a cloak said to Gao Li with a sarcastic look on his face.

The latter's reaction was also very direct. He held the document, turned around and ran towards the door.

The black-haired man grabbed the armchair by the window and threw it towards the door, hitting Gao Li accurately on the back. He groaned and fell to the ground, knocking his head against the door frame and making no movement.

The document bag was also thrown to the corner of the room.

The loud noise alerted the guards on the first floor, and the sound of heavy stamping on the stairs came from outside the room, but the man didn't care. He wiped the dust off his hands with a smile, walked towards the door, picked up the armchair again, and stood up. By the door.

The big man who opened the door for Gao Li just now held a revolver in one hand and pushed the door open with the other. When he saw the fallen boss, he was about to step forward to check when a roar came from behind.


The armchair was smashed into pieces, and the big man fell down unsteadily.

"It's easy and simple. Just wait here and the manuscript will come to your door by itself."

The man murmured to himself, kicked the big man who fell to the ground, and after confirming that he was unconscious, looked back at the document bag thrown in the corner by Gao Li.

This document was being held by a woman who appeared in the room at an unknown time.


"Yes, as expected, just wait here and the manuscript will be delivered to your door by itself."

Angel repeated Dominic's words and shook the document bag in his hand.

I didn’t expect that after two months, I would meet this “Hunter” Pathfinder again in Backlund. He was probably an Extraordinary who had reached the Sequence 8 “Provocateur” level, and on such an occasion.

"It's you?"

The other party obviously recognized Angel. His expression was gloomy and he looked at the document bag in Angel's hand and then back to her face.

In order to prevent this impulsive "provocateur" from jumping over the wall, Angel directly summoned two black flames beside him and let them float slowly beside him, successfully making the opponent's face more fearful.

"Okay, okay," Dominic hesitated for a moment, raised his hands and pressed them down in a gesture of surrender, "I don't want that thing anymore, I'm leaving now, okay?"

The last time I met this guy, two of his three sentences were sarcastic. Why is he so easy to talk to today?Angel frowned and looked at the "provocateur" with a particularly sincere attitude. He then looked at the layout of the room and made a guess in his heart.

"I can let you go, but before that, tell me what this document is."

She said slowly, taking a few steps towards the only luxurious single sofa in the room and the desk in front of it.

Through this action, Angel successfully discovered a hint of imperceptible anxiety in Dominic's eyes.

"You actually don't even know what this is... Well, okay," the provocateur seemed to be subconsciously about to say something rude, but stopped the car at the last moment, "This is a mechanical design drawing, you know the drawing. Lanny von Hermoshuen?”

"do not know."

Angel replied honestly, not blushing at all.

"I don't's normal. He is known as the greatest scientist and mechanic after Emperor Russell, the father of the second generation difference engine, and has countless invention patents."

"And the document in your hand is the design manuscript of the third-generation difference engine."

"Someone paid a high price for this manuscript, and I happened to have some tracking skills, so I found it here."


This manuscript was hidden in the study at 47 Red Rose Street half an hour ago. What tracking skills allowed you to find it here?
Angel chuckled inwardly.

After getting closer to the desk, she could vaguely hear the subtle, suppressed breathing, and she became more certain of her judgment.

"I see. Then I will take this manuscript with me. Do you have any objection?"

Angel raised the document bag in his hand and gestured to walk out the door.

"I dare not have an opinion."

Dominic's face changed several times, and finally remained angry and unwilling, and he answered with a curled lip.

But there was some relaxation and joy in his eyes.

"By the way," after taking a few steps, Angel turned back and looked at the desk, with a mocking smile on his face, "could it be that what's hidden over there is..."

"Sonia, run!"

Before Angel finished speaking, the "provocateur" shouted loudly, kicked his feet fiercely, clenched his hands into fists, and flew towards Angel with his tall and thin body like a cannonball.


Angel, who had been well prepared, saw ice appear under his feet and quickly spread to the surroundings. The coldness filled the entire house, and the moisture in the air quickly condensed, forming patches of mist.

Blocked by the cold air, Dominique's forward speed slowed down significantly. She lowered her body and used her shoulders and elbows to push against the oncoming opponent. While successfully dodging the double punches, she pushed his body upwards. Open it and use your own strength to move back.

He is so strong, and the hunter path seems to be good at melee combat...

As soon as they made contact, Angel found that the opponent's strength was astonishing, but the magic potion of the Assassin Path also strengthened the body a lot, so she did not lose to the opponent in terms of strength.

The two came into contact quickly and then separated. Dominic's lifted body quickly regained its balance in the air and landed. Angel used the force of the impact to retreat toward the door, just in time to see a brown-gray figure emerge from behind the desk and flexibly circle around. The two people opened the middle of the room and rushed towards the only exit.

But Angel's retreat happened to be in the same direction. She leaned over, took out her revolver, and aimed at the figure. The distance was so close that the muzzle of the gun was almost touching the opponent's forehead.

"Ah ah--"

Like a frightened rabbit, the short figure let out a cry of surprise, stopped, and did not dare to move again.

After readjusting his body and ready to pounce, Dominic stood still with a livid face.

"So it's you, Miss Justice."

Seeing Sonia, who had brown hair and was less than 1 meters tall, almost shrinking into her cloak, Angel burst into laughter.

Unexpectedly, both the master and the servant who had met in the underground market of Port Enmat appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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