Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 179 Asking in a Dream

Chapter 179 Asking in a Dream
Once his thoughts turned in this direction, Angel quickly found more evidence.

For example, Sergeant Durer doesn't have much respect for Senior Inspector Hopper, who is four levels above him. For example, this senior inspector's style and conversation are not what others call the "Civil Las Vegas" style...

Of course, even if he is an official Sequence 7 Beyonder and has been awarded the title of Senior Inspector, he may not necessarily be a Night Watcher of the Church of the Night, but may also be a "Punisher" or a "Mechanical Heart".

But Angel felt a hint of familiarity from his movements and eyes, which was very similar to the "nightmare" she had seen.

Assuming that Senior Inspector Hopper is the "Nightmare", it means that the people and things involved in the "Difference Engine" manuscript in her hand may not be as simple as it seems...

It is very likely that there are extraordinary people involved, which will attract the attention of the Nighthawks!

The more Angel thought about it, the more convinced she became. She subconsciously looked in the direction of the study room. There was a secret compartment behind the bookshelf. The file bag containing the manuscript was placed in the secret compartment, waiting for the secret meeting in two days.

"It seems that we need to make some preparations. If nothing else happens, the Nighthawk will come back to investigate again in the middle of the night. In his dream..."

While thinking about it, she returned to the open kitchen next to the restaurant, only to find that the eggs and bacon she had fried were already clinging to the pan, emitting a burnt smell.

"Oh, I can only eat one egg..."

After throwing the breakfast that had become inedible garbage into the trash can, Angel fried another one and filled his stomach with toast and butter.


Today, the sky in Backlund is rarely clear. The haze that has shrouded the city for a long time has become thinner under the sunlight. This not only reveals the hazy streets and buildings, but also the pungent smell in the air, which seems to last forever. The lingering smell also disappeared.

Although "Backlund Daily" has made statistics, there are only about 75 days of haze weather in the capital of Loen every year, but people always take sunny days for granted, and have deep memories of continuous haze weather.

Angel has only been here for a week and has not yet formed such a thought. She only thinks that although the sunny weather is good, it is still not as good as the city of Tingen where she has lived for two months.

Maybe I still have a chance to go back there...

Looking at the blue sky with a hint of gray, Angel was in a daze when he was called back to Backlund by a call from the coachman.

"Ma'am, Backlund Bank has arrived."

After paying the fare, Angel entered the bank lobby in Hillston District.

Her bearer account was opened in this bank.

The headquarters of all seven banks with clearing powers in the Loen Kingdom are set up in Hillston District. It also has financial facilities such as stock exchanges and clearing houses. It is known as the economic, commercial and financial center of the Loen Kingdom.

But what does this have to do with me, a little guy with only £1000 in savings?It will only increase the time I spend waiting in line...

Holding a leaflet introducing Backlund Bank in his hand, and using the knowledge in it to pass the time, Angel queued through the long queue and came to the counter.

She withdrew 1000 pounds of her 950 pounds deposit and re-deposited 350 pounds of it into another bearer account that Miss Justice had given her. In this way, all her debts from the Tarot Club were paid off.

Even though she was in urgent need of money now, she didn't want to default on this member who had helped her a lot in her promotion.

The other 600 pounds taken out were for a secret gathering two days later. She planned to buy some urgently needed extraordinary materials at the gathering, such as star crystals for making special bullets, or some powerful magical items to replace the "blood thirsty" she died heroically in the line of duty. .

It is even possible to encounter the potion formula and materials for her promotion to Sequence 6.

In the previous battle with the Witch Sect, she already knew the name of her next sequence, "Witch of Joy", and basically understood the abilities of this sequence, but other than that, she had no recipes or main materials. You can only rely on exchanging and purchasing at extraordinary gatherings.

But having a huge sum of money also made Angel a little uneasy. Even the kind and appreciative eyes on the roadside became full of malice in her eyes. She didn't dare to stay outside for too long. Angel bought some materials for making spells and hurried back. The home at 47 Red Rose Street.


While struggling with eggs that would never be cooked in his dream, Angel suddenly found that the pan and spatula in his hands were missing. He appeared neatly on the single sofa next to the bay window in the living room, holding a copy of the book in his hand. Newspapers with unclear content.

She realized something and looked at her right wrist. The "Secret Holy Emblem" strung on the citrine pendant was emitting a faint and peaceful wave.

I am in a dream... No, it is a "nightmare" dream!It was the same as the time when Dunn pulled her into a dream for questioning, but this time she was more awake and her senses were sharper. This should be the power of the holy symbol. After all, the goddess is a sequence that towers over all "sleepless ones"... …

Angel's thoughts were forcibly interrupted by herself, leaving her with a brief mental blank.


The door of the living room leading to the street was pushed open directly, and a figure wearing a black trench coat strode into the room, as if returning to his own home, and sat on the sofa opposite her.

He had medium brown hair, with slightly messy bangs, and looked at Angel with bright brown eyes.

Sure enough, it was the senior inspector from the morning, who was the "nightmare" of the Nighthawks...

Angel looked at Hopper and blinked, not knowing what expression he should make in response to this situation.

After all, she was awake both times she fell asleep.

Fortunately, the nightmare didn't care about the attitude of the person he was questioning. After he sat down, he had an easy-going expression and started the conversation as if it was a casual conversation.

"You came from Tingen just last week?"


"What did you do in Tingen before?"

"I was born in West Veras County. My parents died in the border conflict between Loen Kingdom and Intis, so I defected to my relatives in Tingen two months ago..."

Angel begins to "confess" her origins.

"...But they died in the gas explosion in Tingen half a month ago. I had no choice but to leave there and go to Backlund to look for job opportunities."

"I'm sorry to remind you of these things," the Nighthawk showed a trace of apology on his face, "I hope you can forget these sad things in Backlund."

"Let's continue. After you rented Mrs. Wallis's house, did you find any complicated documents that you couldn't understand? Or dangerous items such as pistols and explosives?"

After a brief apology, he continued to ask questions like an interrogator.

Of course, they are all hidden in the study... Angel suppressed his laughter and replied:

"Have you ever seen those tall Fusac people with fierce faces?"


Angel cooperated with "Nightmare" Hopper, and soon made this fruitless Nighthawk look disappointed.

Judging from his eager look, he might not be the first to be questioned tonight. Mrs. Wallis and her maid should also be on the list...

Angel watched the nighthawk stand up from the sofa, sighed in disappointment, and then disappeared into the room with a wave of water ripples in the air.

Her eyes blurred, and the living room in front of her turned into the ceiling of her bedroom.

When the "nightmare" leaves the dreamland, will I wake up as well?This shouldn't be a normal situation, otherwise their intrusion would be too easy to detect.

But fortunately, I had prepared in advance, otherwise even if I knew that in the "nightmare" dream, making up a temporary story would easily reveal my flaws.

Angel was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling with a smile on his lips.

The captain is much more polite than this guy...

(End of this chapter)

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