Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 18 Hard fight

Chapter 18 Hard fight
Of the three present, Leonard was able to put others into a deep sleep through poetry, Angel was familiar with Madam Sharon, and the "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" in his hand could easily detect invisible targets, but the greatest threat to Madam Sharon was undoubtedly the "psychic" Daly who could manipulate the blue spirit body and burn the invisible silk thread she used.

The moment Mrs. Sharon's figure was reflected in the new "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption", she also launched an attack on Daly at the same time.

Angel didn't think Daly could bear the assassin's full blow, not to mention that the latter had his back to the enemy and was defenseless.

In desperation, she raised her hand and fired a shot at the attacking figure. At the same time, her body moved sideways to block between Daly and the attacker.

As Angel expected, the hastily fired shot was easily dodged by the attacker, but the barrier formed by her body also prevented him from passing through, so she had to turn to attack Angel, and the two fought close to each other.

Even if she was close at hand, Madam Sharon's invisibility ability was still in effect, and Angel could only vaguely see her outline through the phosphorescent powder attached to her body, but this undoubtedly had a great impact on close combat.

Seeing the outline outlined by the light powder punching him, Angel stretched out his left hand to block, while holding the gun in his right hand, he continued to approach Mrs. Sharon, ready to shoot at close range, compressing the opponent's dodge space.

Just when her left hand was about to block Mrs. Sharon, Angel's heart trembled, and the instinct of the "assassin" reminded her that doing so would be very dangerous.

Without the slightest hesitation, she chose to trust her intuition, and immediately retracted her outstretched left hand. At the same time, she turned the muzzle of the gun with her right hand, aimed at the very center of Mrs. Sharon's silhouette, and pulled the trigger.

Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun and flew towards Mrs. Sharon with the bullet, but at this moment, Mrs. Sharon seemed to be pulled horizontally by someone, and changed her direction at an incredible angle, avoiding the bullets fired close at hand.

This also made her attack on Angel miss the air.

The spiritual reminder was very correct. If Angel had blocked that "punch" with his left hand, his arm would have been cut off by the dagger that was invisible with Mrs. Sharon. At the moment of the attack, the dagger blazing with black flames appeared from the air, passed by Angel silently, and then disappeared without a trace.

It seems that Mrs. Sharon didn't really come to attack with bare hands, but she chose a dagger that was more suitable for "assassin" attacks than a gun that would make more noise.

Although invisible weapons are difficult to defend against, as long as you see the shape and length of the dagger, the pressure on Angel in close combat will be greatly reduced. As an "Assassin", even if the opponent has a higher sequence, she will not be afraid.

And out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Leonard who had escaped from trouble with Daly's help, and was raising his pistol to aim this way.

Mrs. Sharon apparently also noticed that Leonard, who was trapped by the invisible thread, had regained her ability to move. Her outline figure quickly took a few steps back, turning sideways to avoid Leonard's hastily fired bullets. At the same time, several black flames appeared around, drawing complicated trajectories in the air towards Leonard and Daly.

Regardless of continuing to shoot, Leonard showed an action speed no less than that of an "Assassin". He hugged Daly, rolled and hid behind the sofa, avoiding the incoming black flames.

The black flame hit the fabric surface of the sofa like a bullet, but did not ignite it, but quickly dissipated in the air, as if there was no phantom in this world.

Seizing this opportunity, Angel raised his gun to aim again, and fired the last two bullets in the magazine toward Mrs. Sharon's silhouette dotted with phosphorescent powder.

The bullet was dodged by Mrs. Sharon, who also had the "Assassin"'s ability to predict danger. Her dodge did not seem to be her own strength, but was quickly shifted by an invisible giant hand. Two bullets hit the wooden partition behind her one after another, making two irregular holes.

An invisible giant hand... It seems that the silk thread that bound several people before can also be used for movement...

Angel secretly guessed while chasing Mrs. Sharon's figure with his eyes.

With this type of movement, long-distance shooting is purely a waste of bullets.She threw off the pistol revolver, ejected the empty shell, and dropped the temporarily useless lady pistol with her left hand, and quickly reloaded it with new bullets using the loader. Leonard also cooperated very well with shooting from behind the sofa to restrain Mrs. Sharon, but the shooting also had no effect.

The black flame appeared next to Mrs. Sharon again, she raised her hand and waved, several black flames floated towards Angel this time.

Angel knew that this kind of black flame could not penetrate objects, so she lifted the table next to her directly, causing the teacup and kettle on the table to fall to the ground, while she crouched behind the table and heard a few "poofs", the black flame hit the table and dissipated immediately, without causing any harm to her who was hiding behind.

It seems that the extraordinary ability of "Witch" is too restrictive, and it is incomparable with "Nightmare"...

She squatted behind the table and thought wildly, suddenly her heart tightened and she rushed forward.

The place where I was a second ago was pierced by a transparent ice spike that pierced through the wooden table. The solid ice was stuck on the wooden table, and the tip directly pierced the carpet. The cold air hit, making the surrounding environment feel like winter.

Affected by the cold, Angel felt that her movements became a little sluggish. Using both hands and feet, she quickly left the wooden table covered in frost, avoiding the black flames that flew like bullets.

Not far away, Mrs. Sharon was holding an ice thorn that was generated out of thin air in one hand, surrounded by more black flames than before, and was preparing to launch the next round of attacks.

Suddenly, the chaotic reception room seemed to be blown by a sinister wind, and the black flame flying around seemed to be paused. Mrs. Sharon's waving arms also froze in place, and a figure gradually appeared under the already fading phantom phosphorescent halo.

Different from Cole Granger's memory of the elegant and charming Tingen courtesan, what appeared before several people was a Beyonder wearing a short-sleeved shirt and leather slim-fit trousers, holding a black flame dagger in one hand, and a frost spear in the other. Her slender arms exposed and an unhealthy gray-white color appeared on her beautiful face, with anger and panic in her expression.

Just like the Nighthawks who were restrained by the invisible thread a minute ago...

With a thought in his mind, Angel turned his gaze to look at Leonard who was hiding behind the sofa. He also looked surprised when he saw him, and then looked at Daly Simone who was holding a pendant and closed his eyes tightly next to him as if suddenly enlightened.

It seems to be the masterpiece of this "psychic".

Angel was no longer distracted, she raised the loaded revolver, pointed at Mrs. Sharon who was immobile and lost her invisibility, and pulled the trigger.

Mrs. Sharon, who was imprisoned by the psychic this time, had no chance to dodge again. The bullet hit her head accurately. The whole head... no, the whole body was shattered like an ice sculpture, and the pieces melted in the air before they hit the ground.

The huge decorative mirror hanging on the wall next to it shattered into pieces the size of a fingernail, some stuck to the frame, and some fell to the ground along the wall.

Another mirror stand-in... Angel quickly scanned the reception room, and found that there were several large or small decorative mirrors. He immediately pointed his gun at one of them, and smashed them with two consecutive shots.

"Be careful!" Leonard's panicked and sharp roar came from behind.

Before he had time to turn around, Angel jumped forward, rolled and left the spot.

The dagger burning with black flames slashed across Angel's previous position silently, and Mrs. Sharon who was also covered in black flames appeared behind her.

Her complexion has returned to normal, apparently the effect that restrained her before has been lifted.

"The black flame forced the spirit body back." Daly's reminder came late, "Give me another 20 seconds."

In the corner of Angel's line of sight, Daly tore off the crystal pendant on her wrist, clasped her hands together to hold the pendant, and her eyes became deep.


Mrs. Sharon, who was about to continue chasing Angel, didn't care about the target in front of her eyes, and directly condensed a frost spear in her hand, throwing it at Daly, who was psychic.

Angel quickly fired the remaining bullets in the magazine, and accurately hit the frost spear in the air. The powerful "storm gathering" tore the ice and smashed it to pieces.A few shards of ice grazed Daly's body, and she remained motionless, as if only the summer breeze was passing over her face.

"Reload!" Angel shook off the cylinder of the revolver and began to replace the bullets. Mrs. Sharon seized the opportunity and took two steps forward again, stabbing with the black flame with the dagger.

bang bang bang-

Leonard fired several shots from the side, forcing the aggressive Mrs. Sharon back.

He knew that the most important thing now was to buy time for Daly to regain control of Mrs. Sharon through her spirit body. Otherwise, once the bullets were used up, they would have no way to deal with her.

In order to restrain Mrs. Sharon, Leonard rushed out from behind the sofa where he was hiding, quickly pulled the trigger, and emptied the bullet in the magazine in one go.

As before, Mrs. Sharon used the invisible spider silk to pull her body and swam away quickly, avoiding all the bullets. She looked at Leonard who was rushing towards her, a trace of disdain flashed in her brown eyes, and she waved her snow-white arms again and again. Leonard, who was charging, froze, his windbreaker outlined obvious lines, and was once again entangled by invisible silk threads, making his movements difficult and slow.

Mrs. Sharon brandished the dagger, and was about to strike this overconfident man with one blow. Her complexion suddenly changed, and she was pulled by the silk thread to move laterally, avoiding a bullet from a blind spot in her sight.


The sneak attack failed, and Angel couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Madam Sharon also had the fighting instinct of an "assassin", coupled with the control of the invisible thread, even if she sneaked from behind, Angel couldn't hit her at all.Up until now, the bullets have been changed for two rounds, except for hitting the mirror double, Madam Sharon was unscathed.

Only by letting Daly complete the psychic communication, let the spirit body control Mrs. Sharon, and then smash all the nearby mirrors to prevent her from using the mirror double, so that there is a chance to kill this Extraordinary with endless life-saving methods.

But how long has it been since 20 seconds?Seven seconds, or eight seconds?

Thoughts were spinning in his mind, Angel didn't stop, and pulled the trigger with one shot, causing Mrs. Sharon to dodge around.

The bullets kept flying past Mrs. Sharon. Although she couldn't hit her, she didn't have time to condense the black flame or the frost spear to attack because she was moving and dodging. Seeing the time passing by, Mrs. Sharon's face darkened, and she rushed directly towards Angel.

With a "bang", Angel accurately hit the panicked Mrs. Sharon, but the sound of the mirror shattering again made her understand that she had been fooled again.

"Daily!" Angel knew something was wrong, and hurriedly reminded her. She looked in Daly's direction, and a looming figure appeared beside her. Mrs. Sharon, who had used the mirror double, appeared out of thin air, still holding the dagger burning with black flames, with a triumphant smile on her face.

Daly, who was wearing a black robe, still had her eyes closed, holding the pendant tightly in her hands, as if she didn't know the danger was approaching.

Without hesitation, Angel raised his hand and shot, but there was only the crisp sound of the hammer hitting the primer. This large-caliber revolver can only hold five bullets, and the one that smashed the mirror stand just now was the last one.

A breeze blew through the crowd, as if someone was passing by in a hurry, Angel couldn't help shivering, and her thoughts lagged for a while, she pulled herself together and looked at the positions of Daly and Mrs. Sharon again.

"Psychic" Daly opened her eyes again, and her deep pupils returned to the jewel-like emerald green. The skin of Mrs. Sharon next to her reappeared the unhealthy gray color before, and the dagger she held high stopped in place and could not be swung down.

(End of this chapter)

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