Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 188 Love Divination

Chapter 188 Love Divination
This elegant lady's name was Lola, which was a very common name in the Kingdom of Loen. Angel even guessed that it was probably a pseudonym. Providing a pseudonym would undoubtedly have a big impact on the divination, but she didn't care and decided to listen first. Listen to this woman's request.

"I want to divine love," Laura stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, but still showed a proud smile. "I have been very distressed recently because I don't know how to choose my suitors."

Your suitors?

Hearing this plural ending, Angel secretly thought something was wrong.

"One of my two main suitors is Baron Farnese. Although he lost his fiefdom in a family accident a few years ago and only retained his title, he inherited many of his father's factories and plantations, and his family is well off. , and the pursuit of me is the most passionate."

As if she didn't see Angel's slightly embarrassed expression, Laura introduced herself, her beautiful lake-blue eyes full of charm, as if she was recalling every moment she had with the baron.

"The other one also makes it difficult for me to choose. His name is Stuart. He is a captain of the Kingdom Army. He fought in the war in the Southern Continent at a young age... Well, he said it was the east coast of Balam. Where is that, Fusac "?" She frowned, trying to recall the geographical knowledge deep in her mind, but quickly gave up, "I have made meritorious service in the war, and it is said that I will become a major soon, such a young major!"

There was distress in Laura's beautiful eyes, as if she was choosing two equally priceless jewels.

"Who should I choose? Maybe I should listen to my father and date Baron Farnese, or maybe I should let my body make the choice and follow my heart..."

This is really a clichéd love story, with a complicated relationship... Angel commented rudely in his heart.

But as her first customer, she had to serve him well no matter what, so as to create a good start.

After asking Laura in detail about the two suitors and writing their names on the paper, Angel took off the citrine pendant from his wrist, held the silver chain with his left hand, and let the pendant hang on the first piece of paper. That's right above Stewart's name.

"Captain Stewart will be a perfect match for Ms. Laura."

After reciting the divination words silently, Angel closed his eyes and entered a meditative state. He felt the pendant pulling the silver chain slowly moving under his left hand.

Opening his eyes, Angel saw that the pendant was slowly moving counterclockwise.

"Oh, Stuart, are you really not suitable to be with me, as my father said?"

Laura, who had been informed by Angel about the effects of the Pendulum Technique before starting the divination, exaggeratedly covered her mouth, her eyes showing disbelief, and whispered.

After smacking his lips and ignoring the words of Ms. Laura, who was quite talented in acting, Angel moved the pendant above another piece of paper and performed another divination on Baron Farnese.

The result is surprising. This little aristocrat from a well-off family is not suitable for Ms. Laura. The pendant even rotates counterclockwise faster than Captain Stewart.

"This can..."

Laura's eyes widened, tears almost overflowing from her eyes.

"...This is so sad. Are neither of them suitable for me?"

"I'm sorry. Judging from the divination results, this is indeed the case. Maybe they just don't deserve you. Well, you deserve better?"

Angel, who was also surprised by the divination results, searched for a few words of comfort to prevent the emotional lady from crying in her divination room.

But soon, she saw a strange emotion in the other person's eyes - excitement.

"Shouldn't I just focus on the two of them? Maybe I should give him a chance..."

The woman's voice became lower and lower, but her face was red and her expression was pitiful.

he?Is there a third one?
"Is he the man who accompanied you to the divination club?"

Angel suddenly remembered that there was a man standing outside the door and asked tentatively.

"Who? Oh, no, he is just my bodyguard," Laura shook her head first, then nodded, "But he is humble and polite, and he is young and strong, maybe..."

The relationship between men and women among you Loen people is too messy... No, I am also a Loen person, so I am a Backlund. The social relations in Backlund are too messy!
Angel complained about the social circle in the capital of the kingdom, and watched with some helplessness as Ms. Laura lamented the ups and downs of her love life. Fortunately, the other party's desire to talk was quickly satisfied. He took out two soles from the bag, handed it to Angel, and then wiped it. Wiping away the non-existent tears, he left the divination room.

Outside the door came the earnest words of the candidate who was at least fourth in line, asking Ms. Laura if she wanted to go to another divination club.

Could it be that she came to perform so-called divination just to find someone of the same sex to show off to?
Angel took his first income of the day and countless questions popped up in his mind.


As evening approached, when even the divination room next door became quiet, Angel packed up the pendulum and magic mirror and prepared to leave the club.

Putting the tarot cards into the box, she looked at her smooth palms. Although she had expected that she would not enter the gray fog space to participate in the tarot meeting this time, she was still a little disappointed after waiting until three o'clock in the afternoon. .

Fortunately, at 8 o'clock tonight, Caspars from the "Brave Bar" will introduce her to another secret gathering of extraordinary people. She cannot be late for such an important thing.

"Bang bang."

The door was knocked again, and today's second and last customer entered the fortune telling room.

Seeing that Angel had already stood up and the table was empty and clean, this young man with a somewhat decadent temperament apologized and left the room again.

"Hello, what kind of divination do you need to perform?" Angel quickly stopped him. It was still early, and she, playing the role of a dedicated "witch", didn't want to let go of her hard-earned customers.

The decadent man opened the door again and sat down opposite Angel with a depressed and melancholy expression.

"I want to divine love. I recently met a woman who will be with me for the rest of my life, but my ex-girlfriend in college keeps pestering me."

Love again?Do the young people in Backlund do nothing but fall in love?

Sighing secretly, Angel took out a deck of tarot cards. After shuffling the cards, he asked the man to silently reflect on his needs and draw three cards.

This divination method is simple and easy to perform. The most important thing is that the results can be interpreted from multiple angles, and there will be no embarrassing situation like Ms. Laura just now.

The man slowly pulled out three tarot cards and placed them on the table one by one.

Lovers reversed, Chariot upright and Star upright.

Angel pretended to close his eyes and meditate, but was actually recalling the tarot knowledge he had just learned. After a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at the man.

"A reversed lover represents the uncertainty and struggle in the relationship. It means that you have been unable to withstand temptation and have evaded responsibility."

"The chariot in the upright position represents controlling emotions and actions, indicating that your relationship will develop smoothly, but this requires you to continue to work hard."

"At the end is the star in the upright position, which represents hope and beautiful love. Your future relationship will definitely be extremely bright."

"So, I should change my past personality and work hard to pursue my current goals, so that I can get beautiful love in the future??"

Listening to Angel's explanation, the man's expression changed several times, and finally he stopped at the realization.

No, you sound like you are in love with the new and hate the old...

Before Angel could speak, the man had already convinced himself. Although his decadent temperament had not dissipated, the depression on his face had slowly faded.

"Yes, I should forget about that woman as soon as possible and pursue a new life bravely. I will go and make it clear to her right now."

The more he talked, the more excited he became. He stood up from the chair, turned around and prepared to leave the divination room.

"Oh, by the way, your reward."

He finally remembered this and took out 2 sulers and handed them to Angel.

"Thank you, but you'd better be careful. Although the divination results point to the real future, you should also pay attention to the bumps and tribulations on the road."

Seeing this man who seemed to have already made up his mind and just wanted to use divination to give him a reason to fall in love with someone else, Angel couldn't help but remind him.

"Thank you, Miss Fortune Teller, I am sensible."

Had I inadvertently made the relationship between the three of them more complicated?
Looking at the three tarot cards on the table, Angel felt that it would be easier for him to burn the bridge tomorrow.


"You're late. I said 8 o'clock, which usually means you should arrive at 7:[-]."

Caspars' right eye, which was pierced by scars, shot a sharp gaze towards Angel, who arrived at the "Brave Bar" on time.

"Sorry, I don't know the rules here. I will arrive earlier next time."

The latter said softly and handed over the "introduction fee" of 2 pounds, successfully dispelling the other party's anger.

But most of the reason for Caspars's anger was probably because of another man standing next to him. He had short black hair exposed under his hat, wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and had a beard that covered half of his chin. At least 30 years old.

The gentleman took out the slightly flashy gold watch in his pocket and looked at the time repeatedly.

Was he urging Kaspars?Is he also planning to go to that Extraordinary gathering?

Angel looked at this unexpected traveler, who also looked back unceremoniously, seemingly surprised by her height, with a curious look in his brown eyes.

"Come with me. If it's any later, you won't be able to get in."

Kaspars collected the introduction fee, took the two guests away from the back kitchen of the bar, walked through the narrow alley, and came to a dark house.

Seeing Angel take out the puppy mask and put it on, he nodded with satisfaction, took out an iron mask from his pocket and handed it to the black-haired man. The latter took off his glasses and put on the mask, which could only cover the upper half of his face. Face mask.

Wait, does it actually come with a mask?I also……

Angel opened her mouth in surprise and was about to ask for her share when Kaspars knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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