Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 190 Looking for a bodyguard?

Chapter 190 Looking for a bodyguard?
Sensing the other party's vigilance, Angel immediately looked away.

This guy is probably also an extraordinary person. Maybe he has a lot of inspiration and can detect my peeping...

But if that was the case, he was probably lying when he said he didn't know the function of the extraordinary properties extracted from the corpse.

Is it to pretend to be an ordinary person and pretend that he doesn’t understand?Or are you afraid of being targeted by people with malicious intentions at a strange gathering of extraordinary people?

Out of politeness, she turned off her spiritual vision and no longer tried to observe carefully through dark vision, but her brain was working rapidly to analyze the identity of the other party.

Other party members also cast their gazes, looking at the extraordinary characteristics in the man's hand. Several people clearly recognized that it belonged to an extraordinary person, but more people showed curiosity in their eyes.

At this time, the old man with "Eye of Wisdom" beside the coffee table in the center of the living room spoke:

"If no one else wants it, I can buy it for £400. Trust me, that's a fair price."

"If you need to know what it is and what it can be used for, I can tell you, but knowledge needs to be paid in exchange, 100 pounds."

He knows the law of conservation of extraordinary characteristics, and also knows that extraordinary characteristics are similar to those of potions of the same sequence?

After hearing the old man's words, Angel gained a new understanding of the party host known as the "Eye of Wisdom". Regardless of the level of the other participants, at least he could bear the title of a senior extraordinary person.

And he is willing to pay 400 pounds to purchase this extraordinary property, indicating that it is likely to be precipitated after the death of a Sequence 9 Beyonder. It is also exactly equal to the market price of the two main materials of the potion. If it is a Sequence 8 extraordinary property, Except for Dominic, who was coaxed and deceived by her, I am afraid that no one will conclude a deal with 400 pounds.

Sure enough, the black-haired man quickly agreed to the deal and refused to pay an additional 100 pounds to obtain knowledge about the uses of extraordinary properties. It seemed that he was not as ignorant of the world of mysticism as he pretended to be.

"Sir, you don't have to pay in a hurry. I actually have another commission."

After verbally reaching a deal, the man did not immediately hand over the extraordinary characteristics, but continued to make his own demands.

"I have offended a person with a relatively high status. He is probably, well, according to what you guys say, he has a Sequence 6 or even a Sequence 5. I want to use the money to add some more and hire a powerful bodyguard. , make sure I don’t die in revenge.”

After listening to his request, the entire party fell silent for a moment, and even the steady "Eye of Wisdom" looked surprised.

Sequence 6, or even sequence 5?

Thinking of Sequence 5, Angel's mind immediately pictured the figure of Ms. D, the divine envoy of the "Aurora Society" who can switch extraordinary abilities at any time and defeat many enemies.

At that time, the three members of the Red Gloves team, including her and Captain Dunn, five against one, well, plus the nameless Extraordinary who self-destructed, allowed the "shepherd" to leave safely, and even injured several of them. Night watcher.If something goes wrong along the way, they are likely to be the ones who fail and die.

As for Megoose and the offspring of the evil god in her belly, which were solved with two Sun Flame Talisman and Shattering Light Rays, I am afraid they already have the strength of Sequence 4.

I don’t know what big thing he did to provoke an Extraordinary person of Ms. D’s level.

"With all due respect, this may be a bit beyond the level of the members present. Why don't you find a place with beautiful scenery and die quietly?"

The fat pharmacist said with a hint of sneer in his tone.

Although the others did not speak, they obviously agreed with his answer.

After a brief moment of surprise, "Eye of Wisdom" also explained:

"I assume you don't quite understand our circle. Sequence 5, even the weakest ones, are very powerful and terrifying characters."

"Although there have been some Sequence 8 and Sequence 9 people who have killed strong men of this level, luck and strength are both indispensable, and it is an experience that cannot be replicated. I am afraid that no one here is willing to risk their lives to help you, not even with money. "

If it's Sequence 6, with my current strength, plus two magical items, and being fully prepared, I should be able to solve it, but Sequence 5...

Angel evaluated his own fighting strength, and finally reluctantly gave up the 400 pounds or even more remuneration.

If you can add a zero, you might be able to ask Mr. A to come forward. He should be a Sequence 5 of the "Secret Prayer" path, a "Shepherd", and he seems to be in a bit of a financial situation lately...

The black-haired man was a little disappointed when he failed to get help. He instead proposed to use the 400 pounds to buy a magical item that would help him survive.

"Believe me, the magical items that 400 pounds can buy will definitely have no effect on Sequence 5, and may even harm you. You might as well find that strong man and sincerely apologize. Maybe 400 pounds can gain his understanding. "

"Eye of Wisdom" persuaded in a sincere tone, which made Angel feel good about him. Such a party organizer who would not use his knowledge and status to deceive new members was the key to the long-term success of the party.

"No, I have an item here that might be helpful to you," the man who had almost snatched the pharmacist's commission from Angel said, "it allows you to hear the voice of a certain great being. If you're lucky, Yes, you can become very powerful, even against Sequence 5 experts. If you are very unlucky, it will be the same as Sequence 5 finding you..." "Black Snake, that thing of yours" Haven’t you sold it yet? Stop cheating this poor man.”

The fat pharmacist interjected again. He didn't seem to care about other people's opinions at all, and he calmly accepted the somewhat gloomy gaze of "Black Snake".

The black-haired man was very interested in the "Black Snake"'s proposal. After a brief exchange, he used the 400 pounds he had just obtained to buy the item that was said to be able to "hear the voice of the great being."

"Great Being" sounds like the rhetoric of those in the Aurora Society. They believe that listening to the whispers of the Creator can make them powerful, but in fact it is likely to lead to madness or even death...

Spending 400 pounds to buy this kind of thing, I really don't know if he is lucky or unlucky.

Watching the black-haired man carefully put the wooden box containing the magical item into his pocket, Angel couldn't help but guess.

After this transaction, someone successfully sold a rune steel sword worth 500 pounds that was said to have flowed out of the Eternal Sun Church, becoming the largest transaction tonight.

Angel also wanted to ask the "witch" about the formula for the "Happy Witch" potion, but he was only attending this party for the first time and knew nothing about the identities of the others.

And according to the current trading model, asking to buy potions is tantamount to telling everyone the sequence of her potions, so she considered it again and did not make a transaction request.

When no one in the audience spoke again, the old man "Eye of Wisdom" announced the end of the party.

According to his instructions, the members left the venue one by one under the leadership of the waiter, with a three-minute interval between each person.

Well, this can protect the safety of participants very well and prevent them from being tracked by others. Unfortunately, it cannot be done privately one-on-one like Mr. A. After all, it is still easy to expose your identity...

The number of members present decreased rapidly. Angel looked at the fat pharmacist who had made a deal with her, but he also stayed where he was.

"Should you two agree on another time and leave separately, or should you leave together?"

When there were only a few people left, the "Eye of Wisdom" asked.

"Let's go together. I want to solve the problem as soon as possible. My herbs can't wait too long."

The medicine man replied, giving Angel a questioning look.

The latter also wanted to get the final payment quickly and nodded in agreement.

Returning the hooded robe to the attendant, the two opened the door and left the nondescript building. Angel found that the exit was not the same as when she came, which meant that the building had multiple different entrances and exits, plus The rule of leaving in batches means that you will hardly encounter other people on the way out, so it is quite safe.

Arriving on the moonlit street, the fat pharmacist took off his iron mask, wiped the sweat from his face, and let out a sigh of relief.

Angel also put away the puppy mask, but she still had the psychological suggestion effect of the "Crazy Ring" under the mask, showing a disguised face.

"Let's go, let's go to the place you mentioned and help you solve your troubles as soon as possible."

After stroking his somewhat scattered black hair, Angel said to the pharmacist.

"Okay... okay, but aren't you afraid of being in danger so late? I thought you would make another appointment and wait until daytime to go."

The pharmacist, who looked even fatter after taking off his mask, was stunned for a moment, then nodded and answered.

"It's dark and windy at night... it's easy to do things."

Angel's tone was long and he suddenly turned his head towards the other person's face. The fat pharmacist's eyes widened in fright and he ducked back.

"Do, do something?"

Feeling the slight signs of digestion of the "witch" potion in his body, Angel was also shocked and frightened by his sudden bold behavior.

Although she just wanted to scare him, but how could she act... She wished she could take off the frenzy ring that she had worn all day and throw it aside, but she was worried that the fat pharmacist was still around, so she had to explain quickly:
"Well, it's safer for Extraordinary people to do it at night. They don't have to worry about patrols on the street or official Extraordinary people. Well, except for some night owls..."

While stumbling, Angel quickly raised the hood of the cloak behind him to hide his embarrassed expression, and left the narrow alley with the fat pharmacist.

(End of this chapter)

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