Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 193 Report

Chapter 193 Report
Having established contact with the "True Creator" worshiped by the "Aurora Society" through magic mirror divination, Angel is close to facing this famous evil god directly.

Fortunately, there is a magic mirror between her and Him, as well as the spiritual world that the magic mirror communicates with.

The moment she felt threatened, she immediately used her wand to stand in for the Creator's pollution. To be on the safe side, she even activated her magic pocket watch and jumped away from the scene with flames.

Otherwise, even if she comes into contact with just a hint of the breath of the "True Creator", within a few seconds, she will turn into a pile of rotten meat in the house, or become a bloodthirsty monster like rats and crocodiles in the sewer.

But Angel, who had escaped from the safe house, was still kneeling on the street corner, trembling all over. Her whole body was in unbearable pain as if she had been cut by a knife. She almost wanted to roll on the ground. Veins appeared on her exposed hands, her skin was dim, and her face and face that she could not see were The same must be true for the body.

Fortunately, she had experienced almost losing control several times. By entering meditation, she barely suppressed her spiritual restlessness. The remaining rationality prevented her from actually rolling on the ground, but just curled up her body and gritted her teeth to resist the pain and discomfort all over her body.

After an unknown amount of time, the gas street lamp above his head seemed to become hotter. The nonsense and evil thoughts that filled Angel's mind gradually receded, and the pain in his body slowly disappeared.

She raised her head and realized that her whole body was already soaked, and her face was covered with sweat, mixed with liquid that was either tears or saliva, dripping from her chin.

Wait, is that above your head, is it a gas lamp?
Angel, who had just regained consciousness, almost fainted from the flames above her head that were more terrifying than the real Creator. She crawled away on her hands and knees, away from the faintly glowing street lamps on the street, and did not stop until she got into the dark alley. Down.

"It turns out that 10 minutes have passed...but what I felt was only a short moment."

Looking away from the light in the alley, Angel murmured that the experience of almost losing control just now made her lose her sense of time, and she didn't even know when she fell into the negative effects of the "magic pocket watch".


"Well, where is this and how long has it been?"

Shaking her painful head, Angel got up from the ground, only to find that she was lying on the carpet. The sunlight from the window had entered the living room through the curtains, making her whole body warm.

As the blood and memories returned to her mind, she remembered what happened last night.

Suffering from the negative state of the magic pocket watch, it took Angel two full hours to walk the usual 10-[-]-minute journey, bypassing the street lights and return to his home.

She took off the "Crazy Ring" that she had worn all day and threw it aside. She didn't even care about the various desires that were filling her body, and slept on the carpet in the living room all night.

It was already three o'clock in the day, and the 12-hour negative state was about to disappear soon. However, she wore the "Crazy Ring" for a day yesterday, and her accumulated physiological needs became more and more urgent. Her stomach seemed to be stirred by a giant hand, and the gastric juice secreted was almost They have to digest themselves.

No, this is not all the negative effects of the Ring of Madness. I have indeed not eaten for almost a day...

He hurriedly changed out of the muddy clothes on the ground and took a shower. Angel, who didn't dare to turn on the fire to cook, filled his stomach with bread and butter to eliminate his desire to eat. Only then did he have time to recall the use of magic the night before. Events caused by mirror divination.

There is no doubt that the extremely familiar evil aura is very similar to that of Megoose in Tingen City, and the "heir of the evil god" in her belly, and the filthy ravings are also similar to the "blasphemous words" of Megoose. "Language" is the same.

From the subsequent analysis, it can be guessed that the evil god Mr. C in the North District Street Park conspired to summon was the "True Creator" he believed in, so the result of this divination can be determined.

But the question is why the "true Creator" is involved in divination of mutated animals, so that He is ruthlessly counterattacked.

Maybe it's not a "counterattack" at all. It's just a "natural phenomenon" caused by the gap in personality and strength when facing an evil but powerful existence. The "Don't look directly at God" specifically mentioned in church classics is not only It is out of worship and respect for the gods, as well as safety factors.

Their divinity, even if they do not serve any purpose or exert any will, is naturally harmful to ordinary creatures.

And the man with bronze skin who appeared in the divination is probably a member of the "Aurora Society". Why would he use his own blood to pollute the sewers and create mutant animals?Is his blood related to the "True Creator"?
If it is to sacrifice to his master and to kill people, then the efficiency of killing ordinary people through mutated animals is too low, and it is easy to be discovered by official extraordinary people. Even if they don't follow the clues to find him, they will kill the mutated animals. , to prevent more people from being killed.

By the way, official Beyonders, I can report this matter and let them handle it!
Angel has been a Nighthawk for two months, and has almost forgotten the method of reporting. He has forgotten that when he first came to this world, he contacted the Nighthawk through reporting and got rid of Mrs. Sharon.

He is currently weak in strength, but the official Beyonder will not be merciful to the evil god and his followers.

Just do what he said, Angel came to the study, held a pen with his left hand, and wrote a report letter crookedly, which recorded in detail the animal mutations in the sewers of Backlund Bridge area, their possible sources, and pointed out that they were likely to Related to the "Aurora Society" and the "True Creator".Afterwards, she used black flames to "disinfect" the letter paper and envelope to ensure that the report would not be traced back to herself by divination. Moreover, the inability to divination itself meant that it was related to extraordinary people. No matter what, official extraordinary people would take it seriously and would do so. Head to the sewers to investigate.

"I hope Darkwill has really moved the planting point as he said..."

But I can't care about him now. I can't let the Aurora Society make another noise like the evil god coming to Tingen City. If the god appears in Backlund, more than a few dozen people will die.

After folding the letter paper and stuffing it into the envelope, Angel looked at the sunshine outside the window, waiting for the negative effect of fear of fire to disappear.


At the door of the Jowood District Police Station, Angel, wearing a hooded ring and wearing a crazy ring, stuffed a thin report letter into the door mailbox.

The policeman standing guard at the door immediately paid attention, but since the reporter saw him every day, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Lowering his head and getting out of the other person's sight as quickly as possible, Angel returned to the nearest subway station and took a ride to the East End.

On the way, she recalled the entire process of her report, ensuring that she would not be tracked or paid attention to by official extraordinary people.

"The report letter was used to counter divination through the Black Flame Curse. I also have the 'Magic Pocket Watch' and the 'Secret Holy Emblem' that have a restorative effect on me. Ordinary divination has no effect on me, and people who have seen me on the road will only remember me. , no, I can’t even remember this false face, I will soon be forgotten..."

"The only problem is Darkwill, that unlucky pharmacist. He knows that I have cleaned up mutant animals and that I have performed divination. If the official Beyonder finds him, he may expose me as a 'witch'... Fortunately, I I already know how to attend the 'Eye of Wisdom' party. Try not to have any contact with him in the future. If I change the puppy mask, he may not be able to recognize me."

"There is also Mr. A, who also belongs to the Aurora Society. Is he related to this matter?"

Angel thought and quickly denied this.

Since Mr. A dares to live and hold meetings in Backlund, the wealthiest Queens district, he either has official surveillance and tacit approval, or he is simply a tool used by the Aurora Society to divert official attention. No matter what the case, he should not participate." "causing mutations in animals".


Back near the safe house in the East District, Angel did not go in. Instead, he walked around the surrounding blocks and found no monitors or traces of being contaminated by last night's "Real Creator Breath."

"That breath only targeted me, the blasphemer who looked directly at Him, and had no impact on other people... This is really a blessing among misfortunes, but this safe house is definitely no longer available. Fortunately, it has been handed in for a month. Just pay the rent and let it sit here vacant. After a month, that breath will have long disappeared in time..."

After leaving the apartment that she rented for nearly 1 pound, Angel came to the East End near the dock area and found a one-bedroom apartment as a new safe house. This time she paid a careful attention and only paid 8 pounds. Weekly rent, a total of 4 sulers, and a deposit of [-] sulers were left, so that if something like this happened again and the safe house needed to be abandoned, we would not lose too much.

This house was similar to the previous one, with only simple furniture. Angel simply cleaned and decorated the new safe house, completing everything before entering the night.


The door was knocked.

Angel walked to the living room, feeling a little wary in his heart.

Could it be the landlord?Or maybe it's the police on patrol, but they have never been interested in the East Side. How come they knock on the tenant's door?

After walking to the door, she looked out through the peephole, then sighed secretly and opened the door.

"I really don't want to open the door to see you, because it's bound to be up to no good."

Standing at the door was a haggard-looking Dominic, who was supposed to have arrived in Bayam long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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