Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 196 Escape and Reward

Chapter 196 Escape and Reward

Using dark vision to approach the frightened girl, Angel bent down and gave her a hug. He felt the trembling body in his arms gradually calm down, and then whispered:

"Don't be afraid, Dominic is here to save you."

"Thank you, thank you..." The girl who had been strong enough to save herself just now was crying now, "I thought he was also taken away, I, I was very scared..."

Taking out a dagger and cutting the rope that bound Sonia's hands and feet, Angel helped the girl stand up and walked from the dark room to the dimly lit corridor.

Sonia, who had regained her vision, looked at the woman who saved her with some curiosity and couldn't help but ask:
"I don't think I've seen you before. Were you invited by Dominic for help? Where is he now?"

Actually, I am Dominic - Angel wanted to make a joke like this, but looking at Sonia with tears on her face, he still couldn't bear to bully her.

"He's down there attracting the attention of gangsters. The sooner we get out, the safer he will be."

Taking Sonia with her, Angel walked through the deserted corridor and came to the stairs leading to the lobby on the first floor. The boy named Ian who she had rescued just now was looking out at the top of the stairs and heard the two people talking. The sound of footsteps made him shiver with fright.

"It's that the girl you want to save? Congratulations on finding her." Ian, who is young but looks very mature, said, "There was a lot of gunfire outside. It seemed like two groups were fighting. We have to find another place to go out.”

"That's my companion trying to attract attention. Let's go to the back door. That's where I just came from..."


Before Angel finished speaking, there was a violent explosion at the front door, followed by a shaking sensation. Even the flames of the gas lamp hanging on the wall became weak, as if someone had exploded it with several pounds of dynamite. Half a house.

The door leading to the front hall was knocked open, and the dust caused by the explosion spilled out from the other side. A strong figure walked through the smoke and came to the stairs. Angel quickly drew his gun and took aim.

"It's me, don't shoot!" The figure fanned away the smoke in front of him, revealing Dominic's dusty face, "Have you found Sonia? They will be there soon..."

Sonia cried, rushing to hug him and silencing the provocateur.

"Don't cry until you get out. What's going on at the front door? Why are there more gunshots?"

Angel ignored the reunited couple, but frowned and looked in the direction of the front door. The place did not calm down because of Dominic's absence, but more intensive gunfire erupted, as if it was true as Ian said just now, "Two The gang started fighting."

"Okay, Sonia, let's get out of here right now." After touching the girl's messy brown hair, the gray-faced provocateur turned around, "The people from MI[-] came over and they used explosives. It blew up half of the front hall, and now the two sides are fighting fiercely, so I took advantage of the chaos and sneaked over."

"Is it also for the manuscript?"

"Why else? To rescue the captured boys and girls?"

After taking a look at Ian, who still had rope binding marks on his wrists, Dominic grabbed Sonia and walked straight to the back door.

"The Zimange Party has an advantageous location, but a numerical disadvantage, and there are no extraordinary people stationed there. It is estimated that they will not be able to hold on for a few minutes. Let's run quickly. When MI[-] discovers that there is no manuscript here, they will probably target us again."

Arriving at the back door where Angel climbed over the wall just now, the two Beyonders used wooden boxes to help Sonia and Ian climb over the low wall. The four of them quickly left this land of right and wrong along the small alley behind the red brick alley.

The gunshots and shouts that could be heard vaguely from behind did not subside for a long time. Apparently, the Zmang party did not collapse as quickly as Dominic guessed, but continued to resist.

It wasn't until the four of them passed through several streets and came to the banks of the Tasok River adjacent to the East End and Dockside area that the faint sound of gunshots disappeared from their ears.

"Here, it's time to leave. If you follow us any longer, you might be in danger."

As soon as he was out of danger, Dominic looked at the only "outsider" among the four, Ian who was also kidnapped by the Zmang party.

The latter nodded, understanding the situation very well, looked at Angel and said, "Thank you for your help, beautiful lady. You must have been involved because of that manuscript. I suggest you find a place to hide for a while and don't go to the police or the police." It is to seek official help, especially MI[-], they..."

"I know, they have been infiltrated into a sieve long ago, these losers!"

Dominic, a former member of MI[-], interjected unceremoniously. "...Well, as long as you are clear, I have been planning to disappear for a while, but I owe you a favor," Ian nodded towards Angel, "If you need information, you can go to the 'Brave Bar' , just ask the old man, they can contact me."

After that, the thin young man walked west along the banks of the Tasok River and quickly disappeared into the night and thick fog.

"What about you? Are you still going back to your residence?"

Withdrawing his gaze from Ian's back, Angel looked at Dominic and Sonia. The former was covered with dust and blood from the explosion. Although the latter's clothes were still intact, her face was also covered up. Constantly tired.

"How is it possible? I will definitely be caught when I go back now," Dominic shook his head. "I am going to go directly to the dock area and find someone who dares to sail at night. Then I will go to Pulitzer Harbor downstream overnight, and I will go to sea early tomorrow morning. I won’t go back to this damn place.”

Since the electrical system was not popularized, there were no steam trains at night, and most steamships did not dare to run at night. However, there were still brave boatmen who dared to go down the river at night and risk their lives to earn a little living expenses.

"That boy named Ian is right. It's best for you to avoid the limelight. If these intelligence agencies can't find the manuscript, they will definitely expand their search scope and sooner or later they will find you."

"I don't need you to worry about it now. I have other things to do and I can't leave Backlund. Moreover, through counter-divination, I can also avoid being tracked by the Extraordinary."

After hearing what Angel said, Dominic sneered and retorted: "Anti-divination? You rely too much on those methods. Do you think I can do divination? Haven't I tracked you to your safe house?"

That’s not what you said a few hours ago when you begged me to use the magic mirror to save your Sonia...

The provocateur continued talking on his own, not even noticing the winks from Sonia beside him.

"I suggest you replace those two safe houses and clean the contents inside. Don't leave any traces. This has nothing to do with divination. An experienced hunter can quickly track you based on where you have lived. On the body."

Is he caring about me?
Angel chuckled to himself.

Dominic continued to ramble on about some anti-tracking methods. It wasn't until a carriage beside him rushed past the loose paving stones that he seemed to remember that he was preparing to escape and closed his mouth.

Then he took out a small envelope from his arms and handed it to Angel.

"This is your reward. Anyway, thank you for lending a helping hand this time..."

"If you go to Byam in the future, you can go to the 'Sea and Fire' bar on Pelican Street to find me. Of course, don't use your real name, just say 'Lucky Nick'..." Dominic said at the end, his tone suddenly changed. He paused, "I hope you won't use it. I don't want to have anything to do with Backlund or you witches anymore."

"Even a kind witch."

After watching Dominique's one-man show with some confusion, he pulled Sonia towards the dock area in the east direction of the Tasok River. Angel pinched the envelope in his hand and found that it was thin and contained almost nothing.

This guy wouldn't give me an empty envelope, so that's why he ran so fast...

Looking down at the envelope in her hand, she tore open a side and pulled out the only piece of letter paper inside. Using the moonlight, she looked at the contents under dark vision.

"Sequence 8, Master of Tricks. Main materials: Soul Eater's stomach bag, 20 ml of deep-sea marlin's blood. Auxiliary materials: 5 ml of essential oil made from hornbeam, 10 grams of thread ball grass powder, one blooming red chestnut flower , 80 ml of pure water.”

This is... this is the recipe for the potion?

Angel held back his surprise and looked at the backs of the two people.

He said he would give me a satisfactory reward, so he was referring to the formula of the potion?Indeed, the formula is roughly equivalent to a gold pound in the world of extraordinary people, and sometimes it can even do things that a gold pound cannot do...

Continuing to look down, Angel discovered that the magic potion formula was not just for the "Master of Magic" on the paper.

"Sequence 8, barbarian."

"Sequence Nine, Seer."

On this piece of paper, a total of three potion recipes were recorded!
(End of this chapter)

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