Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 199 Second Coming Party

Chapter 199 Second Coming Party
Late at night, in the Backlund Bridge area, inside the sewer.

Two men wearing windbreakers and high boots were searching for something in the narrow sewer. They did not take lanterns or light torches, but they could identify the road with only the weak moonlight coming from the patio, as if there were Vision that can see through darkness.

One of them had brown hair, a mess as if he hadn't washed it for several days. His eyes of the same color swept across the wide sewer collection in front of him, seeming a little confused.

"Civil Las Vegas and the penalty agent were so eager to transfer the case to us. I thought so many citizens had already been killed by the giant crocodile. I didn't expect that this place would be quieter than the streets of the North District in the early morning."

Another man in a trench coat followed him and said to himself.

"You should be glad that you are here catching rats instead of going with other teams to find Intis' spies."

The brown-haired man walking in front turned back and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Moreover, when I just left the station, news came that the ambassador of Intis had been assassinated. He had the strength of Sequence 6, and the extraordinary people in the embassy could not even fit in a carriage. As a result, he died Then let’s die, let’s see which team of unlucky guys will be sent to assist in the investigation.”

"Okay, okay, I get it, Chuck, I've been lucky enough to catch mice with you for a month. But are there any mice here for us to catch? Why don't I feel like there's not even a fly."

The man called Chuck was the Nighthawk "Nightmare" who was investigating Angel in his dream a few days ago. Hearing his companion's words, he also looked around in confusion.

"The report said that there are swarms of rats bigger than dogs and giant crocodiles that can eat people alive, but I can't see anything... Do you think they are those hiding in the dark? A prank by an extraordinary person?"

Another "Midnight Poet" with only Sequence 8 frowned, shook his head and replied:

"I don't think so. The report letter was very detailed and even mentioned the 'Aurora Society' and the 'True Creator'. And listen," he closed his mouth and made the sewer so quiet that the only sound left was the slow flow of sewage under his feet. , "There was no sound, not even the sound of mice. It was too seemed like it had been cleaned deliberately."

"It would be nice to have a voyeur or a fortune teller here at this time. They can further confirm the clues through divination..."

Chuck Hopper smacked his lips, feeling that the strong smell of mint and disinfectant in his nose was about to disappear, and the stench from the outside world was gradually seeping in, knowing that the effect of the medicine he inhaled before entering was about to disappear.

"Anyway, at least I'm sure there are no man-eating rats or crocodiles, and I don't feel the smell of evil. Let the 'Punishers' take care of the rest. They should be in charge of this area in the first place."

Even so, the two of them still walked around the sewers dutifully, and after confirming that there were no mutant animals mentioned in the report, they held their noses and left the sewers.

In the darkness, a pair of red eyes stared at the backs of the Nighthawks. They slowly closed their eyes until they turned a right-angled corner and walked out of the passage facing the moonlight.


In the basement of No. 47 Red Rose Street, Angel finished carving the last "Gathering Storm", put down the carving knife, and neatly put the 20 special bullets into a palm-sized iron box.

This is a fresh batch of ammunition that she is going to sell at Mr. A's gathering next week. If the buyer who readily gives money is no longer interested, she can also go to the "Eye of Wisdom" gathering to sell it.

This is the benefit of attending multiple extraordinary gatherings at the same time...

Angel also copied a Sequence 8 "Barbarian" and "Magic Master" potion formula respectively, but he was not prepared to sell the former immediately to the lady who sold weapons at the party. If he sold the formula directly, he could only You will gain gold pounds, but if you exchange them for resources, you may be able to obtain magical items or clues to other recipes.

After packing up the items for sale, taking the weapons, the magic mirror, and the newly made wand with him, Angel left the house and prepared to attend the "Eye of Wisdom" party tonight, but when he went out, he ran into Mrs. Wallis's maid. Anna.

"Hello, Miss Watson," Anna bowed gracefully, "Mrs. Wallis will hold a small tea party at home next Sunday and has invited several of her friends to attend. Are you interested in this?"

This was an invitation to a tea party, and a maid was specially sent to come... Angel thought of the "pride of the middle class" that he mentioned when chatting with the Moretti brothers and sisters, and when he thought of how they would send a maid to invite people to the banquet, his face turned red. A smile appeared on his face.

Fortunately, I haven't worn the "Ring of Madness" yet. In the eyes of Master Varys and his servants, I still have the same image as when I came to Backlund. If I want to find a way to reduce their impression, it's best to make Mrs. Varys forget my appearance... Thinking of this At one point, she politely declined the tea party invitation that Anna relayed, but out of politeness, she did not refuse directly, but said that she would "think about it".


After dinner at a nearby restaurant, he went to the alley near the "Brave Bar", put on a puppy mask, and knocked on the side door of the inconspicuous building where the "Eye of Wisdom" held the party. According to " The secret codes on the Backlund Morning News vary in severity and length.

After passing the inspection of the guard behind the door, Angel once again entered the living room with only one candle lit.

Of course, this time she spent 2 souls to buy an iron mask from the guard and replaced it with a conspicuous puppy mask, trying not to attract attention.

At this time, there were still a few minutes before 8 o'clock when the party officially started. There were only four or five people sitting scattered in the living room. Angel looked at them one by one, except for the old man with "eyes of wisdom" sitting in the middle. The instantly recognizable "Medicine Master" Darkwill was among them.

He shouldn't recognize me, after all, I changed my mask... Angel comforted himself, picked a single sofa in the corner and sat down, waiting for the party to start.

In the last few minutes, five more participants arrived, all dressed in iron masks and hooded robes. But based on his body shape, Angel still recognized the Extraordinary who had offended Sequence 5 on Monday and wanted to hire him for 400 pounds. A bodyguard or a man who buys a magical item.

He actually survived. Could it be that he listened to the advice of the Eye of Wisdom and spent money to eliminate the disaster?

Angel looked at the other person curiously and felt a line of sight staring at him, coming from the direction of the man, but he did not look this way.

Subconsciously, he pressed his tongue against his back molars and turned on his spiritual vision. A faint white light shone from the man's body, but other than that, there was nothing unusual.

Strange, is it an illusion?
She turned off her spiritual vision and felt the prying eyes disappear.

"Let's get started without waiting for other late friends."

Seeing that the surrounding sofas and seats were [-]% to [-]% full, "Eye of Wisdom" announced the start of the party.

"What happened to your precious pile of herbs? Was it eaten by animals?"

A deep voice came from the corner, and Angel recognized it as the "Black Snake" who was selling suspected real creator contaminants on Monday. He should be asking the "Medicine Master".

Sure enough, Darkwill turned his head to face "Black Snake" and replied angrily: "Those mutant rats and crocodiles have been killed. The dog mask lady I hired is very reliable, but unfortunately the sewers are no longer suitable for my cultivation. For medicinal herbs, I picked a good place, a place where I will never be disturbed by people or animals again.”

He couldn't really find a cemetery or a tomb to grow his herbs, could he?
Angel recalled the conversation that night and suspected that the pharmacist had embarked on a criminal path.

"Ms. Dog? Haha, then why didn't she come tonight?" Black Snake looked around the venue, not seeing the conspicuous puppy mask, and laughed rudely, "If you hired me that day, I would definitely be able to clean up the sewers." Sweep it away so you can plant with peace of mind.”

You omitted two key words...

Stabilizing the iron mask on his face, Angel resisted the urge to teach him a lesson.

There is no need to compete with the lunatics of the "Aurora Society"...

Thinking silently in his heart, Angel looked around to see which passage the "Black Snake" would leave through later.

(End of this chapter)

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