Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 201 "The World"

Chapter 201 "The World"

After taking a detour to the new safe house in the East District to change his outfit, and using black flames to perform counter-divination, Angel returned to his home on Red Rose Street.

In addition to anti-divination this time, she also tried a more "traditional" anti-tracking method, changing carriages, taking detours and observing the rear, and even passed through a cafe that was still open after dark, entering through the front door and then through the back door. Get out and get rid of possible stalkers.

Part of the reason was due to Dominic's reminder before leaving, but mostly it was the stress reaction after being caught by Ms. Laura, the "Pleasure Witch".

After washing up at home, Angel hid in the basement and sorted out the special ammunition he was going to sell, the remaining spiritual materials and the precious "Star Crystal". There were only a few grams of the latter left, which was no longer enough to complete the next batch of "Storm Gathering" The production needs to be supplemented urgently at Mr. A’s gathering.

And it had been more than a week since she last attended the gathering, so she felt it was time to return to the gathering and make contact with the Witch Cult.

This will be the only way for her to improve her strength, advance to Sequence 6, and get closer to the real culprit of the evil god's arrival in Tingen City.

Although Ms. Laura said today that she was a Sequence 6 pleasure witch and had left the witch sect, and she seemed to have the intention of wooing her secretly, Angel did not trust this mysterious woman whom he had only met twice.

Considering the way she started as an "assassin", to reach her level, no matter whether she is active or passive, her hands will basically be stained with the blood of a lot of innocent people. Even if she thinks on the bright side, the best she can do is He is considered a person who is tired of killing, not someone with whom he can have a deep friendship.

"But maybe, we can get the recipe for Sequence 6 potion from her..."

Listing the mysterious Ms. Laura as a candidate for obtaining the potion, Angel thought about the direction of his next role.

Through her attempts in the Divination Club these days, she has found a way to act as a "witch". Although it is not efficient, there is no Sequence 6 formula anyway, and the potion materials are nowhere to be found, so there is no need to rush to complete it." Witch” digestion.

Continue to perform, wait for the advertisement notice of Mr. A’s meeting, and look for opportunities to contact the Witch Cult...

Burying the plan in his heart, Angel carefully put away the bullets that were about to turn into gold pounds and left the dark basement.


Or let’s burn the bridge...

Lighting up the Backlund Bridge in public, as long as enough people see it, maybe the digestion of the "witch" potion can be completed directly, instead of receiving guests for love divination here...

After seeing off yet another visitor with a gloomy face, Angel wiped the magic mirror and put it away close to his body, constantly muttering about Backlund's customs.

In the past two days, she had tried her best to play the role of a mysterious divination witch, trying to digest the potions while helping some frustrated customers. Unexpectedly, all the people who came here were asking about intimate relationships, whether there was a third party, and even... A couple who are about to break up.

What's even more frightening is that Angel discovered that through divination to guide and break up these potential lovers, the signs of the potion's digestion turned out to be faster and more obvious than ever.

Is this the true meaning of the "Witch" path?Whether they are assassins, instigators, or witches, their purpose is to bring disaster to others and become a scourge?
Looking at the back of the man who went back to confront his lover with a sullen face after she said something inappropriate without conscience, she sighed secretly and put away the 2 soles on the table.

"Ms. Watson, I sent you the "Backlund Morning News" you asked for."

While she was deep in thought, the door of the divination room was pushed open, and a waiter from the club brought over the newspaper she read every day.

"Intis's ambassador to Loen was killed in the embassy, ​​and the terrorist organization "Aurora Society" claimed responsibility! 》

The special report on the second page has such a horrifying title, and there are small words below: Please look forward to the exclusive interview with the mysterious informant within the Aurora Society to learn about the magnificent history that lasts for hundreds of years.

Angel looked through it briefly and found that the incident happened three days ago, that is, the night she and Dominic went to rescue the kidnapped Sonia. Combined with the commotion caused by various forces snatching the manuscript of the Difference Engine, she suspected that the ambassador's death was also related to this matter.

However, the manuscript has been sold to Mr. A, which means it is in the hands of the "Aurora Society". Why did they want to assassinate the ambassador?
Personal matters?Cover up evidence?Or for other, huge benefits?

As for the so-called exclusive interview with the Aurora Society’s informant, you don’t need to ask to know that it is a newspaper gimmick. They are an organization of extraordinary people, not ordinary gangsters...

After thinking for a moment, she turned to the sandwich advertisement on the fifth page, and was pleasantly surprised to find that "Looking for Mr. A" appeared on it again. From the number of the contact address, it can be seen that the rally will be held tomorrow, that is, Monday afternoon.

at last……

Putting down the newspaper, Angel took a deep breath, recalling in his mind the various rhetoric in preparation for the "Witch Cult", the embellishments of his false past, and the people who died in Ince Zangwill's plan.

"This will be the first step in revenge."

She stroked the citrine pendant on her wrist and murmured.


Touching the amethyst pendant on his wrist, Klein watched the figure of the bodyguard in a black palace dress quickly disappear in the bathroom mirror.

The three days of employment ended. During this period, he and this powerful bodyguard teamed up to kill the Intis spy agent who came to "solve" his little trouble, the "Secret Puppet Master" of Sequence 5, Rosago. ; I explored the underground buildings on Williams Street and searched for information about Viscount Pound all day today. I was very tired.He has never been so looking forward to entering the gray fog space, sorting out what he has gained during this period, and trying out some of his ideas in the past few days.

But Klein was very cautious. He was not sure whether the invisible bodyguard lady had really left, so he continued to do his own thing at the usual pace.

Cook a delicious dinner to fill your stomach, read the newspaper to pass the time, and do a little indoor exercise...

It wasn't until late at night that he returned to the bedroom, closed the curtains to block out the light of the street lamp and the moon, and then took out the iron cigarette box and touched the "Total Black Eye" left by Rosago.

Along with the roar that can tear apart the spirit, dense black thin lines spread out all around, spreading from his limbs and joints to infinity, like the control ropes on a doll.

There is no thread belonging to the bodyguard lady.

After confirming that the other party had left, Klein quickly arranged the ritual, summoned himself in the spirit state, took the cigarette box, and headed above the gray fog.

On the long old table, the "all-black eye" in the cigarette box no longer reveals madness, as if the pollution inside it has fallen asleep.

But Klein couldn't care about this at all. It was as if a small piece of memory had been repaired and reshaped in his mind.

After the party at the "Eye of Wisdom", the face of the mysterious woman he had been trying to recall under the prompts of the bodyguard changed from a featureless black-haired woman with freckles to a blur, becoming like a faceless person.

The only thing left in his last memory was the purple eyes behind the mask.

"The bodyguard lady is right. With such beautiful eyes, why didn't I leave the slightest impression?"

he murmured.

The only possibility is that some kind of force interfered with his memory at that time, causing him to mistake purple eyes for black, making him unable to recall the specific appearance of the other party.

The gray fog space can resist this power and eliminate its influence!
But why can’t I remember the other person’s face?Is it because the interval is so long that I have no impression at all?Or is there some power that even the gray mist can't completely control, hiding all of this?
Ignoring the planned test on the "Total Black Eyes", Klein materialized the parchment and wrote down a divination word.

"The true identity of the lady I saw at the party."

Reciting the divination words silently, he leaned back on his chair and entered the dreamland with a hint of expectation.

In the blurry picture, Klein saw the steam train entering the foggy Backlund from the north, the ships passing through the Tasok River, the bridge across the river, and the buildings on the banks of the Tasok River. Townhouses.

Then the dream stopped.

"Insufficient information makes it impossible to divine her location?"

Looking at the parchment in front of him, Klein fell into deep thought.

This was similar to the first time he divined the "red chimney" in the gray fog space. There was some feedback, but he failed to divine the specific result.

"It may also be that the opponent has powerful anti-divination means, and even the gray fog that blocks interference cannot completely 'penetrate'... Of course, this is not the fault of the gray fog, but my own lack of strength and inability to fully grasp its power. .”

From the clips I saw, it can be determined that the other party came to Backlund from another city and lived by the Tasok River, and was most likely in the Backlund Bridge area... This is adjacent to the Jowood District where I live. , maybe she lives not far from me?But the picture was too blurry, and there were thousands of row houses in Backlund. It was much harder than finding a red chimney in the small city of Tingen.

Recalling his experience of joining forces with Angel to find the "Red Chimney", Klein's mouth curved up, but he quickly shook off the memory with a serious expression.

This time, I don’t have to go through so much trouble. I can rely on the help of more people, and I don’t even need to go through the mouth of “The Fool”...

He took out the "Total Black Eye" that was no longer raving madly from the iron cigarette box, and a man wearing a hooded robe appeared in front of the long table.

This man had a sluggish expression and stiff movements. He was more like a puppet than a human. However, under Klein's control through black silk threads, he quickly became expressive and moved freely.

"Welcome, new member, which tarot card are you going to choose?"

Klein asked with a smile.

"World, I choose the 'World' card."

The man stroked his chin and made a hoarse sound.

(End of this chapter)

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