Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 203 Examination and Tasks

Chapter 203 Examination and Tasks

On Wednesday evening, Angel arrived in the West End in a hired carriage.

She originally thought that an evil and secretive organization like the Witch Cult would be hidden in places like the South District and the Jowood District, but she didn't expect that like Mr. A of the "Aurora Society", he would choose Queens and the West Side, where rich people gather. A heavily policed ​​area.

The carriage drove to Palm Avenue. Angel paid the fare and got out of the car. He found that this place was actually a sparsely populated wealthy area. The streets were lined with large residences with gardens, and luxurious four-wheelers with various emblems. The carriage was speeding along the road, and there were almost no passers-by on foot.

Far more public than I thought...

Angel withdrew his inquiring gaze and walked along the street to the location written on the note, a three-story villa located in an exquisite garden.

It was already dark, but there was still a dedicated guard standing guard at the door. He seemed to have already learned that Angel would be coming today, and asked her to wait for a while before going in to report.

Within a few minutes, a young woman wearing a black and white maid skirt came to the door with the guard and took Angel inside.

"Madam is waiting for you in the reception room."

This maid was well-trained and only said this sentence to Angel from beginning to end. She walked through the through-type hall where many servants were busy, walked through the corridors with gorgeous decorations and thick carpets, and took him to a place. A reception room on the east side of the building.

Entering the reception room alone, Angel found that the maid had closed the door behind her.

"Welcome, lost 'witch', I'm glad you came to your appointment on time."

A voice that sounded young but full of contagion came from behind the screen in the reception room. Footsteps sounded. A woman wearing a black silk robe with long black hair tied behind her head walked out of the screen and sat down. Next to the coffee table in the center of the living room.

Her face was round, but not fat. Under her thin eyebrows were a pair of gray eyes. She looked at Angel with curiosity like a girl, but she didn't seem to have any malice.

The latter did not wear a hood to hide his appearance today, but he wore a "ring of madness". In the eyes of others, he still had black hair and a round face, a face that was not easy to remember.

As soon as he saw this lady's appearance, Angel guessed that she was also a pleasure witch, well, at least a pleasure witch.

Because she feels similar to Ms. Laura, her face is not beautiful, but with the subtle movements of her body, every frown and smile can affect the minds of others.

"Hello, ma'am."

Not knowing how to address the other party, Angel could only say hello briefly.

"Come, sit across from me," the black-haired lady pointed to another armchair opposite the coffee table, "Don't be nervous, just call me Servilia."

"Okay, Ms. Servilia, I am Erin Watson, the 'Witch' of Sequence 7."

The other party called out his sequence, and there was no need for Angel to hide it. As for the pseudonym, many people in Backlund already knew it.

After Angel sat down, the lady who called herself Servilia shook a small bell. Two maids walked in from the side door of the reception room and placed a pot of fragrant black tea and refreshments on the coffee table. After pouring tea for the two of them, he left silently. His movements were so skillful and swift that Angel was stunned.

I didn’t expect that the life of the rich was so... so luxurious. I thought that having a chef who specializes in cooking and a dedicated maid would be enough. I didn’t expect that someone would come up and serve refreshments just by ringing the bell...

As if she was happy to see Angel's surprise, Ms. Servilia smiled, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then said softly:
"Originally, people with doubtful identities like you should be directly examined by 'Ms. Desperate', but she has more important things to do recently and is not in Backlund for the time being. I am responsible for the West District and Queens District, so we have this meeting. .”

Ms. Desperate?

Angel heard this name for the first time, and it sounded like he was Servilia's superior. He undoubtedly had a higher sequence, maybe sequence 5, or even a high sequence.

Could it be that Sequence 5 of the Witch Path is called "Despair Witch"?This corresponds to the "Pleasure Witch", which is very likely.

"First of all, tell me about your experience before coming to Backlund. This is the first step in the examination."

Servilia's gentle and seductive voice pulled Angel back from his thoughts.

Sure enough, the first step is the background check...

Angel had already prepared for this. He even made plans before coming to Backlund when discussing with Ms. Arianna.

"I originally lived in Tingen City. I should work and live like ordinary people, and grow old like ordinary people..."

She described the past of an "assassin" with [-]% truth and [-]% falsehood.

"After meeting Mrs. Sharon, I embarked on the path of an extraordinary person under her guidance, punishing evil and promoting good, killing those leaders of criminal organizations and people who cannot be punished by the law, and then continued to be promoted until I became a 'witch', To be honest, I didn’t expect at that time that after being promoted to Sequence 7, I would actually become a woman..."

When she talked about "punishing evil and promoting good", she saw a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of Servilia sitting opposite, which was instantly replaced by curiosity about listening to the story.

"Such cover-up and self-promotion will make people believe in your past even more..."

She thought of Arianna's advice. "Although Mrs. Sharon mentioned the 'Witch Sect' to me, she always said that I was not ready to join. With her death, I also lost the way to continue to be promoted, so I came to Backlund , hoping to get more opportunities.”

Ms. Servilia nodded slightly, her face became serious, and she asked:

"I heard about the death of Mrs. Sharon from Tingen City. Do you know the specific circumstances?"

"In order to deal with a defector, she attacked the 'Nighthawk' station of the Church of the Night. I never saw her again after that."

"Consistent with our understanding, the death of Sharon Hoy almost caused us to lose an important chess piece. Fortunately, Mitis took her back, but Mitis also died in Tingen a month ago... Strange to say, we lost two members there one after another, haha, maybe after you are promoted, you will be sent there too."

Servilia said jokingly.

Forget it, I don’t want to go back and face those old teammates...

Thinking of the Nighthawks in Tingen City, Angel's heart ached.

She forced her attention to analyze Servilia's words.

Mitis is most likely the gray-haired "Pleasure Witch", and what is the important chess piece she "retrieved"?Sounds like a woman too...

"Last question, do you know Tris?"

Tris?The "instigator", no, the new "witch"?
The interruption of her train of thought made Angel briefly stunned, but she quickly realized that Tris was most likely another of Mrs. Sharon's subordinates. Servilia asked this question to determine whether she was lying.

"I know him. He is also Mrs. Sharon's downline and is an 'instigator.' But I haven't seen him since he went to sea and caused the 'Alfalfa Incident'."

"Very good, it seems you didn't hide or lie." Servilia showed a satisfied look and nodded slightly, "According to the rules, you still need to accept a task, and depending on the completion, you will be evaluated whether you can join the Witch Sect. This will It is a long-term process. Before that, you can only contact me alone, and you cannot and will not come into contact with other people."

Angel secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in reply:
"That's right, it's the same as when I was in Tingen."

"I'm glad you understand. I will find an opportunity to take you to a viscount's salon this week. I originally planned to let you get close to the viscount, but after meeting you, I feel that you may not be qualified for this task..."

Servilia looked at Angel's face with a somewhat regretful expression, which reminded her of Ms. Laura's strange expression before.

"But I will help you choose another target. You can approach one of Viscount Graylingt's friends, the daughter of an earl, through his salon. She seems to have an extraordinary interest in mysticism and extraordinary powers. You Might as well become her friend through this.”

"There is no need to put any extra thought into it, just approach her with a normal heart, so that she is not easily noticed. Become a friend with her and interact with her normally. This is your only mission."

With a smile, Servilia added.

"If you can complete the task, I will provide you with the 'Happiness' potion formula and the corresponding potion materials."

Are the recipes and materials a reward?Doesn't it mean that if you complete this task, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to Sequence 6?
Angel was a little surprised. She originally thought that when she came to Servilia this time, she would just accept the test of joining the "Witch Cult" and complete some simple or complex tasks to prove her ability.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually offered such a generous reward.

"Who is that Baron Greylingt?"

Why was it worth the Witch Cult spending such a high price to get close? She didn't ask the second half of the question.

"He? He's just a guy who inherited the title at a young age. He's not the point."

Servilia picked up a piece of delicate tea cake, took a small bite and put it aside before continuing.

"Your target is Earl Hall's daughter, Audrey Hall."

"She is only 17 years old, but her beauty has spread throughout the upper echelons of Backlund. She is known as 'Backlund's most dazzling jewel' and has assets such as properties, fields, stocks and bonds worth hundreds of thousands of pounds to her name. "

Hundreds of thousands of pounds... The largest amount of gold pounds I've seen before was on the arrest warrant for that guy Lanrewus, and the ten thousand pounds was only the total amount of money he swindled...

Before Angel could express her surprise, Servilia's next words made her open her mouth.

"And her father, Earl Hall, is Loen's top banker and an influential cabinet member. His apparent assets exceed 1000 million pounds. As a banker and investor in many industries, If the stocks and bonds he secretly controls are converted into gold pounds, I'm afraid it will not be less than 3000 million pounds."

This kind of figure already sounds as worthless as pounds...

Angel has lost the ability to be surprised by the amount of "tens of millions".

(End of this chapter)

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