Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 24 Diary

Chapter 24 Diary
At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Angel's mind.

I made a mistake, is this still the earth?
A certain country developed a writing system similar to the world before she traveled?
still is……

She suppressed the excitement in her heart, took the pages of the book on the table, and asked, "Mr. Neil, what are these?"

When she spoke, she realized that her voice was a little hoarse.

Old Neil was holding the key and was about to leave the small room. When he heard Angel's question, he turned his head and looked at her. Seeing the yellowed pages of the book in her hand, he replied with a smile, "These are the rubbings of the notebooks of Emperor Roselle Gustav. They are the characters and symbols created by him, which were handed down to the world after his death. Some people think that it is a whole set of mystic codes, hiding endless treasures. However, according to my recent research, the meaning of a small part of the symbols has been deciphered. According to my speculation, it is probably a diary."

journal?The Diary of Emperor Russell Gustav?
Angel searched for this strange name in his mind, and quickly found him in the memory belonging to Cole Granger, because this guy is so famous that he has become a household name.

Just the feat of overthrowing the original ruler of the Kingdom of Intis, serving as the consul of the Republic of Intis, and changing the republic into an empire to proclaim himself emperor has already made Emperor Roselle famous in history. During this period, he invented the practical steam engine and started the industrial revolution, which made the North Continent industrialized.

Many inventions such as "tarot cards" and "newspapers" in memory made Angel have an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

This versatile emperor of the Intis Empire, wouldn't he also be a time traveler?

As soon as this idea appeared, she immediately found more evidence: various novels and dramas of different eras in the original earth, famous sayings from different countries, and creations and improvements in different fields.

It is simply unreasonable that these creations and inventions involving multiple fields come from the same person.

Coupled with the text symbols that he "created" but Angel was able to determine the source, she can basically conclude that Emperor Roselle is also a traveler from the earth.

And most likely Asian.

"What, are you trying to decipher these words?" Old Neil's inquiry came from next to his ear, waking Angel from his thoughts.

She waved the paper in her hand pretending to be relaxed, shook her head, and said:
"I'm just curious. After all, it's the diary of that Emperor Roselle. I thought..."

"Do you think you can find some mysteries?"

Old Neil smiled and shook the key chain on his hand and said, "As one of the most famous figures in this era, his manuscripts have long been studied by countless people. Every independent symbol on the manuscript may represent a different meaning. Unfortunately, no one has ever been able to truly decipher the meaning."

"You can continue to try here, and I will help you get the materials."

He didn't seem to think that Angel could see anything from it, so he closed the iron door and left the room.

Angel turned his gaze back to the three diaries of the Great Emperor in his hand, trying to find out some rules from these square characters, but unfortunately, there was no other progress except to further confirm that the characters were in Chinese.

At this moment, she only regrets that she is not Chinese, or at least she can choose Chinese courses when taking foreign languages.

These diaries may be just boring records of daily life, but they may also hide countless knowledge and mysteries, even...

Including clues back to Earth?
Then she remembered that Emperor Roselle died in a court conspiracy-like assassination in his later years. Maybe this senior traveler didn't find his way home until he died.

Concentrating his thoughts, Angel began to incorporate the characters in the three diaries in his hand into his memory.

Even if you can't decipher them now, at least write them down.


"Bang bang—"

A knock on the door woke Angel from the state of rapt memory.

With the help of extraordinary people's far superior memory, she had memorized all the words in these three pages of the diary in her mind. While checking them one by one, Dunn Smith's deep voice came from outside the iron gate where Old Neil had just left.

"Old Neil, are you inside?"

The captain also came to the basement... Didn't he meet Old Neil on the way?

Angel put down the diary, opened the iron door, and saw Captain Dunn in a top hat and a black windbreaker standing outside the door.

Seeing that it was her who opened the door, Dunn was taken aback for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Where's Old Neil?"

Immediately, he patted the top hat on his head, and replied as if he had just remembered: "Oh, is he going to fetch the materials for you?"

Angel nodded: "Yes, I've already got the bullets, and he said that the rest of the materials need to be taken to the alchemy room and Z... hiss... Chanismen."

The first time she said this awkward word, she almost bit her tongue.

"I just came from the alchemy room, so he should be in the Chanis gate." Dunn glanced at the bullets on the table, and quickly made a decision, "Old Neil is going to help Mr. Klein Moretti mix the potion, and he may not be free to come and deliver the ingredients for you. I will go over and collect all the things for you. You wait here for a while."

Why do you keep me waiting here for one or two?

Angel frowned and thought.

Wait, concocting potions?Cline Moretti?

She thought of the shy young man who rode the carriage with her to the headquarters of the Nighthawks. He was going to take the potion and become a Extraordinary?

The potions that Cole Granger took in his memory were prepared by himself and taken on the spot, but neither Cole nor the current Angel had any experience in watching others take potions from the perspective of a third party.She heard that Old Neil was going to help people prepare potions, and she was very interested in it.

"Can I watch from the sidelines? I mean the process of mixing potions."

Angel pretended not to be interested and asked casually, but the jumbled sentences exposed her true heart.

Dunn frowned and looked at Angel for a long time. Just when she thought she would be rejected, those gray eyes looked away.

"come on."

After nodding in agreement, Dunn turned his head and walked out of the room.

He actually agreed?

Angel hurriedly put down Emperor Roselle's manuscript, quickly followed Dunn Smith, walked through the passageway he came from, and returned to the crossroads.

Just as the two of them were about to turn to the passage leading to "Chanis Gate", there was a sound of "clack" footsteps, and Old Neil in black robe came from the other end of the passage carrying a wooden box.Seeing two people standing at the intersection, he paused as if he had been frightened, and only relaxed after recognizing who they were.

"Dunn, why did you come down?" Old Neil greeted Dunn first, and then handed the wooden box in his hand to Angel without waiting for the other party's answer. "These are the materials you need, and they are all in the box. I took some extra except for the star crystals. You can count them yourself?"

Angel took the wooden box, lifted the lid and looked inside.

The small wooden box is divided into several grids, and the two glass bottles should be filled with alcohol and etching solution. The luminous lizard scales are neatly stacked in the corner, and the dry screaming grass is bundled to fill one grid.

She nodded, everything was fine.

Seeing that the handover between the two of them was completed, Dunn slowly said: "Old Neil, you go back to Chanis Gate again, get a potion formula and materials from the 'Seer', and bring them to the alchemy room."


Old Neil repeated the word.

"Oh, it's for that little fellow Klein, right? I didn't expect him to choose this path. I thought he would choose 'The Sleepless', although we already have enough sleepless people here."

Muttering, he turned his head and walked towards Chanis Gate.

"Let's go to the alchemy room first, Klein is also waiting there." After watching Old Neil leave, Dunn said to Angel.

The two left the intersection again, walked towards St. Selina's Church, walked along the long stone passage for a certain distance, and did not stop until a secret door opened on the wall.

This is the alchemy room?But why hide behind the secret door?

Angel followed Dunn into the room, and looked at the secret alchemy room under the gas lamp.

Crucibles, test tubes, flasks, and messy tables and chairs. Compared with the clean and tidy "regular alchemy room" in Angel's imagination, this is more like an enlarged version of his own basement. Klein Moretti, who had just said goodbye upstairs, was standing in front of a table, looking around the items in the alchemy room. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked back at the door in surprise.

"Captain, why are you back?"

"Old Neil is going to get the ingredients for the potion. I met Miss Angel Granger on the way and brought her along... Well, let's see."

Dunn pointed to Angel and explained briefly.

It was only then that Klein noticed Angel by the door. He held his top hat and said hello: "Miss Granger, we meet again."

These etiquettes are really troublesome... People who are too polite are not easy to get along with.

Angel slandered, so he had no choice but to return the salute.

Seeing that the two had finished greeting each other, Dunn stepped forward, cleared his throat, and said, "It's just for the two of you to get to know each other. This gentleman is Klein Moretti, a native of Tingen, a graduate of Hoy University. Because he was involved in a mysterious incident last week, he has now joined the Nighthawks."

Klein smiled slightly at Angel, greeting him again.

"This beautiful lady is Angel Granger, a native of Severas County. She just came to Tingen City recently. She also chose to become one of us because of the mysterious incident involved."

Angel stretched out his right hand to Klein, who froze for a moment, then quickly raised his right hand and held it together with her.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Moretti."

"Me too, Ann...Miss Granger."

"Oh, a small social gathering, how could I be absent?" A low and lively voice came from behind Angel. She looked back, and Old Neil was holding a small silver box in one hand, and took off the round-brimmed felt hat on his head with the other, pressed it to his chest, and bowed slightly.

"This funny old gentleman, everyone calls him Old Neil, but you can also call him the manager of the Nighthawk warehouse, the seeker of mysterious knowledge, and the spy in the dark."

He lifted the box in his hands with exaggerated movements.

"Present the 'Seer' potion, ladies and gentlemen."

The alchemy room was silent for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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