Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 289 Meeting an Acquaintance Again

Chapter 289 Meeting an Acquaintance Again
"We worship the moon, not the goddess of the night."

In his study room, Angel frowned as he copied the first sentence of "The Book of Secrets" with ink.

The author of this book, "Witch King Karaman" is a high-sequence extraordinary person who was active in the southern continent in the early fifth era, more than 1000 years ago. He recorded a large number of secret rituals, astrology, Knowledge of curse spells, but it is also explicitly stated in the book that these rituals and spells came from the worship of the primordial moon.

There is even the honorific name of this "primordial moon" in the book:

The unique red moon,
A symbol of life and beauty,

The mother of all spiritual forces.

Worried that such a clear three-part honorific name pointed to a mysterious existence, Angel did not dare to directly copy this description, but silently kept it in his heart.

She only had one week to borrow the "Book of Secrets". She obviously didn't have time to fully understand the contents of the book, so she had no choice but to copy down the important contents first and study them slowly later.

Although this book was not as full of powerful spells, mysterious rituals and other content that could immediately improve combat effectiveness as she had imagined, this knowledge still filled Angel, who had only a rough understanding of mysticism, with joy.

She has only been a Nighthawk for two months. Although she has learned a lot of knowledge from the church's internal classics, she is still far from being proficient. Cole Granger is also half-illiterate in mysticism. The mystery in this book Learning knowledge is very useful to her.

During the copying process, Angel learned more about the role between the spiritual world and his own extraordinary abilities, as well as the construction and purpose of various rituals. He even wanted to use this knowledge to strengthen the relationship between witches and joy. Witch's curse and spell.

For example, after her promotion, she once imagined using mirrors and blood to communicate with the spirit world for long-distance communication.

Angel believes that all this is possible as long as he continues to study this "Book of Secrets".


"A fool who does not belong to this era..."

In the basement with candles, essential oils, and herbal powder burning, Angel clasped his hands together, entered a meditative state, and silently recited the name of "The Fool" over and over again.

During this repetition, she felt that her body and mind during meditation entered a state of spiritual divergence, and soon became hazy, but she maintained the final clarity, as if she was watching her spirit float out of the body from another perspective and gradually rise. , entered the spiritual world.

This "secret ritual" is called "artificial sleepwalking" in the "Book of Secrets". It is a method that Mr. Fool temporarily taught Angel to use to grant blessings to angels.

In the haze, she felt as if she had returned to the gray fog where the Tarot meeting was held, entered the ancient palace, and saw Mr. Fool sitting high on the long bronze table.

Then, an "angel" that was so thin that it seemed to have no thickness, but with twelve pairs of black wings on its back, floated down and merged with Angel's spiritual body in the crimson light. The layers of black wings were also wrapped together, as if A black cocoon.

After an unknown amount of time, Angel woke up in the basement and found that the candle in front of her was only partially burned. The aroma of herbs and essential oils in the space had not yet dispersed, indicating that not long time had passed, but she seemed to have been stunned for several hours.

"Praise the fool!"

She recited the name of the Fool again, then packed up the altar and returned to the first floor to prepare for possible scrutiny from the Nighthawks in the afternoon.

Based on her understanding of the Nighthawks, Backlund Parish should be able to arrange for a Sequence 6 "Sleepless One" to pass through the Extraordinary to pull her into a dream when she went to Audrey's house and conduct a dream interrogation.And if Ms. D’s death is not taken seriously enough, what will come may only be the “nightmare” of Sequence 7.With the blessing given by Mr. Fool and the Holy Emblem of Night he wears, it is more than enough to deal with these extraordinary people.

The only problem is that someone witnessed her fighting Ms. D that night. If that couple had accepted the Nighthawks' inquiry, they might have described her appearance, allowing the Nighthawks to easily discover "Irene. "Watson" was the Extraordinary who killed Ms. D that day, not a Sequence 9 diviner.Of course, the effect of the "Ring of Madness" will make people who have only a brief acquaintance with her quickly forget the details of her appearance, and then become completely unrecognizable in the process of "imagining it."

Judging from her experience of being invaded by "nightmares" in her dreams many times, if the target of their invasion is awake, they can make certain changes to the dream, which gives her room to muddle through.

Before Angel went out, he tied the long black hair that had been transformed by the Crazy Ring into a bun behind his head, and put on the soft hat introduced to Backlund after Intis became popular in the past two years, covering most of his hair and leaving his eyes natural. He narrowed his eyes and forced a smile.

With the help of the Joy Witch's ability to change her own temperament, even if her face did not change in any way, she immediately showed a youthful and energetic temperament that was completely different from her heroic appearance that night.

"This should be fine... If it doesn't work, I can only take out the Dark Holy Emblem and use Ms. Arianna's identity to prevent them from telling the truth..."

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom with his new look, Angel stroked the holy symbol and citrine hanging around his neck and hanging down on his chest, thinking to himself.


Taking a hired carriage to the Earl Hall's mansion in Queens, Angel found that there were only a few carriages belonging to the Hall family and an unmarked black carriage parked in front of the mansion. No other nobles' cars were seen.

She guessed that Audrey told her that the tea party would be earlier than other nobles in order to leave time for the Nighthawks.

Fortunately, she was already prepared and did not show any emotional changes. Instead, she was guided by the maid to the small room next to the reception room and waited there.

The maid poured the black tea for her and then left the room. Angel sat on the sofa with her eyes gently closed, as if she was taking a nap, but she was a little nervous inside. She knew that a certain nighthawk might be next door, just away from her. Not far away, try to put her to sleep.

Sure enough, when the fragrance of tea filled the entire room, she felt a faint cold touch and a reassuring wave from the dark holy symbol on her chest.

She opened her eyes and found that the room was no different from before, as if the changes in the Holy Emblem were just her illusion, but with the blessing of the "angel", she could feel that it was completely different now than a few minutes ago.

As soon as her thoughts moved, the slanting sun outside the window immediately sank below the horizon. A faint afterglow shrouded the room, making everything in the room dark and unclear. The same was true for Angel, who was facing the window.

"Click -" There was a soft sound, and a tall man wearing a half-high black top hat opened the door and walked in. Seeing the dim scene in the room, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, walked briskly to the wall, and opened the door. Gaslight then sat on the sofa opposite Angel.

"Long time you wait, Miss Eileen Watson," he greeted casually, took off his hat and put it aside, crossed his right leg over his left leg, and assumed a natural sitting posture, as if he had returned to his own home, "You Went to Burningham Road in Hillston with Miss Audrey last Sunday evening?”

Are these "nightmares" so familiar in dreams...

Thinking nostalgically of his first encounter with Captain Dunn, Angel nodded and replied:

She answered easily and naturally, as if talking to an old friend.

Of course, the man opposite her is really an "old friend".

"What happened in Mr. Hampres's villa?"

The captain of the "Red Gloves" team, "Requiem Master" Sost, folded his hands on his raised legs and continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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