Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 29 Magical Items and Charms

Chapter 29 Magical Items and Charms

"Your gun has been used for at least two years, and it lacks maintenance. The rifling is almost worn out, and it has become a smoothbore gun. The bolt and hammer are also rusted. This will seriously affect the accuracy of shooting, and it may even explode. As a gun user, you don't know it?"

Old Neil, who was wearing a black robe, was still sitting at his mottled table, holding Angel's .0.45-inch revolver in his hand.He turned the wheel, held the notch up to the gas lamp on the wall, and looked in along the muzzle.

Sitting opposite him, Angel saw that his weapon was approved as worthless, so he quickly argued:
"This gun is second-hand. I got it in this state. If it is a new gun, I will definitely take good care of it and never make it like this."

"I mean, you should have come in earlier for a new one."

Putting down his revolver, Old Neil glanced at Angel, and a smile suddenly appeared on his stern face.

"Come to pick up the bullets. Don't use the gun to this extent. Other guys have to change their guns two or three times a year. Most of the old weapons that are recovered are similar to the new ones. Guns and bullets are consumables, consumables!"

he stressed.

Angel's lips twitched, as if he had a thousand words to say, but the last thing he blurted out was: "You're right."

She came to Blackthorn Security Company early this morning. Apart from reporting to the station every day as requested by Dunn Smith, the most important thing was to replace her revolver.

Originally thought that this kind of thing would be made difficult, but Dunn swiped a pen, not only agreed to Angel's request to change the gun, but also offered to give her a Nighthawk badge and apply for a "weapon use certificate".

"Miss Granger, you don't want to go out into the street with a gun and be questioned by police officers, do you?"

When writing the approval note, Dunn asked Angel this.

Chasing away the strange thoughts in her mind, she passed the note in her hand: "A .0.45-inch revolver, 40 rounds of the same caliber of bullets, and a badge of the Special Operations Department."

"The last time you came to pick up the bullets, I was a little curious. You, a girl, why use such a large-caliber revolver?" Old Neil took the note and asked with a smile instead of going to the arsenal to get the items.

"I think pistols are essentially close-quarters weapons, and their power and stopping effect are more important." Angel replied truthfully, which is why she has been using the revolver left by Cole Granger instead of replacing it with a small-caliber revolver with moderate power and a cylinder with 6 or even 7 rounds.

"Well, it's a standard answer, but I hope you all use weapons of the same caliber, so that it will be convenient for you to supplement each other's ammunition during the battle, and it will also be convenient for me, who is in charge of the arsenal."

Old Neil shook the note in his hand, turned his head and entered the iron door at the back, and took out a brand new pistol, two boxes of ammunition and an iron badge about half the size of a palm from it.

The coat of arms bears the words "Ahowa Shire Police Service" and "Seventh Unit, Special Operations Division" in silver, surrounded by the emblem of the police force with crossed swords and a crown.

The new revolver was more finely crafted than Angel's old one. The wooden handle was carefully polished, and the police emblem was also engraved on it, and the metal parts gleamed under the flickering gas lamp.

The bullets were a box of ordinary pistol bullets and a box of hunting bullets, which were packed in a cardboard box and an iron box respectively as before.

After receiving the items, Angel signed his name on the notebook handed over by Old Neil, and the handover was considered complete.

"Should the old weapons be destroyed or stored?" Seeing Old Neil put her old revolver into a box under the table, Angel asked curiously.

"Generally, we will hand it over to the Tingen City Police on a regular basis. They will dismantle and destroy the weapons to prevent them from flowing out to civilians and even entering the underground trading market. Although civilian weapons have been flooded, this process still has to be done."

Old Neil kicked the box containing the recovered weapons and replied.

"Of course, the weapons that are damaged when we come into contact with extraordinary events are not included in this list. Sometimes these weapons will be contaminated with extraordinary power, and even become an extraordinary item or magical item itself. It is very dangerous to give them to ordinary people, and there are special people in the church who are responsible for disposing of them."

Angel caught the key point of Old Neil's words: "Mystical item?"

"As long as any item is in contact with Extraordinary characteristics for a long time, it may become an item with extraordinary power. We call this type of item a magical item. Even if it is only accidentally exposed to spiritual materials, or even the body parts of an extraordinary person, it will become an extraordinary item with spiritual power."

Old Neil leaned on the back of the chair, speaking slowly like a teacher.

"Most of these items are simply stained with power and cannot be used, but a small part of them will acquire extraordinary characteristics and become magical items with this characteristic. It is said that there are craftsmen in the church who can use ordinary extraordinary materials to actively carry out such a combination, turning ordinary weapons into extraordinary weapons with extraordinary abilities."

After filtering out those tongue-twisting words and concepts, Angel grasped the key point in Old Neil's words, extraordinary weapons.

So where to buy it - she almost blurted out.

Old Neil squeezed his eyes and said with a smile, "You want to ask where you can get this kind of weapon, right? Every nighthawk who heard me talk about extraordinary weapons has asked this question."

"My answer is, no way."

"As far as I know, all the official Beyonders in the entire Tingen City can't make a single Beyonder weapon. Ah, the guys in 'Heart of the Machine' are different. They have their own craftsmen who can make less effective but equally dangerous weapons. Maybe you can go to the underground market and spend a lot of money to try your luck, or find craftsmen from the Church of the God of Steam and Mechanics to make one."

Deeply disappointed, Angel picked up the brand new revolver on the table and sighed, "Then I can only use an ordinary revolver, at least it's free."

Old Neil laughed straight away when he heard the words: "I just like young people who can enjoy themselves while suffering."

"However, apart from extraordinary weapons, there are other simple and... cheap ways to improve combat effectiveness."

Seeing that Angel was a little disappointed, Old Neil still added.

He reached out and touched the inside pocket of his robe, took out a small piece of silver, and handed it over.

Angel took it and observed it carefully.

The silver sheet is very thin, with Hermetic incantations engraved on both the front and back, which is a type of script commonly used in mysterious ceremonies. Complicated words and symbols are overlapped and circled, covering the entire surface of the silver sheet.

Just holding it in her hand, she felt a deep, serene mystical power, like she felt when she prayed to the goddess in the Church of Evernight.

"This is the 'Sleep Charm'. You only need to read the opening spell you set. This is the 'dark night' in the ancient Hermetic language, and then pour spirituality into it to trigger it. The effect is to put people nearby into a deep sleep, similar to Leonard's extraordinary ability."

Thinking of Leonard Mitchell's ability to chant poems and make people drowsy during the battle with Madam Sharon, Angel nodded clearly. This should have the same origin as "Sleepless", and may even come directly from the power of Evernight Goddess.

This kind of prefabricated spell can indeed improve a lot of combat power, because it is almost a reproduction of a certain sequence of extraordinary abilities. Even if it is not lethal, but it is used unexpectedly, it can instantly tilt the balance of the originally evenly matched battle to one side.

Even if the "Sleep Charm" can't make the Extraordinary fall asleep directly, as long as it can interfere with the opponent's thinking for a second or two, it can play a huge role in the battle between the Extraordinary.

"The method of making spells is very simple. It is similar to the process of making special bullets. You can engrave the spell on the substrate and infuse it with spirituality. They don't last long, usually only one to two weeks, but after the effect expires, you can refill it with spirituality."

"You have experience in making special bullets, so I won't start teaching from the basics. You can hold this spell, select the materials and copy it according to the above spell, and then you can make a spell with the same effect."

"Thank you, Mr. Neil." Angel didn't expect to have a windfall, so he quickly thanked him.

"It's just some basic knowledge of mysticism. I just want to teach the newcomer Mr. Klein Moretti. After divination, well, you can learn together."

Klein Moretti... He just drank the potion in the alchemy room next to him this week and became a Extraordinary...

Angel thought of the moment when he watched the other party drink the potion that day.In the past two days, she was busy making the "Storm Gathering" bullet, and she was always worried whether all this was a temptation from the Nighthawks, so she never saw this new neighbor again.

bang bang-

There was a knock on the door, and the two turned their heads to look at the same time. A half-top hat protruded from the crack of the door, followed by the face of a young man with short black hair.

"Sorry, I think I heard my name?"

The person who came was Klein Moretti that Old Neil had just talked about.

"Ah, just talking about you, I'm going to take some time to teach you how to make spells, and Miss Granger is also very interested." Old Neil didn't talk about the embarrassment of being smashed behind his back at all, "Are you here to get the bullets for practice?"

Klein had already opened the door and walked in. Upon hearing this, he nodded and replied, "Yes, please, Mr. Neil, it's still the same, thirty rounds of ordinary pistol ammunition."

"Okay, wait a minute." Old Neil stood up again, and went to the arsenal behind him to get bullets.

"Practice?" Angel looked at Klein who was standing by the door, and asked suspiciously.

The young man in a black vest and a top hat explained with a smile: "The task assigned to me by the captain is to let me become familiar with how to use a pistol as soon as possible. Now I take [-] rounds of bullets to the shooting range to practice every day."

Holding the brand new revolver he just got, Angel's heart skipped a beat.

"Is the shooting range nearby?"

(End of this chapter)

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