Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 291 A chance encounter on campus

Chapter 291 A chance encounter on campus
Early on Thursday morning, with the help of Mr. Fool, Angel used the extraordinary characteristics of the "sheriff" to obtain 600 pounds in cash from Miss Magician through "sacrifice" and "gift".

After carefully counting the gold pounds in her hand, Angel praised the Fool from the bottom of her heart. This transaction made her savings exceed 700 pounds again, and she no longer needed to scrimp on food and clothing and reduce expenses.

After enjoying a simple homemade breakfast, she continued to the study and began to copy the "Book of Secrets" borrowed from Sherlock. She skipped some of the already familiar content and the praise of the strange primitive moon, and focused on copying various Insights into secret rituals, spells and curses.

But soon, Angel had trouble with several articles written in the ancient Fusac language.

She understands common languages ​​such as Loen and Feysac, and even knows a little bit about Intis, but she is at a loss as to their unified origin, the ancient Feysac, which is known as the origin of the languages ​​of the countries in the northern continent. Some of the original vocabulary retained during the evolution process can still be understood, but when it comes to proprietary vocabulary, there is nothing she can do. The changeable grammar makes her eyesight.

"Sherlock didn't mention that because he knew the language, he wasn't dyslexic?"

She scratched her head and wanted to skip these few articles and read the following first, but she found that the following content was closely related to the previous ones. If she skipped it, it would be easy to have some unpredictable problems and even create a wrong first impression. This will lead to failure when using related rituals in the future.

After thinking for a moment, she decided to copy down the contents of those pages in ancient Fusac, find someone to translate them, and then copy them into her notes.

Naturally, her first choice was Sherlock Moriarty, who lent her the Book of Secrets. He understood the language and would not leak secrets, but her little pride prevented her from having this idea. Instead, she hurried out to look for Baker. A certain university in Rand City paid someone to translate the content.

As the capital of the Loen Kingdom, there are many schools in Backlund, but unfortunately most of them are located in the suburbs. There are only a few ancient colleges left in the city. After comparing them in his mind, Angel chose the "Backlund Technical College" in the North District. .

Of course, in another half month, it will no longer be called this name. After reorganization and merger, the Technical College will be upgraded to the "Industrial and Technical University". It will not only have many of the original popular majors, but also open many new science and engineering disciplines. It is said that The Church of Steam played a big role in this, providing funds, manpower, and recruiting many teachers.

Angel's target is the archeology department within the university. They are proficient in various foreign languages, especially Ancient Fusac, an ancient language used thousands of years ago. Compared with the history department, they are not too interested in the specific content of these texts. , reducing the risk of leaks and being questioned.

When taking a hired carriage to the North District, as expected, another accident occurred. The "good luck" revolver she was carrying caused the carriage to collide with another carriage coming from the opposite direction when passing through a narrow alley. Angel said apologetically I paid more for the bus and walked to the Technical College.

The new area added by the college for the purpose of reorganization is under construction in full swing. There is a steam locomotive that has just been moved here and the wheels and rails next to it are placed at the school gate. Angel thought it was a model, but when he looked closer, he realized that it was a model. It was found that the parts were complete and there were traces of long-term use. It turned out to be a real retired car head.

It was class time, and there were only a few people walking around. After Angel asked about the location of the Archeology Department, he quickly found the teacher's office. There were only two teachers who had no classes and were immersed in writing something. After Angel knocked on the door, one of the teachers He raised his head and looked at her.

After the pleasantries, the middle-aged teacher named Benny agreed to translate these words as soon as possible in exchange for a reward of 20 pounds. The generous reward made another teacher cast an envious look - he only raised his head for a few seconds, and then Lost this extra income.

"Ms. Watson, you can come and pick up the translation tomorrow morning. I will work overtime today to complete the translation."

After receiving a deposit of 5 pounds and a few pages of manuscripts, Benny, a teacher with darker skin, said confidently that his skin color reminded Angel of Klein's teacher in Tingen City, Azik, but the former was prematurely aged. The bald appearance spoils this impression.

After achieving her goal, Angel wandered around the campus leisurely, but the park under construction made her quickly lose interest.

When he returned to the locomotive at the gate of the campus, it was just in time for classes to end. Students living nearby had left the campus and went home to spend the afternoon. Worried about not being able to grab a hired carriage, Angel quickened his pace.

Unfamiliar student faces flashed before her, and suddenly, Angel found a familiar figure walking by. She subconsciously looked sideways, and her steps suddenly stopped.

A woman with long blond hair and a round face, about eighteen or nineteen years old, slowly walked past the crowd. Her profile was a little haggard, but she generally looked healthy.

"That is……"

A wave of familiar and unfamiliar memories flooded into my mind.

The memory of having dinner with her at the table, the memory of arguing with her and apologizing, the memory of saying goodbye to her in the train station...

"Lily Granger?" Those memories were inherited from Cole Granger, not her "own", but Cole's various experiences had long been integrated into her body, so much so that when she first met Lily, She now felt a familiar feeling engraved in her heart.

But Angel did not catch up. Instead, he watched silently as the girl with a thin back slowly walked onto the street, got on a public carriage and left the technical college.

During this period, she just turned on her spiritual vision and carefully observed the other person's aura, but did not find any problems.

That's enough... She thought silently.

Cole Granger is dead, and the new Angel Granger is also dead in official records. Let their only relatives live their lives peacefully away from these extraordinary powers.

Changing directions, Angel also left the Technical College.


"That assassin, what do you think of him?"

Servilia, who crossed her legs and looked lazy, buried her body in the sofa and yawned. The smooth skin of her calves under the black gauze skirt was in sharp contrast to her clothes.

"Sherman?" Ignoring the other person's decadent but alluring temperament, Angel quickly destroyed the pastries on the coffee table and answered inarticulately, "I taught him meditation and spiritual vision techniques, and let him practice them first. . It seems to me that he is not very happy to join the Witch Cult. Did you arrange the instigator named Joels who tricked him into joining? "

"No, Joel was really just passing by and happened to save him. Although he was reluctant to join the sect, strangely enough, he took the initiative to ask for the 'Assassin' potion."

"Voluntary request?"

Angel couldn't believe it, and even stopped holding the cake in his hand. The Sherman he met that day was indecisive, even a little timid, and he didn't look like the kind of person who would actively ask to become an extraordinary person.

"You should ask him yourself. I'm looking forward to your surprised expression."

Servilia smiled and no longer mentioned the new assassin in the East District, but changed the topic:
"You and Miss Audrey went to Hillston last weekend? What happened that day?"

Her expression became serious, and she sat up straight on the sofa, her gray eyes fixed on Angel's face.

The latter had been prepared before coming here. At this time, he used the same rhetoric he used to deal with the Nighthawks, but for the sake of the trick, he revealed some information "obtained from Audrey."

"I heard from a nobleman at Audrey's tea party that a divine envoy of the Aurora Society died there. He died in the sewer with Tarot cards sprinkled all over his body."

Sure enough, Servilia showed a thoughtful expression, and nodded after a moment:

"It's true. Ms. D from the Aurora Society lost contact that day. Unfortunately, we don't have information channels from official extraordinary people, so we can't get more accurate news. Instead, you learned something at the noble gathering... "

"Ms. D? Is she related to Mr. A, who holds a gathering of extraordinary people in Queens?"

Angel asked casually, but her mind was clear. She could confirm from the information Servilia inadvertently revealed that in Backlund, the Witch Sect does have a close connection with Aurora.

(End of this chapter)

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