Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 294 The way of acting

Chapter 294 The way of acting

Walking silently through the street, Angel could feel the Nighthawk's eyes briefly lingering on her. However, she entered and exited through the back door of Lily's house and did not show up on the street. The other party just subconsciously followed her back and quickly turned his gaze away. He took it back and continued to scan the street.

It wasn't until he turned the corner and was out of sight that Angel breathed a sigh of relief, got on the hired carriage, and left here.

Her destination was a nearby private detective agency.

Yes, the "traditional" method is what Angel once used in Tingen City, hiring a private detective to help keep an eye on Lily Granger's home and waiting for the guy who sent the threatening letter to come.

Although the Nighthawk he met just now was probably doing the same thing, Angel decided to solve the problem in his own way instead of waiting for the results from the Nighthawk.

Not far from the technical college, she found a private detective agency. She borrowed paper and pen and quickly drew a portrait of the middle-aged man in the divination, marked the hair color and eye color, and handed it to the person who received her. A detective.

The asking price for full-time surveillance is 10 pounds per week, which is a high price, but they should arrange for 2-3 people to take turns to ensure that someone is watching 24 hours a day, so according to the detective, "It's expensive. principle".

If the target person is found, they also need to track the other person to the hiding place, and it is best to find out the other person's identity. This is an additional service and will cost extra afterwards.

At this moment, Angel almost wanted to ask the detective she knew well, Sherlock Moriarty, to do this.

But considering that Sherlock is an extraordinary person, the asking price will only be higher, and letting him do the spying job is overqualified, so in the end, he painfully handed over 10 pounds, paid the amount for a week in advance, and hired the detective and his men spying on Lily Granger's residence.

"I hope the 10 pounds spent is worth it and I can find the guy who wrote the threatening letter. Hmm, this was supposed to be the job of the nighthawks, but it's a pity that I can't ask them to reimburse..."

Thinking about it with some bitterness, Angel left the North District. This time she tried to take the steam subway, and successfully used the "good luck" revolver to blow up a cylinder in the front of the subway car, delaying the journey of hundreds of people.


On Saturday, Angel arrived at Sherman's house in the East End. This time she climbed up to the second floor from the back of the apartment and entered the other man's home through the window. Before she even left the bedroom, she saw Sherman coming over with a vigilant face.

"Good, you have made some progress this time."

Looking at the novice assassin who was assuming a less than standard posture to respond to the enemy, Angel nodded with satisfaction. Even though the "Assassin" potion has a strengthening effect on the body and several useful extraordinary abilities, combat skills still need to be explored by oneself. , learning, he can detect someone breaking into the home, which is already better than last week.

After questioning, Angel learned about Sherman's actions this week. He practiced meditation and spiritual vision every day, and also tried to train "assassin" skills at home, such as charging a blow, levitation, etc. Extraordinary abilities.

"Dark vision is also very useful. Now I don't need to light the gas lamp at night, which saves a lot of money."

Sitting in the simple living room, Sherman said shyly.

These words made Angel a little ashamed, and she finally understood how Servilia felt about her.

Perhaps the two poorest members of the Witch Cult are gathered in this palm-sized room...

After a brief moment of embarrassment, she changed the subject and asked Sherman if he had found the whereabouts of the human trafficker Barron.

"I found some former friends in a nearby tavern and asked them to search for the man named Barron through their own connections, but nothing was found yet. Maybe he is not in the East District, but in the dock, South District, etc., where It is also a place where poor people are concentrated and suitable for hiding.”

Sherman replied, adding his own analysis while reporting, which made Angel somewhat impressed by the quality of this newbie.

"In addition, I found that many people in the East District are spreading the belief in the 'Creator'. They believe that instead of believing in one of the seven gods, it is better to directly cross the church and pray to the 'Creator' at the source. He is in everyone's body and has never been Have left... As long as you pray to Him, you will be more relaxed while alive, have meat to eat every day, and after death, you will be saved and enter His kingdom of heaven.

"These words are very tempting, especially when the surrounding farmers are flocking to Backlund to seize the few jobs. Many unemployed workers believe this."

Listening to the preaching words recited by Sherman, Angel felt a sense of familiarity, and quickly found the source from his memory. He found that it was very similar to the "True Creator" belief claimed by the "Aurora Society", but after some changes, it was no longer true. No longer blindly promote the Creator himself, but focus on more direct "benefit", making the teachings more understandable and convenient for dissemination at the bottom.It seems that what "Justice" Audrey said in the Tarot Club is that the cult belief is gradually spreading among the lower class people in the East District. She just doesn't know what the purpose of the "Aurora Society" is. It is just to expand the number of followers. number of people, or is it for some larger conspiracy?
Of course, there is nothing Angel can do about this. He can only hope that the Zhengshen Church can detect the problem early and intervene, or that the royal family can solve the survival problems of the people at the bottom and eliminate the soil where the cult breeds and spreads.

"You should focus on Barron's case, or other incidents involving a large number of missing people. Well, if you know friends who are unemployed, you can find some smart people and hire them to help you expand the search scope."

Angel asked Sherman not to pay too much attention to the issue of evil god belief.

The latter nodded and did not mention the matter again. Instead, he asked about the techniques for using the "assassin's" extraordinary abilities. Angel did not hold back and taught him some of his own experience, experiencing the joy of being a teacher for once.

Unexpectedly, although Sherman has a somewhat indecisive personality, he learns knowledge very quickly, draws inferences from one example, and quickly absorbs Professor Angel's techniques.

If he had not been born in the East District, he might have been able to get into a good school and have a decent job...

Angel looked at the other party's somewhat neutral face and suddenly asked:
"You took the initiative to take the 'Assassin' potion. Can you tell me why?"

Sherman, who was thinking hard, was stunned and hesitated. After a while, he asked:

"I heard that Sequence 7 of the Assassin Path, which is the third potion taken, is called 'Witch'?"

"Yes, since you asked this question, you must know what changes will occur in the body at that stage, right?"

No wonder Servilia said that I would be surprised when she heard the reason. It turned out to be the case. It really surprised me...

Looking at Sherman, whose eyes instantly revealed a look of anticipation, Angel sighed secretly. She already knew the reason why the other party took the initiative to choose "Assassin".

"You already have ambitious goals, but are you prepared for the difficulties along the way?"

Angel took out the dagger from his waist, pierced it on the table, and then let go. The slightly trembling dagger made Sherman's expectant expression blend with a hint of panic.

"...Yes, they told me, but, but I..."

"You can try to choose those who have done many evil things, such as the first life in your hand, the foreman who bullied you. Of course, his crime will not lead to death, but there is no shortage of damn scum in the East District. I think you should know Quite a few, you’ve even thought about how to deal with them, right?”


Sherman's face was full of horror, as if he still couldn't accept his identity and the path he would embark on in the future.

Limited to the oath he made in front of the Sword of the Goddess, Angel could not inform the other party of the "acting method". He could only guide him to follow the literal meaning of "assassin" and perform actions consistent with his identity. At most, he would reduce the casualties of innocent people as much as possible. Point the sharp blade at the small part that deserves death.

If Sherman can't even perform such a screening, then Angel is not prepared to promote him to a higher order. Compared with "assassins", "instigators" and "witches" who have no bottom line pose a threat to the normal social order. It will only be bigger.

After leaving the dagger given to the other party as a weapon and the 10 pounds used as Sherman's money to recruit an informant, Angel left here.When she returned to the street, she looked back to the second floor. Sherman's somewhat confused and helpless figure stood in the window, looking over here.

Sighing again, Angel tightened his hood and walked quickly towards his safe house.

Why wasn't she confused for further "acting"?

With this melancholy, Angel opened the door on the second floor of the simple apartment building and came to the one-bedroom apartment he rented. Under dark vision, there was an unmarked envelope next to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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