Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 296 Signs of Cooperation

Chapter 296 Signs of Cooperation

Angel did not speak, deciding to listen to the other party's request first, and then decide whether to agree to help Laura depending on the situation, or even form an "ally" as she said.

Although he was preparing to deal with the Witch Sect, he did not have to cooperate with these two unidentified guys.

"First of all, we want to know, has the Witch Sect already cooperated deeply with the Aurora Society?"

The middle-aged man behind Laura who was suspected of being a "Hunter" asked in a low voice, his tone no longer provocative, but like a normal discussion and discussion, with a hint of expectation.

"Yes, and as far as I know, the cooperation between the two is not only in Backlund." Angel hesitated for a while, but decided to reveal some of the facts he knew, "Tingen City, Enmat Port, they The cooperation has already begun, and in Backlund, the capital of Loen, this connection will only become closer. I even suspect that they have a certain degree of collusion with some nobles and the royal family."

The information revealed in the last sentence was obviously more than the two expected. Laura and Vincent looked at each other, then looked at Angel. After a while, Laura said:

"Then do you know their recent plans? In addition to what I said before, they are infiltrating the aristocratic circles to probe for information."

"Currently, my online account has not revealed anything more. They just asked me to prepare to attend a ball held by the royal family in the near future. I don't know what the purpose is. But I guess that what the Witch Sect and Aurora Society are doing is related to human trafficking. The key point is Where are the slaves who were transported away? Are they being used as human sacrifices in some large-scale ritual, or are they being used for projects that require a lot of manpower, such as excavating ancient ruins or building secret bases?"

As he spoke, Angel thought of the evil things the "Aurora Society" had done in Tingen City and Backlund, and added:
"Perhaps the main party to cooperate is the Aurora Society, not the Witch Sect. They just tried to carry out the ceremony of the arrival of the 'True Creator' in the dock area last month, and in September, they prepared the carrier of the evil god's offspring in Tingen City. He almost succeeded in carrying out divine intervention, causing a huge disaster and killing hundreds of innocent people.”

She almost said the last sentence through gritted teeth.

Mr. C, Ms. D, and even Lanervus behind the scenes have all died in her hands, but the culprit, Archbishop Ince Zangwill, who defected from the church, is still at large, and there is no trace of it.

"However, if the 'True Creator' is involved, then the cooperation between the nobles and the royal family and them makes no sense." Laura couldn't help but frowned when she heard a name that was even more infamous than the original witch. "Who Will they try to summon evil gods in their own city, near their home? Will the disaster that affects the entire city bypass them because of their small contribution?"

"Hmph, it's impossible to tell. The interests of those nobles and even some members of the royal family may not be consistent with the interests of the country and ordinary people. As long as they can gain profits from disasters, no matter how many ordinary people die, they will also Like wheat it grows new.”

Vincent snorted and interjected.

The sharp comment left an eerie silence in the room.

"Ahem, I will investigate through the connections with the nobles, but I'm afraid the royal family won't have access to it," Laura broke the awkwardness between the three of them, "Miss Eileen, you'd better be more involved within the Witch Cult." Pay attention to their movements. There has been a lot of action within the sect recently. The high-sequence expert is likely to return to Backlund at the end of the month. Their plan with the Aurora Society may have reached a critical point. This is why I am eager to find you for details. s reason."

"You seem to know a lot about the inside of the Witch Sect?"

Angel asked with some confusion.

"I have my other sources of information."

Laura responded calmly, stopped continuing the topic, and started teaching Angel how to make the "contact potion" she provided.

The witch's own blood and the summoned invisible spider silk are used as materials, and herbal powders representing the realm of the feminine and death, such as sleeping flowers and cemetery grass, are mixed and cooked. Finally, ritual magic is used to cut off the connection with her own spirit body. Another indirect connection is established between the potions. When two mirrors are coated with this potion at the same time, a solid communication channel will be formed between them through the spiritual world, and images and sounds can be transmitted to each other.This is already equivalent to a "video phone" in mysticism. Although the production method is complicated, with Angel's current Sequence 6 ability, the potion produced is only limited to communication within roughly the same city, but compared to the one that can only transmit simple calls The wired telegraph of signals is undoubtedly a qualitative leap.

"Communicate through the spirit world? But didn't you say before that due to the tracking of a certain strong man, in order to avoid being discovered, you no longer actively communicate with the spirit world?"

Upon hearing this, Angel interjected.

"This is the cleverness of communication potions. They have broken off the mystical connection with the blood provider and are just used as a tool to 'communicate' with each other."

Laura patiently explained like a teacher answering students' questions.

After understanding the production method, Angel accepted the bottle of contact potion made by Laura.

"You have to remember that there must be no mistakes in the production methods and steps, otherwise what you hand over will not be a potion, but a curse medium for the person who provided the blood. You were once a witch yourself, so you should know what this means, right?"

Angel looked at Laura who looked serious and chuckled: "What about you, is this bottle of potion made of your own blood or that of other Beyonders?"

In other words, it belongs to the "hunter" behind you - Angel conveyed this meaning with his eyes.

As if to verify Angel's guess, the middle-aged man behind Laura moved uneasily.

After the communication potion is made, the spirituality inside it will quickly escape and can only be retained for about half a month. Angel and Laura agreed to verify each other's information during this period of time, and then talk about "alliance".

Angel was going to knock on Servilia's side and ask the demigod "Ms. Desperate" if she had any plans to return to Backlund in the near future. If even the information Laura got was wrong, then further cooperation There is no way to mention it.

Since this was Laura's safe house, Angel left before them. After quickly leaving the street facing the river and turning into a small alley, Angel breathed a sigh of relief. She first checked that no one was following her, and then took out the Wearing the "Crazy Ring" on your finger will turn you back into a woman with long black hair and a round face with some freckles.

Then, she caressed her cheek, gently pulled off a thin piece of human skin with an ever-changing appearance, and watched it gradually shrink by half in her hands, turning back into the semi-integrated extraordinary characteristics of the "Faceless Man" .

Today, she used the effect of this extraordinary characteristic to change her appearance, blending some of the distinctive looks of the pleasure witches Mitis, Mrs. Sharon and Audrey she had seen, to form a picture that was no less beautiful. Because of their new faces, they deceived Laura and the "Hunter" path extraordinary person.

It's a pity that this characteristic only has such a simple effect before it is made into a magical item, and the negative effects are extremely obvious. As long as he wears it, Angel's desire for blood and flesh will continue to emerge in his heart. Fortunately, He took off the "Ring of Madness" at that time, otherwise he might not be able to resist the desire to kill and eat human bodies.

"It fits my stereotype of the 'Secret Prayer' path..."

Smiling to himself, Angel stopped a hired carriage and left the dock area.

(End of this chapter)

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