Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 3 Mrs. Sharon

Chapter 3 Mrs. Sharon
The knock came from the front door.

Do people in this world have the habit of dropping by in the middle of the night?
Looking at the red moon in the sky outside the window, Angel hesitated whether to open the door.

First of all, she had to prepare a good weapon. She looked around, her eyes swept over the fire stick by the fireplace, then at the flower bed placed at the door of the study, and finally returned to the desk in front of her as if attracted by a mysterious force.

Following the memory in her mind, she opened the desk drawer, took out a tome dictionary, and opened the hidden compartment under the drawer. Inside was a neat stack of banknotes, more than a dozen scattered coins, a pocket watch that looked expensive, a notebook with a yellowed cover, and a revolver lying quietly on the notebook.

Ignoring the rest of the items, Angel reached out and picked up the revolver. The wooden handle and metal gun body made her feel at ease after a long absence.

Time waited for no one, she quickly threw the reel away, confirmed that the magazine was filled with five rounds of bullets, and all of them were unfired live ammunition, then pulled out the bullets, and estimated the weight and size.

"The 0.45 caliber is not suitable for women, and the recoil may be a bit high." Angel studied the bullet in her hand, "But the hidden strength of this female body is no less than that of an adult male. Holding this 3-pound pistol with one hand does not require any effort, and even seems to be easy to handle." She reloaded the magazine, held the gun and quickly changed several positions.

"Dong dong——" the knock on the door sounded again, and Angel didn't hesitate anymore. She picked up the revolver and walked towards the living room. Just to be on the safe side, she also took the fire stick.

Bypassing the oriel window facing the street, she came to the main entrance.There was no sound behind the door, as if the visitor could not wait and left.

Angel was not deceived by such an appearance, she recalled "Assassin", or a basic ability that all Extraordinary possessed, "spiritual vision".

She pushed the bottom left back molar with her tongue, and activated the vision ability that originally belonged to Cole Granger.

Extraordinary people who have entered the state of spiritual vision can observe spiritual objects within their sight, including various extraordinary items, materials rich in spirituality, and of course life forms.

This spiritual radiance can penetrate even thinner obstacles.

Under the spiritual vision, in the dark room, apart from the faint spirituality emanating from his body, there is only a white light behind the door that is dim but enough to pass through the crack of the door.

Through her spirit vision, she repeatedly confirmed that the visitor was still standing behind the door, so she quickly turned off her spirit vision. In just a few dozen seconds, Angel felt that her spirituality was becoming exhausted. This was certainly due to her physical and mental instability, but it was obvious that the power of her spiritual vision consumed her spirituality.

Holding the gun in her right hand against the door frame, and the fire stick in her left hand, she asked in a deep voice, "Who is it?" If you don't answer within five seconds, I will shoot - she added silently in her heart.

"It's me." A soft voice came from behind the door, with a slight vibrato, it sounded like a young woman.

After thinking for a while, Angel remembered the owner of the voice: Mrs. Sharon.

Sharon Hoy is the most famous and beautiful widow in Tingen, and also the most sought after lady in social situations. She is the second wife of Baron Hoy, but unfortunately became a widow.

Mrs. Sharon is very popular in Tingen's business and political circles, not only because of her special status, but also because of her skillful skills and "secret relationships" with many dignitaries.But for Cole Granger, Madam Sharon's most special identity is to guide him into the extraordinary world and become the mentor of the "Assassin".

According to the memory in his mind, Mrs. Sharon herself is also a Extraordinary. Like Cole, she was also promoted by "Assassin". However, Cole didn't know the specific sequence number. He only knew that she was at least a "Witch" of Sequence 7.

It was already clear who was coming, but Angel did not open the door. Instead, he opened the pistol hammer, letting the sound of parts rubbing openly spread to the other side of the door: "Please go back."

The person outside the door didn't seem to care about being pointed at by a gun, but said calmly:
"Heh, it sounds like you have been promoted successfully. As I said, this promotion is a complete change for you in various senses. After a few days when your condition is stable, I suggest you come to the old place to meet. This will help you master the power of the potion."

"I put what you're looking for in the mailbox. That guy offered a reward of two hundred pounds in the Tingen Morning Post. You can go and get the reward. It's my reward for your successful promotion."

"By the way, here are some women's clothes I brought you. You don't want to go out in men's clothes after dawn, do you?"

After leaving three strange sentences, the people outside the door became silent. Angel turned on his spirit vision again, but found nothing.

She didn't dare to relax at all, she still pointed the gun at the door, and she carefully put away the weapon until there was still no movement outside the door after 5 minutes.

Bet right.

In my memory, Cole Granger and Mrs. Sharon had a good relationship, especially after becoming the "instigator". Maybe it was because Cole's rapidly growing strength was worth investing in, which made the relationship between Mrs. Sharon and him a step further, um, that kind of relationship.

From the perspective of Angel, a bystander, it is almost certain that Mrs. Sharon used the instigator or a higher sequence of charm ability.But the person involved, Cole Granger, was undoubtedly played by Madam Sharon.

It wasn't until the eve of being promoted to a "witch" that he knew that the potion would turn him into a woman. Then he woke up like a dream, and resolutely rejected Madam Sharon's request, claiming that he would never take the potion.

Of course, Angel can appear here, which shows that Cole's so-called "never" seems not so firm.

Based on the relationship between the two in memory, Angel successfully played a woman who was emotionally unstable after a successful promotion, turned Mrs. Sharon away, and successfully passed the meeting.

She had a hunch that once the door was opened and the two of them met, things would definitely go badly.

After confirming that Mrs. Sharon had left, Angel opened the main door, poked his head out and looked around for a while, seeing that there was no one on the street, he quickly reached out and took away the package from the mailbox next to the door, then closed the door and locked it.


There's no trap or curse, is there?
Angel looked at the package on the table, thinking.

She poked the package with a fire stick, and the outer covering easily collapsed, and there didn't seem to be any hard objects inside.

After getting the weapon, the heart that had calmed down became agitated again. Angel knew very well that this was a change after meeting Mrs. Sharon, and that it was the anxiety caused by the gap in strength. Her soft words also had an inexplicable effect.

This made her realize that "language" can also be a weapon for Beyonders.

Putting the fire stick aside, she raised the gun with one hand, and lifted the wrapped cloth with the other hand. A beautiful badge rolled down on the table, and below were several neatly stacked clothes.

Is it really here to deliver clothes?

Putting the revolver within easy reach, she picked up a piece of clothing from the table, shook it out, and found that it was a dress with an unexpectedly conservative style. The other sets were also women's dresses, and there were even a few sets of underwear and two pairs of flat shoes.

"At least it's not high heels..." Angel comforted herself, "The clothes are not revealing." Even if she turned into a woman for no reason, she still couldn't accept those clothes that were too revealing.

Putting down the women's clothes, she picked up the badge that had slipped aside when she opened the package, and she carefully observed the appearance of the badge.

This is a badge made of brass, about the size of half a palm, in a symmetrical octagonal shape, and feels heavy to the touch.The center of one side is inlaid with a broad bean-sized teardrop-shaped amethyst, which refracts strange light under the double illumination of red moonlight and yellow light.The other side is engraved with the words "For Quentin Cohen——Azik Eggers". Upon closer inspection, there is a line of elegant small characters on the back, "Carry it close to your body, remember."

It turned out to be a gift from someone else. No wonder the owner offered a reward of 10 pounds for this item. Just looking at the craftsmanship and the cheap amethyst, it can be bought in street gift shops for [-] pounds. At most, add some money to engrave it.

After confirming that it was just an ordinary commemorative badge, Angel lost interest in it and casually threw the "two hundred pounds" aside. Since Mrs. Sharon said that this item can be used as a reward, she doesn't mind trying it when she has time.

After the "Mrs. Sharon crisis" was resolved, she began to think about her current situation again.

Thinking of a man in his 30s who suddenly came to another world and turned into a young girl with a murder case, Angel felt a splitting headache and wanted to shoot himself in the head with a revolver, trying to see if he could return to the original world.

But her intuition told her that it should not be as simple as dying in the same way. The death on the other side of the earth must have triggered some extremely special mechanism, so that the soul came to this world, possessed the body of Cole Granger who also died, and became what he is now under the influence of the "witch" potion.

By the way, Cole Granger is a man, and I am now a woman, so what do the murders he committed have anything to do with me?No matter how you say it, you can't catch me on the head, can you?

After thinking this through, Angel immediately breathed a sigh of relief, at least she doesn't have to worry about being hunted down by the authorities now.Being wanted would not only make it difficult for her to move an inch in the city, but it would also cause enormous psychological pressure on her, a former Templar, even if she did not do these things.

But even if he didn't have to worry about Cole Granger's crimes affecting him, Angel now needed a legal identity, and his original male identity could no longer be used even if he was not wanted.

I don't know if making false certificates can solve this problem. After all, there is no network or database in this world. As long as it is realistic enough, it should be easy to get confused.

In addition to the false identity, he must find a new residence as soon as possible, and bid farewell to the identity of "Cole Granger", so that even if the things he committed before are found out, the police can only find this empty residence and the evaporated Cole Granger.

After settling down, try to find a way to go back. This is also a world with extraordinary abilities, and the possibility of returning to your hometown is still very high.

By the way, the ritual traces in the basement have to be cleaned up to prevent the police from associating that Cole Granger changed his identity through potions...

Several things were arranged in the order of priority in her mind, and Angel was full of energy immediately. She went to the bathroom to find a bucket, mop, and brush, and went to the basement to clean up the weird radial blood pool. The table, candlesticks, and other furniture were also rearranged.

Although the washed floor still had a faint fishy smell, it was not so noticeable when it mixed with the humid air in the basement. Angel decided to go out and buy some cheap meat that was about to expire, and pretended to forget it in the corner of the basement. After a while, the rancid smell would completely cover up the bloody smell.

Taking the bucket and mop back to the bathroom to wash them off, Angel changed out of his sweat and sewage-soaked underwear, took a brief shower, and put on the women's clothing sent by Mrs. Sharon.

"I have to say that this body is much better than those female stars I have seen on TV and the Internet before." Angel hurriedly put on unfamiliar women's underwear, looked at Miaoman's body in the mirror, and inevitably fell into reverie.

Before she knew it, she stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a quarter of an hour.

"It's too scary, even I can't resist, if other men see it..." Angel shuddered, woke up, and hurriedly buttoned the top button of the dress to cover the whiteness between the collarbone and the neck.He conveniently drew a cross on his chest, asking for forgiveness for his confusion.

The next thing is to solve the stomach problem and explore the situation around the house by the way-the two things can be done together, because Angel found that although there is a kitchen here, it is not used at all.

She has already checked the kitchen. It seems that Cole Granger, who originally lived here, did not have the habit of cooking at home alone. There was no trace of oily smoke in the cooking utensils, and the stove could be ignited. Unfortunately, the seasoning was already difficult to use. The salt was damp and agglomerated, and there were traces of white spots in the black pepper pot, which should be mildewed.

After dumping all these spoiled seasonings into the trash can, Angel decided to go out to solve the problem of eating.

Maybe it’s because the integration of soul and body is getting closer. After waking up in the middle of the night until the present morning, Angel keeps recalling some memory fragments, most of which are common-sense content that does not involve specific memory, such as the method of using the gas meter, the exchange rate between gold pounds, soules and pennies (here also uses pennies), and there are also 365-366 days in a year, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, etc.

There are also a few vague memories about Cole Granger's life experience, but most of them happened recently, and the longer the memory, the more vague it was, until she couldn't recall it even if she wanted to break her head.

"Let's go to the restaurant he frequents first. The price is affordable and the taste is good." Angel opened the desk drawer, picked out a 20-pound banknote from the neatly stacked banknotes in the hidden compartment, and put it back after a moment of hesitation, replacing it with three 1-pound and two 5-soul banknotes, and took a small handful of copper pennies.

The purchasing power of the world’s gold pounds is much higher than that of the earth’s pounds. It is neither convenient nor safe to buy things with large banknotes.

But this guy Cole is really rich. The gold pound alone in this drawer is probably not less than 300. It seems that he should have made a lot of money before the assassin's golden basin washes up.Angel looked at the various banknotes of various denominations and improper origins in the drawer, and the last trace of guilt for taking other people's money at will disappeared.

Before going out, she made a simple holster out of strips of old bed sheets, strapped the revolver to her right thigh, and dropped her loose skirt so that she couldn't see it at all.

Stuffing the banknotes and coins into his pocket, Angel left through the back door, walked through a sparsely populated back alley, and took a long detour back to the street.

The house temporarily belonging to her is located at No. 6 Narcissus Street in Tingen City. It belongs to one of the row buildings.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning, and it was the busiest time of the day. Vendors crowded the streets to sell their items, and shops set up signs one after another, waiting for customers to patronize.

Taking a breath of the air mixed with the aroma of bread, oil and spicy, Angel finally felt that he had returned to the human world. The anxiety in his heart after traveling for no reason was temporarily suppressed, and his stomach that hadn't eaten for a long time began to twitch, reminding himself what the most important thing to do now was.

(End of this chapter)

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