Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 308 The Witch Who Unwilling to Surrender

Chapter 308 The Witch Who Unwilling to Surrender

"I can feel that someone, something, is manipulating my life and making me become less and less like myself."

Triss calmed down a little, and began to tell her story as she had done when they met on the balcony on the day of the dance.

"After coming to Backlund from Tingen, I was quickly found by them and returned to the Witch Cult. Originally, Servilia said that she would let me lead new people, just like Sharon Hoy, who would lead a few novice assassins. , taught them killing techniques and asked them to complete the sect's instructions. But they soon changed their minds and arranged for me to meet Edsac...

"Then, that man fell madly in love with me, said it was love at first sight, and even gave up pursuing the daughter of a wealthy earl for me. He was so obsessed with a suspicious woman he had only met once, and her appearance was so... Like a ridiculous supporting character who falls in love with the heroine in a third-rate novel. What’s even more ridiculous is that at that time, I was still secretly happy that I was so popular after becoming a woman, haha, hahaha!”

At this point, she suddenly laughed like crazy, and the sound was transmitted to the side of the mirror, echoing in the small basement, like the roar of an evil spirit, without a trace of smile, only madness.

Inwardly surprised by Triss' performance, Angel did not respond, but waited quietly for her to continue.

Fortunately, this Sequence 6 Beyonder was not immersed in pessimism. He quickly stopped smiling and looked towards the mirror with tearful eyes. His black pupils were filled with emotions that Angel could not understand.

"By coincidence, we always met everywhere, and then under his arrangement, I moved into a manor in the suburbs and was 'captive' by him. Of course, he didn't think so himself. He felt that he was protecting me. It is providing me with the best living conditions.

"And I became more and more strange. How could a normal man accept everything so quickly after becoming a woman? But every time I resisted the intimacy, I even wanted to run away and stay away from it all. , the memory will become confused, and when you wake up again, hours or even a whole night has often passed!

"I tried my best to use the invisibility spell to seize the horse and escape. I even endured my nausea and seduced his subordinates... But without exception, all my attempts failed. There were always various coincidences that made me fall short. If I'm lucky enough not to meet anyone, the feeling that I can't control my body will come back and make me give up on escaping."

Hearing this, Angel remembered Servilia's words about "trying to escape many times" and felt a little sad about the fate of this witch whose hands were once stained with blood, but now she is trapped in some kind of "arrangement".

"At that time, I naively thought that as long as I improved my strength, I could get rid of this weird control, so I asked someone to help me collect extraordinary materials and was promoted to 'Happiness'. Haha, I didn't expect that the situation would become more serious."

Triss must have been holding back with Prince Edsac for a long time. Now she has found someone who can talk to her, even if it is across the mirror and the spirit world, even if she is not sure whether the other person will help her, she will tell her regardless. everything.

But according to what she said, being able to tell everything without any hindrance, it seems that the so-called "control" is not so terrible?
"Do you think that now that I can tell you everything, it seems that the situation is not as serious as I said?" As if she saw Angel's confusion, Triss sneered and said, "That's because I have gradually gotten used to it! I’m used to sleeping with him, I’m used to giving in to his anger, I’m used to being forgiven by his apology, I’m used to being a woman and serving a man!”

She yelled out the last word, but as if she was worried that the sound would be heard outside the room, she calmed down instantly and lowered her voice.

"As long as I abide by certain rules, that power will not take effect, and those created coincidences will not come to me... So I finally waited for this opportunity, and waited until I lost myself in the dance to make someone else The opportunity for others to pass on the potion..."

Triss changed her tone of voice, the one she seemed to have become proficient in, and said with a sticky tone of temptation:
"I guess Servilia will definitely let you get close to me, monitor me, and prevent me from escaping. Of course, I have several people like you around me, including maids, housekeepers, and even extraordinary people arranged by Edsac. Or, I will take care of some of them, so that they will restrain each other and have no time to take care of my movements, and you can help me escape from all this..."

Seeing that Triss had been laying the groundwork for a long time and finally got to the point, Angel shook his head slightly and was about to speak.

"Don't be too busy to refuse. I can provide you with generous rewards, such as magic potion formulas. You should know that the subsequent magic potion of 'Witch' is 'Happiness', right? And I can not only give you 'Happiness', but also I will give you the subsequent 'Painful' potion formula and the way to be promoted." Unfortunately, I am already a pleasure witch, and your offer is not very attractive to me...

Angel thought silently.

But she was still confused, how could such a person who was almost a "chess piece" of the Witch Sect possess the Sequence 5 formula?
"It takes too much risk to help you, but the benefits are pitifully small. Servilia has already given me the material of 'Happiness'. As long as I complete the task and get the formula, I can prepare the magic potion to be promoted, and the sequence 5. I’m not interested at the moment.”

She shook her head with feigned regret and rejected Triss's request.

"Haha, Servilia? She will only hang you, give you a glimmer of hope, and make you her pawn." As if she heard something ridiculous, Triss laughed twice, and then said, "She She gave me the formula but not the extraordinary materials. If she gives you the materials, the formula will definitely get stuck. This is how she manages her men."

"What about you? How do you know the formula of Sequence 5? Based on your identity as a chess piece placed next to the prince?"

"After being tortured by that mysterious power for a long time, even if I am unable to resist, I will still gain something. And you don't need to risk your life. You only need to report my matter to the official Beyonders, Nighthawks, and Agents. Punisher, Machine Heart, anyone, tell them Prince Edsac is hiding the witch in Red Rose Manor, and let them come and capture me."

"Are you crazy? Even if your memory is confused, you probably haven't forgotten what you did in Tingen City and the Alfalfa, right?"

Angel frowned, worried that there was a communication problem due to the instability of the spiritual world, and that he had misheard what the other party meant.

But then she realized that Triss would rather be arrested by the official Beyonders, tried, and locked up under the church without ever seeing the light of day than stay with Prince Edsac.

This is not only a conflict in thinking and behavior caused by gender inversion, but also because she feels that she cannot control everything about herself and feels that everything is controlled by something.

Moreover, Angel seems to have heard of what she just said about "gaining something from the tossing of mysterious power" somewhere...

By the way, when he intercepted the escaping Lanreus in the sewers of the dock area, the fraudster who used strange abilities in the battle once said similar words.

And he once contained the divinity of the "True Creator", and even almost triggered the arrival of the evil god in the dock area!
Angel subconsciously looked at Triss on the other side of the mirror, and at the inconspicuous sapphire ring on the little finger of her left hand.

She finally recalled the origin of that frightening feeling after seeing Triss's strange change when she attended the ball.

No matter how weak and inconspicuous that power is, its status is far higher than the two pleasure witches on both sides of the mirror, and even higher than ordinary high-sequence extraordinary beings.

That is the power of the gods!
(End of this chapter)

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