Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 312 The Decoy Plan

Chapter 312 The Decoy Plan
"You talked about remuneration so quickly. It seems that you are very confident in this commission."

The Eye of Wisdom chuckled, and then continued:

"This is a good thing. What we lack most now is confidence. Many of the detectives who have received the threatening letters have already developed pessimism and despair. Although most of them are not extraordinary people, they have been struggling in the detective world for a long time. All extraordinary powers have some understanding, and the revenge of extraordinary people is a terrifying thing for them."

"So, they haven't called the police and tried to accept the protection of official extraordinary people? Is maintaining their independence and protecting their privacy more important than their lives?"

Angel asked curiously.

"Of course they have called the police, and they even tried to get together and live together to try to scare the people behind the scenes, but the official Beyonders, well, I refer to the 'Machine Heart' here, did not contact them, they were just monitoring them secretly. and protection.”

"Secretly...using them as bait?"

"Yes, the man behind the scenes mentioned in his threatening letter that he would retaliate on November 11 and kill all the detectives, but he will definitely not abide by the time, because this is tantamount to throwing himself into a trap," the eye of wisdom caressed With a chin with a light white beard, he analyzed the opponent like a detective, "He is likely to launch an attack in advance. The timing of the threat letter is just a cover, and it may even be his deliberate misleading."

"So the official Extraordinary also came to a similar conclusion, so he did not contact the detectives directly, but hid in secret to lure him out and then arrest him?"

"Oh, this is the biggest problem. The primary goal of the Machine Hearts is to capture the 'Apostle of Desire', solve the incident once and for all, and bring an end to the entire serial murder case, but the detectives who were used as bait for no apparent reason Obviously they are dissatisfied with their position, so they entrusted me to find powerful extraordinary people to protect them in secret."

"You just found me?"

"You killed the 'Devil Dog'. There is no doubt about your strength. What's more, you also have the means to interfere with the 'Devil's' ability to predict danger. The most important thing is to be able to avoid the other party's prediction of danger. Our purpose is to lead out what's going on behind the scenes." People, kill or capture him instead of waiting for each day to pass in protection. It is impossible for an official extraordinary person to keep surveillance for a long time, but a revengeful person can look for opportunities every day."

Angel was convinced that this was caused by him selling the extraordinary characteristics of the "Devil Dog". The Eye of Wisdom, or the official Beyonder behind him hoped that such a wild Beyonder who could kill Sequence 6 would be able to survive this incident. Play a part in the process, and even achieve a certain degree of cooperation.

But what if the mechanical heart takes away himself after solving the incident?

"Before this gathering, I communicated with the 'Machine Heart' and they promised not to deal with the unofficial Beyonders who participated in the capture of the 'Apostle of Desire'. In exchange, all the things left by the Apostle of Desire will be handed over to Of course, after they dispose of it, part of it will be distributed as a reward, which should not be less than the bounty of the 'Devil Dog'.

"Believe me, compared to the Tyrant's Church of Storms, the Church of Steam has always had a good reputation in this regard. I can vouch for it with my reputation of hosting gatherings for so many years."

Seeing the reason for Angel's hesitation, "Eye of Wisdom" added.

Tyrant... Well, this description is correct. Compared with the Heart of Machinery and Nighthawks, the ruthless and cruel methods of the Punishers towards wild Beyonders have long been known. If the Eye of Wisdom said that this time the Punishers will Dominate, then I will definitely not participate... Of course, the Heart of Machinery also requires to take away all the gains from the battle, such as extraordinary characteristics, or possible magical items, and only pay some money as a reward. This is the official extraordinary They are not short of money, but they will not allow any extraordinary items to fall into the hands of outsiders.

Angel thought and nodded.

"How are they going to 'seduce' the Apostle of Desire to appear?"

She asked the most important question.

"This is the key to the whole plan..."

"Eye of Wisdom" bent slightly, got closer to Angel, and whispered.


In the Hillston area, there is a three-story single-family house in a good location, but the sunlight is difficult to reach.

Klein picked up an armchair, pulled it to the fireplace, placed it in a position where he could enjoy the warmth of the flames but not get too hot, and sat on it.

In the living room, most of the other seats were lying on the floor. A coffee table was overturned, and the coffee cup on it fell to the floor. Fortunately, most of the coffee in the cup had been consumed, so it would not stain the delicate surface. carpet.

Isengard Stanton, whose face was a little thin but had sharp edges, had a gloomy expression. His blue eyes looked at his assistant, a young man with brown hair wearing gold-rimmed glasses.The latter was cleaning up the messy living room. He usually did clerical work, and this kind of thing that should be handled by the maid made him a little confused.

"You should ask this young man to go with you to the police station for protection, Mr. Stanton."

Kaslana, who has black hair, blue eyes, and sagging cheek muscles, said that she is in her thirties and is a detective who does not seem to be easy to get along with.

"Didn't your assistant stay too?"

Essinger pointed at a young woman next to Kaslana and said. The red-haired girl named Lydia smiled slightly and touched the large revolver on her waist. The meaning was obvious: I But he is capable of fighting.Feeling the still somewhat depressing atmosphere, Klein sighed quietly and glanced at the blazing flames in the fireplace, his thoughts returning to half an hour ago.


"It's been two days. How long will it take for this incident to pass? My daughter and wife are still at home. Will that person do anything to them?"

A middle-aged detective with messy hair murmured that the coffee cup in front of him had reached the bottom, but he didn't notice at all. Instead, he picked it up and brought it to his mouth, licking the last few drops of coffee clean, and pursed his dry lips. Look at the other people in the living room.

The people sitting here are all detectives who have participated in the case of tracking serial murderers and made a lot of contributions and received bounties. There are men and women, young and old. They are all as depressed as him. , with a sallow complexion, obviously unable to eat or sleep well, and already on the verge of collapse.

"Two days? There are still more than ten days before the predicted time. What if he thinks it's hard for us to be together and continues to hibernate? Do we have to stay like this forever?"

The young detective Stuart took over and said. He glanced randomly and finally landed on a detective with a thick beard and indifferent eyes.

"Sherlock, how long do you think it will take for the police to catch that guy?"

Sherlock Moriarty sat on the single sofa with his legs crossed, with a copy of yesterday's "Tasock News" on his knees, but his eyes did not fall on the newspaper, but looked ahead unfocused.

After he reported the crime this morning, he came to Eisinger Stanton's residence under the arrangement of the police, and found out that the police had gathered all the detectives who had received the threatening letters here and protected him together.

Just one morning and noon "house arrest" made him a little absent-minded and slightly bored. As a mid-sequence Extraordinary, he was like this. How could ordinary people who had been there for two days or even longer endure it?

The strings in the minds of these freedom-loving detectives have long been tense. Maybe in a day or two, maybe some news that changes their emotions will break the strings and make them truly "collapse"... …

"I think maybe there won't be any results until November 11, the 'death date' we planned."

He replied casually, his voice low, just for Stuart beside him to hear, so as not to irritate others.

But he obviously underestimated the pressure caused by the negative emotions that enveloped the living room. When Stuart heard this, he shouted in a sharp voice:

"What? Until the end of the month? There's still nearly two weeks!"

The words instantly reached the ears of all the detectives in the room.

"I definitely can't hold on, I want to go home! Just let him kill me!"

"No, I want to hide alone. You can kill me, but don't touch my family..."

"No, I don't want this!"

Shouts filled with anger and despair came and went, making Sherlock a little confused when he had just arrived here.

Are they really the ones who have been at ease for two days?Why did you suddenly have an emotional breakdown?

Isengard Stanton, who had been sitting by the fireplace, the owner of this house frowned and looked at everyone. He stood up from his chair, his lips moved, and he was about to speak to comfort them.


A detective whose lips were turned pale by his own lips had already taken out his revolver, pointed it at Essinger, who was making a move, and pulled the hammer.

"Don't move! I want to go home, and I will kill anyone who stops me!"

The slight sound of the hammer being cocked to the firing position was extremely harsh to the ears of the detectives in the room, and it aroused their desire to protect themselves. The sound of swish of guns being pulled out was heard continuously. In the blink of an eye, most of the detectives pulled out their guns. He took out his sidearm and pointed it at the person he thought was the greatest threat.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the living room became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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