Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 325 Escape and interception

Chapter 325 Escape and interception
In the eyes of Leonard Mitchell, these slowly formed words were like a sharp sword slowly inserted into his heart!
The muscles of his body hidden in the armor were tense, and beads of cold sweat broke out on his face. His eyes widened, and he looked at the sealed object named "Arrods" through the narrow opening in the visor.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, how to cover up with lies, how to defend himself, and even use the "1-42" on his body to kill everyone around him, and then go on the run.

Of course, the last thought made him despise himself.

Suddenly, Leonard's left hand, which was wearing a gauntlet, trembled slightly.

The line of bright red fonts continued to extend to the right, and in full view of the public, it was dyed with some green that no one noticed.

"...Do you have some unforgettable memories?"

"Yeah, those are great memories I have with my teammates who sacrificed their lives."

He replied in a calm tone, as if the cold sweat on his body and the tired body after tightening and relaxing were all illusions.

Hearing his answer, many Nighthawks around had expressions of sadness on their faces. As one of the few major casualties of the Church of the Night in the past three years, the tragedy of the arrival of the evil god in Tingen City has spread throughout the entire Nighthawks team. They all have mixed feelings about the sole survivor.

Seeing that Silver Mirror Arrodes was no longer moving, the mechanical hearts onlookers breathed a sigh of relief, began to analyze the scene they had just seen, and quickly determined the location of the villa based on the surrounding environment: right here Not far away is the Jowood district, next to the Holy Wind Cathedral.

This is also consistent with the other party's actions of attacking the "Punisher" and leading away the "Singer of God".

"Act quickly. The 'Desire Apostle' hasn't escaped too far. '1-42' can lock his position. Leonard, please pay attention to the use time of the sealed artifact."

Sost looked at his pocket watch and ordered.

"Yes, Captain Sostre."

Leonard took heavy steps and followed the Nighthawks out of the living room.

"Old man, did you interfere with the mirror's question just now?" Under the cover of the helmet and the sound of footsteps, he muttered in a low voice, "It's too dangerous, that ghost mirror, we were almost exposed!"


"That mirror showed you a similar statement?"

In the second-floor residence at No. 15 Minsk Street, Angel sat on the sofa next to the bay window, looked at Sherlock curiously, and asked.

When the two of them were analyzing the information provided by the Silver Mirror "Arrodes", Angel was puzzled by Sherlock's previous initiative to use the sealed object. After asking casually, he found out that the other party also saw other objects when he touched the Silver Mirror. A text that no one can see.

Arrods introduced himself like a humble servant, just like the words he showed Angel.

"Not only that, the content of its rhetorical question is also very strange. According to the performance of the 'Mechanical Hearts', especially Ikanser who often uses sealed objects, this kind of question will probably reveal some secrets in their hearts that they don't want others to discover. Secret, but the question to me was very simple and harmless, like..."

"It's like showing kindness to you?"

Angel took over and asked, then she shook her head and denied this:
"It's unlikely. Why would the Sealed Artifact of the Church of Steam please a wild Beyonder? Unless it's asking for something from you, for example, for example..."

She suddenly thought of the Sealed Artifact "0-08" that had been stolen by the defected Archbishop Ince Zangwill from the Church of the Night. It was said that this Sealed Artifact had some kind of living properties. Maybe it tempted Ince with some kind of conditions in exchange for his defection.

Could it be that "Arrods", who also seems to have the characteristics of being alive on this side, and even has his own personality, has similar thoughts?

She hid the information of "0-08" in her thoughts and told it to Sherlock. The latter also felt that this possibility was not low, otherwise it would be impossible to explain that the Sealed Artifacts of the Church of Steam were so unpretentious to the extraordinary people inside and to the wild people. Extraordinary people have a...humble attitude.

"Fortunately, the 'Desire Apostle' incident will be resolved soon. Unless we take the initiative to contact or even steal this sealed artifact, there should be no chance of contacting Arrods."

Sherlock forced a smile and said.

"Can it really be solved quickly? They didn't even notice that Jason Belial and the 'Apostle of Desire' might not be the same person before you prompted it."

Angel sees things differently.

The two divination masters decided to conduct another divination under the protection of "anti-divination" to determine the current situation of the "Apostle of Desire", but this time, Angel asked her to do it.

Sherlock waved his hand in a gentlemanly manner, indicating that he didn't mind, but with a smile on his face, he obviously didn't believe in the other party's divination level.

Of course, due to the anti-divination ability of the "Devil" path itself, Angel herself was not sure whether the divination could be successful. She took the handkerchief she took from Jason's house, put it under the small magic mirror, and tapped the mirror surface with her fingers. , mobilized a bit of spirituality, and said silently:
"Mirror Mirror told me the current location of the 'Apostle of Desire' who attacked me yesterday."

She no longer uses "Jason Belial" for positioning, because that will inevitably lead to a false target that distracts the "Godsinger".

The hazy mist rose on the mirror, flickering stubbornly, almost condensing into a concrete picture, but eventually fell silent, declaring its own powerlessness.

"You do it."

Angel pushed the magic mirror and said with a straight face that she decided never to perform divination in front of Sherlock again.

At this moment, the magic mirror's surface, which had been restored to reflect the surrounding environment, suddenly turned dark. The gas lamp in the room and the sunlight outside the window dimmed at the same time, as if the time had changed from afternoon to evening in an instant.

Letters on the mirror emerged from the darkness, beating happily, forming words and turning into a greeting:
"The humble servant Arrodes awaits your dispatch."————

In the intricate sewers of the Jowood District, a black shadow was swimming quickly against the wall. It was dragging a heavy suitcase. The corners of the suitcase occasionally touched the stone wall, making a dull thumping sound. Every time at this time, The black shadow will slow down, adjust its posture, and then continue moving forward.

What was in the box was the money earned by the "Apostle of Desire" from operating in Backlund for many years. Even if the assassination was successful, even if he was about to get the hope of reaching a high sequence - the "blasphemy card", he would not want it. Give up your gold pounds.

"This abominable 'greed'!"

He thought to himself, excited and trembling at the thought of surrendering to desire.

When he turned a right angle, he stopped suddenly, stepped out of the shadows, and transformed into a human again, into the man with brown hair and brown eyes.

He had been seriously injured in the previous battle, panting rapidly and coughing up clumps of clotted blood from time to time.But compared to his injuries, he was more concerned about his current situation. He pressed his body against the wall and looked around in confusion.

He didn't find anything wrong with his "dangerous intuition". On the contrary, everything was too quiet now!

A high-ranking Duke was assassinated, and countless official Beyonders were mobilized. Even if his partner wore the skin of "Jason Belial" to attract most of the attention, someone should have noticed something was wrong at this time. Turn your attention back to Backlund.At the very least, the survivors of this assassination should contact the nearest church and dispatch the Extraordinaries left behind.

But he sensed no danger signs for himself.

Looking suspiciously at the small sewers around him, he thought for a moment, then cautiously changed the direction, transformed into a thick black liquid again, and continued to swim quickly along the wall.

The screen disappeared, and Angel and Sherlock looked at each other.

The worst thing happened. This "Apostle of Desire" actually escaped from the official pursuit of extraordinary people?
Before the two of them could think about it, Arrods, who appeared in the magic mirror for unknown reasons, showed some sentences that they were already familiar with:
"Based on the principle of reciprocity, it is my turn to ask questions. If you refuse to answer, or answer incorrectly, you will be punished."

The last word is small and so light that it is almost impossible to see.

After swallowing his saliva, Angel continued to look at his magic mirror. The sentence above disappeared and a new sentence appeared:

"Did you know that the 'Apostle of Desire' is now moving towards Campbell Street in Cherwood?" one get one free?

Angel's eyes widened and he looked at his magic mirror in disbelief.

Does Arrods really want to use their power to escape from the Church of Steam like "0-08", so it serves the two of them like a "humble servant" as it said?

She replied hesitantly:
"I didn't know it just now, but I know it now."

"Exquisite answer!"

A few words appeared in the mirror, and then disappeared quickly. Angel picked up the magic mirror and looked at it carefully, but found nothing unusual.

"Campbell Street... seems to be nearby!"

Sherlock was focused on another issue. He quickly stood up, pulled out a map from the bookshelf next to him, spread it on the coffee table, and found the location of Campbell Street on it, which was less than 500 meters west of Minsk Street. .

The two looked at each other, and their eyes conveyed the same message: take advantage of this "Apostle of Desire"'s opportunity to get injured and run away, and kill him in the sewer!

"You get there first, I'll come over right away and use the same method as last time."

Sherlock said quickly, pointing to the second floor.

Knowing that the opponent wanted to use the spiritual form of the "Black Emperor" to participate in the battle, Angel nodded and agreed with his arrangement.

The mental storm and fear-mongering of the "Desire Apostle" are ineffective against the spiritual state. Sherlock's transformation into the "Black Emperor" will be more conducive to combat.

After arranging the battle plan in a few words, Angel quickly left Sherlock's house and ran quickly along Minsk Street towards the Campbell Street that Adros said. When approaching that street, he found an alley and got into the dark sewer.

After living in Backlund for more than two months, she had almost memorized the sewer layout of several nearby areas, and she was even more familiar with it than the streets on the ground.

With the help of dark vision, Angel quickly crossed the narrow corridor. When she encountered a locked fence, she used the master key to unlock the "spiritual wall" to open it directly. On the way, although she felt that she had lost her way, the danger in her heart was still there. However, his premonitions continued to increase, which meant that under the negative effects of the key, he gradually approached the fleeing "Apostle of Desire".

Soon, after rushing around a corner, a viscous black liquid appeared in front of her. From the liquid stuck to the wall, a human figure covered in mucus suddenly emerged. His exposed brown eyes were not clear. Looking at Angel blocking him with emotion, he let go of his right hand and the heavy suitcase fell to the ground.

In the next second, his body swelled up, horns protruded from his head, bat wings sprouted from his back, and his whole body exuded a strong smell of sulfur.

In the eyes of the demonized "Apostle of Desire" with molten lava inside, the "Witch of Joy" holds a huge revolver in one hand and a slender bone sword in the other, as if being pulled by invisible threads, moving in a strange way. Flying towards him at an angle, the water on the ground quickly turned into ice in the area she passed.


In the collision of ice and fire, the battle begins.

(End of this chapter)

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