Chapter 334
Of course, this is just what ordinary people see. Angel is also a "Pleasure Witch", so it can be seen that Triss used invisibility to hide herself.

After being promoted to Sequence 6, the invisibility spell no longer requires preparation of materials, and its effect is much faster than that of "Witch". The eyes of several monitors staring at Triss were only attracted by the commotion outside the hall for a few seconds, and they looked back. The target's whereabouts could no longer be found.

Covering half of his face with a champagne glass, Angel watched with interest as the several monitors disguised as guests were wandering around like headless flies, looking at every woman with the same body shape as Triss, and asking questions about everyone around them. Among the misty waiters, two of them even came straight to her in the end.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a serious face. He asked unceremoniously:
"Where is the lady you were talking to just now?"

The moment he asked the question, Angel felt an invisible pressure emanating from the other person, rushing straight to her face, making her just want to surrender and not want to lie.

Of course, this power quickly dissipated like an illusion and had no substantial impact.

Is he an extraordinary person?Instigate, persuade, or be an "interrogator"?Fortunately, his rank was not high, and he did not further display his extraordinary abilities in a hurry...

Angel quickly determined the sequence of the other party's potion based on the information he had read and the knowledge shared at the Tarot meeting, and even began to suspect that he was a special department of the military or a spy of the royal family.

She pretended to be deeply affected by her extraordinary ability, lowered her head and frowned, and answered slowly:
"That lady, I only chatted with her for a few words, and then she returned to the dance floor... Hey, why is she missing?"

At the end of the sentence, Angel pretended to be surprised and opened his eyes wide, looking towards the center of the hall, looking for Triss who was missing.This disguise successfully deceived the two monitors. They looked at each other, immediately turned around and left, quickly determined the next target, and continued to use their extraordinary abilities to start "interrogation" without any pretense.

This group of people is too arrogant. This is in the home of a certain earl, in front of nearly a hundred guests... Aren't they afraid of offending nobles who shouldn't be offended?
Moreover, the extraordinary person who took the lead should know that Triss's abilities include invisibility. At this time, he must have left the hall and even got into the nearby sewer. Rather than questioning the witnesses one by one here, wouldn't it be better? Expand the search scope and even report it to your superiors?

Seeing several monitors still running around in the hall where the commotion had not yet subsided, Angel sighed softly. He didn't know whether to feel sorry for the military and the royal family, or to be grateful that Triss was able to escape.

But the next second, a figure walked into the side door of the hall, causing her to open her eyes wide.

Triss, who just vowed to run away and even used invisibility to disappear among the crowd, actually returned here again!
No, that’s not Triss anymore…

"Triss" who slowly returned to the hall had her mouth corners slightly raised and her eyes narrowed, making her somewhat round face look even cuter. The old-fashioned black dress that was not suitable for her age actually stood out against her elegant steps. Extremely suitable.

As she returned to the hall, the commotion outside gradually stopped. The guests looked around in confusion, but soon calmed down under Count Wolfe's personal comfort, and continued talking and dancing. The band also played a completely different tune than before. to a cheerful tune, as if the previous few minutes were just a farce.

It's that look again... It's like he's a different person, or he's being controlled by something...

Angel stared closely at Triss who had returned, watching her walk through the crowd, and in the astonished eyes of some single nobles, she took the arm offered by a young man, and the two stood intimately together.

This man who appeared at an unknown time had narrow eyes and a round face. He looked a bit like the kings on the gold pound. Although he had put on a simple disguise to hide his hair color and was dressed in a way that made him stand out from everyone else, Angel still caught a glimpse of him. He recognized him as Edsac Augustus, the prince who "fell in love" who had left the ball with Triss last time.

He actually came to find Triss who was trying to escape in person. No wonder those monitors, no, they should be royal spies, didn't care about offending the guests. It turned out that behind them was the backstage that they couldn't offend the most...

Moreover, Tris’s strange appearance is exactly the same as when she talked to me at the last dance. It seems that it is the “contribution” of the sapphire ring. She just doesn’t know what happened to the man who helped her create the opportunity just now. ...Well, I don't have time to worry about him, I should worry about myself...

Angel's thoughts were flowing in his mind, and he watched the prince holding the witch in his arms slowly walk past him, and smiled politely. Just when Angel thought that the two of them were going to talk to her, the two of them walked past her. , left the hall through a small door.

Edsac's low-pitched scolding came from behind the unclosed door:

"Next time you want to attend a dance like this, you can tell me directly and don't run out privately..."

It sounded more like pampering than reprimanding.

"Triss" responded with a seductive tone.The "performance" of the completely different witch and the seemingly unaware prince made Angel break into a cold sweat, as if he had fallen back into the frightening feeling at the last dance.

And the few monitors disguised as guests disappeared at some point. If it weren't for the cold sweat on her body, Angel almost thought it was just a hallucination that happened in her mind.

Putting down the glass of champagne that he had finished without knowing when, Angel, who was still thirsty, picked up another glass of juice on the table and drank it down again before swallowing the previous discomfort into his stomach.She turned around and looked around the hall. No one noticed the weird scene just now. In other words, even if they did, these ordinary people didn't know what happened.

Of course, someone did notice Triss's abnormality, such as Laura Swann and her hunter dance partner. These two extraordinary people were looking solemnly in the direction where the prince and the witch left, obviously aware of it...

She looked away and suddenly found a big golden retriever lying at her feet. It was Audrey's extraordinary pet, Susie.

"Susie, did you see it just now?" She knelt down and said softly, "The young lady who disappeared and reappeared just now, and His Highness the Prince who took her away."


This extraordinary dog ​​must have been instructed by Audrey not to show any abnormality in the presence of outsiders, so he just tilted his head and looked at Angel, his big eyes full of doubts.

"Miss Eileen, if you want a pet of your own, I will carefully choose it for you, but Susie can't."

Audrey's naughty whisper came from behind Angel.

"I just wanted to ask it... I felt like it could understand me, so I gave it a try."

She stood up and turned around, explaining with a smile, but quickly changed her words when she saw the maid behind Audrey.

It wasn't until the two of them and the dog left the ball and returned to the carriage, in their private space, that Angel selectively told Audrey the love story between Prince Edsac and the "common girl".

Of course, she did not mention anything about the Witch Sect or Triss's specific situation. This was for the purpose of protecting Audrey and to avoid revealing the fact that she had betrayed the Witch Sect.

"It seems that the rumors are true. Prince Edsac did fall in love with a commoner girl." To her surprise, Audrey nodded as if she already knew about it. "This matter has already been discussed in the aristocratic circle." It has been rumored for a while, but no one has any evidence. We only know that this prince has been reclusive recently and has been staying in his manor in the suburbs for a long time. Some people even think that he is seriously ill or has made some mistake and is prohibited from going out by His Majesty the King."

Living in seclusion... Based on Triss's own words, they will not be in the manor every day...

Angel suddenly came up with such an idea, and immediately felt ashamed of his wild imagination.

Fortunately, Audrey didn't pay much attention to this matter. She just casually commented on a few anecdotes about the prince's past, and then changed the topic to today's ball.

Worried about being overheard by the accompanying Beyonder guards, she hinted through her tone and movements that today's meeting with the "Psychological Alchemy Society" was successful, and then took out a few pages of densely written paper from her handbag.

"Miss Eileen, thank you for your help today. This is part of the reward I promised you last time. The rest may not come until the New Year, after my coming-of-age ceremony."


Angel was a little confused. She took the three pieces of manuscript paper and saw square characters one by one.

That's the diary of Emperor Russell!

(End of this chapter)

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