Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 346 What is the purpose of the Secret Order?

Chapter 346 What is the purpose of the Secret Order?
Two Lily Grangers?
The Lily in the distance obviously hadn't noticed anything unusual at the door of her house. She lowered her head and walked slowly towards here, but "Lorota"'s eyes were already the color of lava, her lips were slightly open, and she was spitting out filthy devilish words. :


The body of the other "Lily" behind her stiffened instantly, and she was already pinching together, and her thumb and middle finger, which were about to snap, were frozen in the air.Then, invisible threads spread rapidly from all directions, wrapping her body tightly. At this time, "Lorota" turned around and looked at the blond girl with purple eyes and a cold smile on her face.

The next second, bright yellow flames burst out from all over the body of the girl who could not move, and disappeared in the flames with a "pop" sound.

"Lorota" had already taken out the revolver with one hand and touched the "Magic Pocket Watch" with the other hand, but after hesitating for a moment, he still did not press the crown.

The opponent is a "Faceless Man", at least a Sequence 6. The flame jump distance and usage interval are stronger than the Sequence 7 "Magician" extraordinary characteristic of the "Magic Pocket Watch", so I have no chance to catch up with the opponent.

Moreover, the real Lily Granger's exclamation came from behind. She looked back at the panicked girl with blond hair and purple eyes. She reached out and brushed her body, disappearing from the other person's horrified eyes. .


Angel squatted on the roadside for a full five minutes before the three nighthawks who had a conflict with her hurried back to Lily's house, making her sigh secretly.

"If I hadn't come here in advance and discovered the conspiracy of the 'faceless man', I'm afraid Lily would have been deceived by her..."

During the waiting time just now, she had already guessed the true purpose of the "faceless man" pretending to be Lily:

First of all, the three Nighthawks who were being stalked were probably the "Faceless Man" herself, or were lured away by her accomplices through some method. Even now, it seems that what Kaliva Dupont did may have originated from The purpose of the instigation of this group of people was to find opportunities to lure away the Nighthawks around Lily.

Secondly, this "faceless man" comes to Lily's house. If Lily is at home, he will pretend to be the Nighthawk. If Lily is not there, he will pretend to be Lily and wait for the Nighthawk to return.And her real purpose is probably the missing Intis student she mentioned, Sherrick Madan, and the box he left for Lily.

Finally, the Nighthawks probably wanted to wait and wait, but they thought it would be Cole Granger who came to find Lily, so they prepared special ammunition to deal with the invisibility. However, they did not expect that they missed Angel and almost caught Angel. Let the "faceless man" take advantage of the loophole.

Angel, who escaped the Nighthawks' siege, had similar thoughts, so he used the extraordinary characteristics of the "Faceless Man" and became the only woman in the Nighthawks team, "Gravedigger" Loretta, trying to get the secret from Lily. Get clues.

Unexpectedly, the two "faceless men" coincided with each other, concealed their identities and bumped into each other. They even had a long conversation and exchanged many clues without discovering each other's true identity.

This wonderful coincidence made Angel's experience of being arranged by the sealed object "0-08" in Tingen City come back to her mind. She even suspected that she was arranged by Ince and 0-08 again, but she thought about it and realized that she was in Baker Rand has never exposed his identity, nor has he come into contact with Ince or his sealed artifact. In order not to attract the other party's attention, he does not even dare to mention them. If the sealed artifact could detect him in this way, he would have been exposed to the Witch Sect long ago. , the Aurora will come to your door.

"From this point of view, the whole thing is probably a clever arrangement by the 'faceless man'. She was promoted from the 'divineer'. Perhaps she learned about the arrangements of the Nighthawks through divination, and someone else hired a private detective to follow up, so she used the plan to Let the two forces come together while you fish in troubled waters... These actions are a bit like the arrangements of the 'Secret Order' when looking for Antigonus's notes. Aren't these people also members of the Secret Order?"

She hid in the street corner, muttering to herself, and saw Loretta and Borgia escorting Lily into a police carriage, and then she left with peace of mind.

After this happened, Nighthawks would not be able to continue to use Lily Granger to "fish" under any circumstances, and would inevitably arrange her to a safer place. After this failure, the "Faceless Man" should She will not try to get close to Lily again. At least for this period of time, her cousin is safe.

The only problem is that this matter has only been postponed, not resolved. I am afraid only the Nighthawks know what items are in Sherrick's box that the "Faceless Man" racked his brains to get.


"The Secret Order? Why are you asking about them?" On Wednesday afternoon, with worries about Lily Granger, Angel came to the house of Baroness Servilia Langdon and met the girl who had been missing for half a month. The long-lasting pleasure witch, her nominal boss.

After hearing Angel's question, Servilia looked at her in surprise, and then answered perfunctorily.

"I encountered an extraordinary person who can change his appearance. He is probably the 'faceless man'."

Angel said vaguely. He wanted to dig out some information from the witch, but he couldn't do it if he didn't get any information.

"Well, the faceless man... those are indeed people from the Secret Order. It is said that they have mastered almost all the potion materials of the 'divineer' path. It is impossible for a wild diviner to advance to this stage," Servilia After thinking for a moment, he replied, "You'd better have less to do with them. These people are good at hiding and calculating. If you see them, it means they have included you in their plan."

Angel quite agrees with this evaluation. The "faceless man" she met yesterday has almost achieved its goal. If she didn't have the "Secret Holy Emblem" against divination, she must have been calculated by the divination.

"Moreover, the Secret Order has probably been incorporated by Intis and has become an official organization. Their ambassador was assassinated in Backlund some time ago. These people are probably still angry. Don't take advantage of the gun."

Servilia added, changing the direction of her crossed legs to make herself more comfortable, not caring that the scenery under her skirt was seen by Angel sitting opposite.

"Are you worried about my safety?"

Angel looked away and asked. At the same time, he solved his inner doubts through this clue. The "faceless man" who appeared at Lily's house yesterday was indeed coming for Intis's missing student and the box.This even involved the dead Ambassador Intis. They did not use excessive means to rob him. I am afraid they were worried that the relationship between the two countries would become more tense.

"I'm just afraid that you'll die in a sewer before I can take you to see Ms. Despair." Servilia refuted unceremoniously, "By the way, you should prepare yourself. At most, next week, Despair The lady is going back to Backlund, and she wants to see you."

Angel felt that her heartbeat had slowed down by half a beat. Although she had always had a premonition that she would meet the demigod of the Witch Sect sooner or later, she was still a little flustered by the direct arrangement of the time.

He's just a demigod... At worst, he needs help from Mr. Fool, isn't there an angel under him?

Comforting himself in his heart, Angel quickly changed the topic and talked about Triss's attempt to escape.

She knew that there were many informants around this unfortunate pleasure witch. Even if she didn't tell her, the witch sect would have already gotten the news. This was the main reason why Angel did not agree to help Triss.

"She has been so restless, which is very troublesome. Fortunately, our precautions are perfect enough, otherwise she would have escaped from Edsac long ago," Servilia was not surprised, but said with a smile, " Fortunately, it won't take too long, and soon we, as well as her, will be freed. What surprises me is that she didn't find you and ask you to help her escape. Almost every monitor before was killed by her. Please, we have eliminated many idiots who were tempted by her."

In fact, she has already approached me, but unfortunately the "temptation" is not too great...

Angel cursed, his face remained as usual, and he even picked up the pastries on the table and began to enjoy them.

"By the way, last time I asked you to find a secret organization that believes in 'The Fool'. Have you gained anything in the past half month?"

The shortbread Angel just swallowed got stuck in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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