Chapter 348 Two Conversations
The spy agency of the Republic of Intis...

Several senior Nighthawks were silent. Most of them had served in Backlund for many years, and often dealt with the military and even nobles. They were no strangers to the various "little tricks" between the big powers under the table, but "The Eighth The name "Bureau" is rarely used.

Once there is a relationship with a foreign spy, even if the other party is also an extraordinary person, the case will be handed over to the military's "MI[-]" to handle it. The three major churches often get into trouble, but they can't get anything useful.

This is why the three major churches have repeatedly put pressure on the royal family over the years and tried to send personnel into the military. Unfortunately, King George III and forces within the military have been using various methods to try to stop it.

Of course, as the church that cooperates most closely with the navy, the Church of Storms still has some intelligence advantages over the Church of Night and the Church of Steam.

Leonard and Daley had only been transferred to Backlund Parish in the past few months and were not aware of the internal disputes. When they heard Sost's words, they both showed interest.

Sost was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, especially Dai Li's. He changed his sitting position and continued:

"According to our preliminary analysis, Lily Granger's being targeted is likely related to a box she obtained. The box was given to her by Sherrick Madan, a student from the Technical College and a native of Intis, before he disappeared. , and then it will be kept by us.

"After investigation, the mysterious disappearance of Cherick Madan is likely to be related to the Ambassador of Intis, Becron Jean Madan, who was assassinated two months ago. We want to use this matter to fish out the person hiding behind the scenes." As a result, you have also seen that two 'faceless men' appeared in her home, one turned into the Nighthawk Loretta, and the other simply turned into Miss Granger herself. According to the testimony of a few eyewitnesses, they even started to fight. The conflict broke out and almost started a fight at the door. This shows that the Secret Order, or the Eighth Bureau, is extremely concerned about this matter and even sent more than one group of people.

"So we moved Lily Granger after the incident and protected her more closely. At the same time, we spread the news to the outside world and let them know that the box was in our hands. This can prevent these Intis people from jumping over the wall and taking action. Hurt her - although judging from this conflict, this group of people has been very restrained."

"You've said so much, what exactly is in the box that makes these guys who usually hide so well can't help but jump out?"

Dai Li frowned and interrupted Sost's obviously show off introduction.

"This is something even Archbishop St. Anthony is curious about. After the lock and seal of the box were unlocked, it was empty."


Leonard, who had been reading the information about this operation, couldn't help but raise his head and look at Sost. He tilted his head slightly, expecting the old voice in his head to express some opinions and answer his questions. Unfortunately, the old man was particularly special today. Quiet.

"Of course, no one will believe this kind of thing. Everyone will only think that it is the Nighthawks and the Church of the Night who have seized the items, so the box will definitely not be handed over."

Sost added, his eyes sweeping over everyone present, lingering on Daly for a moment, and finally falling on Leonard next to him.

"Leonard, you have been looking through the information, what do you think of this?"

Like a student who was called by name to answer a question in class, Leonard had a serious expression with some doubts on his face, frowning and asking:
"I noticed something in the action record. The Al Hassan team carried special ammunition for anti-stealth. As far as I know, this kind of ammunition obtained by chance is rare in quantity and cannot be copied for the time being. How did they know that they would hit it? A special person who can become invisible?"

"Because their target was not the 'Secret Order' or the 'Eighth Bureau' at the beginning, but the other 'Granger' they were looking for, right?"

Dai Li's lazy voice came.

"This is not a secret. The instigator, Cole Granger, has not been heard from since he disappeared in Tingen City. Lily Granger is his only relative. It is very likely that he will come to see him secretly. Sister." Sost replied, "Unfortunately, everyone has been squatting for three months without any gains. According to Al Hassan, the Beyonder who appeared at Kaliva's house this time is suspected to be Sequence 6' Huan. The female appearance of the Witch of Joy is also completely different from that of the Grangers, so the possibility of being a female Cole is extremely low."

"This wanted criminal who doesn't care about his family may be living happily somewhere now."


"One, two, three... Look, I said I can handle it too."

Counting the perfect-looking soft-boiled eggs that he had just fried, Angel smiled proudly and said to Sherlock who was cutting bread next to him. "The one on the right doesn't look sweet."

Sherlock, a master of cooking, noticed something was wrong at a glance and pointed out the problem unceremoniously. Angel pierced the fried egg with a fork in disbelief and found that the yolk inside had indeed solidified.

"This is yours."

The smile on her face was as solid as the egg yolk. She pursed her lips and put the failed omelette on the plate prepared for Sherlock. After thinking about it, she put another soft-boiled egg on top. It was piled with the previously fried bacon and pork sausages to make the food on the other party's plate richer. Then they picked up their breakfast and came to the warm restaurant with the fireplace already lit.

As Sherlock brought the white bread with jam and coffee, the two began to enjoy this hearty breakfast to fill their overly dry stomachs.

"Do you still need bread?"

Seemingly elegant, but actually devouring his portion of food, Sherlock looked at the empty plate in front of Angel, stood up and cut a few slices of bread, then turned to ask.

Do I look like a good eater?
Angel curled his lips, picked up the coffee and prepared to refuse with action, but after drinking the black coffee, he felt that he was not full, so he could only answer in a low voice:
"...spread more strawberry jam..."

It’s not your fault for being so hungry!

Seeing the smiling Sherlock returning to the restaurant with the bread, Angel thought angrily, grabbed the bread and took a hard bite.


After breakfast, Angel returned to the living room and sat on the sofa next to the bay window, enjoying the rare morning sun in winter. Sherlock also sat opposite, but he still looked a little tired.

"Aren't you awake? Do you want another cup of coffee?"

Angel asked Sherlock curiously. The latter looked away unnaturally, shook his head and said:

"No, no coffee... Well, yesterday, yes, yesterday a friend of mine passed away mysteriously. I was thinking about this."

"Really? Then tell me?"

Angel asked with a disbelieving smile.

"His name is Talim Dumont. He is a descendant of Roen's nobles. However, he lost the right to inherit the title due to some things. Now he is just an equestrian teacher." Unexpectedly, Sherlock actually started talking and introduced the man. When a friend came, Angel felt a little ashamed for doubting the other person. "We have had many cooperations in the past, and he even introduced me to investors involved in bicycle research and development projects."

"Talim is usually in good health and in good spirits recently, but yesterday at the club, in front of dozens of people in the hall, he fell to the ground, twitched and died. It only took a few seconds, and no one had time to react. He Before he died, he pressed his hand tightly on his heart, as if he was suffering from a sudden illness. However, I saw through my spiritual vision that there were wisps of black aura floating around his heart. It was obvious that someone had murdered him.

"Because Talim believes in the God of Storms, according to the jurisdiction of extraordinary events, this case will be taken over by the 'Punisher'. But I learned that day that the case was taken away by the royal family. With his current status, even if The method of death involves extraordinary factors, and the royal family should not be concerned about it.

"There is something strange about his death, and it is probably related to the royal family!"

Sherlock said somewhat seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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