Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 352 Confirmation of Thoughts

Chapter 352 Confirmation of Thoughts
  The underground passage was refilled with the soil excavated by Rafter and the surrounding stones. After dragging the baron with severe head trauma to the roadside and placing him there, the three of them boarded the hired carriage leaving the West District.

Of course, only Angel and Sherlock got on the car. It wasn't until the car door closed that Miss Sharon showed up and sat across from them.

"Let me make sure first, you don't want to release that evil spirit, right?"

Although he had already gotten the answer from the two people's eyes, Angel still asked for confirmation.

"Of course not. I'm afraid that guy didn't tell the truth..."

Sherlock decisively refused, and then looked at the pale Sharon. She just shook her head slightly, indicating that she did the same.

"I want to correct this," Angel said immediately, making Sherlock's eyes move here. "The 'pain' and 'despair' he mentioned are indeed my subsequent potion sequences. Of course, I am responsible for the hunter part. Not sure anymore.”

She asked Sharon again:

"Is the Sequence 4 potion of the resentful soul a 'puppet'?"


Sharon's voice was a little ethereal, as if she was sitting in a carriage and the voice came from a distant place.

"So, he will not take the risk of deceiving us on these basic issues. Otherwise, if someone finds out that he is not sincere, he will probably make the whole thing public, or even directly report it to the official Beyonder, so that He gets 'liberation' in another form."

When Sherlock heard the two people's answers, he straightened up and leaned on the back of his chair, thinking as he spoke.

"And the tarot card he provided, the 'Red Priest' card, probably corresponds to the 'Hunter' path, because he needs to collect the blood of the descendants of Sauron and Einhorn, which are Intis and Fosac respectively. The ancient families of the empire were loyal to the 'Trunsoest Empire' in the Fourth Age, and what they have in common is that they have mastered the potion of the 'Hunter' path."

So, maybe the evil spirit’s “rewards” for exchanging potions and pathways are true? No, it may only be limited to the names of these potions and the knowledge of jump routes. When he is released, he may not hand over the real formula easily, and may even regard us as his first sacrifice after regaining his freedom... …

What's more, the so-called Medici family needs to be traced by tracking the organizations related to the "True Creator". As for the latter, I only know the "Aurora Society", a group of elusive lunatics who have done all kinds of bad things. I want to get out of their heads. It would be quicker to dig up the information than to pray directly to the True Creator.

Of course, some piece of information provided by the evil spirit did arouse Angel's strong interest.

It turns out that the "Assassin", that is, the "Witch" path, can choose the Hunter's Sequence 4 when being promoted to Sequence 4, and jump to the path like the defected Archbishop of the Church of the Night. And the strangest thing is that it is the opposite of the "Witch" promotion, like this The jump path will force women to become men. In other words...does he have hope of becoming a man again?

If he had heard such news three months ago, Angel would have been ecstatic and would have chosen to move in this direction without hesitation, but now...

She secretly glanced at Sherlock beside her, and was surprised to find that the latter was also looking over quietly, with unconcealable worry in his eyes.

This made her somewhat worried mood diluted by the teasing. Just when she was about to make a few jokes, Sharon's erratic voice reached Angel's ears:

"Why are you still pretending?"

When the three of them met at the "Brave Bar", Angel learned from Sherlock about his experience of meeting and cooperating with Sharon, and his "grievances" against the unlucky detective who had helped the unlucky detective who had just arrived in Backlund and got into trouble. Miss "Soul" is quite fond of her.

But when she heard Sharon's question, she was still shocked. This made her first think of the evil spirit who had mercilessly exposed her disguise just now, and then she remembered that Laura had reminded that the "Ring of Madness" could not be effective on animals and spirits, and tonight she had used the "Faceless Man" "The extraordinary characteristics of the ring were lent to Sherlock to pretend to be a ghost. Under the cover of the ring was his true face.

"Sorry, I still have some powerful enemies in Backlund, so I will try my best to avoid showing my true colors."

She gave a reasonable explanation, but out of politeness, she still took off the "Ring of Madness" and revealed her true appearance.

This was the first time since she came to Backlund and obtained the "Ring of Madness" that she had removed all disguises in front of people except Sherlock.

From Miss Sharon's blue eyes, Angel could see her long pale golden hair and her appearance that was far better than that of the "Witch". However, the resentful soul did not have any change in expression and just stared blankly for a few seconds. Then he nodded and looked away.

"Okay, let me summarize." It was still Sherlock who spoke. He spoke very slowly, carefully considering his words, "According to Raft Pound, this evil spirit should have been locked underground for about two thousand years. An ordinary low-sequence extraordinary person cannot exist for such a long time after death, nor can a mid-sequence extraordinary person. He probably has the strength of a demigod or above, but is now sealed and isolated and unable to deal with us, so he is allowed various rewards. , I hope we can help him unlock the seal." "Then, report?"

Angel subconsciously thought of this good method.

"Unfortunately, I once received a commission to help the new owner of the villa left by the Pound family explore the underground ruins. In the end, I blew up the passage and claimed that there was nothing special inside, only countless snakes... …" At this point, Sherlock paused, as if he was a little afraid of snakes. "If I report this matter to the official Beyonders, I will probably be exposed in their eyes and undergo strict scrutiny."

It turned out to be this reason... Otherwise, according to his character, he would have reported the evil spirits to the official Beyonders as soon as possible.

Angel thought secretly, nodded and said:
  "Then continue to observe this Rafter Pound. He doesn't seem to tell anyone else, but secretly digs for himself. After tonight's fright and injury, he will stop for at least a few months, and maybe he won't dare to continue at all. What's more, Even if he digs the passage, he will still have to face the same troubles as us - how to find the descendants of those three families and release the ancient evil spirit. I'm afraid it won't be as easy as he said."

The three of them agreed on how to regularly monitor this passage and the baron who was decadent in front of him and had lofty ideals in the back. Then Sharon suddenly changed the topic:
  "I have received the money for the gold bars you entrusted me to sell last time. Excluding the agreed commission, the total is 2800 pounds."

She took out a stack of brand new gold pounds from a pocket in her complicated gothic dress and handed them to Sherlock.

This is equivalent to the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 6, or a magical item of the same level...

Angel watched with fiery eyes as Sherlock counted the banknotes twice, nodded after confirming the amount, and put them into the inner pocket of his windbreaker.

Reluctantly looking away, she suddenly found that the figure of the resentful lady in front of her gradually faded and disappeared in front of her, leaving only an erratic sentence:

"Be careful lately, a demigod has come to Backlund."

She is so elusive, does she also play the role of a "ghost" in daily life?
  Looking at the empty seats, Angel guessed.

Next to him, Sherlock took out another gold pound that was not yet warm, quickly counted out half of it, and handed it to Angel, who took it with a smile and carefully put it into his pocket without counting.

"Could the demigod she was talking about just now be the 'Ms. Desperate'?"

After "dividing the spoils", the two were silent for a while, and Angel was the first to ask.

"Probably not. She is also being chased by a certain force. She has eliminated several pursuers before, but the high-sequence Beyonders behind her have obviously come here... She has enough experience in dealing with the pursuit, but..."

Sherlock's face was still full of worry.

"Can you buy other magical items in the near future? If you are short of money, I can..."

"No," Angel interrupted him immediately, "I am indeed planning to make an extraordinary characteristic into a magical item, but the money is enough, so you should solve your own promotion problem first."

She remembered that Sherlock's two potion ingredients were already available, but they needed to be purchased from others, requiring at least three to four thousand pounds, so she did not accept his proposal.

"Okay, if you need anything, feel free to tell me," Sherlock nodded and stopped insisting, "Besides, are you tonight?"

"Of course, go back to the East District and then go back to your home."

Angel looked at the detective who looked tired in the morning with some strangeness, and suddenly remembered that he had gone to find the vampire Emlyn who was wandering in the Harvest Church in the afternoon, and the latter was a pharmacist, the same pharmacist as Darkwill... …

"You wouldn't be..."

Sherlock looked away guiltily.

(End of this chapter)

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