Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 36 Assassin vs Assassin

Chapter 36 Assassin vs Assassin

Before coming to the dock area, Klein had performed a divination, and judged that Angel's trip was "dangerous, but not serious."

However, being cautious, she still planned the route to infiltrate with the utmost vigilance, and successfully completed Mrs. Green's commission without alarming anyone.

At the moment when the mission was successful, Angel inevitably let down her vigilance. The moment she opened the door, she was not mentally prepared for the possible attack on herself.

Jia was holding a note in one hand and the doorknob in the other. The empty door was wide open. The alternating light and shadow inside and outside the room greatly affected her vision enhanced by the assassin's potion. The attack timing chosen by the attacker could be said to be flawless.

Fortunately, as an Extraordinary, her spiritual intuition gave a reminder just before being attacked, causing Angel to hesitate for a moment when she stepped out of the door. When the hand holding the dagger came out from the shadows, she still had a little room to dodge.

In a panic, Angel raised his left hand holding the notebook upwards, blocking the path of the dagger, and pushed forward with the other hand holding the doorknob, trying to close the door again, while leaning back with the help of reaction force.

But the attacker's attack was far beyond her expectations. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the sharp dagger easily penetrated through two layers of thick covers and a finger-thick paper. The door that was trying to close was also pushed open vigorously, and Angel, who was behind the door, knocked his feet off the ground and fell backwards.

The moment the door opened, Angel, who was in mid-air, saw the figure of the attacker clearly. He was wearing a hooded cloak with his back to the light, and his thin body was outlined in tight black clothes. The right hand that opened the door was holding a strangely shaped short dagger, and the tip of the dagger was stuck with a notebook that had been pierced.

Before the enhanced vision could clearly see the face under the hood, there was a sharp pain from Angel's back, and her body, which flew halfway across the room, hit the thick desk, making a dull sound.

With this burst of strength, she turned backwards, rolled around the table, and came to the other side of the desk.

The hooded man, who failed in the sneak attack, threw the notebook on the dagger aside without hesitation, took two steps, and chased after the desk. With his left hand propped up on the edge of the table, he put his whole body horizontally in the air like a gymnast, and kicked Angel at a wide angle with his right foot.

Angel, whose footing was not stable, had no choice but to continue to back away from the sharp kick. The desk was not far from the window, and she was already clinging to the curtains after taking a step back, with nowhere to hide.

But this dodge also gave her precious time. The moment the hooded man kicked over the desk, she had already pulled out the double-edged dagger from the leather dagger sheath tied to the outside of her thigh, and swung the knife at the enemy instead.

As if he didn't expect the other party to dare to fight back, the man in the hood paused, but immediately reacted, and raised his dagger to face Angel.

The two daggers collided with each other. Originally, they were just preparing for a feint attack and opened the distance to draw their guns. However, Angel found that the opponent's block was not as strong as he imagined. He immediately changed his move, changed the dagger to a forehand grip, and attacked continuously. Although several stabs from different directions were blocked by the hooded man, the offensive and defensive postures of the two sides had switched.

Now it was Angel who took the initiative, and the man in the hood could only block the attack at once, and his movements were stretched.

Seeing the reversal of the situation, the hooded man tried his best to block the blow, then reached under the cloak with his left hand, grabbed something, and threw it at Angel, the movement was so fast that even her assassin's eyesight couldn't see it clearly.

Worried about the strangeness of the projectile, Angel swung his dagger and forced the hooded man back. At the same time, he also used his feet to step back, widening the distance between the two.

With a few "pops", the object thrown by the hooded man landed on the ground. Angel's dark vision scanned and found a few copper pennies rolling on the floor.

I was frightened, but I didn't expect to be swayed by the other party.

Angier was annoyed and planned to continue the pursuit, but found that the hooded man, who was still in a hurry under the continuous attack just now, changed his posture, holding the dagger in both hands, and pounced on him at a speed comparable to the previous sneak attack.

This is the charged attack of the "Assassin"!
At this moment, Angel finally understood the identity of the hooded man.

The other party is also an Extraordinary who has taken the "Assassin" potion!
The potion endowed the assassin with the ability to pour all the strength of his body into one blow. That's why Angel, who was sneak attacked when he opened the door, was knocked flying by his extraordinary power, and then found that the opponent's strength was "weakened" when he counterattacked.

At this time, the hooded man put on a posture of attacking with all his strength, obviously activating this extraordinary ability again.

Angel didn't dare to block it head-on, so he could only dodge to the side, avoiding the fatal blow with both strength and speed, and when the opponent's hands holding the dagger stretched to the limit, he flew up and kicked him at the waist.

From the previous battle, she had discovered that this "assassin" had limited combat experience.

When the two faced each other, the "Assassin" could still block and counterattack decently, but when she changed her moves, the opponent couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Sure enough, after the blow failed, the hooded man was unable to effectively block the kick that was aimed at his lower body. Angel kicked the opponent's soft side with his leather booted right leg, sending him flying.

Just like Angel who was knocked into the air just now, the hooded man also crashed into the desk in the middle of the room. Unfortunately, he was not very skilled in adjusting his body. After bringing down the small bookshelf on the desk, he rolled twice before barely stopping at the other end of the room.


The hooded man clutched his stomach and stood up again, spit out the first word after entering the room, he clenched his dagger again, and was about to attack again, but just when he raised his head, he was taken aback.

Angel held an obviously oversized revolver in his hand, and the black muzzle was pointing at him.

"Are you an 'Assassin' too? Who sent you here?"

Angel, who had regained the initiative, asked. The hooded man who had been kicked to the wall had nowhere to hide, and she could end the battle by pulling the trigger. Under such circumstances, she tried to find out the identity of the other party.

She didn't think there were such Extraordinary thugs in the Labor Mutual Aid Association.

"How could you..." The hooded man who was exposed as a Extraordinary was dumbfounded, and then he reacted: "'Also'? So you are too. No wonder you can avoid my life-threatening attack. How did you get the potion?"

Killing attack?Your name doesn't match your strength... And with your attack full of loopholes, even if I'm not an Extraordinary, it's not too difficult to deal with it...

Angel laughed at this unknown assassin in his heart, but said coldly: "It is you who was pointed at by the gun, not me. Answer the question."

She waved the revolver.

"Hmph..." The hooded man didn't intend to answer honestly, he snorted softly, "The downstairs is full of thugs from the Mutual Aid Society, I managed to lure them all away, as long as you shoot, you will be doomed."

No wonder workers' protest happened so coincidentally in the warehouse of the Labor Mutual Aid Association. It turned out that this guy secretly planned it...

Angel gripped the pistol tightly, and pulled the hammer to the firing position with his thumb. The slight sound made the hooded man stiffen: "I never think about such long-term things."

"Okay, okay, I'll say it all."

The man in the hood finally compromised. He clamped the dagger with two fingers in one hand and let it hang down naturally. He lifted the hood with the other hand. Under the hood was a young and immature face, which was covered with sweat from the fight just now.

"I'm just here to get the account book of that guy Jike. It's full of mutual aid association account information. It's worthless, at least not in your hands." The young assassin replied, his eyes fixed on the gun in Angel's hand. "The other jewels and gold pounds can belong to you. You just need to hand over the account book to me."

"Tsk... You see, there is no fundamental conflict between us."

He smacked his lips and added.

Ledger?I searched all over this room, where is there any ledger?
Angel glanced across the room, remembering what he had missed, and only reacted when he saw the notebook that was thrown on the ground by the young assassin after he had blocked a knife for himself.

What this guy said...couldn't be this notebook?

The assassin who noticed Angel's movement followed her gaze to the ground, and was also taken aback.

In the next moment, the young assassin threw his hands and feet at the notebook regardless of the gun pointing at him.


Angel directly pulled the trigger, but the other party seemed to have used the ability of "death attack" again, and the movement was far faster than the speed of the fight just now, which made her shot miss and opened a hole in the cheap hanging picture on the wall.

Now that she had already shot, Angel no longer had any scruples. She re-aimed at the assassin who had fallen to the ground, and was about to shoot again, but saw a flash of cold light, and the assassin had already thrown the dagger that hadn't left his hand when it was kicked away as a throwing knife.

The hasty attack was not very accurate, and Angel dodged the dagger by turning sideways, but the other party took advantage of this moment to grab the note on the ground, rolled over, and had already arrived at the door.

Pulling the trigger again, this time Angel finally hit the assassin by the door. Blood spattered on the opponent's shoulder and he let out a muffled grunt, but he held the note firmly in his hand and refused to let go.

This is too much effort, do you really need to take notes?
At the moment Angel was stunned, the injured assassin rushed out of the room with the impact of the bullet, and disappeared into the corridor in a dodge, causing Angel's third shot to miss again.

The ability to fight is insufficient, and the ability to escape is not only good, but also great... Angel stared at the string of blood splashed on the door frame speechlessly. She walked around the desk and walked quickly to the door. When she looked around, the assassin could no longer be found.

But the empty corridor was not silent. Shouts came from the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the corridor, and with the sound of chaotic footsteps gradually approaching, it seemed that the members of the Mutual Aid Society downstairs had heard the gunshots and were rushing upstairs.

Angel put her dagger back into the sheath, pulled out the dagger thrown by the assassin from the wall, rushed out of the president's office, and kicked open the opposite door with speed. The moment she entered the room, other staff members appeared on the stairs.


"Opposite the president's office! Don't let him get away!"


Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, the middle-aged man who had been downstairs to appease the workers protesting brought a few thugs into the room where Angel entered. The glass windows were smashed open, the wind blew the curtains and kept shaking, and the room was empty.

"Jumped out of the window and ran away, hurry up and chase after him!"

A head stuck out of the window and looked down.

"The door of the president's office was pried open, he must be caught, otherwise..."

"Calm me all!"

The middle-aged man who was confronting the workers at the main entrance let out a roar, making the room quiet.

"It's five or six meters high here. Who can jump down unscathed? The window was smashed open by a chair. He is misleading us. This guy must still be in the warehouse. Matt, you take someone to the stairs to guard, and search the rest of the room with me!"

Angel, who was leaning on the roof, heard the chaotic footsteps coming from the window under her feet. After confirming that everyone had left, she jumped down from the top floor. With the activation of the assassin's ability "lightness", her body floated more than ten meters like a feather before gently falling to the ground.

When she rushed into the room, there was already the sound of thugs from the Labor Mutual Aid Association rushing up to the second floor. Knowing that she could not escape their sight in a short time, Angel decisively smashed open the window with a chair, made a misleading movement, and then quickly climbed up the top floor along the window.

Sure enough, there are also smart people in the mutual aid association, and the deliberately disguised scene was quickly discovered, and she was able to use the other party's time to search the warehouse to escape.

But thinking of the mysterious assassin just now, Angel's pride in using a trick to escape from the warehouse disappeared instantly in her mind. She tightened her windbreaker and walked to the bus station among the busy crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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