Chapter 360
  Are you more concerned about the source of the potion formula than you are about hiding my true appearance?

Angel was startled at first, but soon realized that this was for the purpose of controlling the witch sect internally, and to prevent the formula from leaking out and producing too many "wild witches" that would endanger the sect's security.

According to the "Law of Immortality of Extraordinary Characteristics", Extraordinaries of the same path are actually in an implicit competitive relationship. Rather than searching hard or purchasing potion materials at high prices, it might be more beneficial to directly target the Extraordinary in the next sequence. It is a more convenient choice, but once there are too many wild and uncontrolled Extraordinaries, the mid- and high-sequence Extraordinaries in this path will always worry that they will become their hunting targets.

The most typical example Angel has seen is the "Mechanical Heart" craftsman Kavi in ​​Port Enmat and the defected Extraordinary Thomas. The latter directly targeted Kavi, who was one level higher than him, and almost almost succeed.

Because of this, even a secretive organization with loose discipline has very strict control over potion formulas above the medium level.

Servilia easily gave out the ingredients for the potion, but was reluctant to let go of the complete formula. This must be the reason why.

Angel had already rehearsed these questions and the reasons behind them. There was a tangled and hesitant expression on her face, and she answered after a moment:

"The material for the potion comes from Servilia. It is her reward for the task I completed recently, and the formula..." she paused, looking at the face of Ms. Despair with a faint smile, "comes from a private transaction. ."

"Tell me about that transaction and who was the trader?"

"Ms. Despair," Panatia looked at Angel with her beautiful eyes and asked slowly.


Angel was about to tell the answer he had already prepared when he suddenly realized that Panatia's eyes were like two small mirrors, reflecting the false face transformed by her "faceless man". At the same time, the saint on her right wrist The emblem, as well as the "angel blessing" on the outer layer of the spirit, all have a cold touch.

She was doing divination, directly using her eyes as a mirror to predict the authenticity of my answer without any disguise!
  This is an unprecedented phenomenon. Even when faced with the exploration of Nighthawks, the "anti-divination" has never been so intense.

Fortunately, I am double prepared...

Angel's brain was working rapidly, but his words continued without any pause:
  "...I met her when I was selling the 'Witch' formula at an Extraordinary gathering in Queens. She was a young, mysterious woman. She followed me outside the venue and asked me if I needed the 'Happiness' potion. The formula was only sold for 2500 pounds. I had already obtained the potion materials at that time and was eager to be promoted, so I agreed to the deal."

This is half true and half false, the formula is indeed "traded", and there is also a gathering of extraordinary people in Queens, but the rest is a lie.

With anti-divination measures in place, Angel is not afraid of being spotted by the other party.

"2500 pounds! No wonder you are so poor. You have to buy all your clothes from me... I'm sorry, Ms. Despair."

Servilia closed her mouth under Panatya's eyes.

"Is the organizer of the rally named Mr. A?"

The latter continued to ask for details of the transaction.

"Yes, but his rally was recently crashed by the authorities, otherwise I should still have a chance to meet the lady."

"What's that person's height and appearance?"

"She was a little shorter than me. She was wearing a mask and a hood. I could only see black hair, but that could be a disguise."

Panatia stopped asking questions, and her eyes continued to stay on Angel with scrutiny. After a while, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the cold touch had disappeared.

"Good, you didn't lie in front of me."

The lady nodded with satisfaction, her smile widened, and she turned her gaze to Servilia, seemingly no longer caring about this new member who had passed the test.

But the next moment, she looked at Angel again and asked:

"What do you think of Trischik?"

Why are you carrying out a surprise attack... Fortunately, I have been cautious and kept my nerves tight...

Angel cursed, not daring to hesitate, and immediately replied:
  "Once in Tingen, the male Tris and I were both 'assassins' under Mrs. Sharon. In Backlund, I met Tris twice, both at the dance. She seemed to be mentally disturbed. Normal...wait, why do you call her Chick?"

After saying a few words, Angel realized that "Ms. Despair" called Triss a little different from usual. Shylock's words suddenly appeared in her mind:

"This reminds me of an ancient book I saw recently. It mentioned the 'Original Witch', which is the existence that the Witch Sect believes in. Her name is 'Chike', which is a male name!"

Men are not the point, the point is that Triss is called "Triss Chik"...

Her strange, chilling sapphire ring...

She appears from time to time as if she is possessed by someone...

As if being controlled by someone, she often does things she doesn't even know she does...

"Original Witch" Chick...

Angel's mind exploded with thoughts, and she tried hard to capture the clues.

Could it be that the Witch Sect is conducting human trafficking and establishing underground strongholds in the suburbs in order to imitate the behavior of the "Aurora Society" and summon the "Original Witch" they believe in to come, and Triss was unlucky to be chosen as the vessel for the divine descent? But in this case, how could Prince Edsac dare to put such a person beside him and fall in love with her? Isn't this putting himself next to explosives that can explode at any time? Unless he doesn't know the Witch Sect's plan at all and is just a "chess piece" being pushed out...

Suppressing his thoughts that were drifting further and further away, Angel looked at Panatia again. The latter did not notice her random thoughts, but chuckled and replied:
  "Chick, that will be her new name. Of course, she is still resisting it, but it won't last long.

"As for you, you have completed your mission in Backlund very well during this period. After the New Year, the sect's long-planned operations will officially begin. By then, you will receive the rewards you deserve."

"Thank you, Ms. Despair."

Servilia replied excitedly.

award? I feel like I haven’t done anything, so why am I getting rewarded again?
  Angel was a little confused, but he still followed Servilia's example and bowed down.

Then, Servilia took her out of the windowless stone room and returned to the underground passage outside, ending the brief meeting.

"You go back along the same route and go to the town where you just came and take the carriage we came from to go back to my house first. I may not be able to go back until evening. We will 'talk in detail' then."

Servilia gritted her teeth at the end of her speech, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Angel for turning her into the "Pleasure Witch" behind her back.

Angel didn't take it seriously. After passing the "Lady of Despair" level, Servilia couldn't do anything to her.

Moreover, she always felt that Ms. Despair was hiding something from her. At least the so-called "action" was extremely vague, and the name "Original Witch" Chick was also mentioned, which made Angel feel vaguely uneasy.

She decided to report all these witches in this station when she returned to Backlund!

Servilia returned to the stone room, carefully closed the door, and then looked at the woman in white robe deep in the room.

"Ms. Despair, she's gone."

"Very good, she didn't find anything unusual, right?"


Servilia was a little confused. She subconsciously looked back at the closed door and asked.

"I'm disappointed in you, Servilia."

Panadia took two steps closer and whispered softly. Part of her fair skin was inadvertently exposed between the hem of her white robe that was slit to the upper thighs, causing Servilia's eyes to rest on it involuntarily.

"Have you never discovered that this 'Witch of Tingen' is not actually one of ours?"

(End of this chapter)

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