Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 366 "017"

Chapter 366 "0-17"

More ice guns were quickly formed next to "Lady Despair" Panatia, and were pulled by invisible spider silk and thrown towards the hooded woman in the sky. She herself used another bunch of spider silk to keep her feet from touching the ground. Flying in another direction, the target is the alley where I just met Erin Watson.

She now deeply regretted that she had teased the target like a cat and mouse in order to relieve the annoyance caused by the interference in her plan, thus missing the best time to escape.

There is no doubt that the woman in the sky is a high-sequence Extraordinary from the three major churches. She quietly approached and appeared, and quietly "confiscated" the frost spear in her hand. The strength she displayed made Panatia even more powerful. There was no thought of counterattack, the only thought was to "run away quickly".

As for why he was quickly located, and why this enemy did not find Mr. A, who had a more obvious target, but found himself, we can think about these things later after escaping.

The sound of the ice gun hitting the target was not heard. Panatia, who had already rushed to the alley, looked back subconsciously. In the thick haze, the hooded woman was still floating quietly in the air, and several ice guns seemed to come from It disappeared without ever appearing.

"She is only defensive, not offensive?"

As soon as this thought came to her mind, her body, which was being pulled by the spider threads to fly, stopped in place, motionless.

Mirror stand-in!

One of her eyes was shattered, and her figure turned into pieces of translucent pieces of varying sizes like fragile glass, but underneath the avatar was Panatia, who was still in her original position with a look of horror on her face.

Her double and real body were fixed in the same position!

The next second, starting from the right foot closest to the opponent, her body became transparent centimeter by centimeter, disappearing, like a pencil drawing erased by an eraser.

This invisible eraser quickly "wiped" upwards, exposing the white thighs, slender waist, chest, neck... outside the white robe.

Her bright, holy face was now full of panic, and the mirror-like pupil on the other side shattered, but the body with only the head remaining did not leave the place in the mirror double.

"No! You are..."

The words she blurted out came to an abrupt end, and the rest of her body was completely erased by the eraser.

This witch of despair disappeared without a trace in her final despair, and there seemed to be no trace of her existence beside the alley.

As if she had completed a trivial task, the hooded woman in the air withdrew her dull eyes and looked at the other woman curled up in a ball at her feet.


"No! You are..."

There was a faint cry in Angel's ear, which seemed to come from "Lady Desperate".

Have the Nighthawks arrived? Or is it a mechanical heart or a punisher? Or the one favored by Mr. Fool?

Her head was dizzy and she could no longer think carefully. After the shout, there was no sound in her ears. It was so silent that it seemed lifeless. Only her own intermittent breathing was left, like the heavy breathing of an old bellows. Voice.

Ms. Despair is right, the disease she releases will kill her in at most one minute, so how many seconds are left now? Even if the Nighthawks or other reinforcements deal with the opponent, will they be able to save themselves in time?

Angel reluctantly opened his somewhat cloudy eyes and found a woman wearing a hood and a classical robe standing in front of her. Her face under the hood was difficult to see clearly, but a strand of black hair protruded from the brim of the hood and fell down. chest.

"Ms. Arianna?"

Recalling that she had used the secret holy symbol to recite the goddess's name and try to pray before fighting Ms. Despair, she asked with some speculation. When she spoke, she realized that her voice was hoarse and low like an old man.

The latter did not answer, but stretched out his right hand with two items in his open palm.

A sapphire ring, and a soft substance that looked like it was covered with dark green bile.

The ring... is the one on Triss's hand. It seems that the official Beyonders have taken action to control this unstable factor... But why did she give this ring to me? Could the other dark green substance be Triss's extraordinary characteristic?

Angel was relieved at first, and then a little doubtful, but her brain had become slow due to the attack of the disease, so she could only take the object in the other person's hand.

This subtle movement made her cough twice more, as if the phlegm was coughed out, and her subsequent breathing became a little easier.

No, not only my breathing, but all the "symptoms" in my whole body seemed to have been relieved... She understood something in her heart and looked at the object in her hand. After being exposed to the extraordinary properties of that dark green stone, the diseases all over Angel's body had stopped spreading, and even tended to develop in a good direction. At this time, as she understood its function, pneumonia, heart failure, etc. , high fever... all kinds of diseases disappeared from her body almost instantly, as if they had never come.

Can it, control the disease? Is this an extraordinary characteristic of a higher-ranking witch? Is it "pain" or "despair"?

She recalled the information that Laura had revealed. In addition to the three pleasure witches from the witch sect, and the desperate lady who had just returned here, Backlund also had a Sequence 5 "Pain" witch. This extraordinary property might be It came from this "superior" she had never met before...

As for Ms. Despair Panatia, even if she died at Arianna’s hands just now, she should not have developed extraordinary characteristics at this time.

As the disease eased, Angel's thinking speed gradually recovered, but her damaged vision could not be restored. She looked at the hazy black-haired lady in front of her, who had already bent down and lowered her head at some point, getting closer to her kneeling on the ground.

"He is still fighting, and you, are you going to continue to stop this smog?"

The woman's voice was soft but devoid of emotion.

This is not Ms. Arianna's voice...who is she? Another church saint or angel?

Can easily deal with Panatia, the latter is more likely... Is she talking about Sherlock, no, Klein?

When Panatya said "the dead intruder in the ruins" just now, although she subconsciously thought that the other party was lying and using words to instigate, a trace of panic still arose in her heart. When she heard the mysterious lady's words, she felt that panic Finally replaced by peace of mind.

"To stop the smog, ahem...what should we do?"

Not caring to continue thinking, Angel asked, his voice still hoarse and even trembling.

It is not caused by disease, but is caused by spiritual exhaustion, injury and other factors together, and is a precursor to losing control.

In her hazy vision, the palm of her hand that held the ring and had extraordinary characteristics was gradually covered with patterns like black oil paint. More patterns extended up from her arms, covering every exposed skin.

Needless to say, this is a sign of loss of control.

"Put on the ring and take in the extraordinary properties."

With the guidance of these words, Angel instantly understood what he should do.

Looking at the sapphire ring in her hand that once frightened her, she recalled the scene where Triss was sometimes confused and panicked, sometimes losing herself while wearing it, as well as the dark green color and the extraordinary characteristics of the mist that seemed to surge inside. Angel's mouth curled up slightly.

Yes, your own death is inevitable anyway, why not try to do more?

If I can save more people, I can give him a little more help...

She put the sapphire ring on her left index finger without hesitation, raised her head, and swallowed the dark green "painful" property into her mouth.

The heat quickly poured from his throat into his belly, followed by the coldness that spread throughout his body... The feeling of his soul being pulled out when he was promoted to "Instigator" appeared in Angel's eyes again, as well as the perspective of overlooking the ground from the air.

Next to the hooded lady standing quietly, her own body was kneeling on the ground. Her exposed skin was covered with terrifying black lines, and her brown hair was tangled together like venomous snakes, with the ends at the right angles. Constantly squirming.

Above the thin haze in the sky, countless translucent ghosts flew towards the outskirts of the Eastern District one after another, only to be blown into the sky by strange explosions.

I can see the "faceless man" form under my "Ring of Madness", and can I also directly see the unwilling ghosts of the East District victims? Is it because you are also in a spiritual state?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, severe pain seemed to pierce her brain and spread from all parts of her body.

It is the stinging pain coming from body tissues that have been damaged by disease and have not yet been repaired. It is the entrance to the extraordinary characteristics, the burning that merges with the body in the abdomen, as well as the various mutations caused by spiritual exhaustion and the loss of control of extraordinary power...

Amidst the endless pain, Angel's spirit body that had left his body quickly returned to his body.

Also entering her body was a new ability gained after promotion: disease control.

At least at this time, she is already a Sequence 5 "painful" witch.

(End of this chapter)

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