Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 372 I Will

Chapter 372 I Will

After the "accidental" gentleman left with a smile on his face, Angel and Klein sat back on the sofa next to the coffee table. The glove that looked like it was made of human skin was placed on the coffee table, with its five fingers entangled. Together, they seem to be shaking slightly.

This magical item is called "Creeping Hunger" and was previously owned by "Hurricane Vice Admiral" Qilingos. He came to Backlund three months ago and tried to assassinate Duke Negan but failed. The teacher's loved ones intercepted him and died silently, and the "creeping hunger" was also lost.

Unexpectedly, this magical item formed by the extraordinary characteristics of the "Shepherd" would actually appear in the hands of Mr. Azik Eggers.

"So, Mr. Azik is Mr. Fool's favored one?"

Angel looked at Klein and asked.

"He never told me about it..."

Klein shook his head and reached out to pick up the "Wriggling Hunger". This magical item, which was rumored to be capable of swallowing a living person the next day, was as quiet as a good baby. It was completely inconsistent with his name. It did not squirm. Not feeling hungry either.

Of course, this is all because Mr. Azik sealed it before leaving. Now unless you wear it and use its abilities, you don't need to feed it.

"What about you? When did you know Mr. Fool and become his believer?"

At this time, "0-08" and Ince Zangwill were not in Backlund, and Angel no longer worried that the conversation between the two would attract the attention of the sealed artifact, so he directly asked important questions.

"I've known Mr. Fool since I was in Tingen City, but it's strange that he found me. I don't know how I got into the sight of this existence..."

Putting down his gloves, Klein looked at Angel with some confusion and answered slowly.

Under the sincere eyes of the other party, Angel felt a little guilty. After she learned that she could "draw people into the team", she once recommended her to Mr. Fool, a colleague with good character and rapid improvement in strength. Mr. Fool was probably introduced by her. , only to notice Klein.

In order to prevent Klein from raising suspicion in this direction, she quickly changed the topic.

"Well, speaking of Tingen City, how did you come back from the dead after being attacked by Ince Zangwill?"

Just now, Klein had roughly described in front of Azik how he crawled out of the tomb in the middle of the night. At this time, Angel seemed to be looking for something to say, but Klein did not notice it.

"I should have died at the time, but when I woke up, I found myself in a coffin. Inside the tomb, my severed arm had grown back, and the penetrating wound on my chest was slowly recovering... Fortunately, they didn't The coffin must be nailed, otherwise I may suffocate to death in the ground again.”

With a heavy look of doubt on his face, Klein recounted in detail the night he unveiled his coffin. When he mentioned that Angel's tombstone was next to his tombstone, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The two people who were buried next to each other were sitting next to each other, talking about the strange experience of "resurrection from the dead". The scene was quite funny.

But soon, their expressions became serious again.

After all, this kind of "resurrection" with no clear reason or price is like a loan with no known interest rate. The more you use it, the more painful it will be to repay it.

"By the way, this time, um, before I woke up, I saw two 'blasphemous cards' in that dark street..."

Angel suddenly remembered the "Witch" and "Red Priest" cards. They did not appear next to his "dead" self, nor were they in his pocket, as if they were just items in a dream.

Could it be that only between life and death can one reach that non-existent place and see those two "blasphemous cards"?
  After listening to Angel's description, Klein frowned and thought for a moment, then asked:
  "Those 'blasphemous cards' are said to have been made by Emperor Russell himself. The potion formulas on them should be real, but the question is, are the two cards you saw forged? After all, they are buried in Queens. The evil spirit once said that he had the 'Red Priest' card, so one of the blasphemous cards must be fake, right?"

"At least the magic potions in the 'Witch' card up to Sequence 6 are authentic, and the 'Painful' promotion ceremony in Sequence 5 is also in line with my experience before taking the extraordinary characteristics this time. I think they are all real.' 'Card of Blasphemy'. Of course, maybe when I have the chance to go to that place again, I can memorize the potion recorded in the 'Red Priest' and confirm its authenticity."

Although Angel was in a coma due to lack of spirituality, so Angel only recorded the potions and rituals up to the "Despair Witch", but this was enough for her to judge the authenticity of the "Witch".

"I hope you won't have another chance," Klein said with a gloomy expression, "Besides, regardless of whether the 'Red Priest' is in the hands of evil spirits, we have no intention of saving him anyway. The 'Hunter' pathway Potions are of no use, so there’s no point in taking the risk.”

Angel opened her mouth but did not refute. She also knew that she might not have the chance to "come back" the next time she went to that place. "Then what are you going to do next? Can the identity of 'Sherlock' still be used?"

After a while, she no longer thought about these topics of life and death, but continued to ask.

"According to Mr. Azik's estimation, I should have about a week of safe time. Of course, I don't plan to really stay until the last minute before leaving. Maybe I can arrange the interpersonal relationship of 'Sherlock' in the past few days and give it to the three major After the church sends a few reporting letters, it will leave Backlund.

"Prince Edsac once asked me to investigate the case of Talim's death. This will definitely not be hidden from the military and royal family in the follow-up investigation, and the battle in the suburban ruins at noon will also be directly exposed to the official extraordinary In the divination of the author, even without Ince Zangwill, it would not be safe for me to stay in Backlund in the short term.

"I'm considering going to Di... well, other countries to hide, or leave the Northern Continent directly and head to the sea to prepare for the subsequent potion materials and promotion ceremony.

"What about you?"

After listing his thoughts, Klein looked at Angel and asked.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in Backlund. The identity of 'Eileen Watson' was prepared for me by Ms. Arianna of the Goddess Church. Even if she is exposed to the church's sight, it can be explained. But the Witch The conspiracy of the sect and the Aurora Society was destroyed by me, and Servilia, who knows my identity, will probably inform other members of my 'undercover' status. After the storm subsides, 'Irene' will probably suffer crazy revenge from them. , if I stay in Backlund, it will endanger the safety of my cousin Lily..."

"So, are you willing to leave Backlund with me?"

Hearing Klein's somewhat direct rhetorical question, Angel secretly felt funny and wanted to tease him. However, seeing the other person's eyes staring closely at him, his words changed when he spoke:
  "I...I want to."

Seeing Klein's brown eyes suddenly brighten, Angel also felt a sense of joy in his heart.

"So, should we go to Intis, Feneport, or go to sea? We can't go to Fusac to 'see seals' in the winter, right?"

"You...heard everything?"

Klein's eyes widened in surprise.

"Of course, like 'Dici Bay', like 'buy a house' or something like that..." Angel grinned and pretended to repeat in his choking, staccato voice just now, "... By the way, what you said Last time, what was it..."

Before she could say anything, Klein rushed over and hugged her, scaring the rest of her teasing jokes back into her stomach.

Even if the other party has the ability of a "faceless man" to change his appearance and adjust his emotions, Angel can feel that Klein's face against her cheek has become hot, and it seems that he has turned red due to shyness.

"I still have a lot of things to do in the afternoon..."

She resisted softly, and her mind flashed with "to-do items" such as reporting Servilia, contacting Sherman in the East District to confirm her safety, and communicating with Laura, but in the end, there was only a brief moment left in her mind. But the joy of reunion after a thrilling separation.

Perhaps, "joy" not only refers to physical feelings, but also includes inner "peace"...

At this moment, Angel felt that he had entered a wonderful state in his heart. His body, mind, and spirit seemed to be fused together. He felt extremely relaxed. The remaining trace of "joy" potion in his body gradually dissolved and merged into his spirit. .

She stopped resisting and slowly hugged Klein's body, feeling his body temperature like the afternoon sun.

In the aftermath of the disaster, in the embrace with Klein, Angel's "Pleasure Witch" was completely digested.

 Thanks to the leader of "Orange Frost".

  The second volume has also ended successfully. As expected, it will go to sea next. I also ask everyone to support the new volume.

  (End of this chapter)

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