Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 397 Daniz’s Decision

Chapter 397 Daniz’s Decision

"This, this, and this."

Angel, who was the first to arrive at the first-class restaurant, poked at the menu and selected a few dishes that she and Klein didn't particularly like.

"Take the rest."

With Daniz "generously" paying the bill, she also started to spend a lot of money in ordering. Of course, tonight's menu was not rich, which was also a big reason. Most of the first-class passengers had disembarked to try something new, resulting in the variety of items prepared in the restaurant. Not much.

Seeing the waiter leaving with the menu, Angel turned his head and looked at the deck below the window. Under the setting sun, the passengers who had disembarked had dispersed in twos and threes. Some took advantage of the night to visit the indigenous ruins next to Bansi Port. Heading straight to a local restaurant with many special dishes, Donna and her family were walking to the gangway, preparing to disembark. From the conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Blanche, it could be heard that their goal was the pig blood at the Green Lemon Restaurant.

The excited girl did not notice Angel above her, but the keen Clevis looked up and saw that he was an acquaintance and nodded lightly as a greeting.

The waist of his coat was bulging, and he was obviously armed. He did not let down his guard just because this was a peaceful and quiet little port.

"Why don't you get off the boat and go for a walk?"

It would be a while before it was the family's turn to disembark. Cleves leaned against the wall, raised his head and asked.

"Thank you, we are not very interested in Bansi's specialties..."

Explaining against his will, Angel looked into the distance, as if he could see the extremely delicious pig blood described by Daniz gradually drifting away, sinking into the mist that had become thicker at some point.

"Be careful. There are some bad rumors in this port. If you find anything unusual, get back to the ship immediately."

Seeing that Cleeves was about to leave, she added in a low voice.

The former adventurer turned around in surprise, nodded after a moment, and got off the boat in silence.


Since there were fewer diners, the restaurant quickly served delicious dishes one after another. Klein and Daniz also came to the restaurant from the cabin and looked at the dishes on the table in surprise.

“Such a sumptuous dinner!”

Although they refused to disembark, they did not treat me badly at dinner... Daniz was suddenly moved.

"Indeed, thank you for your generosity."

Wait, am I paying for this?

The bubbling emotion in Daniz's heart suddenly disappeared. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but under Klein's calm gaze, he smiled and sat down in his seat.

"If you say yes, then it is."

He responded politely, opened his hands to the left and right, and quickly put a few favorite dishes in front of him, vowing to get part of the meal money back.

Looking at the pirate who started to eat like a vicious dog pouncing on his food, Angel felt that the "pain" potion in his body was showing some signs of digestion.

From morning to now, she has used words and actions to inflict all kinds of "pain" on this mid-sequence Extraordinary. Although it is not as violent as the advance performance of causing "illness" in Backlund on a large scale, it is worse than the powerful target and timely feedback. , which is no less than the digestion progress accumulated before.

If we want to summarize, actively inflicting pain is better than "misunderstanding", and timely feedback is very important. This is different from the "Witch" period... But the same point is that the higher the target sequence, the better the effect.

Angel summed up the rules of acting in his heart, and without stopping, he cut off a corner of the charcoal-grilled steak and stuffed it into his mouth, and drank another spoonful of cream pumpkin soup.

Rather than looking for a restaurant in the thick fog and sea breeze, it may be a better choice to sit in the warm White Onyx restaurant and enjoy delicious food...

She thought happily.


As if echoing Angel's thoughts, a strong wind suddenly blew out of the porthole window, and the fierce airflow poured into the restaurant, causing the large decorative lamp above the head to clang, the candle flames on the wall swaying, and the tablecloth on the unoccupied dining table was opened. The table below was exposed, and even the White Onyx, which was huge and fixed by the anchor chain, was shaking slightly.

The waiter quickly closed the window to keep the strong wind out of the restaurant.

"Oh, this is the 'Weather Museum'. One second you can see the sunset, and the next second it seems like it's going to rain heavily."

Daniz, who quickly destroyed part of the food, raised his head, looked at the thick fog above Bansi Port that even the strong wind could not disperse, and sighed.

“Of course, I didn’t come up with this name, it was the Church of Storms. They felt that Bansi Island’s changeable climate encompasses almost all types of weather on the five seas, and it can show the majesty of the Lord of Storms, so they got such a name. "

He added, seeing that Angel and Klein had no reaction, they lowered their heads in boredom and continued to enjoy the food.

Shit! Eat my food and ignore me!

He bit into a piece of foie gras with hatred, as if it were meat from Hermann or Angelica.


After enjoying dinner, Daniz paid the bill "happily", and the three of them left the restaurant. Instead of returning to the cabin, they went down to the main deck and came to the cabin entrance next to the gangway.

Many passengers who had returned from Bansi Port were already standing here. Some of them complained about the sudden change in weather, and some praised the unique delicacies here. People still climbed up the gangway from time to time, but they did not see Donna's family.

"Is everyone here?"

Maybe their family had already returned to their room... Angel took a chance and asked the crew members who were counting.

"Let's see... Blanche's family, Dimurdo's family, and Kate's family haven't come back yet. They all went to the Green Lemon Restaurant for dinner. It's far away from the pier. Some passengers gave up when they encountered strong winds on the way. But they insisted on going. In addition, the captain and first mate did not come back. They planned to go to the telegraph office, which was further away."

The crew member looked at the roster in his hand and replied. It's far away... maybe they were just delayed on the way...

Angel looked at Klein, saw a coin in his hand, and shook his head inconspicuously.

Can't predict? Still no danger?

She quickly made a judgment and no longer stayed on the crowded deck, and returned to the cabin with Klein. Daniz followed behind with a puzzled look on his face. Seeing that the two of them went straight into Room 310, he followed suit. .

Klein quickly walked into the bathroom and locked the door. Angel opened the porthole in the living room and turned around to ask, regardless of the strong wind blowing outside the ship:

"Do you know where the 'Green Lemon Restaurant' is?"

"Of course, I've been there several times, otherwise how would I know that the pig's blood there is delicious."

Daniz replied confidently.

"Show it to me."

You're not going to look for those passengers who haven't come back yet... What is that Gehrman Sparrow doing? Resolve the burden in your belly before taking action?

Hearing Angel's words, Daniz wanted to laugh, but his strong desire to survive made him resist this behavior. He walked forward silently and pointed at the possible location by the window.

The reason why this is possible is that nothing can be seen clearly in the thick fog and strong wind. Although the fog has become lighter than before, the spire of the Storm Church in the distance can barely be seen clearly, but the lower buildings are completely hazy. .

After carefully identifying it for a moment, Angel gave up. After remembering the general direction, she looked towards the bathroom door, waiting for Klein's final judgment.

"Have there been any recent incidents of passengers missing or dying in Bansi Port? Or are there weather conditions similar to today's?"

she asked the well-informed pirate casually.

"I've never heard of it. There are 'punishers' stationed here. Pirates will not come ashore to harass. The local businessmen attract passing ships and tourists with special food, let alone do such things to damage the reputation."

Daniz subconsciously thought that the other party was asking about a kidnapping or robbery, and answered quickly.

"As for weather changes, I have heard that the climate here is changeable, but today it was foggy and windy without any warning, at least neither I nor anyone I know has ever seen it."

So the White Onyx was so unlucky that two rare things happened?

Angel pouted.

The bathroom door was pushed open, and Klein walked out, looking here with a solemn expression.

"There is some danger to us, but not much."

He briefly reported the results of the divination.

What is not a big danger to extraordinary people may be fatal to ordinary people...

Without further communication, the two understood each other's decision. Angel quickly returned to the master bedroom, put on his windbreaker and hat, equipped all weapons including the "Good Luck" pistol, and walked out of the room.

Klein had also placed a half-top hat on his head. When he saw Angel coming out, he nodded slightly and the two of them walked out of the door.

"Wait, are you really going to look for them? Looking for Ellan and those families? Isn't it said that there is a hidden danger in Bansi Port?"

Daniz finally understood and asked quickly.

"There are so many reasons to save people."

Angel said as he turned the door handle.

Crazy... This woman is crazier than Gehrman Sparrow... Fortunately, I'm not crazy yet, I know how to avoid any risks.

He watched the two people leave Room 310 one after another and walked toward the gangway. He shook his head, closed the door for them, and arrived at the door of his room.


As soon as he opened the door, the fierce wind rushed out from the living room door as if it had found a way out, almost knocking him staggering.

It turned out that he forgot to close the window... Daniz looked at the open porthole, exhaled a breath, and then breathed it back in suddenly.

Did I really not close the window just now?

He felt a chill on his back, and suddenly remembered that the White Onyx docked at the dock at the moment was also part of Bansi Port and might also be exposed to corresponding dangers!

Instead of staying alone in the room, it might be safer to follow them. One of them can exude an aura that makes me dare not resist, and the other can easily hang me out of the porthole. At least Sequence 6... No, maybe Sequence 5 …

Daniz understood this in an instant, and without even bothering to close the door, he rushed toward the corridor exit on the thick carpet, and finally caught up with Angel and Klein before they disembarked.

"I'll help you lead the way. I've been to the 'Green Lemon Restaurant' many times."

Facing the doubtful eyes, Daniz forced a smile and said.

This was truly the most voluntary time for him to follow two people.

Seeing the well-known pirate laughing incoherently, Angel did not refuse. She followed Klein, who was holding a lantern, down the gangway and stepped onto the pier of Bansi Port.

She has dark vision and does not need the help of lights. She can also clearly see some of the port buildings that are not shrouded in fog. Most of the low-rise houses are dark. In the few rooms with candles lit, there are one or more A resident stood by the window, quietly looking in the direction of the White Agate and the direction in which they were disembarking.

"Let's go."

After quickly scanning around and finding no other abnormalities, Angel whispered, his voice quickly dispersed in the wind, but it was still keenly captured by the other two Beyonders.

They took steps, braving the strong wind, and walked towards the "Green Lemon Restaurant".

(End of this chapter)

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