Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 399 Church of Storms

Chapter 399 Church of Storms


The head drew an arc and landed in front of Cleeves, who was at the head of the team. He quickly lowered his gun hand and took aim with the faint moonlight. Then he looked carefully and found that it was a rotting head.

Those bulging white eyes were facing this way, causing the ladies in the team to let out frightened but suppressed shouts.

A ray of light fell from the sky, penetrated the shriveled head, and burned it to ashes.

The light seemed to have endless warmth, dispelling the coldness in the fog and giving everyone a glimmer of hope.

They all looked towards the direction in which their heads flew, where a dim yellow light gradually approached and emerged from the fog. First it was a lantern, then a cane, and finally, a person wearing a half-top hat and a long windbreaker. The figures appeared, and under the brim of their hats were their familiar faces.

"Gehrman Sparrow?"

Clevis said in surprise. He subconsciously looked behind the other person. Sure enough, another figure soon appeared, it was Angelica Sage who was inseparable from him.

There was also a man with short black hair and bright blue eyes. His flat facial features reminded him of a certain pirate on the bounty order, but the matter was urgent, so he did not think about it in detail, but said immediately:

"Cecile and Donna are gone. We just escaped from the restaurant. Everyone there is very wrong..."

As he said that, Clevis looked back. In the windows next to the closed restaurant door, locals were still looking at them quietly, with plain faces and cold eyes.

"I didn't see them on the road. Do you have any clues?"

Angel took two steps forward, looked at the weird restaurant, and asked casually.

After getting off the boat, the three of them followed the shortest route to get here. They did not see Donna and Cecil on the way. They must still be in Bansi Port.

"Teige and I searched around the restaurant and didn't find them. The boss said that the two of them had gone out half an hour ago. Maybe they were caught by someone else..."

Cleeves was also a little anxious. His employer's daughter disappeared under his nose, and even one of his partners disappeared with him. If he could not find her in time, his reputation would be ruined.

What's more, after seeing the weird head and the powerful light from before, his mind was already filled with all kinds of folklore he heard at sea, as well as the vivid monsters described in them. Frankly speaking, it was a bit confusing. It's hard to think.

Seeing that Clevis looked a little strange, Angel stopped asking. She looked back at Klein, and was surprised to find that the latter had already asked for a bright yellow shawl from Donna's father, Mr. Blanche, and threw it on the ground. , used his stick to hold it before it was blown away by the wind, and released his hand after a moment.

The divination rod was looking for someone... Angel felt a sense of relief. It was great to have a professional fortune teller in the team at this time.


The cane fell against the wind, pointing in the direction the three came from.

That's also where the White Onyx docks.

gone back? The two of them missed themselves and have returned to the ship?

After interpreting the same result as Klein, the two looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Blanche, your daughters are fine. They should have returned to the White Onyx when the wind blew."

Angel spoke to comfort the father, who was still a little panicked. The latter glanced at her with uneasy eyes, full of distrust.

"Didn't you say you didn't see them on the road? How can you be sure? With that cane?"

He asked a barrage of questions, his voice rising continuously, as if he was releasing all the emotions he had suppressed before.

Out of understanding for the panicked father after his daughter disappeared, Angel did not get angry because of the other party's tone, but simply replied calmly:

"Please believe in our professionalism. You saw that monster just now."

Including Blanche, everyone's heart trembled, thinking of that shriveled and weird head and the light falling from the sky.

"Where's Captain Ireland?"

Klein took two steps forward and asked in an indifferent tone.

This successfully ended Blanche's time-wasting questioning. He looked at the darkness around him, seeming to be looking for direction:

"He separated from us at the door of the restaurant and said he was going to the nearby telegraph office."

"Telegraph Office."

Klein repeated, and it took Blanche a few seconds to understand that this sentence was not addressed to him, but to Daniz beside him, who nodded silently and pointed to a certain location in the fog.

"First go to the telegraph office to find the captain, and then return to the White Onyx together. Everyone gathers together. If you get separated, please be lucky."

Amid Angel's loud shouting, the Blanche family and their servants, Dimodo and Kate's family stood together in an orderly manner, with the men outside, the women and children in the middle, leaving only a small gap between each other, and the two holding Gun's bodyguard consciously stood beside the team, holding a lantern on guard, and gave the leading task to Angel and the other three.

Klein nodded silently. He stroked the "Sun Brooch" in his pocket and activated the "Solar Halo" ability attached to this magical item. An invisible force spread rapidly with him as the center and surged through everyone.

At this moment, they seemed to be bathing in the summer sunshine, and the chill in their bodies and the panic in their hearts were swept away.

The same was true for Uldi Blanche. His courage to return to the body made him feel extremely guilty for yelling at a lady before. When he saw Angel walking past him and rushing to the front of the team, he quickly whispered:

"I'm sorry for my attitude just now..."

"I can understand."

Angel did not dwell on such a trivial matter. The number of people who needed protection increased sharply, which made her feel a little pressure. She stretched out the hand that had been in the pocket of her windbreaker, held the "good luck" revolver, and came to Klein's side.

The latter was handing a copper whistle full of exquisite patterns to Daniz, instructing him to walk at the front of the team.

"What is this?"

Daniz asked doubtfully, but he still took the copper whistle obediently. He immediately felt a cold, evil touch spreading along his fingers throughout his body, and he couldn't help but shudder.

"Something that makes you more useful."

Klein did not explain, but picked up the cane on the ground and held it in his left hand. He took out a revolver in his right hand.

"To the telegraph office."

His order caused the huge team to start moving. Behind everyone, in the windows of the Green Lemon Restaurant, several pairs of eyes were quietly looking at the crowd in the strong wind and fog.

————     “Shit!”

Daniz jumped forward and avoided the path of a flying head, but before the head could get close to him, a black flame fell on it and exploded, instantly making it lose all life.

He climbed up from the ground, holding the cold copper whistle tightly in his hand, and cursed angrily, feeling extremely excited inside.

This copper whistle turned out to make itself the first target of all the monsters. As soon as they emerged from the fog, they swooped over with their mouths full of sharp teeth like mad dogs seeing raw meat, completely ignoring the dozen or so monsters behind them. A better target to bully.

I knew that Gehrman Sparrow had bad intentions! What "makes me more useful", am I useless before?

Daniz looked back angrily, and suddenly remembered that when he faced the flying heads before, he had to hide on the ground in embarrassment, and even used a condensed and compressed fireball to deal with one of them.

On the short journey to the telegraph office, he had already encountered nearly ten of these monsters, all of which were easily eliminated by the two people behind him as they rushed towards him regardless of everything...

From this point of view, it seems that I am indeed quite useless...

He glanced at the crowd and was surprised to find that ordinary people were looking at him with surprise and gratitude.

Humph, without me, Mr. "Fire Flame" Daniz, to attract the monster's attention from the front, you would have been bitten to death long ago.

Involuntarily straightening his back, Danitz held the bronze whistle tightly and continued to lead the way. This time, he complained a lot less.


After burning off two digits of heads along the way, as well as two living corpses that could still move without their heads, like "matching" with those flying monsters, Angel and his party finally arrived at the telegraph office.

This is a two-story building with the door closed and darkness behind the windows. Several thick wires are pulled toward the dock on the second floor. They will meander along the bottom of the sea and send telegrams to the world in a timely manner. everywhere.

Angel knocked on the door, and after a moment a female voice came from inside. It was just like the locals of the restaurant described by Cleeves on the road, as smooth and devoid of emotion.

"who is it?"

"We're looking for Captain Ireland of the White Onyx and his first mate."

"They left and went to the church next to it."


Angel looked sideways and was surprised to find that the only church in Bansi Port was not far from the telegraph office. It was so close that he could see it in the thick fog. It was somewhat old, with moss-covered buttresses and outer walls. It was tall and tall. Candles were lit in the tower, and a dim light shone through the narrow windows.

"Thank you."

She responded, leaving the gate and returning to the group.

Klein, who also heard the female voice's answer, said nothing and directed the others to turn around and go to the church that the Church of Storms had established for more than two hundred years.

Daniz at the front of the team was hesitant at this time and his pace gradually slowed down, but considering his name was worth 3000 pounds, this was not surprising.

Feeling a little amused, Angel simply passed him and walked in front, relying on his dark vision to clear the way.

But perhaps because they were close to the church, they did not encounter those monsters again.

After walking around the side wall of the church, Angel came to the door of the church and tried to push the tightly closed double wooden door. The door did not move at all.

"Dong dong."

She knocked on the door.

"who is it?"

Angel recognized that the alert voice came from Captain Ireland, so he answered directly:

"Angelica, Hermann, and the three other families dining at the Green Lemon Restaurant."

"How do you prove it?"

Ireland still didn't open the door, and his voice was even more vigilant.

"You gave White Shark two pounds in Port Damir and saved his life."

The captain behind the door was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of the other party's words. He chuckled lightly, opened the small window on the door, and through the moonlight and the light of the lantern in Cleeves' hand, he could see clearly that he knew everyone. After a while, he carefully unlocked the door and opened the church door.

Behind the door is a long and narrow passage. The stone carvings on the walls on both sides depict the great achievements of the Storm Believers in conquering the sea. Captain Ireland and the first mate are holding firecrackers and swords, watching the people outside the door vigilantly in the weak candlelight.

Behind them, in the center of the church prayer room, lay a headless corpse. Just when Angel was wondering which of the burnt heads his head belonged to, he found another head in a pool of blood next to a bench. Luckily, there's no esophagus attached to it.

"That's the pastor of the church. When we came, he had been separated and died inside. Bishop Miller of Banxi is missing, and the other pastors and servants are also missing."

Ireland counted the passengers one by one, then put away his sword and gun, followed Angel's gaze and looked at the headless corpse and said.

After that, he lowered his voice and kept the conversation between the two of them.

"The Punisher team is dispatched. There are cultists gathering on the hill next to the pier and performing human sacrifices. They go to deal with it."

He confirmed that the woman in front of him who could kill a fishman with one blow must be an extraordinary person, so he did not hide these circumstances.

Angel's eyes widened in an instant, and she thought of something.

When Klein divined the location of Donna, his divining staff pointed at the dock, and they all thought it was pointing at the White Onyx.

But that direction is also where the highest mountain on Bansi Island is located!

(End of this chapter)

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