Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 408 Daniz eavesdropping

Chapter 408 Daniz eavesdropping

At the same time three days later, return to the third floor of the catacombs?

Mr. Fool must have known the true situation of the catacombs and how to return to Banxi Port through those dark and cramped corridors, so he replied to me like this... But what he was talking about was Banxi's ancient name "Binxi", which is indeed a An ancient and powerful existence, perhaps even older than the evil spirits in Backlund's underground ruins...

Hearing the Fool's low instructions, Angel lowered his head subconsciously and said silently in his heart:

"Praise the fool!"

In this way, she does not need to take the steam train across two countries to return to Pulitzer Port and then go to sea. She only needs to wait for three days to return to Bansi. Even if the White Onyx has left Bansi Port by that time, she can still take it. Subsequent arriving passenger ships continue to Bayam.

"Mr. Fool, please tell Klein that I will return to Bansi on time in three days. If the White Agate he is traveling on will leave early, please don't wait for me. I will find another ship to rush to Bayam."

After praying to the Fool again, Angel was completely relieved. She put on the "Ring of Madness" to hide her outstanding appearance and prepared to go out to buy some change of clothes and prepare to stay in Trier for three days.

For the help of Mr. Troublesome Fool's repeated "messages", she also planned to find some diaries in the country where Emperor Russell once ruled, and offer them to him as a reward.


White Onyx, first-class bedroom in Room 312.

Daniz was neatly dressed and holding a classical-shaped revolver. His face was gloomy, one cheek was pressed against the wooden wall, and his ears were raised, listening to the movement on the other side.

If it had been daytime, and given him the courage, "Fire Flame" Daniz would not have dared to eavesdrop on the sounds coming from the bedroom in Room 310. Any one of the men and women living there could easily kill him, including his own. The captain, Lieutenant General Iceberg, was too late to come to his rescue.

But half an hour ago, Gehrman Sparrow, who came to his suite to "borrow" the bathroom, asked him to listen carefully to the noise on the other side in the bedroom. If there was the sound of fighting, rush over immediately and use all means to support him. fighting.

"Who to support? You or her?"

Daniz asked with a puzzled look on his face.

He swore that it was a real question, not a weird one.

But the hunger that the other party exuded at that moment, as if it was going to devour him in the next second, immediately made him shut his mouth obediently and stood here for half an hour.

"You'd better fight among yourself, fight until the sky is dark, and die together in the next room!"

He cursed, but did not dare to take his ears away from the wall for a moment.

Who knows if that perverted guy was doing some kind of obedience test, deliberately making some noise to see if I obeyed his orders... shit! How did I come up with these strange words? Daniz, are you still the proud fourth boatswain of the "Golden Dream"?

Just as the big pirate worth 3000 pounds was thinking wildly and listening boredly in the corner, there was a sudden collision from the opposite side.


It was as if the door was tightly closed.

Daniz immediately cheered up, gripped the revolver tightly, and considered whether he should smash through the wooden wall and rush in, shoot first and then set fire, or climb out of the porthole to the other side and catch them off guard.

With the help of his Sequence 7 "Arsonist", the balanced situation will inevitably tip to the favorable side!

As for who is beneficial to help, it depends on the situation on the spot. If Gehrman is at a disadvantage, it is not impossible to add fire to him and let him get the lesson he deserves...

But then, the sound coming from the other side of the wall made him frown.

"Wait a minute, you are...taking advantage of others' danger..."

The woman who always had a warm smile on her face, but showed no mercy when hanging him out of the porthole, was letting out a low, sweet gasp.

"Didn't you say last night that I could only stay down there forever?"

The somewhat gloomy voice of the crazy adventurer Hermann was full of tenderness at this time.

"Last night?" Angelica asked in confusion. After a moment, she suddenly realized, "Ah, you are talking about..."

Then there was the muffled sound of heavy objects falling into the soft double bed, the rustle of clothes being rubbed, and the woman whimpering with some resistance.

Daniz's neck stiffened away from the wall, and he slowly stood up straight.

He slowly loosened his grip on the revolver and withdrew the broken hammer.

You...the fight you agreed to fight is going to be like this?

Let me support you, huh?

Feeling an unknown fire burning in his heart, "Fire Flame" Daniz almost wanted to kick the not-so-thick wooden wall into pieces, break into the bedroom opposite, put a blazing fire on the double bed, and say, The anger and confusion within myself.

That would definitely allow him to digest part of the magic medicine in his body.

But the last rationality in his heart firmly tied Daniz, preventing him from making a decision that he might regret for the rest of his life. He just gently opened the drawer of the bedside table, put the revolver away, and then quietly left his bedroom. , looked around the living room and chose a servant's room farthest from the bedroom.

"I'll sleep there tonight. I'll get up later tomorrow. It's best if Gehrman Sparrow who comes to see me finds me coming out of that room..."

In his heart, he felt pleased with his quick wit, which must have come from the earnest teachings of Captain Edwina.

"Captain, I can't stay here any longer. You... by the way, close the door."

In the middle of his lyricism, he suddenly remembered that he had to do a complete performance, so he turned back and gently closed the bedroom door.

Behind the crack in the door, the strange sound coming through the wall on the opposite side continued, making Daniz shrink his neck and pretended not to hear anything.



Early in the morning, Klein was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. He yawned and came to the living room, where he met Captain Ireland with the same tired look on his face. "May I come in?"

The strong man wearing a boat-shaped hat and carrying a single-shot firegun asked.

Klein hesitated for a moment and invited him in.

"Let me make a long story short. I have to visit those poor passengers yesterday." The captain sat unceremoniously on the wooden chair next to the coffee table. He glanced at the bedroom door and found that there was nothing unusual behind the open door. "Today Early in the morning, Bansi's team of Punishers came to visit the White Onyx, and they brought Cecil who had recovered from his injuries, several confidentiality agreements, and a piece of news."

"What is it?"

Klein did not sit down, but stood in front of Ireland and asked indifferently.

"You should have learned about the ancient tradition of living sacrifices in Bansi Port yesterday, so I will pick out some key points. Bishop Miller of Sea Breeze Church became the leader of the cult and died in a cave on the top of the mountain, but his body was You and your companion Angelica Sage disappeared on top of the altar, and their whereabouts have not been found so far.

"They used some means to track down the body and Angelica. All attempts failed, so they came to ask me for clues. Of course, I didn't know anything, but I was informed that they would soon issue a wanted notice and offer a reward for you. The missing companion, and the light blue crystal she carried."

Ireland replied in a deep voice.

"So, you think I know her whereabouts?"

After pointing this out unceremoniously, Klein emitted an emotion called "anger", which made Ireland laugh immediately, shook his head and said:

"I told you, I don't know anything. I came here just to inform you that the White Agate will leave Bansi Port at ten o'clock in the morning. If there is anything you forgot to bring, remember to bring it with you in time."

Klein watched expressionlessly as the captain stood up from his chair and walked towards the door.

"By the way," after reaching the corridor, he turned back and looked here, "just now I met a black-haired man in Room 312 who kept complaining to me that the bed board in the servants' room was too hard. He looked a bit like a quilt 'Fire' Danitz, who has a bounty of 3000 pounds on his head, do you have any clues?"

"Ha, how could the real 'Flame' sleep in the servants' room? I don't think that's him."

His question was met with a merciless sneer from Klein.

"I think so too," Ireland nodded in agreement, "I'm going to go find Blanche, DiMerdo and Kate's family to sign a confidentiality agreement. See you soon."

After that, he left room 310 without looking back.

After the door to the living room was closed, a figure slowly walked out of the bedroom. It was Angel who the punishers had been looking for so hard.

"I didn't expect the punishment agents to react so violently. I'm afraid it won't help if I go to them now. At least I will have to face a long period of review and may even be imprisoned."

She said with a frown.

"It doesn't matter. Danitz is also a wanted pirate. Isn't he now strutting around on the White Onyx?"

Klein leaned forward and gently hugged Angel's thin body.

"At worst, we'll just be a pair of wanted adventurers."

he said softly.

"Why, are you going to find a traitorous bishop from the Church of Storms and kill him?"

A smile appeared on Angel's lips.



Opening the curtains, Angel looked out the window at the busy streets of Trier in the rising sunshine.

"No need to catch the steam train, I always feel relaxed..."

She yawned and studied the differences between the clothing of the pedestrians below and Rune's, but soon gave up in confusion.

"Today, I will go to the bank to exchange some Intis coins, and then look for clues about whether there is a gathering of extraordinary people or an underground market... Well, I only know Pierre, but he is just an ordinary student, and he will definitely not understand these things. "

Planning today's actions, Angel looked at the single bed in the hotel suite, which was not too big, but very soft and warm.

"Sure enough, I'm not used to sleeping alone anymore..."

She sighed and looked out the window again, to the southeast, as if she could see the White Onyx docked in Bansi Port through thousands of kilometers away.

"He must have been lonely last night, right?"

A smile appeared on Angel's lips.

 "Copying book reviews again, right?"



(End of this chapter)

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